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/lit/ - Literature

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17549783 No.17549783 [Reply] [Original]

Would you consider literature to be a redpill or only when it’s being analyzed in conjunction with places such as this board?
A month ago I left /lit/ because I was getting to redpilled. I’ve become very hateful towards corporations, technology and women in general. Although my hate for women has lowered ever since I stopped visiting /lit/. I don’t use social networks anymore unless(except for my job, and I limit myself to the businesses accounts). I think I’m becoming a schizoid.
I’m considering dropping literature too. I want to be pleased with my life as it’s, I want to be a normie again.

>> No.17549787

Grow up

>> No.17549793

This board is filled with retards, anon. You should probably drop /lit/ and get somewhere else. People barely discuss books in here.

>> No.17549798

And they read them even less frequently.

>> No.17549827

I think you could still lie to yourself and be a normie 10, 20 years ago. Now normies are making their sons into trannies and normalizing polyamory and pedophilia. Not sure how you can re-normify yourself. What if your wife tries chopping off your kid's dick, or the school tries frying his brain with pills because he's 4 years old and falling behind in critical race theory class? You gonna go along with it because that's "normal" now? Like Greg Sadler, just become your own tranny son's battered simp, paying for his dilation antibiotics and forcing yourself not to say anything?

>> No.17549889

You see this is the kind of stuff that makes me feel like a schizoid. I’ve been thinking like this less than I used to but fuck. In reality people are not like this. I wouldn’t know though, corona has made all of any of my social interactions strictly digital. And I don’t use social media beside messaging apps.
Thanks for that post, it really gave me perspective on my progress. A couple more months and I’ll be free

>> No.17550454
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I used to feel that way OP, at a certain point for me I just sorta stopped caring about other people. I feel like I'm just pursuing knowledge now, not social or romantic relationships. I don't really care about the outside world or what the retards here think of it. Sometimes I have racist or sexist feelings but I rationalize it as natural for someone of my age and not indicative of my character. I tried leaving /lit/ but found that I was reading far less as a result of it, I just ended up wasting my days talking to morons over the phone and on discord.

>> No.17550462

The internet is a bastardization of human culture, but I am grateful that it allows me to share unfiltered thoughts with other elitist assholes on 4chan.

>> No.17550824

I think what >>17549827 is trying to say is that our society is crumbling around us and that being a normie in the current year isn't going to make you very pleased with your life

>> No.17550875

I share your sentiments. In daily live bureaucrats drain my will to live, being able to speak freely on the internet restores my manna.

>> No.17550899

>I’m considering dropping literature too. I want to be pleased with my life as it’s, I want to be a normie again.
What a shame, you learned nothing

>> No.17550905

Stop thinking in retarded terms like redpills

>> No.17550912

>Would you consider literature to be a redpill or only when it’s being analyzed in conjunction with places such as this board?
What the actual fuck are you even asking here? Would I consider literature to be a """"redpill""""? An entire medium of artistic expression that taken altogether comes close to expressing the human experience? I think you absolutely should leave /lit/ and never come back. Your brain evidently needs no assistance and will continue to rot away into mulch on its own.

>> No.17552190

doesnt really matter what youre reading, its all about the volume of info you pace yourself to. even if youre super smart youre still a meatsuit with data capacity beep boop

>> No.17552197

I come here to bear witness.

>> No.17552831

4chan is not social media
Questioning your sanity is a sign of sanity
Normies are born that way and stay that way
All frogposts are retarded

>> No.17552842

None of those things are normal

>> No.17552856

Sounds like you should read something else. Literature can make you very stupid, as well as very smart. Go with the Greeks and the Catholics.

Reading the Greeks caused an awakening in me that made life a lot more difficult, but I've never wanted to go back.

>> No.17552896

Sorry, anon. I know the process can be painful, but isn’t better to be awake and walking through the desert than sleep walking? Don’t let misanthropic treatises that aren’t affirmed by reality, influence your worldview. Let them reaffirm each other in symphonia. Take what is useful. Discard what is not.

>> No.17552911
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Stay strong, OP.