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17541796 No.17541796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>incel blackpill theory is 100% true
>fatalist marxist theory like Adorno's, Debord's and Fisher's (except when they imply women and minorities are equal) is true
>Darwinism and social Darwinism is true
>/pol/ schizo conspiracy theories about Jews are 100% true
>Spengler was right
>evopsych is true
>differences between races are real
>differences between sexes are real
>fascism is the only ideology that works
>no good art will ever exist again thanks to capitalism and Jews
>climate change is real
>conspiracies about the US being run by pedos are real
>Jews and other people in power are planning to go to space and leave us all to die once they have the technology
>religion actually is necessary for civilization to function despite not being real
>white genocide is real
>communism will never work
>capitalism will destroy the earth
>the future is all non-whites, trannies and faggots
>Freud was right about everything
>philosophy after Plato is all bullshit, Greek philosophy is still irrelevant in modern society
>science is completely compromised by liberals
>the CIA psyops this site all the time, every other site is completely pozzed
>ads everywhere, music, shows and memes psyopping you into becoming a tranny everywhere

I've taken all the blackpills bros. I can't take this anymore. Show me ONE book ONE that will make me want to keep living. I've already read memes like Camus. No I don't care it's absurd, it still fucking sucks. I simply can't see any reason to stay alive in this wicked existence. No In won't read the fucking bible, its all lies and only works for low IQ people.

>> No.17541810

You don't even realise how embarrassing you sound. Screenshot this thread when you sober up from the smell of your own farts and reread it next time you start feeling too cocky.

>> No.17541815

Wind up bird chronicle.

>> No.17541816

>>/pol/ schizo conspiracy theories about Jews are 100% true
probably about 90%
>communism will never work
I think it could possible, depending on what you mean by "work"
>Freud was right about everything
>the CIA psyops this site all the time
probably not
>ads everywhere, music, shows and memes psyopping you into becoming a tranny everywhere
this is just on /pol/ but yeah be careful it is trying to feminize you.

Everything else you said is true though

>> No.17541822

For real, just grow up. And start reading actual literature starting, as always, with the greeks.

>> No.17541823

>fascism is the only ideology that works
doubt, monarchy is where its at

>> No.17541829

>conspiracies about the US being run by pedos are real
not just the US, its the entire world

>> No.17541835

cringe, this board should be better than this

>> No.17541847

Go see a prostitute man

>> No.17541851
File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I fucking forgot of course, pic related is also absolutely right about everything. Holy shit there really is no hope.
I read them. Still not as convincing as /pol/ Blackpills. They simply just make sense and all adds up. Also by fascism working I meant its the only sane ideology but it will also never happen or will end in disaster, just like communism. Also I'm drunk so sorry for ranting.

>> No.17541853
File: 157 KB, 960x960, 1591462856465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this upset. Read a fucking book instead of letting /pol/ glowies turn you into a future asset.

>> No.17541875

I remember when I overdosed on redpills. You're right about a lot, but /pol/ makes it seem very overblown. What helped me not be an autist about it is reminding myself that its the elites doing it, not the jews. Now obviously anyone with a brain can see most of the elites ARE Jews, but just say elites instead, otherwise you'll lose your fucking mind. For fascism, I don't know, it's one of those things that sounds good but often ends in disaster. We'll never really know if its good desu, as we'll continue to live in a corporate oligarchy fueled by greed and jewry. But that's just how the world works I guess.

>> No.17541876

>Also I'm drunk so sorry for ranting.
That's understandable. Try to think about this post once you sober up and if you still agree with it.

>> No.17541885

I read:
>the Greeks
>Kevin MacDonald
>the meme trio of pomos (Derrida dekeuze foucakt)
>pol infographs
>the bell curbe (forgot how the dude is called)
>ted kacunzki
>half of the bible
The Greeks just seemed irrelevant in the modern age. They had no globohomo, Jews, trannies, etc. Evoka and guenon just seemed like cope and magic bullshit. Dropped the pomos after I found out they were all pedos and signed that age of consent thing in France (they were also unreadable and just seemed like nonsense). The only one I trust is baudrillard now. The Bible just seemed like cope and religion is associated to low IQ and nonwhites. I have no idea what to read anymore. Its all blackpills.

>> No.17541887

I'm pretty blackpilled too, I can't justify contributing anything to a society that pushes faggotry on it's own population. Am considering going to jail so I can leech taxpayer money and won't have to work.

>> No.17541893
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Take the monk pill

>> No.17541894

I'm sure this thread will pull in anon from the other thread I was conversating with, so

What demands? I'm just pointing out the fact that most people are selfish, and only care about you to the extent you provide something-- be it companionship, sexual attractiveness, some sort of psychological fix, or money and status. Saying "be nice" only works under some circumstances, ie. you're a woman or very sheltered man.
I brought up homelessness because I have been homeless before and people treated me like shit for it. You're just a sheltered cunt who's incapable of entertaining a thought unless it makes you feel good and lashes out like a child when people provide real actionable advice beyond "just b urself" and "get a clue".
You talk about ego trips, but you're the one lashing out because I expressed my observations in a way that isn't instantly flattering to your ego. Call other people narcissists but meanwhile your insincere normie mind is blowing up from encountering something more substantial than vapid platitudes and feel-good affirmations.
At least I understand myself and others, you're just a shallow simulation of a man.

>> No.17541898

>I can't justify contributing anything to a society that pushes faggotry on it's own population

Just produce something great then at the peak of your relevancy renounce homosexuality.

>> No.17541897

Also this.
I seriously don't know hownyou can still want to live after reading this. Jesus Christ. Nature is so cruel. I hate this existence.

>> No.17541901

the only "fix" is to try to bluepill yourself I guess. Waste away in copes and entertainment, generate GDP, and masturbate. I've tried super hard but I can't forget some things that I know.

>> No.17541904

Fuck off.

>> No.17541912

Why is anything bad?

>> No.17541926

You think you are a free thinker who has discovered the truth but you have simply fallen for the ramblings of anonymous losers on the internet. You believe them because they create a strong emotional reaction and starting from there you develop a confirmation bias to interpret everything through the lens of those internet ramblings.

>> No.17541928

the only thing bad is people like you who voluntarily emotionally abuse themselves

>> No.17541930

this bro I am not reading any of this shit LMAO

>> No.17541935

>inb4 hordes of npcs screeching "have sex"
Having sex doesn't change the truth. I'm not a virgin but even I can still see some of this stuff.

>> No.17541942

Personally, the way I've accepted these blackpills is by convincing myself that I'm in some version of hell and the only way to reincarnate into a better world is to live a moral life and try to be an excellent person. Of course, I have no way of knowing if this is true or if I'm full of shit, but it works for me.

As far as handling my day to day, I focus my time and energy on my work, writing, and dnd game. By focusing my energy into creative endeavor, it feels a lot less futile.

Book rec: Reflections on the Art of Living by Joseph Campbell. Pay special attention to his musing on traveling around the world and returning to his hometown, only to find his perception of his hometown has completely changed. Heaven and hell are a state of mind and so forth. You're at the stage where you need metaphysics, not more analysis of why the world's fucked.

>> No.17541945

willing to make a money bet with anyone in this thread that OP has not read any books at all

>> No.17541954

>is aware the CIA psyops this place all the time
>still managed to fall for every psyop in the book
You are a fucking retard OP.

>> No.17541956

And then you remember that working=contributing to society=empowering the elites=degrading society even more

>> No.17541958

Are you so gullible and weak willed that you just uncritically believe everything you read on a wiki page?

>> No.17541961

>>incel blackpill theory is 100% true
>>fatalist marxist theory like Adorno's, Debord's and Fisher's (except when they imply women and minorities are equal) is true
Bassically yes
>>Darwinism and social Darwinism is true
Yes to the former no to the latter.
>>/pol/ schizo conspiracy theories about Jews are 100% true
>>>Spengler was right
No and you haven't read him because he rejects Darwinism since it contradicts his metaphysics
>>differences between races are real
The race and iq stuff is debatable
>>differences between sexes are real
More so that the previous one.
>>fascism is the only ideology that works
lmao no
>>no good art will ever exist again thanks to capitalism and Jews
Jews have nothing to do with it
>>climate change is real
>>conspiracies about the US being run by pedos are real
>>Jews and other people in power are planning to go to space and leave us all to die once they have the technology
lmao no
>>religion actually is necessary for civilization to function despite not being real
>>white genocide is real
>>communism will never work
>>capitalism will destroy the earth
>>the future is all non-whites, trannies and faggots
You can't really breed white skin/blonde hair/blue eyes out of the human race
>>Freud was right about everything
Probably not
>>philosophy after Plato is all bullshit, Greek philosophy is still irrelevant in modern society
Contradicts the second one and the one about Spengler. Also no.
>>science is completely compromised by liberals
>>the CIA psyops this site all the time, every other site is completely pozzed
They probably look at it sometimes but I doubt the post "demoralization" threads or whatever
>>ads everywhere, music, shows and memes psyopping you into becoming a tranny everywhere

>> No.17541966

The thing is CIA psyops evetyryinf. If there were any good books why would the CIA allow us to read them? everything is compromised. Everything is a psyop. Everything is controlled. There's noe scape. You are probably a glowie trying to keep me alive to stay a slave to your system.

>> No.17541967

No, that's illogical. Work does not empower the elites, no more than eating bread empowers the mosquitoes that drink your blood. You can be a whole and integral person without worrying about the idiotic parasites that rule over you.

>> No.17541973

>No and you haven't read him because he rejects Darwinism since it contradicts his metaphysics
This lie again. Goddamn, YOU haven't read Spengler. He agrees with evolution, he disagrees with gradualism (and he was RIGHT).

>> No.17541974

no shit lmao

>> No.17541978

No one has refuted it yet. The number of virgins just keep raising every decade. You're delusional.

>> No.17541983

Maybe not empowering, but enabling yes IMO. For example USA's involvement in the middle east: none of us wanted it, yet we pay for it in every paycheck.

>> No.17541993

>For example USA's involvement in the middle east: none of us wanted it, yet we pay for it in every paycheck.
I think certain fans of a certain ethnostate near the Gaza strip want it.

>> No.17541994

Ok. Kys already.

>> No.17541996

You're right about some of it but spending too much time on /pol/ rots your brain a bit. Jews are 100% very powerful in society, and most of their ideas are harmful to us as a whole. But not all of them are Jews. Even if you did get rid of them the problems would stay. The final blackpill is that the Jews are right about the goyim.

>> No.17541997

If you have knowledge that the world is shit and heading towards disaster , you have the personal responsibility to be the exception and the difference.

But no, you would rather post doomer memes on a image board created for anime.

>> No.17542000

but how

>> No.17542003

Yeah, and they don't represent 95% of the population. But we continue paying for it anyways because our comfort is more important than random lives in the middle east. I'm not even saying we're wrong for this, but at some point we need to take responsibility for what we allow to happen.

>> No.17542004

>"women are emotional and illogical!!! they don't think and get carried away by their emotions!!!"
>unironically believes everything listed here
You and all other males deserve to die and burn in hell.

>> No.17542006


self improvement and political activism

>> No.17542010

>political activism
If he says what he believes in this case he'll never get a job again
found the woman

>> No.17542012

this is a reminder that anime and american media rots your brain.

>> No.17542015
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>the Greeks
Go back and read the Timaeus
Oh no my civilization is decaying
Oh no I can't feel my legs
Oh no I'm walking like an Egyptian
>Kevin MacDonald
Oh no I'm falling behind in my group evolutionary strategy
>the meme trio of pomos (Derrida dekeuze foucakt)
Oh no I didn't understand any of these people since I didn't read Hegel/Marx/Nietzsche
Oh no it's turtles all the way down
Oh no there's no Leninist revolution
Oh no is that jazz I'm going insane
Oh no other people are enjoying media
>pol infographs
Oh no other people are stinky
>the bell curbe (forgot how the dude is called)
Oh no other people are stupid
>ted kacunzki
Oh no other people are being enslaved by machines
>half of the bible
Oh no other people aren't chosen

>> No.17542024

Gradualism is a part of Darwinism. Darwinism isn't just evolution/common descent. For example Samuel Butler is considered an evolutionist but not a Darwinian.

>> No.17542026

OP you are a sixteen yo angry dude, you need to calm down a bit and stop taking everything you read for granted
being anti-everything may seem cool but that doesn't make it right

>> No.17542028

None of these are real. The only blackpill is that reality is pure chaos and you my friend are one of the unlucky ones. Embrace chaos and it may just save you now.

>> No.17542029

Fascists only have good art if you think Napoleon was a fascist

>> No.17542040

I don't think he said anything about fascism and art, just that capitalism sucks the life out of beauty. Which I'd say is true.

>> No.17542044
File: 271 KB, 946x696, 493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies are less than 1% percent of US population. Why are Americans like this. Yes the tranny psyop is working so well 99% of Americans are still CIS. Kys you obsessed faggot.

>> No.17542046
File: 4 KB, 299x168, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Monarchist.

>> No.17542053

It only seems to cite psychology papers which are notoriously non rigorous and make sweeping conclusions about human psych based on small cohorts. Evopsych especially has anpoor reputation. It also contains blatant factual innacuracies like "This aspect of human sexuality can be traced back to some of our oldest ancestor species, e.g. lizards", we are not descended from lizards. This is on the same level as Jordan Peterson's lobster bullshit.

>> No.17542058

Agreed, the scientific blackpill is absolutely brutal. I don't want to add to your bad mental condition but read F. Roger Devlin "Sexual Utopia in Power" and "Blackpill Theory: Why Incels Are Right And You Are Wrong" by Dr Castle

>> No.17542061

I'd argue that the fact that we aren't allowed to beat them or hunt them is proof that it worked. Sure nobody likes them still, but in future generations I could see it getting wrose. It was like 10 years ago when we were still talking about gay marriage, remember?

>> No.17542062

/pol/tards will say psychology is pseudoscience and Jewish subversion unless it fits their narrative, then it's based and objectively true.

>> No.17542064

That said OP doesn't believe in god, so I'm not sure why he cares? If there is no god then why are trannies a bad thing?

>> No.17542070

>psychology is pseudoscience
I'd argue some of it is. Any healthy human being will be unhappy if their life sucks. Psychology says that they are depressed and need to buy drugs to fix it.

>> No.17542073

>I'd argue that the fact that we aren't allowed to beat them or hunt them is proof that it worked.
You're not allowed to beat or hunt anyone you fucking psychopath. This is not "proof" of anything working. What the actual fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.17542078

Psychology and /pol/ both trace to the collapse of Austria-Hungary so there's that

>> No.17542079

This btfos OP

>> No.17542083

There you go. Psychology says I need to take my meds? Cringe and bluepilled. Psychology says there are IQ differences between races? Based and redpilled!

>> No.17542085

OP I know you say you don't believe in Christianity, but seeing how reading /pol/ redpills made you feel such an intense way you might want to look into it either. I didn't believe it at first either, but after brainwashing myself into believing I felt much better. If you read enough of anything you will start to think that way, it's just how the human mind works. Brainwash yourself into religion, it's the best whitepill. doesn't matter if it's true.

>> No.17542090

>Planning to go to space
At most they want to go to mars. In a spaceship there will be a redstribution of power and who knows who will end up on top? Plus who trusts that when you have an entire planet already in your control?

>> No.17542093

I wasn't arguing it in that way I just meant that if any animal has a shitty life it wouldn't make sense for it to be happy, would it? Psychology says that means you are mentally ill. I don't agree with that. it just means you're a loser and you don't deserve to be happy. I never mentioned racial pseudoscience.

>> No.17542094

You must embrace Islam OP. This is the one blackpill you forgot. Islam is the only thing that can save the West now.

>> No.17542096

Stop watching porn. Sex is not everything. Refute me OP

>> No.17542098

What's wrong with hunting trannies. Are you trans?

>> No.17542101

>Brainwash yourself into religion, it's the best whitepill. doesn't matter if it's true.
Living inside a fake persona will not make you happier

>> No.17542105

Tax is theft, but that's nothing new.

>> No.17542107

Most normies do this every day and they're fine. Just do it OP

>> No.17542110

Become a monk. Meditate 24/7. You don't need anything else

>> No.17542113

Normies don't run down the /pol/ reading list until it makes them a Muslim

>> No.17542116

That's what I mean, we allow ourselves to be stolen from. So I'd say we deserve it.

>> No.17542119

>>17542113 OP

>> No.17542122

Then do Christianity. Don't tell me there aren't millions of brain dead NPC Christians. The only difference is they were born thinking like that. You have to work to dumb yourself down

>> No.17542123


Slapstick by Vonnegurti

>> No.17542124

Monks don't do that, they work their asses off for the fat abbott. Monks are still human and have to live in a power structure and earn sustenance.

>> No.17542137

Final blackpill is that the only way to function as a human is to drown yourself in coping mechanisms like a mindless normie drone. I don't have a fix for this.

>> No.17542138

>go to a cave
>meditate 24/7 for the rest of your life

Take the monk pill. Be like the Buddha

>> No.17542146

Why yes I had a lot of choice in the matter.

>> No.17542152

thank you

>> No.17542156

Man goes to doctor, tells him he is unhappy.
Doctor says ok, I can't really help you with that, but we got drugs if you want
Man takes drugs
Man complains on the internet he was given drugs.
If you don't want your depression to be treated like an illness maybe don't go to someone whose job is to cure illnesses?????

>> No.17542163

To OP:
The best thing you need to do is Plato and Aristotle. But first you need to get swoll as fuck. I recommend a regular plan of push ups, sit ups, and chin ups on alternating days just to start. And then you'll need build a virtuous character and put it to the test. As Aristotle says, a man grows in virtue by practice. So start attracting hot women while refusing to have sex with them.
Otherwise, you'll miss the visceral character and strength it takes to comprehend true philosophy, and become like a puny weakling, or worse, an analytic philosopher.
Thomas himself was built like an ox, and legends says his loins were girded by an angel when some thot prostitute was hired by his brothers to seduce him.
Once you've built the proper character and body, your mind will be unchained and you'll ascend to see God as the purely actual, connecting it together with the Platonic Good and the Logos of Christ, comprehending the natural law and mogging continental, marxist, and analytic alike.

>> No.17542166

Individually no, but collectively we could easily stop it. We jsut choose not to.

>> No.17542172

That's why I don't. But it doesn't change the fact that mainstream psych tells people it is an illness when probably about 70% of cases are just inadequacy

>> No.17542179

>Individually no, but collectively we could easily stop it. We jsut choose not to.
Most people have trouble choosing what to fucking order at McDonalds, you expect them to have a strong and unified opinion on geopolitics?

>> No.17542184

Absolutely not, which is why we deserve it

>> No.17542193

>the answer is to brain damage yourself
Yeah OP is already doing that on his garbage diet of panic literature

>> No.17542196

Exactly. It's better to be a whitepilled retard than a blackpilled retard

>> No.17542198

That's a hermit

>> No.17542201

>panic literature
Op reads panic literature to feel good and more significant. Be honest

>> No.17542206

I took a glance at these and none of these are anything I wouldn't consider common knowledge among men who have spent any length of time in the chansphere. Am I just numb if I don't find any of these particularly new or bone-chilling?

>> No.17542208

Become one. Meditate until truth comes to you.

>> No.17542217

>Am I just numb if
Yeah I guess so. It seems like basic info to anyone who's been around women. Only soiboys who simp for sluts can't see that shit. You don't even need to be on 4chan, just interact with women and you'll see it. Real men just deal with it I guess.

>> No.17542218

I'd say a good deal of it has been internalized by your average 4channer but still there are things that might surprise even him + normies are very sensitive to this stuff and it makes them seethe hard

>> No.17542222

Do you watch porn, OP? Stop watching it. Most Incels are coomers

>> No.17542228
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So he isn't a retard, he's a midwit, which is worse. Sad!