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/lit/ - Literature

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17536815 No.17536815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>On the the train reading "The Idiot".
>Cute art hoe girl motions at me.
>I suspect she must be trying to compliment my book.
>"You like Dostoyevsky?" I say.
>Whole carriage looks at me.
>"You're standing on my bag"
>*Face turns bright red*
>Get off at the next stop and wait for the next train.

>> No.17536822

I've come to the conclusion that it's irrational to be attracted to women outside of the utilitarian purpose of reproduction. That is, have sex with one if you specifically want to have a child, but anything beyond that is irrational because women are inferior beings. A man is more deserving of your actual romantic affection. A man can be loyal, honorable, courageous, noble; he can produce great works; he is someone with whom you can have genuine camaraderie and emotional sympathy. Women can do none of this, and their only advantage is their sexual appeal, the base appeal of their pussy to your reproductive instinct. Don't let yourself be controlled by this. Men should be homosexual outside of strict reproductive purposes.

>> No.17536824

>On the train on /lit/
>See irrelevant off topic thread
>Report it

>> No.17536837


>> No.17536841

you spelled Dostoevsky wrong

>> No.17536875

>>"You're standing on my bag"
"Girl, I want you to sit on my face" *wink* *wink*

>> No.17536890

"And you're NOT standing on my balls." ;))

>> No.17536903

>Caring about what people who you'll never see again think
Actual cringe

>> No.17536923

Do women care about Dostoyevsky? I thought only mildly depressed, white males in their 20s do?

>> No.17536958

Probably in the early 2000s before they picked up on the woke movement. For example, Virginia Woolf was a massive fan of his.

>> No.17536992

>I thought only mildly depressed, white males in their 20s do?
You mean only people like the stereotypical /lit/izen/arrogant MFA guy? Dosto's popularity go way back. All manners of people admire him.
I have at least two female friends in their twenties who are huge fans.

>> No.17537004

he was still trendy around 2015 but i have been locked in antarctica since then with only access to /lit/ so things may have changed

>> No.17537109

>"You're standing on my bag"
>move foot, continue reading book
help me understand the mindset of the self-consciousoids

>> No.17537123

I woman told me she thought he was a shitty writer but read him to understand men

>> No.17537135

How are people on this board so socially inept? you could've just been like "Hm?" and if she was interested in your book, she would've replied accordingly, and if she wasn't, she would've replied accordingly. No awkward situation would've arisen at all.

>> No.17537146

>locked in antarctica

>> No.17537152

ever heard of friends you faggot

>> No.17537156

Where do you think you are

>> No.17537162


>> No.17537163

>On the train like an idiot
>Girl out of my league gestures
>I suspect she's flirting, since she's out of my league
>"ayy bb u wan sum fug" I say
>Whole carriage looks at me
>"You're looking in my direction"
>*face turns bright red*
>Get off at the next stop and walk home

>> No.17537172

>Oh, sorry, haha. I thought you'd be more interested in me than a bag?
It's really not that hard to be talkative, and just saying "oh, sorry, haha." would have been fine also.

>> No.17537187

Greekpilled post

>> No.17537195

I'm not him but he is probably locked there because of his job. I used to work on merchant vessels but in 2017 I took a contract on a different type of vessel.. and here I am, more than 4 years later still onboard with this shitty internet that allows me to browse almost nothing besides chans (due to slow internet speeds) and most of the time only view thumbnails not even full images. I download e-books to my kindle, luckily it hasn't broken yet so I still have something to do.

>> No.17537199

Even though you only mispelled one word I almost had a stroke trying to read this because I'm also dyslexic and schizophrenic

>> No.17537200

This didn't happen, but there would be no reason to be embarrassed in that scenario, it would be a natural mistake to make.

>> No.17537206

this is literally even worse
if we get enough autists in here trying earnestly to salvage this we may produce a great work of spaghetti

>> No.17537210

If you don't mind, could you tell me more about this experience? Sounds fascinating.

>> No.17537211

>>Oh, sorry, haha. I thought you'd be more interested in me than a bag?
Imagine the awkward silence after this, jesus

>> No.17537380 [DELETED] 
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If the internet was faster I would upload a picture but I haven't taken an actual picture (not related to work) this year yet. There's nothing new to take photos of.
In all seriousness I am LARPing/joking. But what I am not lying is that I do/used to work on a merchant vessel. Haven't worked for a little over a year. I'm not really looking forward to coming back, I find an excuse for myself to postpone.
For proof there's a pic of workers who load cargo at port sleeping, they stay on the vessel for 3-5 days but they're not allowed inside. They sleep in hammocks (those who are lucky to find a spot under the shade to hang a hammock) and the rest sleep on the deck on metal on a cardboard like that one guy.

>> No.17537395

It's super cringe, but it you manage to pull it off with a good amount of self-confident, nonserious mediterranean bravado, it might be painless.

>> No.17537397

Personally I am socially inept because I've been afraid of people my age since childhood and have been alone for years

>> No.17537600


>> No.17537692

>be a hyperactive little shit
>guy across from me is reading a book
>he's got it flat, so I can't see cover
>try to "subtly" see title
>guy eventually looks up at me and smiles
>lifts book to show me.
>"It's Dune. You should read it, it's really good."
>O-ok! That's very nice! Ahaha!

>> No.17537793


conclusion: men and women can't be "just" friends

>> No.17537873

>Woman minding his own business
>Incel making akward out-of-nowhere commentaries
>he gets what he fucking deserves
>"society bad"
>starts thread in /lit/

You should kill yourself.

>> No.17537933

>>"society bad"
who are you quoting?

>> No.17538017

OP, oc

>> No.17538033

you're not very god at it

>> No.17538037

Projection much.

>> No.17538046

you seem to have misunderstood the point of the thread

>> No.17538108
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The vast majority of people are drones, which is really blackpilling to think about. It hurts to know that your family members, maybe even your friends (if you have any) are non-sentient scripts playing out. I don't say this to be haughty at all; I wish I were like them. There's no comfort in my position. I can't connect with other people in the same ways that everyone around me can. I've never been able to connect. In the end I'm lonely with the truth, which doesn't feel better than the blissful ignorance enjoyed by nearly everybody else.

>> No.17538109


>reading "The Idiot"
>"Whole carriage look at me"

Your self awareness seems low

>> No.17538126
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>> No.17538179

You need to go to a pub mate

>> No.17538200

I have no idea what you're implying

>> No.17538204

Alcohol is for drones to lubricate their gears. Lack of mind numbing lubrication would lead to self-destruction. I am better than that.

>> No.17538238

No, you just "are". If you think there's any way to be "better" then you are just your typical pseud-drone.

>> No.17538246


On a string I was held. The way that I move, can you tell?
My actions are orchestrated from above. So I swing and I sway.
Wave my hand. Kick my leg. And it is always right with the music.
"Until all that swinging starts to make you sick"
For a song I was bought. Now I lie when I talk with a careful eye on the cue card.
Onto a stage, I was pushed with my sorrow well rehearsed.
So give me all your pity and your money. Now.
"We used to think that sound was something pure"
If I could act like this was my real life and not some cage where I've been placed,
Then, I could tell you the truth like I used to and not be afraid of sounding fake.
Now all that anyone is listening for are the mistakes.
In a house, by myself, I hear the ice start to melt and watch rooftops weep for the sunlight.
And I know what must change. Fuck my face. Fuck my name.
They are brief and false advertisements for a soul I don't have.
Something true I have lacked and spent my whole life trying to make up for.
But I found in a song and in the people I love. They will lift me up out of darkness.
Now my door stands open. I am inviting everyone in. We will drink.
We will laugh until the morning comes. That is what we are going to do.

>> No.17538258


>> No.17538295

To be honest I did not even read >>17538108
And I do like social drinking.

>> No.17538325

I'm going to leave you the biggest black(?)pill you've ever received. How you take it depends on your worth as a living being.

There's infinite ways to live life.
All of them are wrong.