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17555153 No.17555153 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.17555173
File: 37 KB, 396x400, 8169E847-2204-40D9-8018-E9DE616C5156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If existence is so futile why hasn’t this guy and ligotti killed themselves then? Mainlander killed himself.

>> No.17555182

>life is terrible misery and absolutely not worth it
>but I'll live out my life anyhow and let death come when it may, not when I choose
Pathetic desu

>> No.17555207

No because Existence is inevitable. There is no such thing as nothing. Being is all there is, deal with it. One cannot leave nothing and enter being, as that would already require existence. There is literally only this and nothing else.

>> No.17555272
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>> No.17555385

let us suppose that he is and that everyone who approaches his ideas honestly would be able to tell.
Doubtlessly then embracing antinatalism as a civilization would improve the lot of every mortal for the short time it would last and nobody would be born to suffer into this hell, and that would undeniably be good.
Let us suppose now that he was never born to write this book.
Doubtlessly that would be an evil unimaginable for then for at least another generation (assuming that someone with his same ideas would be born later, which is on itself an assumption) would be born to suffer into this hell.
Since then the birth of at least one human then could have prevented a billion to suffer, we see that he can't be right.

>> No.17556390

No but you will encounter beta males on this sub that gobble this shit up like there is no tomorrow. Its because they are weak faggots and to feel this existential dread and depression and weakness tickles them because it justifies their suffering. If all of this shit were true, if it really were better to have never been, then maybe just maybe their isn't something wrong with me...maybe their is something wrong with the world itself and I really have no responsibility at all. Maybe just maybe I want to watch it burn because my advances have been shot down so quickly that I've become dreadfully disillusioned and bitter. For it is better to watch everyone suffer for the pain I've been dealt as a beta male faggot...a weak worthless fucking faggot.

To all you beta males reading this shit you know it's true. Deep down you know accepting antinatalism is just a cope...it's your own special cope and if you had any ounce of courage you would kill yourself. All the heroic and courageous men would have died in war in the past. Now we have beta males self selecting out.

>> No.17556447

Stop making this shitty thread, the answer is still no

>> No.17557097

Antinatalism is nothing more than pathetic virtue signaling towards non existent beings. Lmao

>> No.17558399
File: 565 KB, 766x729, final frontier of space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he is, space colonization is one of the greatest evils imaginable.


>> No.17558493

>Is he right?
About the world being full of suffering? Yes, that is a feature of an entropic reality. However, he is fundamentally wrong about our 'predicament' and a solution to it ie voluntary extinction.

>> No.17558592

He addresses this exact point you brainlet. Suicide is morally bad due to the suffering it imposes on people close to you. but if you happen to be a familyless friendless NEET then it could be in theory justified.

>> No.17558624

Why is being, tho?

>> No.17558646
File: 7 KB, 250x185, 823E8778-5653-4FBB-87A6-2532149247F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do anti-natalists point to poverty as if it proves life is just suffering? Do you seriously think poor people just sit around being miserable all day?

>> No.17558703
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I think eugenics is superior to antinatalism. All of us depressed losers shouldn't have been born. The world should just be populated with confident, striving people like everyone in this thread.

>> No.17558727

I think that's a pretty retarded reason desu. I don't even think that's the reason he didn't kill himself, because of other people? Please. It's his life. Suicide is disgusting. And it's fucking scary. Nobody chose to be born, but that doesn't mean suicide is what you desire. Typically people only kill themselves if they are in intense pain. But if OTHER PEOPLE are the only thing stopping that dude from suicide, he's only hanging on by a string jesus christ.

>> No.17558743

Lol! Depression isn't genetic you fucking dumb retard. You are most likely depressed due to your environment, including your upbringing. Eugenics won't solve depression. Why do you think suddenly depression and the suicide rate is spiking? Because genes are suddenly rapidly changing? Don't be stupid anon. It's the environment we have created.

>> No.17558749

Every time I visit this fucking board you’re discussing this shitty death cult manifesto by a literally who recluse African
Go outside and touch grass, or at least read something decent

>> No.17558774

>Go outside and touch grass
Yeah, just dig through a meter and a half of snow.

>> No.17558779

Environment and upbringing is important, yes, but all that goes back to the parents. If I weren't born from 90 and 100 IQ gen x stoner losers I have a feeling I wouldn't be a 100 IQ loser who thinks about offing myself daily. Also if said parents were higher IQ and not losers they would have provided a better environment and upbringing. The apple never falls far from the tree.

>> No.17558852

It has nothing to do with IQ. If anything people with higher IQ are more fucked, look at how many higher IQ people are ill. You are trying to argue that being average intelligence leads to depression. This is obviously not true because look at all the average IQ people who are perfectly happen. IF you are depressed it is because your parents are depressed, not because you have average intelligence. But get the fuck out of there, maybe you can still be saved.

>> No.17558863

life is so bad it isnt worth living buy my book and give me your material wealth.


>> No.17558945

A good antinatalist is a dead antinatalist.

>> No.17559391

AND, for the umpteemotbtime, you havent answered to this argument.
I declare you defeated and everyone that ever answers again to your threads a pseud.

>> No.17559397

>Lol! Depression isn't genetic you fucking dumb retard
it absolutely is you retard of retards

>> No.17559476

Looks fucking gay and stupid, pass.

>> No.17559506

anti-natalists are annoying but anti-anti-natalists are also very annoying we get it you hate anti-natalists

>> No.17559510


His argument is literally perennial.

>> No.17559516

>implying genetics is a science instead of a cope
>implying we can even begin to "improve" on human stock

>> No.17559522

I gave you one night you have already been defeated.

>> No.17559600

anti-anti-natalists aren't the ones making the same shitty thread pushing their ideology every day, I think i've seen that book cover 20 times by now in the catalog.

>> No.17559606


>> No.17559617

they also can't refute the easiest sillogism

>> No.17561004

He's arguing purely from a moral standpoint. Death inflicts suffering on loved ones, and one should strive to minimize this suffering.

>> No.17561588

For some people, then yes, hes right about. But for other people, no, he's wrong. You can prove him wrong if you know about probability, but I doubt that /lit/ has the mental capacity for that.

>> No.17561748

Any anti-natalist got a rebuttal?

>> No.17561932

His conclusion is wrong but his premise is 100% correct. Humans suffer excessively, and this suffering outways the benefits. Consider the life of a slave being raped and killed, of a starving hunter watching his daughters starve, of a lonely man living in a miserable state of neurosis and unable to connect with anyone.

Instead of wishing for nonexistence, we should be pursuing genetic modifications to reduce the feelings of suffering and the incidents of neurosis. We should be developing drugs that will make us feel fulfilled and happy all the time, irrespective of our circumstances. A brave new world where we will flourish!

Alternatively, life such as AI will eventually become vastly superior to us humans and they won't have to suffer like we have.

>> No.17562021

Kinda. I've always thought it would have been better to never have existed because your existence is either worthless and no loss when it ends or it's pure suffering to know it will end. But then again I have very weak connection to family, friends and community so it's not like I have anything other than myself to care about and live for.

>> No.17562087

Cringe util calculation larp. This ideal future doesn't exist. Humanity is triumph in suffering rather than over.

>> No.17562144

Human progress has been the elimination of suffering. Why do you think we left the jungles? Why do you think we've created these massive structures, society, technologies, mass farming, etc

To eliminate suffering and make life more comfortable.

It's just a matter of time until we are able to hack our brains

>> No.17562169

>Is he right?
Nope and if you stick around on this board for at least a week, you'll see a concise thread about why exactly.

This. Reminds me of a great satirical article headline:
>>> Child almost born into poverty, luckily killed in time

>one should strive to minimize this suffering
Among striving for other things, sure. But Antinatalism entirely hinges on this one striving being ultra-prioritized over any other. Which is disingenuous, since that is not how we operate.