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/lit/ - Literature

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17547679 No.17547679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been seeing a lot of leftist ideologues around this board. Can one of you actually explain to me why you need to start arguments, here, of all places?
>inb4 chud, incel, seethe
I'm politically indifferent. Politics in ameristan seem largely to exist so we can project our own personal issues upon the larger world. Hell, if this were a traditionally left leaning website, I'd be curious as to the ideas of a sudden mob of far right posters.

>> No.17547694

/lit/ has always been a leftist board, newfag.
And I will continue to spite them because of that fact no matter what.

>> No.17547763

>taking shitposters seriously

>> No.17548590
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I have had a general mistrust for American or English speaking leftists in general for a long time as a thirdworld tard. I got threatened the other day by some ancom because I technically own an acre of land I inherited from my peasant farmer ancestors and have been called a reactionary for being distrustfull of the idea of another leftist country "liberating" us when the last time we accepted foreigners liberating us we got occupied for about a hundred years and counting

>> No.17548718

/lit/ has been mostly moderate bunkertranny. Your raids are quite pathetic. I just fucking want you and /pol/ to fuck off.

>> No.17548742

idk new to /lit/ but every thread I see is just endless
>hurr recommend me a book for {shitty /pol/ topic}
its all fucking retarded, this board honestly has to be the dumbest board I've ever had the misfortune of visiting.

>> No.17548764
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>Politics in ameristan seem largely to exist so we can project our own personal issues upon the larger world.

That's what politics are, chum.

>> No.17548794

>when the last time we accepted foreigners liberating us we got occupied for about a hundred years and counting

>> No.17548811

>/lit/ has been mostly moderate bunkertranny.
Giving Marx the time of day alone is a big red flag. I don't draw any distinction.
>Your raids are quite pathetic. I just fucking want you and /pol/ to fuck off.
Chill, I'm not one of them. I'm merely stating a fact.

>> No.17548824
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>Giving Marx the time of day alone is a big red flag.

>> No.17548829

Brecht, Bertolt. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me.

>> No.17548831

See? You posted a discord tranny meme. Dance little monkey, you're a good puppet.

>> No.17548833

There is no "leftist ideology" you fucking retard

>> No.17548837


>> No.17548995

When I say personal issues, I meant that you use trump as a surrogate for your authoritative father or hillary for your frigid mother. It would make sense that one of the most politically radical generations also has some of the highest mental health issues per capita, and all mental health problems stem from times where the ego was disregarded by others in youth.
I'd say your quote from Bertolt Brecht shows it's age in that he comes from an age where personality and politik could still be harmlessly commodified. His rhetoric tips me off to that much more than the black and white photo. In modern day, politics serve as a tool to render real praxis meaningless in such a blatant fashion that I almost, in my spite, am glad to watch the american population shredded apart by it. The proof is that we have seen the left- specifically, tankies- calling for revolutionary movement from the working class for many many years, but their voices were suspiciously silent when the working class stormed congress, some even stating the act was insurrection, crime, wrong. Do they want a bloodless revolution? No. Mind you, I don't share the opinion that the migapedes who stormed the capitol were somehow class heroes, honestly, I think they should be led off in cuffs. But I digress.
What this moment in history illustrated is that neither side (at least, none of their figureheads) within the defined political spheres actually want change and all the blood and mess that comes with it. So, this brings me back to my original statement: What both political parties want is not somehow connected to the actual sphere of politics, it comes from a need to receive deliverance from the world itself, a world which they somehow feel wronged by.
Also, fyi, those "multinational corporations" this dead man is accusing me of being a puppet of pay good money to keep you stressed and scared about politics which you will never be represented in. Depressed people are more likely to buy things, chum.

>> No.17549038

Leftism is a virus. Leftists are incapable of not trying to spread it everywhere they go

>> No.17549042

Puerto Rican, half the island surrendered to the americans thinking we'd get even more rights than we had under the Spanish and we ended up getting juntad and used as cannon fodder for their wars

>> No.17549112


Incorrect. Amongst educated people, the Overton window moves left. Including this piece of shit website. For years this board has been a 75% mix of an attempt to have a conversation about something and 25% conservative/fascist trash.

>> No.17549299

4chan is merely countercultural.
Whatever the status quo is, it rejects.
During the bush era, 4chan was left libertarian.
In our times, of zizek's "liberal communism," 4chan is nazi.

>> No.17549422

Of course they dont think these "people" are really nothing but purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for neoliberalism. I mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? What are you a russian bot trump supporter? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? a it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training"

>> No.17549441

This. /lit/ has always had a fairly large amount of lefties, but the righties tend to be louder. I'd say there's really about an equal amount of each on the board, including lurkers.

>> No.17549452

The left's biggest weakness is how childish and combative they all act online. The right tends to respond to opposing opinions with comedy, the left seems to just spaz and start talking about themselves. Probably why they're losing their monopoly on the youth.

>> No.17549462

>t. Parcelero
I hate Nuyoricans like you.

>> No.17549470

Categorical retard.

>> No.17549485 [DELETED] 

>Amongst educated people, the Overton window moves left.
If by educated people you mean pseudo intellectual humanities majors then yes. Go to and to STEM fields and look how much we appreciate you.

>> No.17549502

>Amongst educated people, the Overton window moves left.
If by educated people you mean pseudo-intellectual humanities majors then yes. Go to STEM fields and look how much we appreciate you.

>> No.17550452
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>> No.17550466

I feel like this quote is more about 'bohemian' professors rather than Peterson who does not pose as a radical at all.

>> No.17550496
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Keke Pete wasn't the point,I just found it easier to repost the image

>> No.17550505

This, I come to this site to get away from the garbage that is traditional media. I don't want to hear about tranny shit or bitching about muh racism but I also don't want it filled with generic evola/tradfag/ted k threads

>> No.17550527


>> No.17550597
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>> No.17550598

Over educated leftists generally gravitate to theory and discussion.

>> No.17550620

I'm a Christian socialist. My political views are socially right-wing (ultra conservative Baptist) but economically left-wing (labor movement and utopian socialist, basically), and I believe in quietism and non-violence. Where else would I go?

>> No.17550681

Where's the lie?

>> No.17550683

So whats the ideology being pushed by the NYT blm and twitter trannies then?

>> No.17550692

Giving marx the time of day would mark you as far right under the current cultural climate because the left is now all about anti white and child genital mutilation

>> No.17550694

>Amongst educated people, the Overton window moves left
Spoken like a true midwit

>> No.17550702

This. It's a riot to start pointing out inconsistencies and outright falsehoods in their airheaded "theories" and watch them go into autistic screeching mode