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1754331 No.1754331 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I took the SAT today and wrote two fucking sentences for the essay.

>> No.1754334

>yfw you get a '1'

>> No.1754347
File: 66 KB, 526x494, 478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rebellious and cathartic a response to the oppression of school!

How dismal your life will be in the future, how wet your tears as you look back and ask "WHY?"

>> No.1754349

>low SAT Score guarantees a bad life
what blindness.

>> No.1754350
File: 35 KB, 515x308, deathbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"my only regret is that damn SAT"

>> No.1754354

Nah, Anon's about right. Deliberately sabotaging the part of your life that's most likely to determine the rest of it is probably A Bad Move.

>> No.1754356
File: 19 KB, 450x300, 1298190154227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I had no sleep the night before ACTs, was coming down off two chugged Monster energy drinks for breakfast, and was well stoned as I took the test and fell asleep multiple times throughout
>mfw I scored higher than 96% of my classmates

>> No.1754361

What faggots.

Yes, it's going to seem insignificant -- when all the shit it brings with it like a spiderweb of failure makes it seem so.

>> No.1754371

Now you have a cool story, bro. But from here on out, I want to see you straighten out and fly level, you dig?

>> No.1754385

why is it I wonder that no one in the history of test-taking has ever been administered the ACT under optimal or acceptable circumstances? Why is it every time, every person had no sleep, had a flu, was stung by a bee, was inebriated in some fashion, and was raped during the test?

>> No.1754388
File: 18 KB, 137x136, 2-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Mfw it was because I ran out of time (Five minutes left, hadn't written) and not because I'm some rebellious faggot.

>> No.1754393

It seems like forever ago, but I remember getting lots of sleep, eating a good, solid breakfast, and taking the test with little to no troubles nor qualms.

>> No.1754397

Ooooooh. Were they good sentences?

>> No.1754399
File: 53 KB, 720x479, 1282323129685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u jelly cuz I took the test after being mugged and raped by a bunch of niggers and one of the busted in me anus causing an immediate decrease in my IQ and both my hands were broken and both my eyes were punched so hard that I could barely see anything and I was in extreme pain from internal and anal bleeding throughout the entire test and I still got a perfect score

I amaze myself sometimes.

>> No.1754401

Yeah, right. You're probably suppressing memories of the rape part of the test.

>> No.1754402

because their buttmad that the did poorly

>> No.1754405
File: 25 KB, 442x470, upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no. I'll probably get a one. Not that they didn't address the question. I expressed my complete opinion in two damn sentences, but I doubt they'll see it that way or that it was good enough anyhow. Oh well. I felt pretty good about the rest of the writing section, so I think I'll get at the very least a 500 there.

It's just a fun story to tell: I wrote two sentences for the SAT essay.

>> No.1754408

>mon visage quand I wrote one and a half pages and have been writing two page long essays weekly for years.

>> No.1754416

I also took the SATs today, and I was extremely dissipointed with how the "What did the author mean when he said ______?" questions. It's almost like they're trying to suck the creativity and individuality out of us.

>> No.1754420


What was the prompt and what were your sentences?

>> No.1754435
File: 63 KB, 328x431, 1291355413456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I took the SATs in 2001 and there wasn't a writing section

>> No.1754448

I was really sick on the morning I was supposed to take the ACT once, so I just didn't go. It's your own dumbass faults that you decided to take a standardized test unprepared.

>> No.1754454
File: 710 KB, 799x509, afghan-civilian-killteam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw the test costs money to take

>> No.1754455

also took it. what were yo sentences?

>> No.1754534

Oh man am I jelly!

Kind of. Though essays are a bitch, I'm good at them and usually get better test scores when the test involves an essay rather than just multiple choice.

>> No.1754537
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>his face when it was his parents' money

>> No.1754601

i took it too. the prompt was about restrictions and i wrote about vladimir ulyanov's younger brother, famous for establishing an anarchist commune on a man-made island in the baltic sea

graders aren't allowed to fact-check, motherfuckers

>> No.1754613

lolololol really?

>> No.1756596

what was your score on the psats?

>> No.1756619
File: 21 KB, 347x447, 1270829791453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I forgot I signed up for the SAT until the night before and got a 1620

>> No.1756631

Oh dog. What was the prompt?

>> No.1756638
File: 77 KB, 720x530, 1304283220385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I'd make a low score anyway.

>> No.1756645
File: 256 KB, 512x384, Dr Crane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I never gave two shits about the SAT
>mfw I never studied for the SAT
>mfw I can't even remember what my score was
>mfw I can't even differentiate the SAT from the ACT and all the other state and nation-wide acronym tests I took
>mfw the test has never affected my life in any way, shape, or form
>mfw I don't even know why we took those pointless tests in the first place

>> No.1756673

>Grading people on how shameless they are and how frequent they churn out sub-par ideas

>> No.1757178

>got trashed the night before my ACT
>woke up
>wasn't hungover
>still fucking trashed
>walked to school
>took my ACT
>got math section back a few weeks later
>got a 7 on it
>just goes to show
>don't drink
>(puts on sunglasses)
>and derive

>> No.1757187

>took very last sat sitting before the writing test was added
>college made sat scores optional the following year
>just plain fuck

>> No.1757189

>mfw I got a perfect score on the essay and ended up dropping out

>> No.1757213

You say it hasn't affected your life, anon, but... you're posting on 4chan.

In another universe, the version of you that aced the test is in bed with supermodels.

>> No.1757214

>mfw when a wrote a brief thesis, 3 supporting paragraphs alluding to pieces of literature, a brief closing paragraph and only scored a 7/12.

Fuck the SAT. I didn't study at all and scored a 1790 on it. Good enough for me.