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/lit/ - Literature

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17556105 No.17556105 [Reply] [Original]

Raising a generation of queer idiots who think they know philosophy for having seen a thirty minute gag video.

Where are the Jeffrey Dahmers when you need them?

>> No.17556113


>> No.17556147

certainly on their way. troglodytes who escaped the gaze of the modern security state through sheer lack of intellect, double-digit IQs rolling up from the soil of dropping out, tuning out, collecting welfare/disability, playing vidya and smoking weed
They're still too young for any of the real depravity for which they are being groomed. dad needs to die first.
It's gonna be a fuckin wild decade, and the one after this one is gonna be even more fuckin wild. Then things should calm down.

>> No.17556152
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Now THIS is BASED anon, quality Kek
Cheers and good day

>> No.17556204

Jeffrey Dahmer is what happens when you take white male privilege to its most deranged and terrifying extreme.

>> No.17556205

interesting, please elaborate

>> No.17556210

I feel as though we are in Rosa Luxembourg territory. All of the incapable queer Discord kids will have hell to pay following this pandemic when people are expected to work and taxes go through the floor to stimulate the economy.
Ever notice how your kind cannot retort outside of brattish snark and irony? Tells a lot about you. The ammunitions in a sturmgewehr didn't listen to paltry arguments for elitist anarchism then, and they will not ten years from now. Scoff and laugh at it all you want, Germany was plenty modernised when the ball dropped.

>> No.17556218

Always impressive to see the complacence of deviants who think that just because the status quo isn't actively getting rid of them, that no one ever will.

>> No.17556220

He literally wanted to make minorities his zombie slaves by lobotomizing them.

>> No.17556226

Haven't read her, can you clarify?
What's your specific prediction for the post-pandemic economy?
Sorry you just implied a lot there and it went over my head, I don't spend much time on here and even less on other boards so any kind of consensus I'm usually not aware of

>> No.17556242

Didn't this faggot troon out? At this point he is the copycat of contratroon.

>> No.17556249

This is not literature

>> No.17556262

Wheel of history comes around.
I am by no means pro-Nazism but it's interesting to see the degree of complacence of the European Jews prior to and during the preparations of the Holocaust. I think that we are in very volatile times and that the future will be highly reactionary. I think that a lot of people's quality of life will diminish and others will resort to tribalism to fend for their own.
I don't think this sickly Dr. Frank-N-Furter mentality of bourgie, salon socialist para sexuality has any future.

>> No.17556294

Hannah Arendt mentions how because of the mishandling of the Eichmann case there is a precedent which hasn't been diffused judicially that can lead to genocidal practices in the future. Even if genocide is not to happen, I can picture things in the form of genocide, like mass unemployment and algorithms and technologies which render today's gay youth, in clouds of fantasyland, stuck where they ought to be. >>17556242
He did troon out. I haven't seen a video of his because I don't want to dirty my knowledge on topics, but if they're anything like ContraPoints they're just opinionated sophisms dressed up in the authority of someone who isn't even a fucking post-grad.
It relates to the dissolution of literates as a hard-fought identity with credible authority, becoming instead anyone who watched any video clip by any faggot who read more than two wikipedia articles on a topic.
Discourse will take a nosedive and people will cite philosophers not knowing the long and short of it.

>> No.17556308

2040's world civil war when?

>> No.17556318

Best thread on /lit/ right now, can't make sense of it. And yes, when there is a positive original content, but can't quite make sense out of it, that is the measure for a good thread on /lit/.

>> No.17556330

so is anyone advocating for actual literacy nowadays or what

>> No.17556359

Nah, just watch this short gag opinion ed by someone without academic credentials. Nietzsche says trans rights!
How can't you make sense of it?

>> No.17556371

I miss the good old days when porn addicted faggots became serial killers. Now they just troon out.

>> No.17556378

>How can't you make sense of it?
I dunno I just see revolutions happening in decades to come, among us post-irony, and hannah arendt mentioned. I gleamed into the soul of the thread and this is what I saw.

It is a prophetic image.

>> No.17556383
File: 720 KB, 1802x2460, PhilosophyTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17556387

>I gleamed into the soul of the thread
Did you read any of the posts?

>> No.17556394

It's what happens when you make people stay closeted.

>> No.17556406 [DELETED] 

Yes, not all, but some.

>> No.17556418
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Gotcha. Status quo gets more reactionary and essentialist every day, NPR is literally out here trying to instigate a race war, let alone less mainstream sources of news/media.
Agreed with you on the future of this liberal sexual experiment as well, funny it comes concurrent with an objective decline in any actual sex, a precipitous drop in meeting new people, night-life, dating scenes, blind dates, casual sex, initiated by the dating apps but thoroughly ended rightly by the covid mandemic.
The faggotry can continue, but introduction of suffering would give it soul and decrease it's glitzy appeal.
Like how the gays used to be a genuine force of aesthetic/political/literary novelty and scramble, now they're sort of tamed and decidedly un-hypermasculine.
so, yeah, there's a lot of pent-up or suppressed anal defense we have to work through as a culture, as evinced by the neat-freak hand-sanitizing response to covid wherein the purported goal quickly transitioned from flattening the curve to meticulously charting out all possible covid sequelae, holding the line until zero deaths, ostensibly trying to go back to the "way things were before" and put everything in its right place, rather than realize the mess has been made and synthesize our before-conditions with our present-conditions to produce a future-condition, which a lot of thinkers have noted is a specific weakness of our culture/time.
Sorry this is not polished at all, hope you smell what I'm stepping on.

>> No.17556438

This whole conspiracy presumes a higher level of social strategy than PT is capable of, unless he is gay?

>> No.17556440

What a sick fuck
I like Natalie
She feels more authentic

>> No.17556446

Please be true this would be one of the funniest things ever if it’s real

>> No.17556450

Yes, not all, but some.

>> No.17556451

plus he makes a pretty hot chick

>> No.17556455

Why are leftists so evil?

>> No.17556460
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>plus he makes a pretty hot chick

>> No.17556462

It's what happens when you don't let people be gay.

>> No.17556470

I wanna fuck him w/ my dick

>> No.17556485

I read that first essay/pamplet of Zizek on the pandemic. I didn't understand half because of lacking background knowledge.
He seemed to praise the Swedish model and claim that people are attempting to draw ideological lines to deal with the fear that lies in a phantom disease, then claiming Ding politics are the answer to the current problems.

I think postmodern sexual liberation leads to people becoming isolated in their sexuality and in a thousand mental conditions prior to having sex, leading to a fear of relationships and subsequent further isolation.
You use a lot of big words :)

>> No.17556494

I'd do Natalie.

>> No.17556509
File: 51 KB, 575x390, 0b5a764f77a7049f3b1301804c6df2f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy trananza
>i'd fuck me

>> No.17556511

Which zizek pamplet?
the fuck is ding politics?
I make up a lot of words bruh sorry

yeah america is a faggy and decadent nation full of cowards BUT if any fucking eurotrash makes fun of it I'll kick their puny ass I swear to god.

>> No.17556521
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, Tabby.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lefty infighting, typical. I wonder if they would compete about dilates faster.
Out of all trannies you pick one of this abomination. He doesn't pass and is incredible ugly. Looked way better when he was a man and had chad potential.

>> No.17556526

Ding politics as far as I understand it is charting all factors which affect each other and trying to navigate a maze with humans as just one factor.
Basically technocracy. I'm probably wrong, however.

It's Zizek's first Pandemic book from last year.

>> No.17556527

in matters of the cock there is no reason or rhyme anon

>> No.17556533

I'd fuck Natalie dry.
High IQ and high sex appeal.
I can see why subhumans flock around her.

>> No.17556534

Wait is he actually transitioning or didn't he just say he had a fetish for dressing up like a woman?

>> No.17556535

roger, i'll check it out if you recommend?

>> No.17556540

It's "rhyme or reason" you stupid faggot, secondly you are a gay faggot and you became gay by free will.

>> No.17556544

at least you're consistent

>> No.17556545

>High IQ and high sex appeal
He is fucking retarded and if you find that think sexually attractive I suggest to kys.

>> No.17556551

I recommend. It's a very short read.

>> No.17556561

All I am saying is that I have had sex with xx-chromosome prostitutes that have been uglier than Natalie.

>> No.17556794

people itt need to go outside

>> No.17557001

This, ecelebs/Youtubers literally do not matter in the outside world. Imagine wasting this much time obsessing over trannies.

>> No.17557069

She already transitioned

>> No.17557098
File: 111 KB, 652x224, Screenshot_2021-02-15 Philosophy Tube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He used to make actual educational videos on philosophy. Then he decided to cash in on the breadtube trend and rip off contrapoints, even to the point of becoming a tranny. It's actually jarring to go back and watch the videos he was making 7 years ago and compare it to the theatrics nonsense he is peddling now.

>> No.17557129

i cant wait for the first celeb to detransition once the fad passes (its already passing, unlike them)

>> No.17557205

'educational' if your standards are rock-bottom

>> No.17557230

They weren't bad for youtube standards. He used to at least attempt to explain philosophy to midwits. Now it's just playing dress up in front of a camera.

>> No.17557234


>> No.17557252


>> No.17557260

>He used to at least attempt to explain philosophy to midwits.
That's not good since you have to dumb down the philosophy, it seizes to remain the philosophy as delivered by the philosopher.

>> No.17557274
File: 257 KB, 1064x1200, 20F0F5E6-418A-4D8B-B296-5741F7CC5BB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it seizes to remain

>> No.17557279

English is difficult.

>> No.17557392

toughlife core

>> No.17557424

I like contra I feel like he's secretly WN

>> No.17557632
File: 223 KB, 716x692, 1613020039891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever guy...

>> No.17557728

simped so hard he went tranny to fuck another tranny

>> No.17557734

So he has lost his penis?

>(its already passing, unlike them)

>> No.17557742

Yes but one has to start somewhere.

>> No.17557772

Off yourself

>> No.17557786

Why don’t their viewers just read books or instead watch something that’s had a lot of effort poured in to be actual entertainment instead of consuming this half-breed of content which is neither truly aesthetically pleasing nor truly intellectually satisfying.

It just looks unsatisfying.

>> No.17558296

If this was true, pretty funny ngl as a fan of both. The other explanation also makes sense, PT was in a toxic relationship and got traumatized over shit, and had his breakdowns and weird behavior because of that, and contra got cancelled for shit and didn't want to drag the others down with her.

>> No.17558298

you mean "down with him"

"contrapoints" is a man.

>> No.17558302

Sometimes you just want some junk food.
Listen i get that the past five or so years here have changed things, but give me a break, i don't care what pronouns you use, why do you care which ones I use?

>> No.17558325

we're not designed to read. The future is post-literate

>> No.17558388

That one abortion video emanates a hideous disturbance. Once I saw that I knew anything is possible, you can’t not slipperyslope after such a hideous attempt at (((humor)))

>> No.17558391

Dont we have a whole new board for discussing youtubers

>> No.17558394

Link that shit, I give you this in exchange


>> No.17558409

>Discourse will take a nosedive and people will cite philosophers not knowing the long and short of it.
We're already past this point. People think that a half hour youtube video or a string of posts is enough to educate them on a subject. They think that if you cant explain something in depth within a youtube comment that you can't explain it at all and the idea has no substance. We are in a dark age and it began at least two decades ago.

>> No.17558418

KEK at how James Franco inadvertently ridicules her entire argument.

>> No.17558428

Its like popcorn. Easy to consume, makes you feel smart. These people try to open a book, read maybe 5 pages, dont have the patience or attention span for it and then feel dumb. A youtube video at least provides the cheap stimulation that people desperately need

>> No.17558515


>> No.17558559

There's something deeply disturbing about feminine men. Diabolic even.

>> No.17558574

Women shouldn't be allowed to speak. Im converting to Islam after having seen this video.

>> No.17558602

Evil works through the dissolution of firm boundaries. Entities that "play" on the boundaries between two formerly distinct things, causing them to break down and taunting those concerned about it, are being influenced by evil, knowingly or not.

Think about it. All these strange signs of the times, all the tranny bullshit, all the hatred of families and roles, boundaries and borders, hierarchy, racial distinctness, differentiation of any kind. What does it all have in common? It's "form" destruction. Can that really be a fucking coincidence?

That's why protecting form is almost always good. Anything you see a tranny attacking, defend it.

>> No.17558633

Man, you people sure are insecure and will flock to anything that justifies your outdated point of views, don't cha?

>> No.17558636

It's for college freshmen who skimmed all 90 pages of Capitalist Realism and feel pride over being so well read. It's not ideal but it's a good intermediate step between not reading and reading the classics.

>> No.17558640

Islam allows early abortion when the soul hasn't settled in the body yet.

>> No.17558666

Natalie is the complete opposite in that through a radical decision she becomes the female form. This subhuman PT doesn't accept anything and instead sits upon everything like a shitty dragon.

>> No.17558683

This is because Contra is PhD in phil dropout who understands few things. But the anglo tranny is a delusional cunt.

>> No.17558715

I dont give a fuck about little baby niggers. I just hate women.

>> No.17558723

Yet he rides off her coattails like a parasite.

>> No.17558725

The elite want formlessness. They want "The Shape of Water".
>Anything you see a tranny attacking, defend it.
Right, because you already know they are spiritually opposed to form. Absolutely based.

>> No.17558733

Lowkey, I've always been unsettled by those type of "men". They seem snarky, subversive and underhanded.

>> No.17558741
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>even a fart-sniffing actor renowned for being a pseud dismantles an ivy league philosophy professor just by looking at her like she's a retard

>> No.17558786
File: 498 KB, 1600x900, Him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They seem snarky, subversive and underhanded.
Yes, but it's even more than that. It's this sinister narcissistic vibe to them that really creeps me out. Think "Him" from Powerpuff Girls. It sets off all my alarm mechanisms, and they scream: "don't trust him"

>> No.17558837

I totally memoryholed this faggot.

>> No.17558867

honestly I have 0 idea if you are trolling or this is a serious opinion, anyways, dilate faggot

>> No.17558869

Better than the people who think they know philosophy that haven't

>> No.17558915

You use a lot of unnecessary big words. This is a trait of a pseud.
I think there is some merit to what you're saying. Particularly as far as the taming and feminization the gay counter-culture is concerned. However, for Pete's sake talk like a normal person. Maybe then normal people will listen to you.

>> No.17558929


> eats popcorn
> feels smart

>> No.17558944

Lmao, didn't know James Franco was based.

>> No.17558949

Why are they always jewish when they're so malicious?

>> No.17558954

>oy vey, two months, twelve months, what's a couple more days outside of the womb?

>> No.17558958

Wtf, same, why is he so recognisable yet memoryhollable?

>> No.17559020

Can have videos playing in the background while doing something else and they think it is still 'learning'.

>> No.17559029

>theres two types of fetus
>we had worth as a fetus because of our future
>normal people dont deserve to live
holy shit lads

>> No.17559034

James Franco is also Jewish you retards.

>> No.17559042

Yes he's a jewish satanist and obviously pro-abortion. That's what makes it so funny. Even he thinks that jewess is retarded.

>> No.17559068

based asf

>> No.17559093

>English is difficult

- *nglo