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17554179 No.17554179 [Reply] [Original]

I want to fap but porn is bad and evil and makes the head sick. Please recommend books to make my pp hard.

>> No.17554194


>> No.17554201

Just don't fap bro

>> No.17554296

gravity's rainbow

>> No.17554301

Cause i want it. Please?
1 and 1/2 week nofap already. Shit's insufferable.

>> No.17554310

I'm not gay, pal. But thanks.

>> No.17554327

1982, Janine

>> No.17554339

I guarantee you'll regret it the instant you nut

>> No.17554370

Post-nut depression can reach me even if i use literature instead of porn?
This shit is just fucked up.

>> No.17554420

How did NoFap manage to demonize the act of masturbation along with porn, as if they can’t be exclusive? Are you unable to get aroused from your imagination or the cardio bunny who jogs down the street in volleyball shorts that expose her asshole? I just busted a fat nut thinking about the sweaty Asian girl in my workout video, and I feel so much better than if I’d suppressed my natural urges to get a gold star in my Jewish abstinence program.

>> No.17554447

Porn can fuck the brain so much that the user reaches a point where he cannot use just his imagination to fap anymore, because it just isn't enough.
It may not have happened to you, but it happens.

>> No.17554472
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I don't know any books fren, but I can recommend a few sites.

After watching porn and reading erotica, I can honestly conclude that erotica is better psychologically and physically (arguably hentai may fit too, anything is better than modern day porn).

I can recommend some authors from Literotica;

And from mcstories:
Trilby Else
(and check forums for best per year, recommendations)

Take the reading pill anon, if you give it an honest chance you can still feel good without being crushed by porn.

Godspeed and good luck. Stay healthy buddy.

>> No.17554485

Take a cold shower

>> No.17554507

Use your imagination, and do it in the shower with hot water. You have to train yourself to fapping with minimal stimulation.

>> No.17554522
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Here, I have some more authors from Literotica. My likes center around Mind Control and Monster Girls.
Bobsamede, specifically Garden of Hellish delights series
Kingmaker711 has some good ones
Jayaurysmut, too.

I highly recommend Tabico and Trilby else, they have longer stories (trilby especially), which you may like since they put effort into creating a world, not just sex

>> No.17554545

Finally, a man of culture who knows what he's talking about.
Thanks, friend!
But hentai is bad for the brain too. Its fucking sick and may be even worse than vanilla porn.

>> No.17554565
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i know a lot of men who watch porn, mastrubate, indulge in extreme pleasures and still are able to be regular humans; having relationships affairs etc.
and guess what
people, especially women, prefer them to shy prudes, who need 6 months of sexual restrain to accumulate libido just to look them in the eyes.
young, healthy, fertile women hate prudes. they like charismatic guys.

OP - it doesnt matter if you fap or not. really, no one will take you accountable fo it. if you ever get a gf, which is doubtful, because i assume you dont have any, she wont care if you fapped once a week or 3 times a day, if you are able to dick her good. just do it.

>> No.17554586

Erotica can be just as bad as porn. Have you guys read fanfiction? Teenage girls are animals.

>> No.17554587

its more about underage girls

>> No.17554606

Philosophy in the Bedroom by Sade. It's drastically more graphic (sexy) than any porn. A young girl is made so depraved she rapes her own mother anally. The 18th century was kinky as fuck

>> No.17554613

I never got this. I jack off, get my pleasure, and move on. Why do most other guys seem to have this period of guilt/shame after doing so?

>> No.17554623

they perceive it as an inferior sublimation of their sex drive which they'd prefer to channel into a woman, sort of like how if you ate a bunch of cookies and then werent hungry for dinner

>> No.17554665

>i know a lot of men who watch porn, mastrubate, indulge in extreme pleasures and still are able to be regular humans; having relationships affairs etc
And what? I am not any of them. I am me, and thats the only person i can be.
Some men will get laid, learn things, make friends, all this without any effort. Not me. Some men, like me, need constant grinding just to go through the most basic things in life.
You can jerk off 4 times a day, smoke a kilo of weed, eat 6 BigMacs and still have a complete and fulfilling life? Good, enjoy it. Not everybody is like this.

>> No.17554685

this is cope

>> No.17554723

Seems pretty interesting. What about the other books written by him? Are they any good?

>> No.17554749

Naked Lunch

>> No.17554752


>> No.17554753
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For me it's a few specific literotica stories including
>Mean girls rule! by wifeowner
>Funwithcyndi (not sure who buy, just look it up)
and Asstr's Kristen archives Just Nonconsent, Just Mind Control, Just Bondage, and Just Putrid stories.
They straight up don't make porn of the stuff I like to jerk off to (murder, necro, kidnap/rape, brainwashing through torture, etc) so I have a sort of mental catalogue of online literature I can return to.
Obviousle de Sade is my guy though and if you find your sexual proclivities also transcend bourgeois morality, I highly recommend checking him out.

>> No.17554765

>Asstr's Kristen archives
That's a twisted place desu, I remember some of those works and not in a good way

>> No.17554772

They're all that fucked up. Can't say much more past that. You may as well start with his most well known I guess. Justine I think its called

>> No.17554780

>Some men will get laid, learn things, make friends, all this without any effort. Not me
do you see the problem?

>> No.17554796

Well it's either that or uncensored accounts of the junko furuta or sylvia likens incidents, and I feel it's much more karmically acceptable to jerk it to fiction if this is the subject matter.
Anyway it's all better than video porn.

>> No.17554998
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>porn is bad and evil and makes the head sick

>> No.17555025

Although not as bad as video porn, written porn is bad for you, anon. Quit entirely.

>> No.17555055

dont fap

>> No.17555073

It's bizarre to me how much puritan sentiment there is revolving around porn.

>> No.17555178

Read Kant, you fucking midwits. Masturbation is immoral self-indulgence that desensitizes you to true joy.

>> No.17555190

Because it fries their receptors and leaves them depressed and anxious. Masturbation is different for lots of people

>> No.17555198

I agree with you

>> No.17555226

You ever consider that the amount of masturbation people do nowadays isn’t the same as before? Nofap was always against masturbation. I don’t understand how anyone can see the act of masturbation as “natural”

Abstaining from masturbation is like fasting, it’s not for everyone

>> No.17555246
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seems like you wank a lot then

>> No.17555260

I sincerely hope you replied the moment you saw my post because if it took you 10 minutes to come up with that then I'd suggest you take a break from porn.

>> No.17555265
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>> No.17555266

porn abstinence will revert that effect though. I guess most people just see their porn addiction and their masturbation addiction as one thing.

>> No.17555436

As long as whatever you fap to doesn't have men or dicks in it, you'll be fine.

>> No.17555589

I fapped thrice day before yesterday
Twice yesterday
Now I fapped once today
It wasn't satisfying and I have tasteless taste in my mouth
Does this happen with over ejaculation? My jizz was watery too

>> No.17555650
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damn, shes very young, but her breasts are going to look disgusting very soon

>> No.17555662
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how old are you? just curious. im 26 yo and i hardly ever fap more than twice a day anymore. currently at 2-4 times a week

>> No.17555674


>> No.17555694

explains it... however, even as a teenager myself, i didnt fap more than thrice in a single day. but still - usually fapped around 10 times a week.
carry on, sport, till you have energy. you will notice sharp decline when around 23 yo
just supplement zinc. ive heard you depelte it heavily when fapping multiple times a day.

>> No.17555790
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>tfw 26 and still have the urge to coom every day

>> No.17555923

>implying it is a bad thing
Stop being dumb, anon. You should be using this energy to get chicks or conquer the world. Half of the old men out there wish they still had the same energy they used to had as teenagers.

>> No.17556059


>> No.17556070

>the jews want me to renounce my biological programming bro
what a fucking retard lol

>> No.17556080

>stop being stupid bro, give into the same eternal coom hunger that has decrepit geriatrics wishing they had bbcs
god what a degenerate fucking country america is.

>> No.17556104

uh yeah i dunno if you just hang out F5ing in threads but i certainly dont, im a busy guy. i might next reply to you in 8 hours, or tomorrow

>> No.17556241
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>amerilard """culture""" is literally regressing back to the middle ages
>I get to witness it from a safe distance and with popcorn at the ready
Many of you will die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

>> No.17556275

who couldve guessed Cum Genius wants to retain his Cum

>> No.17556290

>jacking off is progressive
kek, eat shit retard

>> No.17556315

If he says he does not want to spend his time compulsively masturbating why is that a problem to you? Why do you feel the need to write a longwinded story about your 'charismatic' and enthusiastic masturbator friends on an internet imageboard?

>> No.17556323

>"masturbation is incredibly important to me"
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.17556360
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>amerilards losing their reading comprehension with every second
I wonder if you'll eventually give up on writing entirely to escape wrongthink.

>> No.17556386

You won’t be infiltrating my breeding stock anytime soon, rabbi.

>> No.17556609

I just angry afterwards.

>> No.17556641

be fruitful and multiply like a good little jew, faggot

>> No.17556672

It's incredibly annoying. NoFap has even permeated into anti-porn discourses and now you have men disliking porn for all the wrong reasons. It's incredibly hard to have discussions about porn that aren't based on prudeness or on stupid NoFap shit.

See here >>17555073 for an example.

>> No.17556688

Nofap was always against masturbation before it was hijacked by you compromising avnsnistis

>> No.17556707

I can understand that. But then you get people saying they dislike porn because it makes them fap and not because it's a medium that enables exploitation and mysoginy. And it's kinda sad.

>> No.17556726

I agree

>> No.17556743

I am sympathetic to your point, but 99% of the NoFap has no regard for the misogynistic impact of porn. They are in it to get a gf, nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.17556751
File: 40 KB, 274x475, 6995002C-0C63-464F-84B7-71A3896CD63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there’s a 69 scene that I unironically fapped to mid reading
help bros

>> No.17556781

Be careful who you’re callin a kike, bub. I know things that would make your little pea brain pop like your mom’s cherry.

>> No.17556893

Did feminists ever come to a consensus on whether porn is misogynistic or empowering?

>> No.17556925

yes: both at the same time

>> No.17556939
File: 368 KB, 648x942, 7664033E-D984-43F3-9002-4C7ED827C307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Women hate their SO watching porn. Yet they support it as one of the theaters one can see the movie called “Sexual Liberation”.

>> No.17556942

I haven't been up to date with feminists essays on the topic but what this guy >>17556925 says is unironically true.

>> No.17557675

>Charismatic virgins do not exist

False dichotomy

>> No.17557694

Is it bad that I got hard on its first chapter? I'm already suffering from a lot, I don't want to identify as a pedo now; Am I a pedo?

>> No.17557702

sexuality is not a character sheet item that you can replace by reading a book.

>> No.17557708
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A good book is like a good ass. Spread open the cheeks and go to town.

>> No.17557880

You're still engaging in the same mental process as you would when you watch porn by doing that. You take the other person's 'supra-ego' or whatever you call it, (the 'you' that you present to the world) which is still a part of them, and you internally use it as an object purely for sex. Your intentions that you lay onto this internal projection are the same that you exercise during watching porn. You choose actively to disengage from the physical person and their own sexuality, and instead take a part of them, keep them in your head, and fantasize about them in your own space time, playing with them as you wish. With porn, you have their 'consent' to do so, but depending how you look at the male sex drive that may not be a good thing or not, it might be a sign of emasculation. If this is how to you treat the opposite sex in your head, what will happen when you actually meet a girl you like, maybe even love? What would you think of them if they constantly performed this sexualisation of other men in their head? What you really want to do is separate yourself from your own illusions about the object of a woman and actually engage with a real biological female as both a woman and a person, and then have sex with them as a person, not as an object of sex.

>> No.17557895

Jewish psyop. NoFap eventually kills your penis because of the lack of use (no, nofappers are not getting laid). Meaning less white babies.

>> No.17557900

There is no way you would ever healthily and confidently watch porn in public the same way you would have sex in a forest or something.

>> No.17557909

i dont understand the comparison you're trying to make. i also wouldnt have sex in public, nor would i jack off in a forest.

>> No.17557929

Having sex in a forest is nowhere near as pathetic and lonely as going into the forest by yourself and jacking off or going into the forest by yourself and watching porn and jacking off.

>> No.17558015

it just doesnt make any sense to me to do any of this stuff in a forest or in public

>> No.17558058

>NoFap eventually kills your penis because of the lack of use
(not true, by the way)

>> No.17558072
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>> No.17558674

It's hypothetical. Getting caught having sex in a forest might be slightly inappropriate, I'm sure most would brush it off, tell you to be more careful, or even watch with curiosity, but being caught alone masturbating to the two having sex is pathetic and most would find you at least slightly disgusting for the remainder of their time knowing you. It doesn't matter if you are alone in your room, you're still doing the same thing. Anyway, many people I know have had sex in a forest, or at least in a public area, though obviously not with others around.

>> No.17558681

This is the only right answer.

>> No.17559119

Retard alert

>> No.17559171

Just masturbate.

>> No.17559916

This is the only solution
I've done nofap way back to see the fuss about it,did it a few months and the first few weeks are IMPOSSIBLE without cold water

Pro tip do nofap in spring or summer not winter or autumn