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/lit/ - Literature

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17545176 No.17545176 [Reply] [Original]

All political discussions and moral debates in politics are assholes arguing about different things.

If you see the arguments of all the political debates (immigration, abortion, minimum wage), you realize that they are arguing for different things.

For example, in abortion, they do not discuss the same arguments, but some discuss the mother's well-being, her socioeconomic situation, and the others discuss the baby's right to life.
Actually there is no serious debate because both positions criticize are red herrings and scarecrows of the other positions, but neither the conservatives nor the progressives are really against the serious arguments of the other.

The same with other discussions in politics.

It seems to me this is a core issue in philosophy, but specialy in morality and economics.

>> No.17545307

>reddit spacing
Post discarded

>> No.17545373

Making the peasants care about politics like the aristocrats is peak humanism.

>> No.17545852

Did you only start paying attention to politics yesterday? Everyone already agrees about this, the abortion example has been well known for decades

>> No.17545874

uh yeah, obviously. this is why you dont waste time consuming material related to politic unless it is extremely theoretical

>> No.17545894

>yes nigga, you must be already acquinted with everything and be omniscient on all the details of decades of a topic, otherwise you're a noob and illiterate

>> No.17545946

>all the details of a topic
It’s day 1 stuff.... why are you on this board

>> No.17545972

yes, but I've learned on my own meditations, like a real philosopher.

You simply learned what other people told you to believe.

Me == Rational philosopher
You == NPC from Academia

>> No.17545995

No. No one tells you these things. It’s the kind of thing anyone with half a brain figures out the first time they engage with a topic. Leave the board brainlet

>> No.17546008
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>No, you can't learn a new topic, you must already be born with the knowledge on the topic we're discussing
ok retard.

>> No.17546026

Keep seething while you post baby’s first political take on this basket weaving forum for Korean incels

>> No.17546035

yeah, we need more space for offtopic /r9k/ incel and poltard threads.


>> No.17546119

Not the guy you're arguing with, but all philosophers read philosophy to understand what it's about, and how to construct valid arguments. Thinking you can jump into it without any knowledge leads to very simple and often wrong conclusions that could have been cleared up quickly with some reading into the topics, where you can then formulate original questions and answers based on your knowledge. Most new philosophy is a response to other philosophy, and so on, and so on.

>> No.17546192

You’re the pseud who came to a literature board to extol the virtues of not actually reading, while giving base level takes on the same topics. Next time maybe you can try posting something a little more intellectually advanced, a /Harry Potter General/ perhaps?

>> No.17546885
File: 101 KB, 750x909, Dpugt2NUwAAabnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abortion is murder and I'm still for it
>You can't be against immigration and be for free markets
>Minimum wages are how you keep the poor from killing the rich, don't raise them at your own risk porky

Get fucked op

>> No.17546908

None of it is real. These "issues" are just attention fodder. Obviously, no matter what gets decided, the capitalists win.