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17553301 No.17553301 [Reply] [Original]

Was the French Revolution a mistake then?

>> No.17553322

Of course.

>> No.17553330

Vive le ancien regime

>> No.17553350
File: 24 KB, 460x276, Burke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. This board needs more Burke images

>> No.17553824

anyone thats not a retard can tell you that

>> No.17553834

Then why does France still celebrate it as their national day?

>> No.17553859

Why are religious feast days granted public holiday status in ostensibly secular nations?

>> No.17553860

french revolution was a complete shitshow that doomed europe to the current situation. those dumbasses beheaded everyone with a brain like maos cultural revolution. france is a fuckin open sewer and a dump now.

>> No.17554098

Because France, too, is controlled by the international elite.

>> No.17554987

The French Revolution was so cringe it is literally directly responsible for all the modern cringe today.

>> No.17554996
File: 1.37 MB, 984x1138, Locke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You meant the English revolution whom French revolution is a mere consequence.

>> No.17555090

This may seem like an exaggeration but it's not

>> No.17555115

>pretending as if it was an active choice somebody made and not an inevitability of economic and demographic realities
Why are conservacucks like this?

>> No.17555122

I think the word you're looking for there is whereof not whom

>> No.17555128


>> No.17555225


>> No.17555242

take your meds, m8

>> No.17555296
File: 1.23 MB, 3456x4608, 1613146657479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17555306
File: 178 KB, 330x319, 1594736269107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks any European country is an independent nation post-WW2

>> No.17555321

because the west is a debased civilization.

>> No.17555335

If you want to get into this you'll be exposed, not only to yourself.

>> No.17555344

Expose me but do it quickly cause I'm gonna go to bed in 20 minutes. I'll counter-expose you if you try but it might take until tomorrow when I wake up

>> No.17555366

Because it's the only time they've won a war...

>> No.17555382

>noooo, not the hecking rights of the humarinoooos, where is my precious ancien regimerinoooooooo
everyone who denounces french revolution today is the biggest larper who has spent too much time with the wrong books

>> No.17555409


>> No.17555419

Okay refute Burke

>> No.17555470

how can one refute moral sentiments of a senile fartbag? you dont. you just ignore them. they lost. its over. stop larping.

>> No.17555483

Burkean conservatism is retarded anyway, he advocated for nothing more than slow paced revolution. In the long run nothing is left of the order he cherished, in France, in Britain or anywhere in the world. Britain may be nominally an absolute monarchy, de facto it's a republic as everywhere save the Vatican and a couple oil monarchies.

>> No.17555504

>slow paced revolution
It's called reformation.
> In the long run nothing is left of the order he cherished, in France, in Britain or anywhere in the world.
Because Enlightenment sophistry won and the French Revolution was its victory dance.
>Britain may be nominally an absolute monarchy, de facto it's a republic as everywhere
No, Britain respects their monarch and it's more than a formality: Britain remained conservative while the entire Europe was radicalised because they know how to respect tradition. It's not a coincidence that the UK still has conservatives in power and they left the EU just a month ago. France on the other hand has no identity, no purpose, no history, no culture. Burke was right and the UK understood it even if not immediately, which is why they're still a monarchy.

>> No.17555529
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is why they're still a monarchy
its funny how hard conservacucks try to adjust reality to their phantasm just to cope

>> No.17555533
File: 117 KB, 208x281, Thomas Carlyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistake, but a necessary and historically unstoppable one.

>> No.17555541

Too many seething pseuds itt who don't understand that the Revolution was the logical consequence of late Ancient Regime and absolute monarchy. The most important pro-revolutionary politician was Louis XIV, although that was unwittingly. But had he wanted to plant the seed of a Revolution a few decades after his death without explicitly renouncing the throne, he would hardly have acted differently.

Also it's not like people were faced with a "Revolution" button and a "keep everything the exact same" button and that they foolishly pressed the first one. Event sescaped the control of everyone.

>> No.17555579

>ritain remained conservative while the entire Europe was radicalised
Nigga what. Britain has been the forefront of progressivism and liberalism since those two things exist. The king hasn't been much more than a formality (or a tourist attraction) since at least the end of WW1.

> It's not a coincidence that the UK still has conservatives in power
You mean the one who shilled for deregulated finance for decades? British "conservatism" is just American savagery wearing a bowtie.

>> No.17555603
File: 1.80 MB, 1675x2000, Charles_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's called reformation.
Indeed, Burkean conservatism failed because he didn't acknowledge that the political order he was defending in Britain was itself intrinsically revolutionnary. Thus instead of being violently uprooted king, nobility, clergy were slowly and gently sidelined.
>Because Enlightenment sophistry won and the French Revolution was its victory dance.
Thanks to a century of english ideas permeating France.
>No, Britain respects their monarch and it's more than a formality: Britain remained conservative while the entire Europe was radicalised because they know how to respect tradition. It's not a coincidence that the UK still has conservatives in power and they left the EU just a month ago. France on the other hand has no identity, no purpose, no history, no culture. Burke was right and the UK understood it even if not immediately, which is why they're still a monarchy.
The Queen is a meme, she has no political power whatsoever. British royals give material to rags and that's it.
Britain is functionally a republic and at that an irrelevant poodle of a bigger republic, the USA.
Also I'm amazed there are still Brexitards around there, I thought you finally understood you voted fot the continental blockade.

>> No.17555605

The Tories aren't probably exactly what you think they are vis a vis political conservatism.

>> No.17555620

The Queen as monarch holds reserve power. You don't know what you're talking about, nigger.

>> No.17555631

You're under the false impression that conervatism and liberalism are somehow opposed and you don't understand the purpose of the constitutional monarchy.
>she has no political power whatsoever.
You don't understand constitutional monarchy either. You also don't understand Brexit and EU.

Anyway I'm >>17555344 and I'm off to bed.

>> No.17555665

Yeah technical reserve power that she will be never asked to use, just like she technically can tell the PM to fuck off ans still never does. That's what I said nominally Britain is an absolute monarchy, in fact it's a republic.

>> No.17555669

Goodnight, have a mug of warm horlicks and a hobnob you'll sleep better.

>> No.17555681

>You don't understand constitutional monarchy either. You also don't understand Brexit and EU.

Constitutional monarchy is a monarchy that has gone irrelevant as it was sidelined by its parliament that actually rule the country. The difference with a parliamentary republic is purely nominal.
Good night.

>> No.17555682

It's not nominally an absolute monarchy it's a constitutional monarchy, and the Whitlam government in Australia was sacked by the Queen's proxy in 1971 (I think '71).

>> No.17555695

Cool it with the semantics.

>> No.17555756

Britain has technically no written consitution and I think the parliament soverignty's source is the Queen. Anyway it doesn't change the fact the parliament is the actual sovereign.
>and the Whitlam government in Australia was sacked by the Queen's proxy in 1971 (I think '71).
From what I read it's more a matter of procedural mess than a political decision.

>> No.17556476

Open your eyes, kid

>> No.17556660

The UK has an uncodified constitution.

>> No.17556681

Because the victors write the history books

>> No.17556890

It was fueled by the decline of France under Louis XV after the golden age of Louis XIV. France had been Europe's greatest nation in the 17th century. The memory of that greatness lived on as France decayed under the Sun King's successors. A great people will always demand their rightful place on the world stage.

>> No.17557074

>I thought you finally understood you voted fot the continental blockade
And I'd vote for it again

>> No.17557193

The reality is that the secularization and centralization of the French government made the French revolution almost inevitable.

Napoleon essentially became the ideal of the 'modernized' French monarchy, without the aristocracy realizing it.