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17547257 No.17547257 [Reply] [Original]

I have come to the conclusion that embracing Islam is the only way to save the West and stop degeneracy. Where do I start with Islam?

>> No.17547268

>I have come to the conclusion that embracing Islam is the only way to save the West and stop degeneracy
How did you reach this conclusion?

>> No.17547269

May Allah block 4chan on these tradzoomers pcs, good Lord

>> No.17547275
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Links for Islam

>> No.17547279

>How did you reach this conclusion?
He read that Muhammad fucked a kid and thought "damn I want a piece of that".

>> No.17547285
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>> No.17547292

Islam is the only religion that still preaches traditional values. Hypergamous whores and degeneracy can't exist under Islam. Faggots get stoned. Religion gives meaning to aimless hedonists, nihilists and atheists.
It is the only thing that can save the West.

>> No.17547293

he saw all those great middle eastern countries torn apart by violent fanatics

>> No.17547300
File: 2.44 MB, 1696x6224, Islam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start there.

>> No.17547306

Bruzzer they would be Jannah on Earth if the Americans never ruined things astagfirullah. There was no wars in Muhammad's time.

>> No.17547308
File: 2.37 MB, 1336x6290, Islam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus images of waifus are forbidden in islam.

>> No.17547311

Join isis, I'm pretty sure they have a boot camp for that stuff.

>> No.17547320

don't get me wrong, I love my abrahamic brothers (their shisha and hash are amazing), but the west has alcohol written into it's dna it would never work

>> No.17547342

you personally becoming muslim won't have any effect on western culture. i became muslim and the west is still shit.

however it will ruin your life for the most part socially and psychologically

>> No.17547346

My only problem is that Islam has such a materialistic view of Heaven. It is basically promising the peasant underclass that they will live like kings for eternity.

>> No.17547350

At this point, if a thread is about one of these:
>The Democratic Party
I assume it's a FBI or CIA agent making the thread. Go away sir/ma'm.

>> No.17547359

Before the 12 century Hanafis drank alcohol so long as it wasn't made from grapes or dates, I can see a retvrn to tradition there lol.

>> No.17547363

If by save you mean destroy. There’s a reason why the Islamic world is a shit hole

>> No.17547365

What about music though? It is to my understanding Islam completely forbids all human instruments, something that has been apart of human history for as long as we can trace it.

>> No.17547367

Islam is a perfect example of how the western liberal and conservative are both ideologically imperialist without having any desire to fight against a foe that isn't already beaten.

>> No.17547372
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This. I went to Christian churches and they worship women in there and allow divorced women to marry new husbands in their defiled “sanctuaries”

>> No.17547402

lady of the house is the more accurate translation

>> No.17547409

>faggots get stoned
Islamic cultures are some of the most stoned in existence, where do you think weed comes from? Just look at morocco, afghanistan, and turkey if you want to see examples of islamic countries whom 90% of their culture is the creation and exportation of hash and heroin.
>Hypergamous whores and degeneracy can't exist under Islam
tell that to mia khalifa's father
>Religion gives meaning to aimless hedonists, nihilists and atheists
Islam is not the only world religion
>traditional values
having two 13 year olds in your harem isn't very traditional in the west

>> No.17547411

But I will spread the word and make sure to get as many people as I can to convert. I feel like most of /lit/ is considering to convert as well. We have to start small. It's our duty to save civilization.
Why would the CIA even post here? Take your meds please.
It's because they're brown and didn't evolve as well as us. That doesn't mean we can't learn from their religion, it seems tailor-made for white civilization except that it fell in the wrong hands.

>> No.17547420

glow thread

>> No.17547423

>tell that to mia khalifa's father
Literally from a Christian family kek

>> No.17547440

No Catholic church allows remarriage after divorce.

>> No.17547443

>Islamic cultures are some of the most stoned in existence, where do you think weed comes from?
Are you trolling? I meant literally stoned. As in killed.
>tell that to mia khalifa's father
She got corrupted by the west.
>Islam is not the only world religion
Again, I explained it is the only one that matters now.
>having two 13 year olds in your harem isn't very traditional in the west
There's nothing wrong with that, really. I'd take hebephilia over a collapsing civilization.

>> No.17547445

>allow divorced women to marry new husbands in their defiled “sanctuaries”
Islam allows divorce.

>> No.17547457

>Why would the CIA even post here?
Is it really that hard to see why?
>Post about Islam on 4chan
>get people to become Muslim
>a /pol/tard convert does something really bad
>Westerners grow more anti-Islam
>CIA wins

>> No.17547458

Depends on the scholar, some say instruments are banned, some don't. Honestly it's more reflective of the scholars political views than their religious views. Personally I think alcohol isn't good for soceity, but music and instruments aren't bad imo, what matters is the cultural background of said music. Obviously lots of popular modern music is soulless garbage, anyone with a brain from Adorno to Scruton can see that. More representative of modernity than music in itself.

>> No.17547462

Hanafis allowed it as a cooking ingredient or medicine under those conditions, not the same

>> No.17547465

If you allow for hebephilia, your civilization will collpase in a very literal sense. There's a reason all of these Middle Eastern nations are such shit holes. And, no, bitching about and blaming the west for all of your problems doesn't cut it.

>> No.17547466

Read the Quran and visit your local mosque OP. The best you can do is involve yourself in the ummah.

>Islamic cultures are some of the most stoned in existence, where do you think weed comes from? Just look at morocco, afghanistan, and turkey if you want to see examples of islamic countries whom 90% of their culture is the creation and exportation of hash and heroin.
It's a wide but straight path. Besides, hash and opium are a lot better than alcohol on many levels.

>> No.17547469
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I love Islam and my Muslim brothers because it exposes the western liberal and (((conservative))) for precisely the intellectually disingenuous, hypocritical, universalist and imperialist fucks they are.

The demon of populism needs to be exorcized from the west or it must be destroyed along with its disastrous ideology

>> No.17547470

All four of the great imams says instruments are haram

>> No.17547485

Fascism is the only way to save the West and stop degeneracy.

>> No.17547486

Start with white sharia video's, white sharia literature and CEO of white sharia Daniel Haqiqatjou.

>> No.17547487

>only way to save the west is to abandon western civilization

>> No.17547491
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>I'd take hebephilia over a collapsing civilization.

>> No.17547494

Before the 12th century? No man, they said only wine was Khamr at some points. Not saying that was correct, I find alcohol to be a foolish thing to consume, but this is Abu Hanifa man.

>> No.17547496

Fascism is inherently modernist and atheistic therefore garbage. There's a reason it failed.

>> No.17547500

Not really. Fascists are modernist technophiles who still like progress. Fascism lacks spirituality so they start larping with hyperborea and race obsession. Take the islampill, the peak traditionalism that will be applied globally.

>> No.17547521

This. Aslo, it cannot outproduce capitalist countries so, insofar as one of comparable strength exists, it will always lose

>> No.17547532
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>will be applied globally.

>> No.17547552

Yes but the quantity is restricted because even if the substance wasn't najis or haram still any "buzz" from it was as that was prohibited even before the substance. Thus Hanafi fiqh allows it for cooking or medicine or extract, for consumption generally but not if it's taken in quantities high enough to affect mood

>> No.17547580

Start with Shaykh Abd al-Wahid Yahya (pbuh)

>> No.17547591

Sure, but a dedicated vanguard pushing for a fusion of western traditionalism and islam can also provide the momentum to actually kill globohomo as it exists.
Right wing conservatism offers very little, it doesn't think internationally and even within western countries makes one a social pariah. Islamist movements offer a range of military theaters that right dissidents can earn glory and experience in, it provides a religious universalism and internationalism that can rival the left-secularist one, and intellectually there is a lot of work to be done synchronizing western thought with Islamic doctrine.

The benefits outweigh the risks. What's worse is remaining isolated and paranoid while the forces of evil plot and build their forces against you. If you're a young right winger you could be participating in hermetic mysteries in Iran, training in asymmetric operations in Chechnya, distancing yourself from accusations of racism, and raising a decent family with several wives. Or you could join your local young republicans organization, shake hands with sociopathic perverts like Roger Stone, and try really really hard not to get cancelled over the next twenty years while being held up as a scapegoat for everything bad that ever happened under colonialism. The choice is yours.

>> No.17547603

stop glowing so hard. Sharia is universal

>> No.17547652

>Americans destroyed yet another authentic culture with their influence
Not a Muslim but God fucking damn you bastards won't stop until the whole World is under your thumb, huh?

>> No.17547674
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Islam is the only authentic counterculture to Western values. Also please delete that picture OP if you're actually serious about this.

>> No.17547686



>> No.17547690
File: 82 KB, 640x381, Awlaki-american-subtitle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brothers and sisters, there is a global culture that is being forced down the throats of everyone on the face of the earth. This global culture is protected and promoted. Thomas Friedman--he is a famous writer in the U.S., he writes for the New York Times--he says, "The hidden hand of the market cannot survive without a hidden fist. McDonald's will never flourish without McDonnell Douglas." The designer of the F-15's. In other words, we're not really dealing with a global culture that is benign or compassionate. This is a culture that gives you no choice. You either accept McDonald's, otherwise McDonnell Douglas will send the F-15's above your head. It's a very intolerant culture that cannot coexist with anything else, it uproots every other culture on the face of the earth, it just cuts the roots of it. And you have here a quote by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he's a famous Russian historian-writer, he says, "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots." So it's really a destruction of the people of the earth, because every other culture is being demolished. So this is not a global culture that will coexist with others, it will replace others. And the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam.

>> No.17547696

>muh America
Seems like beheading feasts recorded in 4k didn't much to promote islam among young Arabs, huh?

>> No.17547703

he believes religions are ideologies.

>> No.17547707
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Threadly reminder;
>Islam is not western
>replacing western culture with another culture is not "saving" the west

>> No.17547724

Define Western culture.

>> No.17547735


>> No.17547766


>> No.17547773

You're uneducated.

>> No.17547787

>imperialist amerishart thinks he can look down on any culture for fearmongering

>> No.17547788

Cmon anon be more specific. What are the aspects of Western culture?

>> No.17547799

>he thinks the Roman's constituted a culture
Oh nonononono anon please stop exposing your room temp iq

>> No.17547809


>> No.17547820

>he learned that the Romans borrowed from the high culture of the Greeks therefore he thinks Romans hadn't a culture.
Call it graeco-roman or classical if you want, it's the same thing.

>> No.17547822

You cannot genuinely believe in Islam or any other religion for a reason like "to save the West and stop degeneracy." You are doomed to larp. You have to feel a true call to Islam or whatever else to actually experience the benefits of religious faith

>> No.17547842

There's nothing wrong with LARPing. It's a good way to give life meaning and have a moral code and not being a hedonist nihilist. It doesn't matter if it's fake. Being an atheist makes you miserable and mentally ill, because humans are genetically wired to be religious (it's also why trannies and fags are mentally ill and miserable, they're going against nature).

>> No.17547851

>he's digging himself deeper
Anon you have quite literally no idea what I'm talking about

>> No.17547880
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If you islam is a kind a software you can implement in every civilisation leaving it unadulterated you're delusional. Islamization means arabization and all it entails.

>> No.17547893

He can outwardly practice the sunnah until he is blessed with faith and can experience the inner dimension of the religion
You''re too fixated on ideas of authenticity to actually live an authentic or meaningful life. Ironic.

>> No.17547900

You're probably that kind of moron who thinks classical civilization magically disappeared with christianisation, or worse in 496.
Just notice what letters you're typing idiot.

>> No.17547903

>muh pork
>muh alcohol
>muh gays

>> No.17547909
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>Imagine becoming a muslim just because you saw some gay guys on the telly and it made you mad

KEKW almost as stupid as becoming a nazi just because you saw two black people out on the street

>> No.17547913

Not that poster, but did you know that Hermes Trismegistus is considered a canonical prophet within Islamic tradition?
Classical civilization is better preserved in Islam than modernity. Look around you man, see what kind of world is being created.

>> No.17547918

>no bro going to Chechnya to train in warfare is a good idea, do it lol
Good God if you were any more blatant you'd be uploading a pic of your FBI badge to this site

>> No.17547926
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I knew you were uneducated.
You must have read that in René Memenon. Islam is opposed to quite everything classical civilisation was about.

>> No.17547951

>Not that poster, but did you know that Hermes Trismegistus is considered a canonical prophet within Islamic tradition?
Not the guy you're replying to but Idris is more commonly identified as Enoch not Hermes Trismegistus. Not that there aren't people that identify Idris as Hermes Trismegistus, but it's not as common as identifying him as Enoch.

>> No.17547953
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You need to reject the hadith and understand the Quran as a clear revelation from God that requires no outside exegesis. The reason that modern Islamic countries are garbage is because they follow manmade hadith and not the Quran.

>> No.17547960

>Islam is opposed to quite everything classical civilisation was about
Not that guy but how so?

>> No.17547983
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>> No.17547990
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>> No.17548028
File: 205 KB, 678x1024, RIAN_archive_908389_Victory_Day_parade_in_Russian_Regions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I'm not an American so I can post what the fuck I want, not that I'd do any of the stuff I'm suggesting of course :^)
What kind of jurisdiction does the FBI even have in Russia? None. In any case there is a long history of american volunteer participation in overseas theaters, so as long as you don't step on any toes you'll be okay. If you go to Chechnya you need to worry about the Chechens, not the US government.
Keep fearing the FBI and CIA while remaining isolated though, I'm sure that pretending to go along with the globohomo while drinking yourself to sleep is what will bring down the system.

Lol. Don't be this weirdo, for all their faults the hadiths provide a lot of important context and information.

>> No.17548033

he has a double digit IQ

>> No.17548043
File: 22 KB, 1000x1000, orthodox cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply become Orthodox, brother. Why embrace the religion that has attacked the West since its inception?

>> No.17548060

This. Become an orthodox and travel to Russia for weapons training, my white brothers.

>> No.17548061
File: 22 KB, 240x334, Cato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How muslims tawhid conflicts with every ancient philosophy and particulary platonician ones, not to mention the familial and public cults.
How din being a ideal order handed from God prevents any development of a properly political thought, or even ethical, since all you gotta do is apply shariah (just look how takfiri call democracy an "idol").
How islam reduced art to ornament and forbade the rest and how important it was for the classicals.
I could go on endlessly.

>> No.17548088

>since all you gotta do is apply shariah (just look how takfiri call democracy an "idol").
This is true, they regard democracy, communism, liberalism, secularism and atheism as an identical ideology which they consider a religion that their greatest holy war is currently against

>> No.17548091

Hadith are pure comedy gold.

>> No.17548101

None of these are meaningful issues. You're oversocialized.

>> No.17548103

Do familial and public cults really need defended?
Also a lot of the Islamic prescriptions on art and music are very clearly in line with Platonic philosophy. You may as well say that Plato is against western civilization.

>> No.17548115

heavy parasite load and strong immune system. "degeneracy" is just bad stuff that makes us better at carrying the good stuff

>> No.17548181
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>Do familial and public cults really need defended?
The Ancients would definitely argue that yes, it was the backbone of their civilisation.
>Also a lot of the Islamic prescriptions on art and music are very clearly in line with Platonic philosophy. You may as well say that Plato is against western civilization.
No, Plato considered art as a way to attain transcendance (he associated Truth and Beauty), he only considered expelling from the polis some form of it, especially music, that incites to vice. He would definitely have banned rap but not Beethoven.
Islam on the other hand forbid all form of representations of living being, so according to it all the classical statuary should be destroyed. It forbid music save religious chant sung a capella, etc.

>> No.17548194

You're a nihilist.

>> No.17548198

See Richard Weaver on Beethoven. He would have banned it.

>> No.17548214

>Islam on the other hand forbid all form of representations of living being
This isn't strictly true, Islam forbids representations in religious context... because it leads to idol worship and vice. Many Islamic cultures have incredible musical traditions as well.

>> No.17548227

>forbid all form of representations of living being, so according to it all the classical statuary should be destroyed.
Have a look at all the statues from Greece and Anatolia, and everywhere else around around the Eastern Mediterranean which weren't destroyed whilst under Islamic rule for centuries.
>It forbid music save religious chant sung a capella
Some schools of jurisprudence, only some not all.

>> No.17548231

>so according to it all the classical statuary should be destroyed
And? Have you read Heidegger's essay on art? You do more violence to it be tearing from its context and re-evaluating as an object for consumption than we do by destroying it, for in destroying it we recognize its religious significance whereas you reduced it to a pedestrian model of a body

>> No.17548240

Islam forbids sculpture of animate beings as well as non abstract drawing of them

>> No.17548256

>He would definitely have banned rap but not Beethoven.
You have not read Plato. Stop embarrassing yourself and kill yourself immediately.

>> No.17548259

No one can know what Plato would have thought of the formal changes Beethoven introduced. Music of his time was modal and improvisation-centered. The criterium he gives was wether it incites to vice. He may have banned the revolutionary though.

>> No.17548266

Because they were bad muslims.

>> No.17548268

Source on this?

>> No.17548275

You're hidding behind false pretenses. You destroy statues because Allah ordered you to do so. Nothing more complicated.

>> No.17548276

>He would definitely have banned rap but not Beethoven.
Maybe in some kind of Stalin-Shostakovich relationship but he would absolutely not let something like the Grosse fugue pass lmao

>> No.17548328

Sultan Muhammed Al-Fatih (ra) was mentioned in hadith as someone who Muhammad (saas) liked.

I think the psyop is that the only Islam is either the everyone is bad Muslims kind or the we Muslims are always telling lies don't trust us kind, and lots of people unfortunately prefer to be told what to think and to not have to learn anything.

>> No.17548382

>Now where laws are, or will be in the future, rightly laid down regarding musical education and recreation, do we imagine that poets will be granted such licence that they may teach whatever form of rhythm or tune they best like themselves to the children of law-abiding citizens and the young men in the choirs, no matter what the result may be in the way of virtue or depravity?
Laws Book 2

You're welcome.

>> No.17548396

Still at it, Constantine? Don't you ever get tired of spamming /lit/?

>> No.17548398

But that is exactly what I said.

>> No.17548404

Plato hated harmony

>> No.17548432

Greek music hadn't harmony, it was homophonic. Harmony is a byproduct of the invention of polyphony in the West.

>> No.17548511

Some Greek music did in fact have polyphony, and in fact Plato is critical of that in the Republic. Why are you riding his wisdom so hard if you haven't even read him?

>> No.17548530

Come on, show me the passage where Plato explicitly states polyphony, that didn't exist in his time, is a bad thing. You also didn't answered when BTHO there >>17548382 and you also have visibly no musical education.

>> No.17548589

There's literally nothing wrong with the recreational use of cannabis or opium, both were created by Allah for Adam's (pbuh) benefit in the garden of Eden and so it is the right of Adam's descendants to cultivate and enjoy these plants. Prohibition of these, unlike prohibition of Alcohol, is a 20th century innovation created by Jews in America.
>tell that to mia khalifa's father
Mia Khalifa is a Christian from Lebanon
>Islam is not the only world religion
Islam is the only path to God, and we see this much proven in that every other religion is awash with hedonists, nihilists and atheists.
>having two 13 year olds in your harem isn't very traditional in the west
Think again
>In ancient and medieval civilizations, it was a regular practice to give girls away in marriage as soon as they reached puberty, if not earlier.[22] This practice continued throughout the Middle Ages and most girls were married by age fifteen. In Antebellum American culture, marriages between older men and younger women were not viewed in the same way they are today. Although the practice was not extremely common, it was not counter cultural either.[24] Marriage was viewed as more of a contract and the minors to be wedded, typically girls, were thought of as going from the responsibility of one man, the father, to the other man, the husband.[24]

>> No.17548608

>There's literally nothing wrong with the recreational use of cannabis or opium, both were created by Allah for Adam's (pbuh) benefit in the garden of Eden and so it is the right of Adam's descendants to cultivate and enjoy these plants. Prohibition of these, unlike prohibition of Alcohol, is a 20th century innovation created by Jews in America.
Can you post a source on this? I thought all intoxicants were haram

>> No.17548613

>that didn't exist in his time
This is a meme and incorrect

>> No.17548621

He's meming, they're haram in all four schools and by consensus.

>> No.17548637

>mfw Adam was a stoner.
>mfw Allah is the original drug lord

>> No.17548646

Prove it retard. I'm still waiting for those passage BTW.

>> No.17548719

21st century (((Sunni scholars))) (aka Zionists) claim Muhammad's teachings on alcohol extend to all other intoxicants, but this is also a modern innovation. Classical Islamic jurists however had a different understanding, during the medieval era there was no prohibition of cannabis and it was widely used among Muslims, and still is mainly in Shiite communities. The conflation between alcohol and cannabis is a purely modern invention introduced by reformers, it requires twisting Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings in such a way that they weren't understood under the earliest Caliphs.

>> No.17548727

>qiyas is a modern development

>> No.17548745

Lol even *coffee* was extremely controversial when it was first popularized because it was arguably an intoxicant, many issued fatwas against it. You are a stoner

>> No.17548751

Post a source, I'm not going to accept shirk from a random person on 4chan at face value.

>> No.17548762

I knew it was too good to be true

>> No.17548781

It literally is, that's what the Jews call pilpul
>And obey Allah and His Messenger; and fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: For Allah is with those who patiently persevere:

>> No.17548786


>> No.17548787

No you're thinking of hiyal, which is a mainstay of Shia jurisprudence. Qiyas actually is used to prevent hiyal

>> No.17548809

Western scholarship isn't a legit source. Those people think everyone before Victorian England was a weed smoking swinger with gay tendencies.

>> No.17548810

>saving the west by embracing non-western values
Yeah, no. Go live in the fucking desert if you want. The reconquista happened once and it will happen again.

>> No.17548858

I've run an early life check and the author is a non-Jew. Unless you have an argument against his historical findings?

>> No.17548868
File: 91 KB, 670x497, Al_Andalus_&_Christian_Kingdoms-ar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reconquista is happening right now.

>> No.17548895

What I'm saying is that I won't accept non-islamic scholarship, regardless of who wrote it. I smoke a lot of weed but I'm not going to delude myself about it being halal, the hadiths are clear on this subject and unless an actual islamic scholar provides an argument grounded in quranic reasoning I won't simply accept what a western scholar says. Lots of Muslims, in the past and today, smoke weed. They also fornicate before marriage, steal, and lust. That doesn't make it permissible.

>> No.17548908

He fell down the trad zoomer to islamist pipeline

>> No.17548918

You'll be driven out again.

>> No.17549005

>torn apart by violent fanatics
Yes exactly, torn about the violent Western fanatics and Jews.

>> No.17549011

Cannabis is not mentioned anywhere in the Qur'an or in the Hadiths. However here this author has cited early Islamic rulings on the subject and provided historical research into the legality and social consensus concerning cannabis in the medieval Islamic world and it is clear that it wasn't until the Qur'an was already centuries old that there were reformist efforts to deem cannabis haram.

If you require fully non-western sources I cannot help you, as I only speak English. But I have yet to see an argument for cannabis being haram that does not rely on pilpul.

>> No.17549023

>Plus images of waifus are forbidden in islam.
Proof that Islam is the last bastion against degeneracy.

>> No.17549026

You can't even drive out liberals

>> No.17549047
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>> No.17549070
File: 464 KB, 1200x888, 1029021-max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roman?! Why didn't you say so? Islam is compatible with Roman civilization!

>> No.17549076

It's very simple. The Qur'an forbids intoxication.

>> No.17549088

>cannabis and opium, both were created by Allah for Adam's (pbuh) benefit in the garden of Eden
Woah based

>> No.17549122

And there it goes, that conflation again.

>> No.17549166


>> No.17549170

>>Post about Islam on 4chan
>>get people to become Muslim
>>a /pol/tard convert does something really bad
>>Westerners grow more anti-Islam
>>CIA wins
How do they win?

>> No.17549188
File: 91 KB, 604x604, 100C8A88-CD1A-4753-8E5D-5A38647B3CB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>having two 13 year olds in your harem isn't very traditional in the west
>There's nothing wrong with that, really. I'd take hebephilia over a collapsing civilization.

>> No.17549192

I don't see why you tradcath ---> Islam pipeline zoomers can't just get into something like a more meditative Christianity or Hinduism. It's always gotta be something super edgy like NSPX Catholicism or Wahhabism.

>> No.17549215
File: 131 KB, 1200x750, zHq1U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinduism is a lot more extreme and edgy than internet sufis arguing about hash and opium.

>> No.17549230

Christianity sucks. Meditative Islam is cool. Hinduism is inaccessible to Westerners. And don't call me a zoomer!!!

>> No.17549282


>> No.17549288
File: 331 KB, 600x899, 1434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hinduism is inaccessible to Westerners

>> No.17549368

Your a faggot and no better then Trad Caths or LARPagans

>> No.17549371

Quietist religions just aren't all that appealing with what's going on in the world

>> No.17549375


>> No.17549384

>t. soulless atheist bugman

>> No.17549390

>From Middle English wif, wiif, wyf, from Old English wīf (“woman, female, lady, wife”), from Proto-Germanic *wībą (“woman, wife”), possibly from Proto-Indo-European *gʰwíbʰ- (“shame, pudenda”) (compare Tocharian A/B kip/kwīpe (“shame, genitals, female pudenda”)).[1][2] Cognate with Scots wife (“wife”), West Frisian wiif (“wife, woman”), Saterland Frisian Wieuw (“woman, lady, female”), North Frisian wüf (“wife, woman”), Dutch wijf (“woman, female”), Low German Wief (“woman, female”), German Weib (“woman, wife, female”), Danish viv (“woman”), Norwegian viv (“wife, woman, girl”), Swedish viv (“woman”), Faroese vív (“wife, woman”), Icelandic víf (“woman”).

>From Middle English housewif, houswyf, huswijf, equivalent to house + wife. Replaced earlier Middle English hussif (Modern English hussy), which is a doublet.

>From Middle English husbonde, housbonde, from Old English hūsbonda, hūsbunda (“male head of a household, householder, master of a house”), from Old Norse húsbóndi (“master of house”), from hús (“house”) + bóndi (“dweller, householder”), equivalent to house + bond (“serf, slave", originally, "dweller”).

>Bond in turn represents a formation derived from the present participle of West Scandinavian búa, East Scandinavian bôa = to build, plow; compare German bauen, der Bauende. Cognate with Icelandic húsbóndi (“head of household”), Faroese húsbóndi (“husband”), Norwegian husbond (“head of household, husband”), Swedish husbonde (“master”), Danish husbond (“husband”) (< Old Danish husbonde).

>> No.17549408
File: 40 KB, 512x512, veil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Catholic girls in veils will always be cuter than Muslim girls in hijabs

>> No.17549409

How does you converting to islam change anything about for whores and degeneracy?

>> No.17549410

Have you ever considered heaven is not how you think it is?

>> No.17549413

Probably because they're white. The problem is that white women have a tendency to be whores if they're not disciplined.

>> No.17549443
File: 20 KB, 720x479, I tread on you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why embracing Christianity is the only answer. Not meme Christianity that encourages promiscuity or Islam that encourages dressing women in burlap sacks and forbidding them to speak with men outside their family (which, in case you didn't realize it, only leads to a bigger backlash- the same way some meme Protestant minister's daughters will fuck everything in sight in rebellion, so too will a repressed Muslim girl the instant she gets the chance), but real Christianity that honors women and the Mother of God as helpers and partners and (spiritual) equals before God while encouraging marriage and motherhood

>> No.17549456

AKA Mormonism

>> No.17549457

The selection of women is much better and younger, especially among Wahhabis and Deobanis

>> No.17549460

The minister's daughter is allowed to freely mix with men and dress like a floozy. That said they're no worse than any other girls who do

>> No.17549466

Mormonism, most Orthodoxy, some strands of Catholicism. Find a good ROCOR parish and meet a cute Russian girl

>> No.17549517

>so too will a repressed Muslim girl the instant she gets the chance
This is why Allah created Shariah, if a woman is to be a whore or an adulterer then the penalty is death. Thots will not be annihilated until the final judgement, but in the meantime it is the responsibility of the ummah to see that justice is done.

Extreme measures are necessary to shut these harlots down, as we can see in every Christian country.

>> No.17549527

You're right on the others.

>> No.17549543
File: 62 KB, 450x294, woman caught in adultery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, they said to him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery. Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They said this to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” And once again he bent down and wrote on the ground. When they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the elders; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus straightened up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, sir.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again.”

No. That kind of savagery was common among the pagans and apparently among Muslims, but God has established a better law of mercy.

>> No.17549546

>Islam is the only religion that still preaches traditional values
All religions outside of the West preach traditional values. It's the modern West that's the problem, not the religion itself.

>> No.17549550

Homosexuality has been extremely common in all historical Muslim societies because of strict sex segregation

>> No.17549576

Not really

>> No.17549579

I'm not atheist I'm just saying you shouldn't join religions because there "BaSED and RedPILLed.

>> No.17549584

You should join Islam for any reason so long as you join

>> No.17549596
File: 107 KB, 634x600, 00df14120d0edaad7c1d0b729ed6272772fae22444ca42fa36deb4e6b087d74f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And from such teachings we arrived at THIS.
We can see the wisdom in this by its fruit, and that is nothing at all but degeneration and sodomy.

>> No.17549636

No. The rise of promiscuity in the West coincides precisely with the decline of Christianity in the same countries. If Christianity caused such behavior, then the most Christian societies would be the most promiscuous, and yet this is not true- the most devout Christian societies have the least of this behavior. But killing an adulterous woman (or man) is never correct, it is the action of a savage or pagan who has no knowledge of God. Meanwhile devout Muslim societies such as Pakistan are rife with sexual slavery of both women and boys

>> No.17549639

Hinduism is inaccessible to retarded Westerners. Any slightly intelligent Westerner who can see the problems of untrammeled egalitarianism and "liberty" can always relate to any non-Abrahamic philosophy/theology.

>> No.17549645

>The only way his views can be enforced is extreme violence
Also are you denouncing Isa

>> No.17549677

Hinduism is inaccessible because it's not a universalist religion and doesn't pretend to be. The only reason westerners even consider converting to it is because they are so thoroughly entrenched in the Abrahamic mindset they can't even conceive of something outside it.

>> No.17549707

>Meanwhile devout Muslim societies such as Pakistan are rife with sexual slavery of both women and boys
No its not. Pakistan is among one of the cleanest and safest third world countries you can go to. You should travel to South America sometime and see what conservative christian lands look like.

>> No.17549770

The popular image of Hinduism is that it is NOT universalist, and will remain confined between the Pamirs and the Himalayas. But Hinduism has been nothing if not pragmatic, and its most modern and consistent Vedantic schools are closer to being universalist and proselytist. You realise if Hinduism was some sort of hermit's religion, it wouldn't have spread beyond a few hundred clans in the Ganga-Yamuna belt, and lost out to other non-vedic dharmas like Buddhism and Jainism.

>> No.17549775

>Pakistan is among one of the cleanest and safest third world countries you can go to
This is your brain on Islam

>> No.17549789

Some Greek writing a story isn't Isa

>> No.17549814

>But Hinduism has been nothing if not pragmatic, and its most modern and consistent Vedantic schools are closer to being universalist and proselytist.
If this is true I've yet to see it. The hindus I've known in my own life practice it as a familial religion.

>> No.17549923

I think that is due to the crisis of confidence due to the various invasions from beyond the Hindu Kush. The flowering of Vedantism, and by extension Hinduism, I would place between ca. 600-700AD (the Bhagavata, Pancaratra and early devotional movements, when Jainism and Buddhism were being refuted rather successfully) and 1300AD (Madhva, the last Vedantin of great significance w.r.t theology and praxis), by which time you had an intensification of Islamic rule. I'd say this was the case of the baby being strangled in the cradle, and only some sort of Dharmic renaissance can again allow for Hinduism to go beyond the self-imposed boundaries it has placed for itself.

>> No.17549968

Now please believe our accounts of him that came out 600 hundred years later and contradict everything he said.

>> No.17549996

Contradict everything some Greek said you mean,some Greek who supposedly said abandon the law of the old testament and that he is Dionysus

>> No.17550014

What about the belief that you lose your cast if you leave the subcontinent?

>> No.17550044

>See the real Jesus was a guy completely different guy then what people believed he was and the only person so figure this out was a uneducated merchant 600 hundred years later. Because up until that point everyone was just too stupid figure out his true nature.

>> No.17550166

The greatest danger to your personal safety in Pakistan is, unironically, drone strike.
It's a fairly safe place otherwise.

>> No.17550183

If you compare the accounts of Jesus according to the two religions which believe in him you'll find that it's the same person. Just a little bit of diligent study on your part required.

>> No.17550191

The earliest written evidence about Jesus in the Pauline letters and Gospels suggests that, at least, his earliest followers believed he had been crucified and raised from the dead and probably that they believed him to be divine.

>> No.17550202

Holy shit I'm reading this and it's funny that none of the muslims here have replied to your post with strong counter-argument lol

>> No.17550426

Something has to be done about each of those things. Posting threads about Islam and nazism won't achieve much, but acting the way Allah and Hitler (PBUT) teach will save us all.

>> No.17550494

these images have been addressed



>> No.17550568

Christianity wasn't western at first either. It was just a Jewish sect that quickly spread to even the most remote parts if Europe. It seems logical that the next Jewish sect would do the same in due time.

>> No.17550637

The Muslim just agrees with everything and replies with "yes" to everything, though. Quibbling only on matters of minutia such as precisely when Muhammed allowed four wives, what to do with the children of raped slaves, and insisting that not illustrating anything which "is natural, animate or exists in the world" is the same as the blanket term "Islam forbids most drawn art"

>> No.17550818

How does adopting a religion antithetical to western culture preserve western culture? Sounds like wanting to erase your own history to supplant it with something else.

>Polygamy allowed
>Alcohol forbidden
>No religious icons
>Believing in arabic folklore like djinn (genies)
>Following the jurisprudence of arabs and south asians
>Pilgrimage to Arabia
>Male and female circumcision

>> No.17550834

>21st century (((Sunni scholars))) (aka Zionists)
Stopped reading there faggot

>> No.17550849

Lol what those posts agree with 90% of the screencaps. Saying that Muslims can keep slaves as long as it's halal isn't a rebuttal of Muslims keeping slaves.

>> No.17550985

>replies with "yes" to everything,
Holy based

>> No.17551100
File: 17 KB, 300x300, richelieu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity, whatever its faults or provenance, was substantially Westernised by culturally and artistically creative Europeans of the time—absorbing older customs and looking to Platonism, Aristotelianism, and Stoicism for inspiration. Moreover, Judaism (as we think of it now) diverged from the old Hebrew faith into a more legalistic form around the time of early Christianity; therefore similarities between Western Christianity and its modern Jewish "cousin" are largely superficial, and merely emphasised for the political and financial benefit of certain elites. Furthermore, Islam as it presently exists is thoroughly incompatible with the Western ethos; and the two have, of course, been in fierce conflict over the centuries. Modern, ultracapitalist consumerism is undoubtedly no kind of sustainable worldview, however; but Islam would need root and branch reform to conform to the old European spirit. Such would not be easily accepted by long-standing Muslims, even if it were seriously attempted.

>> No.17551124

not fucking kids, and highly anti-semetic.

>> No.17551151

jfc can we stop with the islam propaganda already, it's even more retarded than tradcath

>> No.17551182

Islam is about submitting to Allah

>> No.17551192

Which makes it the ultimate slave religion, even worse than chr*stianity

>> No.17551210

i really want patriarch of antioch jurisdiction but in my country there are only ep and rocor

>> No.17551335
File: 246 KB, 900x900, Dagoth_Ur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come Nerevar, friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart and Akulakahn, and bring Wraithguard, I have need of it. Come to the Heart chamber, I wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago. Come to me through fire and war, I welcome you! Welcome Moon-and-Star, I have prepared a place for you! Come, bring Wraithguard to the Heart chamber, together, let us free the cursed false gods! Welcome Nerevar, together we shall speak for the law and the land and drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind! Is this how you honor the 6th house and the tribe unmourned? Come to me openly, and not by stealth. Dagoth Ur welcomes you Nerevar, my old friend... but to this place where destiny is made, why have you come unprepared? Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where YOUR destiny is made. What a fool you are, I'm a god! How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence! How could you be so naive? There is no escape, no recall or intervention can work in this place! Come! Lay down your weapons! It is not too late for my mercy...