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17554802 No.17554802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The key to a woman's heart is masculinity. Being charismatic is masculine, being confident is masculine, being funny is also masculine but they don't want you to know that(girls aren't funny) having vast amounts of resources is also masculine. Women chase money but they don't want money; They want a masculine man. If you have money but you are a meek cowardly man she is gonna fuck the pool boy. You don't want to use money as a crutch. It will not end well. Instead hide your wealth, take mr wallet out of the picture because mr wallet will attract some nasty bitches.
>They want a masculine man both in and out dude. If chad acted like a fruity womanly faggot women will approach him but they will eject from him once his colors emerge. You greatly underestimate how important psychological masculinity is for women.

>> No.17554813

I've been informed by a reliable authority that women actually just want to have fun

>> No.17554819

None because its true

>> No.17554848

That would be "girls" who just want to have fun. As far as I know the data is inconclusive concerning women, but with some luck, we may draw a similar conclusion.

>> No.17554899

none because it's true

>> No.17554921

Who the fuck cares. If you're over 20 and don't know how to deal with women or have not defined your masculinity, you're defective

Only through personal experience can you understand women and only can you define your masculinity. If you generate masculinity from an external source, you're just playing dress up

>> No.17554976

>psychological masculinity is for women.
so what, ideals and sacrifice>anything else.
women operate for everything else over ideals and sacrifice.

>> No.17554988

Ideals are feminine, practicalities are masculine.

>> No.17555000

what are statues? gods, myths, and art?
practicalities are feminine.

>> No.17555012

Good point but the chisel and hammer are the spear of mars, the stone is the mirror of venus. The male penetrates, the female receives.

>> No.17555019


>> No.17555033

"fun" is a flawed term to describe it because it may lead you to believe it's about cracking jokes every now and then. What women need like oxygen is this constant rollercoaster of emotions. They need you to make them cry, to make them angry, and to make them laugh, while you yourself remain unfazed as if you don't give a fuck. Let them wonder in insecurity what is it that you truly think and feel. As soon as you become predictable they get bored and it's over.

>> No.17555038

you are making fun sound not very fun

>> No.17555059

Not true. Striving for an ideal is inherently masculine. Women act upon transient emotions and whims. Masculinity is about acting based on goals and purpose regardless of emotions, aka self-control.

>> No.17555091

As a man you must learn to have fun being dominant and mean to your woman. I learned this from my grandpa. They've been married for 60 years and his wife adores him.
The goal is to make her adopt the submissive role. They LOVE how that role feels because it's their place in the natural order.
That's what they mean when they say they want a man who "puts them in their place". If you can make a woman feel like a subservient dumb little girl around you she will absolutely LOVE you.

>> No.17555123

Itt: virgins

>> No.17555148

This isn't 2008 anymore faggot.

>> No.17555195

It's not. Striving for an ideal (as noble as it is) is feminine because ideals by their nature are generally unachievable in full, and folly is a woman's work.

>> No.17555237

You are wrong. Admiration is a masculine trait while envy is a feminine trait.
What is feminine folly is to want what you can't have BECAUSE you can't have it, regardless of whether it is good or bad, aka the grass is always greener, aka the spirit of Eve.

>> No.17555277

>a weak nature sets himself a difficult life-project
>a strong nature seeks to develop charm
t. Nietzsche

>> No.17555328

This further complicates our analysis but I have to admit that I absolutely agree.

>> No.17555356

This is some really cringe, low T fap material OP.

>> No.17555363

>the grass is always greener
Is idealism tho

>> No.17555516

Absolutely not. “Perfect Courage” or “Perfect Self-Control” are ideals to strive for. We find these ideals to be good because they abide to reason, aka what we call “morality”. “The grass is always greener” does not follow reason, but passion/emotion. Eve had paradise, but she wanted the fruit just because it’s the one thing she couldn’t have. That’s a completely different phenomenon from striving for an ideal. An ideal is rational, the “logical conclusion” of what is good, while “the grass is always greener” is completely irrational, a whim born from childish capriciousness.

>> No.17555537

Oh god you're retarded.
"perfect courage" does not abide by reason but passion because courage is an emotion you imbecile. You cannot logic yourself into courage if you do not feel courage.
>the grass is always greener
Is an ideal of perfection, you utter mongoloid you.

>> No.17555544

That is an incredibly satisfying webm. I chose not to read your green text and risk ruining the contentedness the video gave me.

>> No.17555552

Not him, but how is courage an "emotion"? It is a pattern of behavior in spite of an emotion...

>> No.17555574

It is a surge of passion that allows you to overcome lesser emotions like fear. It is still an emotion. An inner movement.

>> No.17555596

Is "doubt" also an emotion in your view?

>> No.17555600

Yes. Thought and emotion go hand in hand.

>> No.17555609

Which is to say the thought of doubt produces the feeling of doubt and vice-versa

>> No.17555668

Courage is absolutely not an emotion. It is a word that describes the overcoming of an emotion: fear. In other words, it is a form of self-control. In fact, masculinity itself is about self-control, aka about dominating emotion/passion and subjugating it to reason.
Reason is masculine, passion is feminine. The masculine reason must dominate the feminine passion.

>> No.17555719
File: 126 KB, 1152x648, Kathandkim-showtile.png.2017-12-18T16_30_19+13_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women aren't funny
Explain this, then.
Lesbians are still women btw

>> No.17555752

>courage is an emotion
Is willing an emotion? Why does courage necessitate a feeling or value?

>the grass is always greener
>Is an ideal of perfection
No, it's based in perspective. You only believe others are better because you are unable to perceive where they are wanting.

>> No.17555770
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How to get TERF gf?

>> No.17555778

>feeling of doubt
I think you are only using the word "feeling" to describe qualia or something which affects the mind. This isn't wrong but it is definitely not in line with your intended use of the word.

>> No.17555833

>It is a surge of passion
You don’t understand what courage is at all.

>> No.17556002

Disagree. Integrity and admiration are feminine virtues, in that their experience is self-contained and loved for it's own sake. Purpose, courage, and justice are the masculine ideals, I believe.

>> No.17556077

>. If you're over 20 and don't know how to deal with women or have not defined your masculinity,
I'm 23, how do you do this if you have autism (asd level 1) and an anxiety disorder?

>> No.17556099

I learned how to deal with women by reading romance novels. Try some Tolstoy. Get cheesy if you have to -- try some Radcliffe on for size.

>> No.17556172

Ok, what you say makes sense if you think about it abstractly. In practice, however, men respect and admire their betters, while women spitefully resent them. I wouldn’t call the respect and admiration of a man who has proven his bravery to be “feminine” at all.

>> No.17556338

i love this webm

>> No.17556434

I don't think virtues us particularly common in either sex, and I also think they're a unity, so a woman can have no virtues, but the ideal woman has them all, and the same is true for men. But some virtues are more particular to each. For instance, a man with no ambition but rigidly in his integrity isn't a hero, but he might be a good squire in a story, or a reliable employee in real life. A pirate might still make a great hero, despite questionable morals.

Same goes for women. Jane Eyre wouldn't be much as a hero, but her integrity makes her a great heroine. Cleopatra could've been a great hero, but doesn't work as a heroine because she's too masculine.

>> No.17556456


>> No.17556464

Courage is an emotion. It is a feeling of fortitude in the face of danger and doubt.

>Is willing an emotion
It is an act, a movement. If you will something externally it is an action, if you will it internally it is an emotion.
>Why does courage necessitate a feeling or value
Are you serious? How will you know yourself to be courageous if you don't feel your fear ebbing away? How can you be at all courageous if you don't have something you value enough to be courageous for it? Death of fear is as much a feeling one can experience as growth of fear.

>No, it's based in perspective. You only believe others are better because you are unable to perceive where they are wanting
That's just a strawman. To believe that the grass is greener on the other side is an ideal that things could always be better. Sure, it may be due to folly, but it is an ideal nonetheless.

Enlighten me then.

>> No.17556501

What some of you seem to genuinely lack in understanding is the interconnected nature of male and female. The artist's pillar is a male body with a female head, the scholar's pillar is the inverse.

>> No.17556519

Cant disprove facts

>> No.17556635

Such women are probably deeply uncomfortable around men. They need reassurance and to not be treated like they're just a sex object in the eyes of their (potential) lovers. You need to show her you appreciate her for who she is on the inside, and that you are willing to put in just as much effort into making the relationship work as she does---not freeloading off her generosity.

>> No.17556645
File: 1.58 MB, 338x480, 1613337831030.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17556647

>how do you do this if you have autism (asd level 1) and an anxiety disorder?
You need a wingman to keep you feeling secure and motivated and focused. You're going to have a very tough time trying to navigate romance on your own without a buddy there to support you.

>> No.17556657

>Courage is an emotion. It is a feeling of fortitude in the face of danger and doubt.
Fortitude is not a feeling either, it is a word that describes resilience in the face of adversity. You don't "feel" fortitude. You feel fear and pain. Enduring those is *defined* as "fortitude".
>Enlighten me then.
Courage is similar. You don't feel courage. You feel fear. To act IN SPITE of that fear is defined as courage. That's what makes it courage in the first place.

>> No.17556666

>The artist's pillar is a male body with a female head, the scholar's pillar is the inverse.
Wow, I don't understand this at all. That's rare.

>> No.17556686

Kabbalah stuff Satan

>> No.17556705

Which makes this thread even sadder.

>> No.17556710

and how is all this /lit/ you moron?

>> No.17556729

Books for this feel?

>> No.17556736

>enduring those is defined as fortitude
To feel fear and not let it affect you is still feeling. The difference is only that you disconnect your thoughts and actions from that feeling of fear. That disconnect is the feeling of courage because now you're letting your desire to persevere and overcome affect your thinking. Desire is also a feeling.

>> No.17556740
File: 33 KB, 680x455, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also btw guys, you really dont want the sauce on this. Op just took the quote and webm from a thread on /fit/, coomers on that board figured out the sauce real fast and its really disturbing. Not memeing, the video takes a hard turn into some serious bdsm shit.

>> No.17556782

>To feel fear and not let it affect you is still feeling.
No it is not.
>Desire is also a feeling.
No. Will =! Emotion.

>> No.17556792

I don't believe you. That girl is too cute for porn.

>> No.17556817

Not that guy but the same issues and 4 years older. All my homies are autistic men or libtard women. What hope do i have of losing my virginity before i hit 30?

>> No.17556819

>no it is not
Yes it is because you're still feeling the fear, you're simply not letting it control you.
>Will =! Emotion
I didn't say it was. Desire isn't equal to will either. Will supersedes emotion obviously, as it is that which, in tandem with awareness, brings about both emotion and reason.

>> No.17556928

>What hope do i have of losing my virginity before i hit 30?
Considering you're friends with liberal women and haven't tried to have sex with them, you will probably never feel comfortable around women and consequently likely must pay for every sexual interaction which removes the burden of initiation from you.

>> No.17556944

>Yes it is because you're still feeling the fear, you're simply not letting it control you.
Exactly. Not letting yourself be controlled by the emotion of fear is the definition of courage. That is not an emotion, it is the overcoming of an emotion through willpower. Willpower is not an emotion.
To do what you don't feel like doing but you know is good, and do avoid doing what you feel like doing but you know is bad is what is generally defined as self-control. Like I said before, courage is a form self-control. You don't act courageously because you feel like it. The brave man feels like avoiding the situation, but he confronts it anyways because he knows it is for the good.

>> No.17557014

Look at her face in the thumbnails where it isn't blurred, same girl. Let this be a lesson to you. It doesn't matter how sweet or kind a girl seems, deep down they're all whores into fucked up shit. The ideal of a kind caring girl is something men project onto them, its pure fantasy.

>> No.17557086

Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.17557857

Know what anon? You’ve convinced me. That’s a great point and it made me think.

>> No.17557971

speak for yourself jew

>> No.17558940


>> No.17558948

Masculinity is everything that makes a woman feel more feminine and vice versa. It‘s that delicious experience of difference that is the seed of all sexual tension.

>> No.17558966

The better question is why you should care about women in the abstract. The only valuable thing a woman can do for you is be faithful and good, bear your kids, raise them well, and keep the home. Everything else, which unfortunately encompasses our whole sex and dating culture, is pointless nonsense. You might as well just do whatever you want. The standard for masculinity you're seeking is bereft of meaning outside of a eugenic context. It's mental masturbation. It's consumerism. You might as well get buy a Nintendo. You might as well masturbate on sleeping women in the train. You might as well get raped.

>> No.17558973

You‘ll never be whole.

>> No.17558981

Touch all niiight
Out of this wooorld

>> No.17558999

At least mention a book or link OP. No one cares if courage and ideals are masculine or feminine or both or neither.

>> No.17559043

I hate that gif

>> No.17559048

You might as well be a porn addict. You might as well be Harvey Weinstein. You might as well collect stamps. You might as well spend all your money on OnlyFans or at strip clubs. You might as well be Dan Bilzerian. You might as well gain 200 kilograms. You might as well be a transexual. You might as well fuck 1000 women regardless of their characteristics. Any such outcome could be equally masculine under the confused definition you're grasping for so desperately. Instead of trying to figure out what's masculine a better line of inquiry would be trying to figure out why the definition of such a fundamental thing is so elusive to you.

>> No.17559352

You're correct. Now there are significantly more virgins here than there were in 2008.

>> No.17559383


>> No.17559413

This post is cope. You're not masculine faggot.

>> No.17559426

Men believing women need them is also a pure male fantasy. They can't bear with the idea that they aren't actually needed and they're waste on the environment, so they make up shit about females and cripple them.