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17554024 No.17554024 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about the obesity epidemic in industrialized nations?

>> No.17554042

"Fat" isn't an epidemic, bigot.

>> No.17554052


>> No.17554067

probably Fast Food Nation
covers more than just obesity

>> No.17554072 [DELETED] 

Increase in the availability of meat and junk food+super sized portions+sedentary population.

>> No.17554093
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Very un/fa/ of you to say.

>> No.17554113

Increase in the availability of meat and junk food+people eating less of the things they are supposed to eat i.e. whole grains, legumes, veggies, fruits+super sized portions+sedentary population.

>> No.17554172

>the struggle is real
Always sends my sides straight to the orbit
>march continues
Good for them

>> No.17554239

I've clearly been on here too long, but isn't this the goblin who spazzed out at a Q&A or whatever of some conservative speaker giving a speech at a college? Wait found it. Still can't tell if it's her or not. After a certain size fat people all start to look the same.


>> No.17554273

cope, lardass

>> No.17554347

They should march more, the problem would fix itself.

>> No.17554487

>We're not meant to eat meat
>We're meant to eat grains
OP, here's your answer. Complete ignorance regarding nutrition.

>> No.17554510

Not sure any books but I think it's a combination of corn/soi subsidies and sedentary lifestyle/working conditions.

>> No.17554526

obese countries eat gargantuan portions of meat and neglect whole grains. healthy countries eat their whole grains and small portions of meat. get the fuck out with your meme diets. people that promote keto, carnivore, atkins, etc need to be shot up against the wall for doing the bidding of big food and spreading misinformation which is killing people.

>> No.17554532

T-this is your cause? Fighting Big Food?
>*big food*

>> No.17554538

t. useful idiot

>> No.17554550
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>> No.17554551

I don't do any of those diets but whatever.
>Big Food
Is a hilarious term

>> No.17554577

It's a moral problem.

>> No.17554709

Being obese is analogous to contracting HIV. Not only are the symptoms sets laughably similar, but their contraction also opens to floodgates to the potentiality of contracting something far more dangerous: heart disease, diabetes, etc...

Mentally, moreover, it is a disease of the highest order: a manifestation of greed. I concede that one can still be physically able whilst overweight/obese as some of the strongest people I know are bloatlords; however, you shouldn't ignore the omnipresent spectre of gluttony that looms over all animals, waiting for a moment of weakness. For sugar and eating play with the same forces as sex and cumming; that is, the body is constructed to not be satiated until it reaches a physical limit---a limit nigh unreachable in the state of nature---and the mind is weak.

Should the affliction of obesity be contained to the self, it would be no less vile. Indeed, I don't even consider fat visually repulsive and I care about seeing an obese person as much as I care about seeing an obese dog. No, what disgusts me is the pervasiveness in sugar in food (which is functionally equivalent to tobacco), the incessant marketing of candies and fast food, the fact that alone of bread in America has an ingredients list longer than my uni thesis, and the fact that our medical/pharmaceutical companies make MORE money off of you by keeping you obese and siphoning your income.

I wonder: is the reality of being turned into human cattle ever recognized by the fat community? Do those that smile and laugh as they crush scales to combat the diet industry ever recognize that, upon the horizon, a vulture follows close behind: a vulture more predatory and exploiting than they can possibly imagine just waiting to feast on the carcass of that which they're so flippantly destroying?

>> No.17555608

Why is that hambeast's lumpy, misshapen ass in front? This image has permanently compromised the quality of my sleep.

>> No.17555675

You are wrong. Keto isn't very healthy in the long run, but it makes you lose weight fast.
The main problem is that people consume far too many simple carbs from sugars and bread. They also put corn syrup in everything because it's cheap.

>> No.17555707

It's called a FUPA. Don't look it up.

>> No.17555713

joke: FUPA
woke: front butt

>> No.17555759
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I don't understand what's so hard about counting calories and adjusting your diet accordingly. Seems to me that calories in vs calories out should be pretty simple to figure out, right? Especially because calorie counts on menus are a lot more common than they used to be.

>> No.17555802

yeah i said that in my first post. junk food. but that is only half of it. there is also the meat. westerners eat garganuan portions of meat and it is awful for them. some asian countries have been eating more meat lately also and it has been taking a toll on their health as well. you should mainly be eating whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

>> No.17555839

no vegan take your iron supplements

>> No.17555864

Found the fatso.

>> No.17555866

Grain in diet is unnatural and does not exist in nature (same for any plant based diet). Eat raw meat and fat.

>> No.17555870
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>> No.17555964
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Fuck off farmer

>> No.17556117

But. But... muh starvation mode.....

>> No.17556144 [DELETED] 

Grain has been a staple of the human diet since all of civilization. Meat used to be a luxury and for royalty. Not surprising that people of royalty were usually fat fucks. Today people are pigging out on the diets of the kings and queens and are becoming fat fucks like them.

>> No.17556148

can you lefty baiting faggots fuck off

>> No.17556158

Grain has been a staple of the human diet since all of civilization. Meat used to be a luxury and for royalty. Not surprising that people of royalty were usually fat fucks. Today people are pigging out on the meat heavy diets of the kings and queens and are becoming fat fucks like them.

>> No.17556167

The introduction of grain maps directly onto numerous measurable declines in human health including height, health of teeth, robustness of skeletal frames among others. The idea that only kings could afford meat is an infantile myth and misrepresentation of history either way.

>> No.17556173

Meat doesn't make you fat.

>> No.17556191

you do know indo-europeans were farmers, right?

>> No.17556197

The introduction of grains maps directly to the creation of civilization and people living onto 80. If you want to live in the woods and only eat meat through hunting go ahead have fun dying at 40 and having heart problems just don't be a retard here with your pseudoscience and your pseudohistory.

>> No.17556258


>> No.17556266

This Anon is mostly correct. The ideal human diet includes less meat and more plants (note that this is not an absence of meat, simply moderation.) The only reason grains are so demonized is because obesity destroys the body's insulin sensitivity, causing it to use blood glucose (from carbohydrates) ineffectively.

>> No.17556269

Not going to engage with someone so dishonest and emotional. For any anons lurking this thread and wondering which one of us is right- not a single modern anthropological study supports the idea that grains were something that increased human health, and in fact almost none would argue heavily centralized agriculture in Palace Economies did either. We very clearly traded food security in exchange for the benefits of living a more pastoral or hunter lifestyle- fear of death will do that to you. The idea that meat- free range organ meat that our ancestors would have been eating- causes heart problems or obesity is of course preposterous. Obesity is caused by a million factors of modern living, not the least of which are sedentary lifestyles and the proliferation of high fructose corn syrup, processed grains and horrible vegetable oils & PUFAs.I encourage you to look it up for yourselves.

>> No.17556298

I understand not wanting to count calories. It can be confusing for normies; additionally, it takes some effort if one makes meals with many ingredients. However, it is relatively simple to moderate portions, and consume foods that are higher in calories and sugar less frequently.

>> No.17556301

Mostly correct. The only thing you're missing is the absolutely appalling amount of processed bullshit, pesticides, etc. that gets forced down the average North American's throat every day. The effects of hexane-laden oils, onions byproducts, and genetically modified fuckery cannot be overlooked.

>> No.17556385


>> No.17556400

based. wish we could talk this way publicly because i do believe it is.

>> No.17556404

You need help, friend.

>> No.17556415


>> No.17556432

>Anon mentions fried food being bad for you (vegetable oil)
>Mentions organ meat being good for you
>Accuse him of eating fried muscle meat
I swear to Christ people used to put more effort into their bait on /lit/

>> No.17556499

Availability is one thing, the cultural promotion and marketing of supersized portions another. Japan has the lowest obesity rate of any developed country in the world but you could easily get fat on all the food in Japan. It's that its food culture is different. Most of all, its food economy did not, like the American food economy, see the benefit in serving mega-portions of fat and sugar dense foods to breed an underclass of mentally dulled consumer cattle addicted to fired slop.

Biologically the brain's reward centers are susceptible to high calorie foods because in the past you could never know when the next famine would strike. So fast food exploits this vulnerability by offering the most calorie dense foods imaginable to slurp down your gullet with sacrilegious abandon.

If obesity is a sign of personal failing it doesn't make sense why half the people in the developed world are overweight when this was never a problem before unless the marketing and food business world has developed addictive processed foods that inhibit the metabolism and press all the high calorie, high fat, high sodium, high sugar reward buttons.

>> No.17556599
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>> No.17556631

Have sex, incel

>> No.17556821

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17556836

Mostly accurate anon, thanks for the post

>> No.17556989
File: 99 KB, 652x435, 1613438159097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Civilization is a new thing for humanity. You prove my point. Grain was for the slaves and lower classes (still is) while meat was for the ruling nobility (who were higher IQ, more capable, and more cultured). I wonder why this was the case and not the other way around? It's no coincidence a vegan diet and fake meat is being promoted right now.
Every organism who eats meat eats it raw and thrives. The only reason you think it's normal to burn your food before eating it is programming. You would NEVER think to ruin your own food out in the wild (if you think heat is healthy for tissue try burning your own hand and see how your body reacts).

>> No.17557047 [DELETED] 

>still is
Nope. Everyone is eating meat heavy diets and neglecting their whole grains, legumes, veggies, and fruits and that is why they are becoming fat and sick. They are eating the meat heavy diets like royalty used to eat and are becoming fat fucks like them. Great heavy diets resulted in sick people and they didn't have the numerous diseases that we have now (diabetes, heart problems, etc).
>who were
who were fat fucks

It's no coincidence that over the past few decades that meat consumption has sky rocketed at the same time as obesity, diabetes, heart problems, etc. And please a tiny amount of people eat plant based diets in the west today. All the health issues today are the result of meat heavy diets/americanized diets.
Kek humans will get sick eating raw meat. It's funny how Frank Tuffano one of the biggest propagators of this bullshit on youtube got sick from this bullshit and admitted it was bad for you and started eating more plant stuff. Fuck off.

>> No.17557059

>still is
Nope. Everyone is eating meat heavy diets and neglecting their whole grains, legumes, veggies, and fruits and that is why they are becoming fat and sick. They are eating the meat heavy diets like royalty used to eat and are becoming fat fucks like them. Grain heavy diets resulted in slim people that were physically capable and they didn't have the numerous diseases that we have now (diabetes, heart problems, obesity, etc).
>who were
who were fat fucks

It's no coincidence that over the past few decades that meat consumption has sky rocketed at the same time as obesity, diabetes, heart problems, etc. And please a tiny amount of people eat plant based diets in the west today. All the health issues today are the result of meat heavy diets/americanized diets.
Kek humans will get sick eating raw meat. It's funny how Frank Tuffano one of the biggest propagators of this bullshit on youtube got sick from this bullshit and admitted it was bad for you and started eating more plant stuff. Fuck off.

>> No.17557073

let me get a quick rundown on the value of sex. i'm not asking too much. you can explain in moderate detail, preferably.

>> No.17557180

Many potential soap bars itt

>> No.17557215


>> No.17557292
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People eat less meat today. Not more. You are delusional if you can't see the trends. An American diet sucks BECAUSE grains and vegetables are everywhere, along with bad meat that has been cooked to hell. (Fast food burgers: grains, veggies, with a piece of meat cooked in unnatural oils. It must be the meat!!). "A few people" eating plants is so laughable. Restaurants all over are offering fake meat. Veganism is more popular than ever before in human history. Of course people naturally want to eat meat and aren't so brainwashed from their natural instincts.

>You will get sick
Bullshit based on nothing but fear and also provably wrong. There are people eating raw meat every day (as well as, you know, the animal kingdom. If you tried raw from a healthy farm animal (which 99% you never will, thankfully) you would see your body reacts positively instead and is actually incredibly easy to digest. Literally feels like nothing unlike most people who feel fatigued after eating a big meal that "sits" in their stomach.

You'll get sick if the animal is sick (which many animals today are; sourcing is important). I've never watched more than a minute of FT content because I'm not stupid. Watch sv3rige (you probably won't do that either). And I really have to laugh at "YouTube, owned by Google, told me it's bad so it's bad!! And I like it!". You don't realize THEY are the nobility getting the slaves (who have gotten much too free and prosperous) to eat like slaves (that's you) again. It will be harder to eat meat in the future, but the more people there are like you in the world the easier it will be for me and my loved ones to good. I sincerely thank you for eating trash. You are doing people a service whether you realize it or not.

>> No.17557305

>People eat less meat today. Not more
That is so wrong. Not reading the rest of your dishonest bullshit.

>> No.17557307

>Fat fucks
Maybe in the modern period. Royals during the middle ages were a warrior caste.

>> No.17557314

>An American diet sucks BECAUSE grains and vegetables are everywhere

>> No.17557414
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Just need a fat one for FOOPA

>> No.17557439

>An American diet sucks BECAUSE grains and vegetables are everywhere
The fuck am I reading? Burgers eat copious amount of syrup and greasy fried shit. Slobber me with 2 spoons of butter on my triple bacon cheese burger ma'am.

>> No.17557495

>An American diet sucks BECAUSE grains and vegetables are everywhere
Let's play a game itt. How deep can a carnist's delusions get?

>> No.17557506

Wrong, faggot. Meat has the HIGHEST ratio of micronutrients to calorie ratio. Meat is the most efficent food. Eat meat, veg and cheese. That's it. Be well.

>> No.17558507
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>> No.17558587


292 anon obvi not amerifag

>> No.17558591

That's not a book

>> No.17558628
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Syrup, vegetable oil, sugar, and frying is unhealthy. Meat is not. Saturated fat being bad for you is a bullshit lie, and if you ate raw animal fat yourself you would be able to see it based on your body's reaction alone, but since you haven't I will use reason.

Allow me to paint you a picture: You are in the middle of a forest. There is no civilization anywhere on Earth. There is no agriculture. Your existence is tied to a small group of humans. What are you going to feed yourself and your family with? Literally go to a forest sometime and look around. Imagine being there alone with no food for three months, year, your entire life. Maybe some plants are edible (if you cook them), but it won't be close to enough. You and your family will starve. So what are you going to do? You are going to hunt, kill an animal, and eat meat, organs, and fat (what other source of energy is there by the way? CARBS? SUGAR? Where? Maybe some fruit in the summer will be a nice treat, but will you live off that? Fuck no).

You are the same as that human who ate raw animals. The only the real difference is that you were born into a world being told what to believe by an unprecedented number of influences (all totally with YOUR best interest in mind, by the way) until you were assimilated. Where did they come from? Who knows. Now you're on a Chinese clown college forum telling someone eating fat is unhealthy. The circle is complete! Beautiful isn't it?

Raw meat is the natural human diet. They tried make you forget, but your body still remembers.

>> No.17558630
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How can I stop finding fat chicks sexy?

>> No.17558644

shut the fuck up american. no one likes you. your country is a criminal abomination. your culture is anti-human dysfunction and toxicity weaponised. china will clean up the festering mess of your existence, thankfully. my only regret is that i was born too early to see it.

>> No.17558662

you don't need a book to know what he is asking for

>> No.17558669

that looks disgusting. take your meds, creep.

>> No.17558678

You're right, its a lifestyle choice.

>> No.17558695

He asked for a book so yeah you do

>> No.17558706

He mentioned books only so this thread could be /lit/ related. He just wanted to talk about fat people.

>> No.17558738

I choose to believe that people are good and honest, and that they make on-topic threads

>> No.17558766

my mom did keto and lost like 40 pounds whats wrong with keto

>> No.17558768
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Don't. Embrace it. I have a fat fetish too and there's nothing I can do about it. I had it when I was 13, which was years ago and long before "body positivity" was even a thing. I just find big fat girls sexy. As long as they're pretty and have good faces. The second "B" in "BBW" is important.

What you can do as a kind of compromise is find a plump girl and take good care of her. Make sure she doesn't eat absolute crap. Love her and make sure she lives stress-free. Pamper her and fill her with care and affection. Love and care take some of the sting out of being fat, health-issues-wise.

My own goal is to marry a chubby girl and have her steadily fatten up as we have a bunch of kids. That's my dream. I long for a beautiful fat wife with an army of kids for the both of us to take care of.

>> No.17558770
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The people in that picture are happier than you'll ever be in your entire life.

>> No.17558776

>big food
My fucking sides

>> No.17558783


>> No.17558825
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>> No.17558995

/lit/ doesn't know anything about nutrition. Ask /fit/.

>> No.17559030

/fit/ doesn't know anything about nutrition or lifting

>> No.17559049

Humans have evolved extra amylase genes and shorter intestines in the last 20,000 years so we literally don't have the bodies that the paleo diet applies to.

>> No.17559057
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>> No.17559157

Learn to accept it.

>> No.17559159

Based retard. The sugar is the problem. Not the meat.

>> No.17559481

Yeah, just blame the sugar, not the lazy fat bastard with no discipline and control.

>> No.17559589
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Based architect

>> No.17560441

go to website

>> No.17560446

Where do people come by these notions? Have you ever read a historical primary source in your life?

>> No.17560892

family breakdown and personal failure
biologically you're retarded, hunter gatherers have very consistent food supplies and redistribution methods based on an iron solid hierarchy based on age and sex if something goes wrong
I swear all evotards are anthropologically illiterate

>> No.17560949

Hunter gatherers ate nuts, berries, wild fruit / vegetables and grains as well you dumb bitch. Thats the GATHERER part.

Mongols and steppe niggas eat only meat because thats all that can be reared on a barren plain. But human socities in anywhere that isn't a literal fucking desert ate a wide range of meats and plants.

>> No.17561038

>allow me to paint you a picture
You’re right about this if we’re talking about Europe, the americas, etc. However, hominids ultimately originate from African regions where fruit, berries, and other edible plants are available year round, and chimpanzees still take the vast majority of their diet from these sources. If we take this as the prototypical setting for humans, then a plant-based diet would be just as natural as a meat-based or omnivorous one. It’s only when we move out of the tropics that plant-based diets become less viable.

>> No.17561045

Yes, people eat less meat today, despite it being cheaper and more readily available than it has ever been throughout all of human history. Are you retarded?

>> No.17561080

Actually, it's the combination of both. Lazy bastard reaches for easy solution to his hunger in form of processed food rich in sugar, sugar levels quickly rise, but also fall fast, making the bastard hungry again, so he reaches for more of processed food rich in sugar.

>> No.17561242

Everything is cheaper and more readily available today. Soda, fries, candy, pastries, and all sorts of heavily processed, industrially produced junk food that didn't even exist a century ago are the primary food-related causes of obesity. Refined carbohydrates are the primary component in these, not meat.

>> No.17561346

>Biologically the brain's reward centers are susceptible to high calorie foods because in the past you could never know when the next famine would strike. So fast food exploits this vulnerability by offering the most calorie dense foods imaginable to slurp down your gullet with sacrilegious abandon.
What is it with bugmen and their focus on "the brain" as an unruly childlike entity which needs to be hampered and controlled? Instead of acknowledging human frailty, temptation, greed, and laziness as moral flaws which cause things like obesity, they put it down to "the brain", "reward centres", "dopamine", and so on. And then they always justify it with some cringe evolutionary psychology claims like "in the past you could never know when the next famine would strike", which is total bullshit because famines are a product of civilisation, where food supply is dependent upon agriculture, farming, and trade; they rarely affected hunter-gatherers. Can't tell you how many times I've tried to open up to someone only for them to respond "our brains are wired in xyz because of our primitive ancestors, that's why you're having your problem currently!" It's the laziest, most 95-IQ way to analyse human behaviour.

>> No.17561390

No it's also meat.

>> No.17561405
File: 47 KB, 545x500, total-meat-consumption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People eat less meat today. Not more. You are delusional if you can't see the trends. An American diet sucks BECAUSE grains and vegetables are everywhere, along with bad meat that has been cooked to hell.

>> No.17561910

>in industrialized nations?
you mean USA?? that's the only place when you see slogs like this. i literally have never seen anything like this here

>> No.17561922

Our posts do not contradict each other. I implied that hunter gatherers ate more meat than farmers, not that they only ate meat. I didn't even claim pastoralists ate only meat.

>> No.17561972

no, it's really just the carbs

>> No.17561983

carbs are fine.

>> No.17561985

it's much simpler to explain it as diets not adapting to rapid technological change. basically people still eat as though they were doing heavy labor all day but go sit at a desk instead

>> No.17562145




>> No.17562170


>> No.17562205

try eating chicken or pork raw. enjoy your salmonella, trichinosis, and round worms :)

>> No.17562277
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Yes. Tangentially related are the Tiktok posts that reference getting seritonin boost from the vid etc. Referencing a neurotransmitter wow so intelligent! Cringe. Irony being tokkers are limbically zogged swipe zombies. Incredible self-unawareness.

>> No.17563407

haha got em

>> No.17563438

There were office workers before the last few decades. If people were eating the same food as they were eating a century ago, they would still be fat, but they wouldn't be morbidly obese. Real food sates you, but the processed garbage the creature OP no doubt chugs down all day just leaves you hungrier.

>> No.17564417

Average President Nick Fuentes supporter, 2041.

>> No.17564436
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>> No.17564591

There is your answer retard. Humanity lives in civilization with actual agriculture for less than 10k years, before that we were hunter gatherers. How is meat less evolutionary sound than grain when it was a staple of human diet 100x as long? Even your fucking jaw and teeth dont devolop right with agricultural diet you brainlet

>> No.17564967 [DELETED] 

>What is population growth

Also that graph clearly shows meat consumption is declining, and that was in 2013. It's probably much worse now.