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17538615 No.17538615 [Reply] [Original]

Not like, self help books lol though I suppose even philosophy can be "self help"

Interacting with people can just be very draining and very demanding for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to complain or anything. I just really feel overwhelmed by emotions and other times I just feel like a horrible person when someone says something that rubs me the wrong way.

Maybe someone like Kierkegaard? if you have any recommendations please let me know.

Thank you very much, I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

>> No.17538822

Empaths aren't a thing. Quit reading fb posts by patchouli boomers.

>> No.17538832
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hope this helps

>> No.17538892

What do you mean "empaths" aren't a thing? It's a way used to describe sensitive people. It's literally just a word to describe a certain quality of person. You might as well say "sociopaths" aren't a thing. All words are idealist constructs to describe certain phenomenon. I'm not trying to feign being a special person, I'm simply saying I'm a certain kind of person, an emotionally sensitive one and it can sometimes be taxing to my health. That is all!
Thank you anon.

>> No.17539389

How do you tell if you're an empath or just neurotic?

>> No.17539401

do you feed stray cats?

>> No.17539516

Do you feel at ease when you're alone for long periods of time?

>> No.17539519

yes does that mean im neurotic

>> No.17539533

No, it means people drain your energy. Do you know what your cognitive functions are?

>> No.17539575

Stop being queer and a libertine.

>> No.17539594

I am neither a queer nor a libertine, my moral principles are quite strong.

>> No.17539634

Judge people as individuals. Some people deserve to suffer (e.g., those without a noble weltanschauung).

>> No.17539665

I don't (usually) mind when people suffer, it's suffering which allows us to have a weltanschauung.
It's more when people always try to assert themselves over me, control me, overpower me; everyone is doing this in some way— consciously or not, well meaning or not. It tires me greatly.

>> No.17539728

>I don't (usually) mind when people suffer
you just sound like an asshole

>> No.17539738

I have the opposite problem as OP and it makes me feel like an emotional simpleton

>> No.17539756

That which does not kill us makes us stronger. I don't enjoy the suffering of others, but it makes us better people so I accept it.
>exact opposite
So people give you energy? That's not bad at all, use that strength friend.

>> No.17539770

he looks like me

>> No.17539792
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Ally Sheedy - The Breakfast Club

You must be good looking.

>> No.17539807

Heyyyy anon, did you have a good day today sweetie :)

>> No.17539865

You're not an empath. You're just a narcissistic edgelord. I don't like helping out narcissistic edgelords. Go f yourself.

>> No.17539910

Why do you think I'm a narcissistic edgelord? The world does not revolve around me nor am I worthy of special treatment. When I say people are always trying to control me or overpower me, this is not something people do that's uniquely towards me. Rather it's will to power or basic psychology, don't get too ahead of yourself friend. I don't want your help because from your post I summarise you need help yourself.

>> No.17539977

You just have a very strong sense of independence and inflated ego. You're not an empath though.
Learn basic investment and self-reliance skills then. You would not do well in a corporate setting. If you are old, it is too late though.

>> No.17540004

>You just have a very strong sense of independence
Don't we all? do you not want to be in control of your life and your destiny?
>inflated ego
How do you mean? I am not important.
>You're not an empath though.
I am not arguing whether I am or I am not, however feel free to state why you think it is that I am not from the few exchanges we've made.
>You would not do well in a corporate setting.
I agree.
>If you are old, it is too late though.
Too late for what? To work in a corporate setting? thank goodness I don't!

>> No.17540008

goddamn this thread sucks. it's like overhearing an argument between fortune cookies

>> No.17540015

Maybe you have something to add?

>> No.17540019

Something very good is coming in your future.

>> No.17540058

Haha now I understand what you mean by "fortune cookie" argument — empty advice. I was just asking for reading suggestions.
You can recommend a book or argue with me about what I am and am not. I'm just responding to whatever post.

>> No.17540071

What is an empath? Is that some kind of psychic?

>> No.17540096

Not him but it's just cringe. Empath is a nebulous term that people adopt as a generic label for their identities. You're probably just neurotic in a way that makes you feel emotions more intensely. Almost every other person who reads the definition thinks "woah that's me!" Reminds of the term ambivert (sometimes an introverts, sometimes an extrovert) which is literally just based off a misunderstanding of what an introvert is.
Lecturing an anon like you're some psychological expert and comparing it to the will of power is the most retarded brainlet take I've read this year jesus christ.
I think you mean well though, maybe read some Houellebecq.

>> No.17540104


>> No.17540178

>Don't we all? do you not want to be in control of your life and your destiny?
We're not in control of our life and destiny unless we go the path of either primitivism or accelerationism (I used latter word loosely). In the path of primitivism, you become like Ted Kaczynski and aim for complete self-sufficiency and self-reliance in the natural world. You do not become dependent on societal structure then. In path of accelerationism, you become an investor and aim to become a mogul, independent corporate warlord who manipulates the masses for his bidding.
Both paths ultimately lead to independence, but simply following what you're told won't.
>How do you mean? I am not important.
Then why are you so against working for others? It is inevitable you're going to be working for another, so in this sense, you will always controlled or overpowered somehow.
>I am not arguing whether I am or I am not, however feel free to state why you think it is that I am not from the few exchanges we've made.
An empath, in the traditional sense, is about feeling immense dissatisfaction when seeing other beings in pain or whatever. An empath wouldn't obsess too much about whether or not he is being marginally controlled or whatever.
>I agree.
Then aim to live off the land or become a CEO of a big company or something.
>Too late for what? To work in a corporate setting? thank goodness I don't!
If you want real independence, you have to start young and change your cognitive style. Once you hit a certain age, you are locked into being a kind of indentured servant unless you pick one of the two paths I mentioned. Neither of them are easy and require a different praxis in how one approaches the world.
You sound young, inexperienced, and stupid.

>> No.17540244

Nope, just means you can be overly sensitive to emotional stimulus. Lets say someone decides to take their anger out on you for whatever reason and yells or gives you some attitude. Things like that leave me utterly drained in energy and it becomes difficult to get back into a balanced and healthy state of mind.
>Not him but it's just cringe. Empath is a nebulous term that people adopt as a generic label for their identities.
This is how words work anon, it's a general descriptor.
>You're probably just neurotic in a way that makes you feel emotions more intensely.
I (don't think) I'm neuorotic and it certainly isn't a "bad thing" to intensely feel emotion, more of a double edged sword with it's pros and cons. If people treat me well, by thar I mean in a way that is honest with both them and myself then I am not hurt in any way.
>Almost every other person who reads the definition thinks "woah that's me!"
Again, such is the case with any descriptor. Whether I am an empath or not is irrelevant because it's just a word that I used to describe how I am. I could have just as well asked for advice on how to channel the emotions that I feel so strongly. To call myself an empath is unnecessary, it is just a word I used to make you understand what I mean.
>Lecturing an anon like you're some psychological expert and comparing it to the will of power is the most retarded brainlet take I've read this year jesus christ.
I am not a psychological expert but will to power is a concept found in both Nietzsche and in psychology.
>maybe read some Houellebecq
I appreciate the man but he is too nihilistic for me, worse than that actually— putting pussy on a pedestal. Though I understand that it is hard to not have an intimate relationship with an other.
>We're not in control of our life and destiny unless we go the path of either primitivism or accelerationism (I used latter word loosely)...
Neither of those paths "lead to independence " . You are either independent or you are not, to be independent is to be in control of oneself— and you are always in control of yourself whether you admit to it or not. There is endless possibility for what you can do and it is not only found in the duality you have presented. In fact, there is only "accelerationism" because there is only "forward" and we are all accelerating always.
>Then why are you so against working for others? It is inevitable you're going to be working for another, so in this sense, you will always controlled or overpowered somehow.
I am not against working for others, I am always working for others. Even when I am working for myself I am working for others, even if I were to only work for others I am still independent because it is a choice that I am making, to work for others is a choice.

>> No.17540319

>An empath, in the traditional sense, is about feeling immense dissatisfaction when seeing other beings in pain or whatever.
>or whatever
So we don't agree on what the word means and you are now arguing semantics. When I use the word I mean to say I am sensitive to emotional stimuli, that is all. I would have preferred not to use the word at all if you were just going to argue semantics with me.
>An empath wouldn't obsess too much about whether or not he is being marginally controlled or whatever.
Why so? in fact it's irrelevant to being an empath as we are always trying to "be in control".
>Then aim to live off the land or become a CEO of a big company or something.
I am perfectly fine where I am, I don't understand why we are even talking about this or where is it coming from. I am not having trouble in career life, all I have asked for is books that would help an emotionally sensitive person à la "empath" to deal with their emotions in a healthy way.
>If you want real independence, you have to start young and change your cognitive style. Once you hit a certain age, you are locked into being a kind of indentured servant unless you pick one of the two paths I mentioned. Neither of them are easy and require a different praxis in how one approaches the world.
I am independent.
>You sound young, inexperienced, and stupid.
You sound like you are filled with ressentiment.

>> No.17540539

>I am independent.
No, you're not. You depend on a lot of things for your sustenance. The working class are, sadly, not truly independent. You will always be a bitch for someone or something, basically.

>> No.17540574

>No you are not
Why am I not? because I require things to survive? I am not independent because I require sustenance? I am not independent because I require clothes and shelter?
Were you in the jungle, you are not "independent" because you could you befall as a victim of nature?
Independence is control over your destiny, if you are not in control over your destiny I suggest you toughen up and stop putting blame on your material circumstances.

>> No.17540704

>one book rec
>30 post
>people arguing bullshit
stay classy /lit/

>> No.17540711

> I'm seeking validation for my awkward introversion mainly due to my lack of self awareness and constant ego fulfillment

Yeah so anyways you should read the zodiac everyday to help with being an empath, Hecate guide your path!

>> No.17540729
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>inside every woman's shoes, are her feet
how do you cope with this knowledge once you have it bros? just think, her feet are in there, doing everything they do. they don't disappear when they go in shoes until she takes them off again, they're right there

>> No.17540751

Awkward introversion? Funny you should say this, I'm not awkward at all. Do I need the validation of others? of course not, only my own self respect matters though I do seem to always be justifying myself.
Did you read my post? I asked for suggestions on what to read to channel my emotions in a healthier manner. Thank you for your suggestion anyway, I read my horoscope once in awhile.

>> No.17540775

If you didn't need validation you wouldn't be making responses like this.

To actually offer advice I read around halfway through "The Highly Sensitive Person", I thought it was pretty good for someone in that realm. I stopped because I disagreed with her suggestion on the usage of your persona. Its my opinion that taking an active role in your persona only worsens you as a person. Some of her other advice was good.

>> No.17540811

>If you didn't need validation you wouldn't be making responses like this.
Responses like how? in what way do my responses say that I seek validation; because I am defending my words?
That is not insecurity, it is self righteousness if anything.
>Its my opinion that taking an active role in your persona only worsens you as a person.
I agree. Thank you for your suggestion!

>> No.17540888

Independence is self-reliance. You rely on other people for clothes, shelter, and water. Since you rely on others, people will always try to manipulate you one way or another, dumbass.

>> No.17540983

Independence is to be in control, you can rely on someone for something yet still be in control, are you arguing semantics? The way I am using the word "independent" is to mean control, without being dependent on someone elses authority.

>> No.17541368

Post bob.

>> No.17541385

Then your issue is with people being in control and independent themselves when talking to you. You misinterpret that as "trying to control and overpower" you. You want to assert yourself over them because you are a narcissistic faggot with an inflated ego, hence why you began this conversation by calling yourself something that you aren't. You twist and distort definitions for your grandiose complex, but at the end of the day, you rely on others more than they rely on you most likely.

>> No.17541390

Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzche

>> No.17541452

>Then your issue is with people being in control and independent themselves when talking to you.
No that is not the issue, I love it when people exert their power. There is no other more life affirming phenomenon than seeing people exercise their will to power, it shows that this world is not overcome by nihilism.
>You want to assert yourself over them because you are a narcissistic faggot with an inflated ego
Nonsense, I do not assert myself over anyone— I release power, as everyone will and always does.
>hence why you began this conversation by calling yourself something that you aren't.
How have I called myself something that I am not, would you kindly explain?
>You twist and distort definitions for your grandiose complex
Is that so? What are the definitions that I am twisting, could you explain? What are the narcissistic behaviors I am exhibiting and what is indicating my inflated ego?
>but at the end of the day, you rely on others more than they rely on you most likely.
Of course I rely on people physically or emotionally, you can not live without people and life is give and take. What are you trying to say here?
Nietzsche is the groundwork of my philosophy but he does not solve me temperament.

>> No.17541503

OP is talking philosophy and you are pulling shit out of your ass and throwing attacks. Shameful display. Seek help.

>> No.17541549

These posts are often better 'advice' than real advice posts because its so blatantly tautological and driven by pathos that it spurs things inside you, without ever actually addressing your question. The same would happen if you came close to the edge of a high cliff, or if a girl you liked dropped you with exaggerated coldness, or if you found yourself in a physical fight with someone else. Even good things like seeing dark clouds rain over mountains only for them to dissipate in the evening and reveal a tangerine sunset. Perhaps it is evidence one is really here, or evidence of something else slightly more incomprehensible. But everything in your post can be applied to your post. I'm not sure yet if I should be glad you posted it and not I, as either way it would've helped me grow. But coming from you its like an attack against me that I can analyze from another physical perspective, compared to - if I had have posted it - a pain from within when looking back on it, which would've let to rumination.

>> No.17541564

His post is not addressing anything, he is arguing against himself.

>> No.17541621

>you can not live without people
Yes, you can. This is where you are wrong. In fact, the truth is only found via solitude. Truth cannot be found in relationship to others.

>> No.17541630

Solitude and contemplative time.*

>> No.17541695

>OP states people are emotionally draining him and asks for books to help with this problem
>Calls himself "empath"
>As per merriam-webster:
>one who experiences the emotions of others : a person who has empathy for others
>Anon says to disregard others suffering.
>OP responds to anon's comment, making affirmation on suffering's positive aspect and how individuals are always after control.
>Other anon calls OP a narcissistic and an edgelord
>OP responds saying everyone always tries to exert their will to power and this is nothing exclusive against the OP, rather a psychological phenomenon.
>Anon responds saying OP is too independent and egotistical
>OP responds saying there is nothing wrong with being independent
>Anon responds saying independence in this life is impossible unless some dualism is followed
>OP says we are all independent because we have control over our lives
>Anon rejects this saying because we rely on certain things to survive, we do not attain self sufficiency which is lack of independence.
>OP says to rely on something or someone does not mean to lack independence rather independence is control and not relying on authority
>Anon calls OP a narcissist and egotistical faggot who thinks people are always trying to control him
>OP is talking philosophy and anon is making semantics and throwing insults
>OP is the asshole
I spend a lot of time in solitude, months at a time. I revise my statement that "you can not live without people" to "I cannot live without people, forever."
I love solitude, I spend most of my time in it, but I cannot spend my time in solitude forever. I am not schopenhauer.

>> No.17541711

you might be an obsessive. only hysterics feel anxious when they're alone

>> No.17541722

narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.17541737

What the fuck was narcissistic about what he said? First sentence or second? Don't know about the first sentence, but second sentence is perfectly true and a reasonable judgement

>> No.17541749

Another fool misinterpreting the OP. Why don't you restate what you're replying to is saying?
The first sentence is saying that he doesn't mind usually when people suffer because suffering is what allows us to become stronger people. >>17539756
>That which does not kill us makes us stronger
That's Nietzsche speaking.
The fact that OP even said USUALLY means some suffering hurts him because it is not meaningful.

God /lit/ has declined in quality.

>> No.17541766

both. the "tires me greatly" bit is the real kicker though

>> No.17541769

Funny how you people can make diagnoses of narcissism and neurosis from just a few bits of text taken out of context. That says a lot more about you than OP.
Reading might help. But continuing to interact with people will definitely help. Take breaks when you feel drained. Chat up strangers at bars. I don't know. Soon, you will be comfortable with it.

>> No.17541826

OP here, I agree that interacting with people more and putting myself "out there" more is probably the solution.

When I said "I do not mind others' suffering" [and I said "usually" which affirms I certainly do mind it sometimes] what I am saying that suffering itself is an essential part of life and that life itself is suffering. I do not understand why people are distorting my language to make it out that I somehow enjoy the suffering of others?
I then say when others try to "control me", whether they mean well by it or not I feel drained from it and I find it tiring.
How are people misinterpreting what I am saying, are we speaking the same language? >>17539665
I am sorry but you are illiterate.

>> No.17541846

>I am not schopenhauer.
Right, you're not a genius the way he was. You're a petty and immature faggot. I wish I was Schopenhauer. I would play my flute while taking a nice solitary stroll and push women down stairs. Afterwards, I would smoke a pipe over your corpse while reading the Upanishad.
You're a little bitch and faggot. I would kick your ass and then show you what it means to dominate over another. I would shackle you to a cubicle and force you to code convoluted bullshit for countless kalpas while whispering in your ear, "Am I controlling you?"

>> No.17541867
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>Right, you're not a genius the way he was.
There are no geniuses, there is only one universal genius. As for the rest of your statement, enjoy your life.

>> No.17542136

Lmao that was a good one ngl

>> No.17542960

strangely accurate.....

>> No.17542964

Nicomachean ethics, develop virtue and find a balance in your social sphere

>> No.17542978

>You might as well say "sociopaths" aren't a thing.
they aren't

>> No.17543037

>empaths, neurotics, obsessives, hysterics

Did I somehow time travel back into the 19th century? What's going on here?

>> No.17543137

People are always trying to label themselves uniqe or special by categorizing themselves into groups.
The truth is you are no differnt biologically than any of human.
Every human has capacity for empathy and the reverse equally.
People that talk things like empath are the ones who do not understand how their emotions work.
They are victims of their own inability to properly use their emotions with other peopler in a healthy converse way.
And so they blame their nsensitivity on their sensitivity and nothing changes.

Read books on emotion intellegence or psychology related material.
This new age crap is written by quacks and sold to loons.

>> No.17543779

I know that feel bro. I cope with masturbating 7-10 times in a row. It helps at least a little. God, i am already scared of summer.

>> No.17543805

ITT: butterfly raw and tripless

>> No.17544110

>The truth is you are no differnt biologically than any of human.
All humans are biologically different from one other.