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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.17560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>my two favorite boards get merged
>4chan essentially has a general self-improvement board now
>yfw it's only going to last one day

>> No.17579

I know man, I wish it would stay this way
Or at least that there'd be an offshoot board

>> No.17584

>4chan has a self-improvement board
>it's an april fools joke


>> No.17594

It's fucking terrible.

It's become a shitty self-improvement board with minimum literature.

>> No.17610

If only.
Unfortunately, even if it did last longer than a day, all we'd end up with would be countless
>What should I be reading between sets?
>"Atlas Shrugged or GTFO" etc

>> No.17639
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i wouldn't mind if this was forever.

all the boards were trash and meme dead

even fit was a shadow of its former self

>> No.17655

It's okay. But litfags are a minority here, so it's good when things get reversed. Gotta have my daily dose of pretentiousness.

>> No.17659

where is the self improvement? are you even reading the threads on this board?

>yfw OP is a dilletante from /lit/ and at the same time a retard from /fit/

>> No.17662

still an improvement on /lit/, which is a literature board without literature

>> No.17671


>> No.17883

No, no it isn't. I hope you go back to your squalor after this is over.

I can't stand these attitudes, here. I visit /lit/ to escape that attitude.

>> No.17967


/fit/ actually offers something useful for people trying to get /fit/

/lit/ offers nothing even for people who love literature.

I left /lit/ for a reason and I'll be glad to see them gone again.

>> No.18057

But maybe we can actually get some decent conversation about literature, with all this positivity going around.

>> No.18117
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lighten up

>> No.18266

This is kinda comfy but would get annoying desu

>> No.18289

At least we're not /his/

>> No.18292
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I could never decide if I was a buff geek or a well-read meathead. Now I can simply say I am a /fitlit/izen. This warms my cold heart.

>> No.18343

boohoo faggot

>> No.18363

Literally the only thing that changed is that I can use two different reaction face folders at the same time while being an insufferable elitist cunt. Yay.

>not using either of them for this post out of spite

>> No.18390



>> No.18397

And how is that any different from /lit/?

>> No.18440

tfw no fit bf to smash my boipussy

>> No.18560

>>my two favorite boards get merged
/sci/ > /lit/

>> No.19380
