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17557637 No.17557637 [Reply] [Original]

What books do I need to have read before I start reading Hegel? I've heard that a familiarity with Kant and Aristotle is pretty much mandatory, but I'd like a definitive reading list. Charts welcome.

>> No.17557646

The Complete Works of Plato

>> No.17557680

Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.17557691

i dont think either of these is sufficient to not get filtered by the Heg, mostly because I have read both of them but I still get filtered by the Heg. probably gonna look into some secondary lit. the guy just writes like a schizo, albeit a schizo who you can tell is also a genius.

>> No.17557715

what's genius about it? i'm interested in the book but i am skeptical of its' real value.

>> No.17557719

The Greeks, Christianity and early Christian thinkers, medieval Theologians and Scholastics, Renaissance and Enlightenment thinkers (essentially everything from Descartes that led up to Kant, so Empiricists and Rationalists), and you'll be about good.

And any major historical time period as well, like the Romans, you should understand thoroughly, which includes their literature and thought. I.e. just be cultured.

>> No.17557727

Vico and Boehme are essentials which you could miss.

>> No.17557737

>mostly because I have read both of them but I still get filtered by the Heg
I think you should have read them closer

>> No.17557747

I'm sure I'm not the best one to explain it since like I said I'm still getting filtered, but his preface to the PoS seems to sketch out a wonderfully holistic and high-context view of philosophy, and anticipate aspects of what today we might call the science of complex systems, wherein wholes cannot be understood through decomposition.

>> No.17557753

Be careful trying to assert your ego, anon; someone might challenge you to explain your own understanding, and you are not starting from a position of humility, so it better be good.

>> No.17557760

I have nothing to defend. I've read some Hegel and it's compelling but nothing beyond anyone's understanding.

>> No.17557769

Haha, okay. I'll let you bow out gracefully.

>> No.17557781

Thanks. I like you anon. It was just a shitpost on my behalf, I apologize.

>> No.17558086

So I can essentially plan to understand Hegel by the time I'm 40

>> No.17558093


>> No.17558221

Yes, you shouldn't even be reading philosophy in your 20s

>> No.17558235

Why not?

>> No.17558352

Interesting, what makes you say that?

>> No.17558354
File: 90 KB, 1080x608, DC8C6BCE-7EC6-459E-93FE-79C7859A2DE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> live out life
> read a bunch of shit
> realize how absolutely retarded you were
> die horrified, embarrassed, filled with regret

Sounds about right desu

>> No.17558373

why the fuck would you read Hegel, he's retarded

literally the only philosophers worth reading are Catholics writing about the faith. everything else is hubris-driven human-centered pointless drivel.

>> No.17558396

anons why do tradcaths insist on acting like this

>> No.17558406

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.17558419

I'm as old as both of you put together, and I'm correct.

Seriously the world does not need another obtuse retard misexplaining politics and power to even bigger retards, or mystics under demonic influence spinning yarns about the spirit.

>> No.17558432

Probably just a reference to Plato. He says in the Republic no one should be taught philosophy until their thirties once they've studied geometry and rhetoric.

>> No.17558478

It's the only honest life possible.