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/lit/ - Literature

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17555623 No.17555623 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your bookshelf and other anons assume things about you.

>> No.17555628
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>> No.17555648

You must be 18 to post here


>> No.17555655
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>> No.17555672

Is that the Odyssey and the Iliad right above the left armrest?

>> No.17555686

You're a child.
You have your life together.

>> No.17555722
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I am smart.

>> No.17555733
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, 1D285195-DAA8-4EA8-A46D-4A3525A0CB28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anglo right-wong loser. You're basically an anglo version of a weeb.
Not actually your bookshelf so you're a tranny larper
See above comment about being a tranny

>> No.17555734

You're a New Ager with a paraphilic disorder.

>> No.17555755

you are obsessed with escapism and "trying to capture that feeling of childhood"

you are angry and lonely

you might be well-read but you're incredibly boring

you don't read much at all or you have an e-reader you spend most of your time on

you're reasonably well-read but not particularly interesting

>> No.17555926

Looks like it. On my copies, Fagles' Iliad is blue, Odyssey is red and Aeneid is gold.

>> No.17555953
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shelf in dorm

>> No.17555958
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yes ik I am a shelflet

looks comfy
instagram entrepreneur-core

>> No.17556238
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>> No.17556251
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>> No.17556260
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>> No.17556284

I share 2 of your books on my bookshelf so I can deduce you're a larping retard

>> No.17556292

Correct, which books?

>> No.17556316

I've just started reading since middle school. I have The Bible, The Book of Disquiet and Technological Slavery. I've ordered Revolt Against the Modern World and Ice.

>> No.17556453
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R8 me brahs

>> No.17556495
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>> No.17556536

math major?

>> No.17556552
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>> No.17556571
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Linux user
Afraid of a virus w a 99.7% survival rate
You can keeel
Dump POS and 9/10
Greek starter

>> No.17556618

>Dump POS
But my mom got it for me for Christmas one year and she would be sad :(

>> No.17556630

AKA unemployed

>> No.17556638

based, but why the blue drawings

>> No.17556663

Can confirm

Abbott is an epic book

>> No.17556692
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>> No.17556718
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>> No.17556734
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>> No.17556764


>> No.17556789

bbbbbbboooooooorrrring. Jesus dude lighten up a little.

>> No.17556800

You don't like used bookstores eh

>> No.17556802

idk why people get so intimidated honestly

>> No.17556816

lol yeah, kind of a waste of money but i dont have many other things i waste it on. pretty much switched over to b-ok for the last year tho

>> No.17556840
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>> No.17556856
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I need another shelf

>> No.17556858

Especially when you have utter trash in there like Stephen King and Watchmen.

>> No.17556867

the worst by far is the don winslow book which is on the floor (where it belongs) and half cropped out of the shot

>> No.17556880

My shelves are way too disorganized at the moment. So here's my recently read/to read mixed with some school books.

>> No.17556895
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Fucking image didn't post

>> No.17556972

I was thinking about getting the Calculus book by Kline, is it good for practicing problem-solving skills? I haven't done calculus since I graduated from university 3 years ago will I be okay?

>> No.17556983

can you post a better pic I can't make out the oxfords and penguins

>> No.17556984

Yeah, I got it to use as a refresher myself about ten years out of school, I found it really effective because it tries to frame everything in terms of physical questions you might have about the real world. By contrast that linear algebra book over to the right was much harder for me as it's almost completely abstract.

>> No.17557018
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>> No.17557028

Bend the knee, pseudointellectuals. We've found your Pseud King.

>> No.17557033

Thanks anon

>> No.17557039

I always worry about people with busts. Met one person with a bust an he was insufferable, I imagine others are too.

>> No.17557042

I own a kindle.

>> No.17557045

Worship me

I am insufferable

>> No.17557048

I don't understand how you are organizing your shelf but cool books, maybe buy a bigger bookshelf so you can display more of them

>> No.17557053

>I am very smart

>> No.17557080

Thanks, I have no organization right now, no point yet, waiting until I get a second shelf before I start on that.

>> No.17557158

Based Schmitt-anon. Have you gone through The Enemy yet? I thought that was a great introduction to Schmitt's work.

>> No.17557192
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What can you deduce, anon?

>> No.17557201

It's kind of amazing to me that people like this exist and yet never seem to effortpost here about what theyve gleaned from these works. I know we get plenty of passing /pol/ tourists but where's the Frater of Hitlerology?

>> No.17557242

mentally ill /pol/tard

>> No.17557266

University student, probably second or third year mathematics. Your French is atrocious but you try anyway. You would like to be a writer but embrace the fact you will probably have a well paid job without much time for creative outlets.
You get excited about books, buy them, read the first dozen or so pages and promptly give up before moving onto the next item.
Another British university student, you get most of your books from charity stores because you are broke.
You want to move to the country.
You are the most boring person in any room of people that you find yourself in.

>> No.17557277

unironic neo-nazi. I understand how this can happen but still wtf. There's literally nothing outside of a very narrow world view there.
You are consuming yourself and must be thinking about Jews and Hitler every day. This is self harm.

>> No.17557322
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all comments are appreciated. this isn't all of my books. I have more in a bookshelf and piled up around my room, but they are the ones I keep on my desk. Current reading.

>> No.17557364
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forgot my favourite. lurks on my bed when I'm sitting at my desk. the sheer size is unwieldy. Reading history with full size maps to reference is based

>> No.17557453

nice. i like you

>> No.17557455

Math master's soon to be math PhD soon to be employed for the rest of my life at a university.
Feels good to know I will always have a job so long as the university system doesn't crumble.

>> No.17557465

i hope it does, but no ill will towards you

>> No.17557499

>You get excited about books, buy them, read the first dozen or so pages and promptly give up before moving onto the next item.
I try my best

>> No.17557507

>soon to be employed for the rest of my life at a university
How boring are you?

>> No.17557518

Maybe could do with some Aristotle

>> No.17557524

the art of war is like 30 pages, what else is in that book?

>> No.17557532


>> No.17557535

You must be 13+ to use the internet.

>> No.17557542

Avoid the satanic shit and realize that occultism is just heavily obscurantist philosophy

>> No.17557552
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>> No.17557559

>You are the most boring person in any room of people that you find yourself in.
Why do you think so

>> No.17557626

Funny, even though most of the titles are in the correct orientation to read, I find myself turning my head sideways for this picture.

>> No.17557629
File: 2.32 MB, 3597x2738, BEB8EA2C-7A8A-4E9F-824C-4AE77AB8EEB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reorganized some of my books, I finally have a fiction and non fiction section. Here’s the fiction shelf.

>> No.17557674

You are Joe Rogan

>> No.17557710

Ok then that's acceptable

>> No.17557721

Other classics of eastern thought.

>> No.17557726

well yeah, but there are lots of those. i guess maybe it has all of them.

>> No.17557738

Alright I got it off the shelf. [spolier] Goddamn anons making me move across the room and pick up a book [/spoiler]
>The Tao Te Ching
>Confucian Analects
>The Great Learning
>The Doctrine of the Mean
>The Works of Mencius

>> No.17557740
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Let me have it

>> No.17557751 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17557759

Glad I'm not the only one

>> No.17557762

Damn, great collection.

>> No.17557771

I just Many anons rather not put in the effort.

>> No.17557790

I only have the two shown in the pic but I'm guessing these BN exclusives are designed to be a one-stop-shop for their topics. The American one has
>The Federalist Papers
>Common Sense
>Misc. writings from Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson
>Inaugural addresses from the Revolutionary Presidents
>Declaration of Independence

>> No.17558169


>> No.17558178
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huh pic didnt load

here op

>> No.17558203

you want to go back to your childhood

you are a child grown older

how is that calvino, italian folktales? original work or (dare i hope) a collection of actual folktales as told to the author by genuine rustic peasants?

>> No.17558214
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>> No.17558236

virgin, bad hygiene

lives with parents, hoping to make enough money to buy cool cars and move out

school weirdo, never gets invited to parties

Based and very redpilled. You have many interests and want to learn about everything that interests you in depth.

staged with the basic essentials, you like to make others laugh but get more pleasure laughing from your shitposts

>> No.17558278
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Spanishfag here

>> No.17558283

your pet project is gaping. You come from a family of sexual deviants. Your mother bought you your first fleshlight and your dad used to rape you every time he came back from his two-weeks-on-one-week-off shift. You are using the fleshlight now to increase your anal gape to the widest diameter yet and are starting to wonder what you will have to live for when it's all over.

>> No.17558288
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>> No.17558317

Wow, u nailed it

>> No.17558351

>you like to make others laugh but get more pleasure laughing from your shitposts
Where did you get this from, and how is it fairly accurate?

>> No.17558402

clean up all that damn garbage at the bottom & you can fit the rest of the books.

>> No.17559297
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>> No.17559305
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>> No.17559310
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>> No.17559317
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>> No.17559358
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>> No.17560006

>Guitar pick
>Micellaneous white powder on shelf
>Original language Hamsun, disproportiante amount of Schmitt and Russian foreign policy, and Richard Yates, for some reason

You get all your book choices from /lit/ charts but can never settle for a single theme so you end up with a schizo web of random pieces of knowledge from different areas. Also what's the stuff on the left

>> No.17560076

The Star Wars books and the massive King and Koontz collections give it the appearance of a condensed Barnes and Noble. I can appreciate the Calvin and Hobbs, though.

>> No.17560086
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re started frequently reading less than a year ago

>> No.17560193
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>muh hecking based boy Stoner!!!!!
>what? you will work as a professor your whole life? FUCKING LOSER

>> No.17560216

somewhat sad guy, feels like there is a lot of things wrong in this world, tries to explain these by going further and further down the rabbit hole, but everytime something makes sense 5 new questions start coming up leaving you with a feeling of inadequacy. probably impressed by carl schmitt after stumbling upon him and is now incapable of talking about politics without ending at the friend-foe distinction. doesnt watch the news anymore. probably read crime & punishment and liked it.
how's the heidegger introduction?

>> No.17560251

Lesen Sie Ernst Jünger

>> No.17560449

>Anthology of words against the Jews
Woah. How is legal to own that in France or Canada? You must be in Senegal or some shit

>> No.17560672

you can buy the book on some websites such as kontre kulture and librairie française, totally legal

>> No.17560802
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Many books I’ve read are not on my shelf though. My dad basically has his own library so I just read his books mostly.

Also lots of Dutch books

>> No.17560865

child molester
will never poast physiq
has terrible posture
normie but going to make it
not going to make it
very concerned with how his bookshelf looks
depressed, suicidal ideation
has not read most of that
has a good job but not much time for reading anymore

>> No.17561639

Love the examples and explanations series

>> No.17561642

You only use reading as a device to get laid. But you are successful at it, so why change

>> No.17561684

you are a prolific reader yourself and have curated a nice collection for your kids that will stimulate their imagination and give them a love of reading

>> No.17561752
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Judge me

>> No.17561766

t. consoomer

>> No.17561855
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>> No.17561861

>leftoid nu-male
>not a loser

>> No.17562068


Not wrong.

>> No.17562168


>> No.17562182

You‘re a girl that‘s interested in fantasy, wicca, cottage and fairy core and daddy/little play depending on which tik tok vid you watched last.

>> No.17562188

>has not read most of that
I have

>> No.17562199

Heirate mich

>> No.17562226
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you are a booktuber named emmie

>> No.17562518

pretty sure more than one hardcover copy of Culture of Critique exists, anon.

>> No.17562526


>> No.17562533

This is such a bad shop. Link to video you took this screenshot from.

>> No.17562536

wtf is emmie based????

>> No.17562564
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Real photo
Link to video https://youtu.be/4reDVXqieZ8

>> No.17562588
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>> No.17562631

Why are you like this?

>> No.17563543
File: 1015 KB, 3024x4032, 151489919_427056261739008_8702724194476601262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do?

>> No.17564420

Indian female who became a liberal to get cultural benefits. Ability to think for herself: 0. Programming talent: 5. Desperation for white dick : 10.

>> No.17564439

Lives in Fl, owns golf cart

>> No.17564446

Danke. Habe ich aber schon vor.

>> No.17564449

what edition of EAP's complete stories is that, anon

>> No.17564458

ah shit, well nevermind

>> No.17564464

Libtard npc

>> No.17564480

Atheist or pagan, smelly, long hair

>> No.17564488

t. China

>> No.17564585
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>> No.17564594
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>> No.17564859
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What's censored?
Mess, drugs, random big stone?
Falling for the infinite jest meme
Why yes I do stream on twitch.jpg
Why Latin?
Ah yes, the nazi intellectual. Destined for a mass shooting or suicide. Do the Jews live rent free inside your head?
>Hannah Arendt
Pretty good man
OD'd on christpills
>Only white spines

>> No.17565104

>why Latin
I study medieval Latin literature and education

>> No.17565185

>What's censored?
It's a book about Otto von Bismarck. It has the name of my town bc it's a library book I stole LOL

>> No.17565594
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x4032, F6F1EA5A-6B41-42D6-9507-E454AAD745A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow Jungian. I bet you’ve read most of these, too.
You have close family in the army and while you dream of going to war it’s more of an intellectual exercise.

>> No.17565637
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7/10 for effort, 2/10 for taste.
I feel like these have been read, and that you’re a cunning and charming dude.
You probably were a little Nazi at one point but now you’ve grown out of the belief, you’re even more fascinated by the history and tenets of the era.

>> No.17565652

>has a good job but not much time for reading anymore
a nice attempt but you got it backwards. i have no job and i have read everything on that shelf.

>> No.17565676
File: 3.25 MB, 2923x3897, BCB3D275-162F-4C1E-A766-21D8831D27A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t the Jungian mystic from /b/ but you’ve been in his thread.
Are you a priest? Maybe a deacon? If neither you’re surely an absolute weirdo.
You live in the south and you spend time on /k/.

>> No.17565689

Winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.17565719
File: 2.40 MB, 2681x3024, 20210216_170152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17565730

>Stealing from a library
Give it back.

>> No.17565755

salve capo!

>> No.17565826

I tried but the librarian said it didn't matter bc the book looked so old

>> No.17565832
File: 2.92 MB, 2830x3774, 67A414EC-6A84-4606-9279-7188B1F95CE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17566238


>> No.17566505

you from Canada ?

>> No.17566509

>stephanie meyer
>jodi picoult
despite the trash, you have some good shit on your shelves. you read because you actually enjoy it, not to brag about being the biggest pseud on /lit/. good for you. you are probably employed and can pass for a normie

>> No.17566530
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Catholicbro...is that you? We missed you, how's your desk? Has it changed since this?

>> No.17566627

you need to branch tf out

>> No.17566638
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>> No.17566646

you're what redditors who claim they're "voracious readers" wish they were

but yeah like >>17566627 said: branch your reading out

>> No.17566662

We could be friend, lot's of things I want, you are too smart for this place.

You like independent thinking, SSC, Ribbonfarm and blogs, you are not a writter from there, do you?

>> No.17566673

Holly based.

>> No.17566853

Not bad, I was actually in the army and deployed 5 times. What made you think of that?

>> No.17566893

it a collection of tales "retold" by calvino. some of them are honestly really odd. I remember the fairy tales my grandma used to read to me... they were not as violent as these. not a bad collection to have. they are very short stories. reading them is not a chore.

Reading Arendt humbles me.

>> No.17566915

if you tried reading Écrits and found it impenetrable, the seminars are honestly a much better read

>> No.17566973

>Blood of the Vampire
kek I thought I was the only one here with a copy

>> No.17567213

>shroom fiend, 50-50 brony, into femdom

>one degree removed from fedora atheism; still can’t tell you who Eustace Mullins, Ariel Toaff, Schlomo Sand, or Michael Collins Piper are; blue pilled on the Eternal Anglo

>Patrick Bateman incarnate; drinks gin straight after rape dungeon sessions

>hopelessly hylic, middling business acumen, adequate shopkeeper

>med student, quasi-horder, will settle for a wall hitting roastie 4 years senior with BPD, allergic to cats but has them anyways, glasses in cupboards inexplicably smell of piss despite washing regardless of how much detergent is used, male pattern baldness

>neophyte becoming based, requires adhd self-flagellation to sit down and plow through the labyrinthine reading trees he’s sketched out chart style in his head, doesn’t use strap locks on his guitars and has paid for it at least once

>modest, unassuming, very nice boy, somewhat of a twink

>good lieutenant for the boog army after Yellowstone pops off, wants to get scuba qualified for advanced catfish noodling, probably had disposed of a trespassing meth head innawoods

>needs some Musashi and Dao, would be served by Shelby Foote and Edward Gibbon

>Watches Taylor Marshall obsessively, had to confess to watching Catboi Kami out of curiosity to his priest

>reads purely as a past time, represents a fraction of his personal library, most of which stored on several e-readers

>believes Tucker may be one of {{{them}}} now, has a great used bookstore nearby

>the compound security cam system is almost complete, will get to building a proper book case afterwards

>weeedlmao & MOBAs

>worships Bobby Fisher, fapped to that Anya Taylor Joy movie recently, LEO, father but divorced

>reddit, but mostly for the plants; funkos were gifts he didn’t have the heart to dispose of; monstrously weeb; forces himself to eat sushi despite hating the taste/texture; unironically has waifus

>is going to kill himself if he reads The Blind Owl (again); mild OCD

>attends church regularly, but can’t be fussed to drive that far for an actual Latin mass

>not having a physical Oera Linda irks me tremendously

>has read 1/5th of Moby Dick five times

>intends to complete the System of German Idealism; can name most of the constellations

>sells books he’s read but won’t reread but might otherwise keep for financial reasons

>has had a mystical experience, chasing that moment again

>speeds on the highway, doesn’t ever do ride alongs

>long hair, Megadeth stan,

>pure Reddit

>late gen x, early y

>regularly sees hookers, does not care for weed

>dilates regularly

>gachi music connoisseur, top only, very Chad

>> No.17567338

I've read one fifth of it once. just enough to argue with a friend the chapter about the colour white was brilliant and extremely on point

>> No.17567485

why do you need a shelf when you can stack them on the floor?

>> No.17567513

>attends church regularly, but can't be fussed to drive that far for an actual Latin mass

Pretty funny considering I am an atheist. Maybe I'll go to a Latin mass when lockdowns end for fun.

>> No.17567551

it really fucks up the spines
i know cause i ruined a few dozen books doing that

>> No.17567555
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210211_201957371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved and haven't unpacked/organized everything yet, but here you go

>> No.17567916
File: 489 KB, 1333x2000, shelf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a priest? Maybe a deacon? If neither you’re surely an absolute weirdo.
Door #3. Nice demonic bookshelf you have there.

>OD'd on christpills
I wish.

Nah, but I did used to post here years ago. Hello to old friends.

>>has had a mystical experience, chasing that moment again
Good guess but no. Just know what the truth is and desire to be able to explain it better to others.

Thank you anon.

Here's another shelf.

>> No.17567936

You're young, a student and/or artist, you like library book sales, and you have a surprisingly good headstart on non-humanities people.

>> No.17567974

Student, artist, but I get the feeling you're studying something else for a career.

Pop culture is nothing to be ashamed of until it leads you astray. I've read Doctorow, his Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom pretty well predicted some of the parts of our new social credit system. I'm guessing you're a Biden voter (really a Kamala voter), you are either a housewife or a young man in his 20s. You watch television and browse reddit.

>> No.17568182
File: 378 KB, 1280x959, 16134868531270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17568229

When did christopher hitchens become NAZBOL approved?

>> No.17568241

based beyond belief

>> No.17568250

Not even American, I’m one of those weird Canadians who support Trump - so you’re way off.
Just projection, honestly. Something about all those Dune books made me think “Hoo-ahh!!”
I’m sure you can see from the other shelves I’ve posted that I don’t just read fantasy.

>> No.17568261

Which edition of The Road is that?

>> No.17568282

nice shelf anon
how did you lie intelligence and spirit?

>> No.17568298


>> No.17568327
File: 2.16 MB, 2985x4032, IMG_2697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books are in storage but this is what i'm getting through atm

>> No.17568354

>It's the Suttree anon
Why are you sitting out on Ncfom and The Road?

That Mason & Dixon is an absolute unit! Which edition is that?

>> No.17568420

>pure Reddit

>> No.17568850

pretty sure thats just the normal hardcover edition without the dust jacket

>> No.17569040

lone based and cubpilled

>> No.17569058

>worships Bobby Fisher, fapped to that Anya Taylor Joy movie recently, LEO, father but divorced
Wrong on all counts but chuckled at the LEO guess

>> No.17569079

I've read those two digitally, I'll probably eventually get physical copies though because it triggers me not having all ten of them. The M&D is Henry Holt 1st ed. with the dust cover off

>> No.17569136

Based Nádas enjoyer

>> No.17569182

>Not even American, I’m one of those weird Canadians who support Trump - so you’re way off.
Sorry about your PM Justin Castr--- I mean Trudeau.

>> No.17569254

Hey how do you like that edition of The Making Of Americans?

>> No.17570870
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure. I don't know if I trust it. I honestly think it was printed by an anon because I remember the cover image for it being posted constantly. The front matter says it was compiled from looking at public domain versions of the text. It's also very unwieldy. It's the size of art picture book, but the font is scaled accordingly.

>> No.17570886

I'll add that it's basically like someone typed this up in word and the had it printed on 8x11 printer paper. But hey it's a book.

>> No.17570905

get some pussy ffs

>> No.17570948

Pro-tip, when the ISBN has a block of 6 or 7 continuous numbers in the middle like that, it's usually self-published. OTOH, big publishing companies will usually have a short number in the third block, and a big number in the fourth block. So your hypothesis is very likely.

>> No.17570956
File: 2.74 MB, 3840x2160, P00701-143054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the CEO of based

>> No.17570985
File: 523 KB, 1280x695, 20210212_215354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookshelf plus 2 stacks


>> No.17570996
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>> No.17571007
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>> No.17571014
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>> No.17571021
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>> No.17571030
File: 872 KB, 2361x3810, 20210217_143525-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stack 1/2

>> No.17571031

The Slynx was weird, same with OMon Ra, just the continuous unraveling of the space program.

>> No.17571037

The publishing house seems to be legitimate and predates 4chan. They're just an extremely small press.

>> No.17571043
File: 1.06 MB, 2138x4061, 20210217_144456-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stack 2/2

>> No.17571097
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>> No.17571194

r o o d i t

>> No.17571244

You like to be bullied

>> No.17571541

this can't be real

>> No.17571554

¿A qué te dedicas?

>> No.17571797

¿Qué onda esas ediciones de Octaedro? ¿Zafan o es guita tirada al pedo? Quiero comprar algunas por mercadolibre pero tengo miedo de que tengan muchos errores ortográficos o de edición

>Manual de Zonceras Argentinas
Based Jauretche reader

>> No.17571849

Literature profesor
They are good, the only thing is the letters are for ants (which is not a problem for me), octaedro translations are good (anagrama bootleg).

>> No.17571857

Even anagrama has grammar or translation errors.

>> No.17571967

ya veo

>> No.17572021

>They are good
¿Pero nunca te paso de encontrarte con páginas en blanco o errores de edición groseros (muchas faltas ortográficas, líneas de texto faltantes, líneas de diálogo en un mismo renglón, etc.)? Te preguntaba porque leí por ahí algunas de esas opiniones y por eso dudaba en comprarlas. Comprendo que sean piratas y más no se puede pedir. Gracias por el dato, lo voy a tener en cuenta

>> No.17572054

Fuck lol. I have posted the image a couple times because I've been considering buying it (it's not cheap no matter where you look). The cover looks decent but that is not promising news overall

>> No.17572084
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fun

>> No.17572462

Never happened on my octaedro books, or with any of my books.

>> No.17572792
File: 188 KB, 590x469, 1602553448245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JK Haru is a sex worker in another world

>> No.17572986

You know what would be even more fun? If you learned how to phonepost.

>> No.17573329

more pics of catholic books?

>> No.17573443

that top shelf is based beyond belief. good stuff anon. I can tell you're majoring in philosophy

>> No.17573460

findest du nicht auch dass deutsche buchcover verdammt hässlich sind?

>> No.17573573

jeez how much did all that cost you?

>> No.17573602
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>> No.17573781
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>> No.17573802

Have you ever watched se7en?