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17558936 No.17558936 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? Is fighting modernism in time and space a fool's errand, and the true war must be fought in the astral realm?

>> No.17558964

Absolutely. Now sell your guns and don't shoot up any schools please.

>> No.17559015

>grow tired of making stupid bait threads about ride the tiger
>start making stupid bait threads about men among the ruins instead
What compels you people to act the way you do? Why are you the way you are?

>> No.17559060

le funny reddit response

>> No.17559079

Try r/evola or something

>> No.17559097

Would unironically prefer to argue with a Marxoid Sam Harris tier bugman over metaphysics than see another low effort character assassination thread on Evola where the OP just attacks a strawman and then shitposts until bump limit.

>> No.17559105

As soon as you stop murdering 40 milion babies every year Moloch worshipper.

>> No.17559109

would unironically prefer to find where these disgraceful little creatures live to throw acid at their girlfriends face.

>> No.17559118

Stop larping bunkerchan retard

>> No.17559178

No, fight in the mortal realm.

>> No.17559179
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>> No.17559186
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But how can you fight you enemy in the astral realm if you don't get them there first?

>> No.17559199

Eh, I think most of human behavior is genetic, so he’s wrong in saying that you can resist degeneracy. Remember, he was from a time before the neodarwinian synthesis so most evolutionary theories speculated about their being some higher divine impetus or elan vital animating organic life to some specific higher goal. So Evola thought that you could “evolve” to higher states through sheer willpower and religious mysticism. He didn’t know that normies are basically just an exogamous r selected variant of human and leftists are dysgenic mutants.

>> No.17559211

I am dead serious.

>> No.17559213

>most of human behavior is genetic
Uhh, what about language and all the mores you're exposed to on osmosis?

>> No.17559221

>fighting modernism
You don't even bother reading wikipedia, do you?

>> No.17559229

There's no such thing as degeneracy unless you buy into some indemonstrable value metaphysics, my nigga

>> No.17559231

Why are you Americans so fucking obsessed with Nazis?

>> No.17559244

Evola is European, genius

>> No.17559251

Evola was literally a nazi

>> No.17559254
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>> No.17559264

Looks dumb as shit. The guy who made this should kill themselves

>> No.17559270

where is this from

>> No.17559272

Seethe more pussy. Fascist italy was a kino time to be alive.

Idk I found it on /int/

>> No.17559279

Let me guess, this was created by some bizarre synthesis of the eternal wiki reader and the vidya game consoomer?
>Eh, I think most of human behavior is genetic, so he’s wrong in saying that you can resist degeneracy.
There are at least two levels of total disconnect between genes and behaviour.
No you aren't retard.
This, but without the retardism.
He's talking about the moron who's calling Evola a Nazi, lads.

>> No.17559282

Seriously now, why do incels shoot up innocent people in schools, mosques, movie theaters, etc. instead of, idk, George Soros, CEOs, politicians, you know, the people that actually propagate and enable degeneracy? Are they retarded? Like throw grenades at the White House or some shit, it just makes no sense to me.

>> No.17559294

die of prolapse, arius.

>> No.17559299

yes I am

>> No.17559306

looks like some king of alternate history story, I wish we knew more.

>> No.17559324

>behaviours that don’t undermine the health and Darwinian survival of an organism aren’t maladaptive and degenerative
You do realize the word degenerate is just the opposite of the word regenerate right? It means mutated and debased, which is the opposite of based.

>> No.17559345
File: 3.01 MB, 1880x2760, Oklahomacitybombing-DF-ST-98-01356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's psych-ops probably.
Never understood that tho. Like this capital siege that happened. If one of these supposedly radical terrorist militias in the US actually hit the capital with a raid it would only take about 20 to cut the head off the beast in one strike, but it never happens.
Pic related, if America had any patriots left this kind of thing would be happening every week.

>> No.17559373

even islamic terrorists do the same thing, only strenghtening the elite they claim to despise

>> No.17559400

Somebody should write a book coordinating all these lone wolf terrorists into an actually productive force.
You know, like how to make explosive, find structural points in buildings, target infrastructure, etc. A list of who's who within power, and how to find them. Maps of electrical grids and so on.
It would be doable to take down the modern world through death by a thousand cuts, but instead autists just lash out at schoolkids.

>> No.17559408

If you read the book you would realize Men Among the Ruins was specifically about practical accomplishment. Ride the Tiger was the book you meant to strawman

>> No.17559412

Islamic terrorists destroyed the world capital of finance and targeted the white House and pentagon

>> No.17559414

Say hello to Supermax.

>> No.17559417
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>Somebody should write a book coordinating all these lone wolf terrorists into an actually productive force
that book already exists

>> No.17559418

Breivik already did in his manifesto. No one ever bothers to read it though, because it's too long. He has specific sections for how to disable a country's functional economy

>> No.17559439

But they got the opposite effect of what they wanted. I mean it was pretty kino what they did but it did not slow down the Globohomo pacification and economic subjugation of Arab lands and instead seems to have had the opposite effect.

>> No.17559443

Islam will solve this problem.

>> No.17559445

You are confused, my good sir. Acceleratiomism became the strategy of Bin Laden ever since he left Saudi Arabia. Originally just went after American military targets in the gulf coast but then realized this incremental fighting would never win and decided the best approach would be to force America to speed up her plans because that would engage more Muslims against her. And so it did. AQ had 400 members in 9/11. Now it has ten of thousands in dozens of countries and its mightier son ISIS does as well, the idea of a global paramilitary force doing this without any state support, even with the whole world against it, would have been unthinkable before 9/11.

>> No.17559454

Too bad they didn't.
Only confessions concerning 9/11 were obtained under torture and the US still hasn't given the accused their day in court or presented evidence.

>> No.17559456

I've wondered the same thing, it makes me think there might actually be a deep state conspiracy that creates these autistic mass shootings as a way to enforce the deep state/globohomo/zionist agenda.

The founding values of the US basically imply every American should be at least mildly heavily armed and prepared to over through a tyrannical government. Where as the deep state/globohomo/zionists want nothing more than as much of a complete disarmament of the people as possible so they don't start taking 7.62 rounds to the head from long range.

The deep state/globohomo/zionists have been very slowly getting what they want for at least the last 40 years.

>> No.17559459

Link to pdf?

>> No.17559472

>Islam will solve this problem
No they won't. It might slow it down but that's all. Islam is subservient to the Jews/Israel which is why Jews push so hard for Muslim "refugees" into Europe. Yes it sometimes causes Muslim on Jewish crime but in the long run Islam is Judaism's bitch. ISIS was beheading people at one point for anti Semitism.

>> No.17559485


Ultimately burgers cannot conceive that paramilitaries like al-Qaeda or ISIS can become formidable armies because it angers the west that anyone could really do anything outside the parameters of the UN security council. The west must have all agency, or at least the five members of the security council. The idea a theocratic paramilitary could go toe to toe with a superpower is terrifying to them, it means maybe the universe revolves around God instead of McDonald's

>> No.17559487

It still seems like a pointless cat and mouse game. Even if they managed to escape that, what is the Spirit of Islam going to lead to except neo-medievalism? Reaction and antiquarianism are pointless, you can't simply abolish or cede world-scale power once it's emerged without another dark age.

>> No.17559494

>ISIS was beheading people at one point for anti Semitism.
This is absolute lie and based on a tweet where a guy says it while showing a screenshot that has a caption in Arabic saying someone is being beheaded for blasphemy. This shows how profoundly ignorant you are and that you need to stop talking until you have more information

>> No.17559500

Islam is about submission to God and obviously rests on seeing him as greater than any wordly power

>> No.17559508

I don't disagree but there's not much evidence that al-Qaeda actually did 9/11.

>> No.17559533

Now, correct of I am wrong: you have never ever read an al-Qaeda publication or watched a video done by them, let alone anything written by the hijackers themselves? And you are completely unfamiliar with the fact that their imam in America was Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, who was also the Imam of the Fort Good shooter and later released official messages for AQ from Yemen?

>> No.17559597

Islam is indeed the solution. It's the biggest counter against the modern world as it's simply the most traditional religion with its laws. Since it's a religion it can be applied globally. Just like Ted Kaczynski has said in one of his letters, fascism fails in the fact that it's focused on its own race and own country, making its spreading more likely not to happen succesfully (and the fact that two races and countries will probably fight eachother, like how most people speculated that Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany would have fought eachother if they were to have won WW2). Fascism is a modern ideology in itself that embraces, in general, futurism and transhumanism. If we were to count all conservatives in the world, then muslims would be the #1 group, even in the western world. However, muslims must resist against the liberalization and secularization of muslims, especially with the LGBTQ+. I, as an Arab muslim, am aware that globalists have brought us to Europe for their own interests and that they aren't stupid enough to not know that Islam is a threat against their liberal globalist ideology. Since the western world dominates social media, international media and Hollywood/Netflix, their ideologies are spreading in the western world too. The governments are usually just Americanized or are threatened with sanctions and war otherwise. This is why telling muslims "to go back to their own country" if they criticize the western, liberal society is such a stupid thing to say. It's in the interests of the muslims to destroy western liberalism, be it with islamization or be it with an alliance between christians and muslims. If this were to happen there would be a very strong Islamic revival in the Islamic world. After this Europe, together with the Islamic world, must spread towards other countries - especially China and Japan. If there were a global Islamic world, liberalism, modernity and transhumanism would be absolutely prevented for 1000's of years. So white sharia, then the Islamic awakening, then the sunni-shia alliance, then China and Japan, and it's pretty much solved.

>> No.17559603

soorry you'll haave to seearch it yoourself.

>> No.17559622
File: 11 KB, 300x218, Evola-Islam-300x218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw if Evola wasn't such a wicca larper, he would've been muslim like Guenon.

>> No.17559629

>. It's in the interests of the muslims to destroy western liberalism, be it with islamization or be it with an alliance between christians and muslims.
We're not allowed to take Christians as awliya and I can tell you it's a bad I idea also from a strategic perspective. Invariably the Muslims who work with Christians don't want Shari'ah and Christians will never be happy with Islam unless it heavily waters down its aims. Christians are not our friends, the few that are hardcore enough to be of use are exactly the ones who want to eradicate us because of their white elitism, and those who want to be friends are the exact sort who will never accept what has to be done and always stay in the peaceful may may realm. Patrick J Deneen for example condemned the "coup" of a few Boomers, men like him are not our friends and when the cards are down and lives are on the line they will always side with secularists rather than us

>> No.17559633

Evola would've joined Islam if he wasn't an alpha male. His whole deal was not succumbing to any of the fatigues of the modern world and remaining standing. He'd never have joined Islam nor any of the neo-pagan groups, even if the neo-pagans had a semblance of respectability.

>> No.17559644

Don't be naive, we're all brothers of the book.
Anyways now is not the time for factionalism and in-fighting.

>> No.17559655

I go by Islam, not this haram interfaith nonsense. There is no brotherhood of the book, the Qur'an is clear. There is brotherhood in Islam.

>> No.17559669

Maas shootings are a recent issue and a symptom of the declining amerilard culture: people no longer fight the british oppressors, or riot in the streets against the state, or assassinate the president, now they just murder the easiest targets they feel personally slighted by.
They no longer act to try and change the world because they no longer care about the world, the modern amerilard cares about nothing but himself.

>> No.17559692

This is so much cope. You have this grand plan of outward expansion yet your own countries have been the West's bitch and now Israel's bitch for over 100 years. Look brother I don't hate you or your religion. I don't want my country in the Middle East. I don't want to be ruled by Zionists either. The only country in the Middle East that isn't completely controlled by America/Israel is Iran but much of the Middle East has been turned against Iran and the Globohomo Zionists the run American will never stop trying to topple Iran. There is NO way Islam will ever spread in China. China seems what is happening with Middle Eastern religions in the West and will not allow that to happen. The Islam will be eradicated from the Uyghurs in the next 20 years. And China would help its neighbors destroy Islam started spreading within their countries. Everyone is waking up to Middle Eastern religions. Hindi Indian will at some point do something to stop the spread in their country. One of the reasons Islam will ultimately fail outside of the Middle East is BECAUSE you accept anyone into your religion. In the future it will be the religion of the niggers and Arabs and other poor peoples. Jews are winning in part because they mixed with Europeans. Arabs and Islam are losing in part because you've mixed with too many niggers. Anyone who mixes with niggers will return to the dirt and lose everything and that includes America if whites don't start distancing themselves from their niggers.

>> No.17559720

No. Just like Saudi Arabia you will be bought and domesticated. The next big war will be America vs Iran. You can't stop this with that plan of yours. I think the only hope in stopping Globohomo is if the Muslims of the Middle East form an alliance with a Pagan revival in Europe but I don't see this happening.

>> No.17559731

You are wrong, hundreds of Chinese who aren't even Uyghur are joining ISIS, the Chinese government has stated this. And of course there can be no renewal as long as the puppet states persist. Renewal requires one thing, establishing an Islamic state. Once that is done and fully expells kuffar occupation and calls the people to jihad, then we can start uprooting the puppet regimes. This is all that is needed. We don't even have a 0.001% of the soldiers we should but with the help of Allah that's okay, once we establish a state an expell the kuffar it will be like the Islamification of Medina. The first step and the critical one. Qutb knew this, we all do

>> No.17559733

We will never form an alliance with Satan

Saudi Arabia was bought a long time ago, this is what we fight

>> No.17559752

>This is all that is needed
The Globohomo Zionists will never allow this. Anyone who tries will have American bombs dropped on them until they die.

You really don't get it. You seem to have too much faith in Allah who clearly doesn't seem to want to help you. The Jews have been successful because they stopped hoping their god would rescue them because he never did so they became worldly and took over that way. As long as Muslims keep praying instead of playing geopolitics then you'll keep losing.

The fact that Saudi Arabia is COMPLETELY bought out shows how little power Islam has. If you needed to take over the world you would have to start with SA first.

>> No.17559761

>alliance with Satan
The Jews are Satan's chosen people. If Europeans returned to their Pagan roots they would have the best shot at over throwing Globohomo Zionism in Europe and if they did that Europe wold leave the Middle East alone.

>> No.17559770

Definately we have to take the House of Saud ("Saudi Arabia" is not a meaningful term or identity). This requires wearing down the value of the dollar. As Bin Laden figured out, making dummy trenches in Afghanistan forced the Soviets to bomb so much it debased their currency. Now Saud is interconnected with America because it only sells oil in dollars. This makes other countries buy dollars, giving them value. So in return America keeps Saud in power. However if, as ISIS theorizes, we can debase the dollar enough by forcing air strikes, Saud will eventually start accepting other forms of payment which will gradually make American protection of them an unprofitable investment, causing America to eventually leave. Then we can overthrow them in sha' Allah, especially of we have a state already

>> No.17559774

Paganism is satanic and loves homosexuality.

>> No.17559784

I don't get this attitude. You hate the idea of a Pagan Europe which poses zero threat to Islam outside of Europe. Globohomo Zionism is the greatest threat to you, to me, to Europe, to the Middle East, to Islam, to all of humanity and the Jews/Israel are the biggest supporters of this. I don't know if you know this but the American people DON'T want these constant wars in the Middle East. It is literally Jewish Zionists and Neoconservatives (Zionists) who make these wars. This is your Satan not some European in the mountains worshipping Odin.

>> No.17559809

>You hate the idea of a Pagan Europe which poses zero threat to Islam outside of Europe.

That's only because it doesn't exist, not because paganism is anti imperialist lol

Americans adore Jews and elect people who adore Jews of all stripes. Pagans are always going to support killing us just so long as Jews aren't doing it, they support the Russian air striking on us in Libya and Syria

>> No.17559820

Nice talking to you brother (even if you don't consider me one). I want Europeans to return to our Pagan roots and expel all non Europeans. This doesn't look like it's going to happen lol. Regardless, Authoritarian Leftwing Globohomo Zionism the BY FAR the most evil force ever to face the planet. It will destroy EVERYTHING in its path, you, me, Europe, Islam, America, Arabs, everything. Asian may or may not be smart enough to avoid this fate but Europe, the Americas and the Middle East are completely fucked until Globohomo is stopped. And this is why I think you and other Muslims should rethink your plans and alliances. We both have the same ruthless insanely evil enemy.

>> No.17559829

Not only did you not read what I said, but you started going full wignat and pagan larp.

>> No.17559842

I have seen the pagan revival among whites. Books on magic, astrology, pentagrams, Wicca, it's absolutely as evil as the Jews

>> No.17559849

>That's only because it doesn't exist, not because paganism is anti imperialist lol
You're right it doesn't exist but Europeans have learned the dangers of imperialism. Globohomo is the only imperial threat you have. There are a number of (eco) pagan movements starting in Europe and the US. They are small but there is no sense of wanting to convert other peoples/races or any other imperial ideology.

>> No.17559860
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They're LARP'ers. No one is engaging in militancy against "globohomo" as you call it except us.

>Brothers and sisters, there is a global culture that is being forced down the throats of everyone on the face of the earth. This global culture is protected and promoted. Thomas Friedman--he is a famous writer in the U.S., he writes for the New York Times--he says, "The hidden hand of the market cannot survive without a hidden fist. McDonald's will never flourish without McDonnell Douglas." The designer of the F-15's. In other words, we're not really dealing with a global culture that is benign or compassionate. This is a culture that gives you no choice. You either accept McDonald's, otherwise McDonnell Douglas will send the F-15's above your head. It's a very intolerant culture that cannot coexist with anything else, it uproots every other culture on the face of the earth, it just cuts the roots of it. And you have here a quote by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he's a famous Russian historian-writer, he says, "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots." So it's really a destruction of the people of the earth, because every other culture is being demolished. So this is not a global culture that will coexist with others, it will replace others. And the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam.

>> No.17559866

>I have seen the pagan revival among whites. Books on magic, astrology, pentagrams, Wicca
Clearly you have not. Keep pretending Allah will save you while Israel rams her ladydick straight up your ass for eternity

>> No.17559877

The Jews have only dominated Palestine a few decades. We know we will only finish the Jews at the end times but your deification of them is myopic

>> No.17559883

There are only 3 known Pagans in 20th and 21th century. Himmler, Varg Vikersen and Evola. All 3 were roleplaying and edgelords. Paganism is the most unrealistic solution against the modern world. Not only are there barely any pagans, but it's impossible to make the entire world Pagan. Besides the fact that there are like hundreds of different Pagan religions, it ruins Pascal's wager because Polytheism is an illegitimate counter against atheism, so it would be impossible to convert people and actually make them believe it and have them willing to fight wars to protect its traditions. It's just a roleplay for a very small European minority, usually combined with metal music, fantasy games and Lord of the Rings.

There's not much difference between the modern liberal world and paganism. Both encourage sexual freedom, both have "blood sacrifices" (abortus), both - depending on which Pagan religion - support LGBT, and so on.

>> No.17559890

Honestly, right wing pagan larpers are basically the 2010 myspace emo wiccan edgelords of current time. They are degenerate roleplayers who are ruining the ideological struggle and cause - and should be destroyed by both muslims and christians.

>> No.17559892

>your deification of them is myopic
They are literally Satan's chosen psychopaths, how do you not see this?

>> No.17559901

I don't see them as all powerful as you do. Their power is based completely on finance which rests on fiat currency, a pyramid scheme whose clock is ticking.

>> No.17559905

This is a bait thread and will produce no decent discussion, just like all this other bait threads produced by trolls on this board.
See how the first post in the thread is always an epic redditor reply. It's obvious.

>> No.17559986

My partner and I are having intense gay anal sex right now as we read passages of the Qur'an. First I punching bagged his prostate and he milked all over the book. Then he machine gun fisted my shitpipe until I blasted 6 ropes onto 6 different pages. Steve turned the page for each gayblast. We plan on ending this sesh 69 tonguing each others anus until we each have to poop then pooping out all the shit and cum into that pathetic book of jewish niggery and pig fuckery. Allah is shitlord and I smite his name as I anally cum shit all up in his retarded childish book of inbred retardation

>> No.17560062

Yep, I think it's done by edgy kids who have a hate boner for Evola because he's "evil fascist nazi" and try to derail every thread and discourage actual discussion. Pretty sad, every now and then there's an actually good Evola thread and then tranny jannies delete it.

>> No.17560542

I can't take anybody seriously who think themselves part of the eternal warrior-aristocracy and are as weak as a malnourished chicken. The guy was something like 160cm tall and weighed 50kg, I could probably break his chicken neck with a single punch.

>> No.17560600

The only reply that isn't garbage or koolaid

>> No.17560608

This is the first good political compass i've seen.
I would add sansepolcrismo to replace "The Arab" which was OG mussolini and (to me) was fascism at it's original and most refined when it was a merge with the futurists, decadents, nationalists and syndicalists.