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/lit/ - Literature

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17540609 No.17540609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>living wage
getting real sick of retards putting words together and giving them a meaning other than what it should indicate. a living wage has nothing to do with the requirements for living and yet every cunt who uses it acts like you're literally going to die if you don't have a gluttony of food, renting a 4 bedroom McMansion, 3 iPhones with unlimited data, a netflex subscription, a disney+ subscription, 2 cars (on credit) with enough left over to raise however many children you have and still save for a house all on a burger flipping wage
how the fuck do you fight back against this doublespeak bullshit?

>> No.17540748

To what kind of salary do you think "living wage"refers to, and where do you think you can rent a 4 bedroom mansion with it?

>> No.17540762

McMansion. Very different. I might have been exaggerating it somewhat but you surely can't say a living wage denotes a wage purely for sustaining life. The people who always cry out for a living wage seemingly always have the latest iPhone at hand to record anyone who disagrees with them for future social annihilation. They have no problems obtaining luxuries so how can you say their wage is not enough for living? It's simply doublespeak.

>> No.17540774

If you have to flip burgers to live then you don't deserve to live.

>> No.17540800

I don't even know what a living wage denotes desu. I've heard it's something to do with being able to feed yourself without food stamps.

>The people who always cry out for a living wage seemingly always have the latest iPhone
Do you have any actual examples in mind? Are those people lower-class and in need of a living wage or are they upper class doing virtue signal?
Also an Iphone is a once a year purchase at most if you get them as soon as they get out. Quite ridiculous (and they're overpriced), but what is an Iphone compared to a year of rent? Remember that sometimes the price of food (and rent, etc.) quite be very high while more advanced product can be rather cheap. Prices depend on many things.
Genuinely asking here since I don't live in the US and have no idea what the prices are.

>> No.17540808

If you have to eat to live you deserve to be eaten.

>> No.17540842
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>actual statistics about workers unable to feed themselves without food stamps
>nah i'll just argue with my strawman instead
Go outside.

Who will flip your burgers then?

>> No.17540848


Ad hoc fallacy

>> No.17540852

What the fuck does any of this shit have to do with /lit/? Take this stuff to /pol/.

>> No.17540854

It's completely made up arbitrary bullshit. Apparently a common accepted value is 60% of the median wage. Which is obviously retarded because they will just recursively increase as the minimum living wage increases.

>> No.17540861

show me the statistics then. I haven't seen it.

it's about doublespeak. Now go back to redd*t.

>> No.17540865

I flip my own burgers and i do it for free

>> No.17540884
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>> No.17540890

Just because a concept can be described with a word doesn’t make it /lit/ you dumb faggot. This isn’t the place for philosophical or historical discussions that aren’t grounded in some literary work.

>> No.17540898

it's grounded in 1984 becoming reality.
now go back to your safe space

>> No.17540904

Aren't there like 30 other threads like this in the catalog? You don't seem to have a problem with those

>> No.17540907

>useless overpriced college degrees
>repayments on a $40,000 car loan
no necessary to live. try again

>> No.17540915
File: 38 KB, 495x314, wage stagnation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wages have been stagnant for 50 years and the US federal minimum wage is actually 30% lower than 50 years ago accounting for inflation

>> No.17540924
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>"People just make bad choices"
Wrong, there is a systematic process to monopolize all gains from modern technology and suppress any and all gains from those lower down the income distribution

>> No.17540941

yeah it sucks that people devalue their work by supporting the importation of low wage workers to replace them, but that has nothing to do with whether that wage can support someone living or not. The fact is, it can, if people weren't expecting all the luxuries with none of the work.

>> No.17540943
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If you're worried about newspeak you should be paying attention to the euphemisms that actually matter. Like "American interests", "national security", "defense contractor", "law and order", etc. At least nobody's committing murder in the name in the name of a "living wage"

>> No.17540958

I don't particularly care what we call it, but the stagnation of wages for workers despite the most concentrated technological advancement in human history is a horrific reality. Yes, importing more workers does drive wages down, but outsourcing and the general globalization of the labor market was happening anyway. This is a concerted and purposeful strategy by those with power to gain and hold even more power.

>> No.17540961

yes, having healthcare is not a right, it is a commodity like video games or booze. Can't afford it? i can't afford a lambo either but I still work hard for my company. If I put in the effort and get my sales up, ill be able have a few more luxuries and maybe save a few bucks. grow up children

>> No.17540969

>actual numbers, sources, factual arguments

>hurr durr muh lazy strawman. you're entitled if your working anything less than 12 hour days for mr. shekelstein.

>> No.17540974

>you should focus on this aspect and not the other ones because I like this one
sure bud. We can talk about all of the doublespeak without trying to suppress the discussion of the one you particularly like.

>> No.17540978

LTV has been proven right once again. try again cuckservatives

>> No.17540985

>having healthcare is not a right
correct and basedpilled. People shouldn't be forced to pay for your generationally degenerating genes and poor choices.

>> No.17540992

Wages stagnated because women entered the workforce. Increased supply of workers means you don't have to pay them as much. Repeal the 19th amendment

>> No.17540994

The are other constraints on the median wage so it's not entirely arbitrary. But isn't that more a definition of the poverty line?
Remember affluence and poverty are relative. Portable phones are a luxury the year they're invented, but in a society where everyone has one and you're expected to be able to answer a call for you employer at any time during working hours, it's something you can't really afford to not have (unless you're rich, ironically).

The more technology becomes a part of normal social relations, the less luxurious they tend to become, independently of their level of sophistication.

>> No.17541008

The thing is there's always budget alternatives to what is necessary, but because of the cultural zeitgeist people are more interested in showing off and looking rich, even when on fucking food stamps, than being sensible and living within their means. It is quite literally impossible to starve to death or go without shelter in the western world unless you specifically try for it.

>> No.17541010

fuck the entire constitution, the only rights you have are the ones you take with force. fucking cuckservatives keep asking daddy government to protect muh stonks.

>> No.17541015

Hasn't the share of women in the workforce since 1985 drastically increased? By your reasoning this should have produced a slowing down of the increase of median male income, which is clearly not the case here. Increase in income is steady, it is the expenses that have grown faster.

Didn't expect the health insurance to have gown even more quickly than housing desu.

>> No.17541027

Technological advancement by definition allows for more work to be done with less labor. This is a problem with the very foundation of the current capitalist economy. The reason it was such a powerful model was because there was some degree of a balance between owners of capital needing labor to generate profits and laborers being able to sell their labor for a decent living. The steady advancement of technology will continue more and more to tip that balance in favor of the capital owner and against the seller of labor. You can't raise conditions by trying to reduce the labor supply because it's too much of an uphill battle.

>> No.17541035

You can’t pay rent on a minimum wage job. That isn’t a living wage. You know what’s a living wage? 15 dollars man. Fuck you man, people need to fucking eat and they can’t do it on 7.25 man.

>> No.17541036

yes exactly. The jewish run airlines and banks should crash rather than taxing people to support them and the wages of the monkeys running the TSA lines.

>> No.17541043

The women were replaced by mexicans. The manipulation and flow of people has been calculated decades in advance. Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.17541059

>it's my right to live in the most expensive place in the country

>> No.17541067

Pretty sure thing like family abuse and mental illness are among the first causes of homelessness, so in a sense you're right, people in their right mind mostly don't become homeless, but this doesn't really address the issue of homelessness in anyway.
As for people wanting to show off, how many poor people do you know that engage in those behavior? I'm sure those exist since those behavior can often lead to poverty, but I doubt they're universal about poor or low-wage people. I've never met someone who bought a phone they couldn't largely afford, or who had to skip meal in order to buy a better-looking phone.

>> No.17541070

I'd rather flip burgers with my mind focused on literature than work a job that requires me to actually use my brain

>> No.17541075

There isn’t any place in the country that a man can live on minimum wage you absolute retard. People call it a living wage for a reason you sheltered sociopath. You’ll burn in hell you will

>> No.17541077

silly illiterates thinking they should post this on a board for people who read books. they probably post anime on /s/

>> No.17541078

You're not supposed to pay rent on a minimum wage job. Minimum wage jobs are for kids in high school. If you're an adult and you can only get a minimum wage job you'd be more useful to society in a grave

>> No.17541080

Okay but that doesn't explain why the rate of income increase isn't slowing even more.

>> No.17541086

Manufacturing essentially doesn't exist in North America any more. People simply do not have the option to move to some small town with a local industry because all the jobs are centralized in cities. And city living is expensive.

>> No.17541094

>Minimum wage jobs are for kids in high school.
Well there aint a good enough economy for that retard. People have to fucking eat

>> No.17541097

>"Oh, me? I inherited the family fortune and have never worked a day in my life."

>> No.17541104
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lying isn't good for the soul

>> No.17541113

Sorry you can't make me feel bad for literal retards that can only get a job in food service

>> No.17541120

>You're not supposed to pay rent on a minimum wage job.
Why not?

>Minimum wage jobs are for kids in high school.
No they aren't. Minimum wage jobs are for whoever is willing to take them. Plus some kids in highschool already have to support themselves entirely.

>If you're an adult and you can only get a minimum wage
Wage distribution is absolutely not decided by usefulness, have you ever actually worked?

>> No.17541124

This is literally "eat the bugs" mentality that capitalists push to get people to be satisfied with less

>> No.17541130

If those retards didn't do those jobs, who would?

>> No.17541131

So you are a self admitted sociopath?

>> No.17541133

Those who don't work dont eat. You think the value provided by the "expertise" of a hedge fund manager, incredibly highly payed professional who fails to outperform the market, (so, zero), justifies his drastically difference income from a guy who flips burgers, whose value added is literally fifty to three hundred burgers per day? Zero is less than one burger, let alone a shit ton of burgers.

>> No.17541134

You are just lazy

>> No.17541141

The ones in the freezer aren't plastic wrapped either. I think you're right. There isn't even reasonable cause to believe this is an attempt to thwart a silverfish or mold infestation. OP's posting the /lit/ equivalent of gore, with some off topic bullshit.

>> No.17541147

>Wage distribution is absolutely not decided by usefulness, have you ever actually worked?
poorfag cope

>> No.17541160

probably a robot or a mexican

>> No.17541163

Well put dude. Rec me some books to process this information

>> No.17541169
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Wage distribution is influenced by power. Those selling labor have ever decreasing levels of power while those who have already accumulated capital have ever increasing power. This is a recipe for disaster and you would do well to contemplate this before the inevitable breaking point for this system.

>> No.17541175

yeah it's the capitalists pushing people to eat bugs. definitely not the marxists planning for the next holodomor.

>> No.17541181

Relevant hedge funds do outperform the market. And even if they didn't, they're making the market which is non-zero value you dumb fuck

>> No.17541185

you realize a hedge fund managers job is to hedge the fund right? Not to out perform the market. Of course, out performing the market is a good thing, and there are certainly shit managers to who lose all the money on bad gambles, but you shouldn't talk about shit you know nothing about.

>> No.17541195

Mein Kampf has raving reviews.

>> No.17541208

Marx was all for people enjoying themselves which is the opposite of the whole minimalistic "own nothing and be happy' fad

>> No.17541210

Literally just spend less money. Commie fags cry about not being able to get ahead then blow all their money living in brooklyn and eating at hipster cafes for every meal

>> No.17541214

>just stop enjoying things

>> No.17541221

we don't actually believe you know anyone, let alone a communist.

>> No.17541222

t. never worked
In the past three years I've been paid 10% above the median wage of my country despite producing 0 value for the economy. I'm a very mild case but there are thousands like me.
In fact that's inaccurate, I do contribute to the economy, by spending. That's all.

>> No.17541225

Depends what kind of book you are looking for, but I would genuinely recommend The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang for a solid grounding in the current labor market/technology situation. If you are more deeply interested in economic theory (like I am) I can tell you I've really gotten a lot out of The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, Proposed Roads to Freedom by Bertrand Russell, The Road to Serfdom by FA Hayek (simply to better understand how wrongheaded some people are in regard to government and the economy), also unironically Capital by Marx, which is a great book if you are willing (and able) to engage with it critically. I try to also read a wide range of thought in general and recently finished God and the State by famed anarchist Mikhail Bakunin which was a very stimulating read

>> No.17541228

>happiness can only come from consumption

>> No.17541231

Robots can't do those jobs, else they would already be doing them. And there are not enough Mexicans (yet).

>> No.17541243
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interesting cope

I believe him. He seems like a truly enlightened, self sufficient person trying to help others see the light of hard work and prosperous mind sets.

>> No.17541244

>"I have a stereotype of hipster communists therefore a generation whose fathers and grandfathers had middle class jobs in mills and factories but who themselves have to compete with third world labor and automation are invalid"

>> No.17541249

Marx did not have an LTV btw

>> No.17541254
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this has to be bait

>> No.17541271


>> No.17541285
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I wish economic conservatives and the 'fuck you, I got mine" crowd would rope themselves. The market would be so much less competitive if they just roped themselves. We could all be barganing with good faith employers about our wages if conservative faggots would use their hard earned money on rope and use it. Maybe corporations wouldn't send jobs overseas if conservatives roped themselves. Maybe supply would go down and demand would go up if conservatives roped themselves. Maybe there would be less shitty threads on /lit/ if conservatives roped themselves. Maybe /lit/ would BE ABOUT LITERATURE IF CONSERVATIVES ROPED THEMSELVES.

>> No.17541288

I am not. It just so happens I like to focus my energy on creative work. This isn't guaranteed to pay out at any point in my life, so I need a paying job while I work on my writing.

>> No.17541289
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robots can do the jobs, they're just more expensive than retards and mexicans. At the point it becomes cheap enough, or some miracle wipes out the retards and mexicans and it becomes necessary, we will have robot waiters.

>> No.17541301

yes it would be so much better if all the hard working people killed themselves and all the was left was welfare kweens and the mentally and physically retarded. Yes what a pure utopia that would be. Not sure who would foot the tax bill but I'm sure it will work out. Maybe a crypto-retardo-commune?

>> No.17541304

>The market would be so much less competitive
kek admitting that you need a nerf world because being personable in an interview is too hard for you

>> No.17541306

We might get to that point soon enough. For now retards are more efficient than robots, which goes to their credit I guess.

>> No.17541314
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Ah, yes, your tax dollars that go to the industrial military complex and the police state. I sure am going to miss that. You know, before you file your 1099, you should go to a hardware store.

>> No.17541321
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>kek admitting that you need a nerf world because being personable in an interview is too hard for you

>> No.17541327

>national defense
>127 billion
>health care
>over 3 trillion
you can just admit you're retarded any time you want.

>> No.17541353
File: 146 KB, 1003x915, retardeconomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if you want to talk about total federal spending, it doesn't get much better.