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/lit/ - Literature

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17535302 No.17535302 [Reply] [Original]

Once my friend and I had a conversation about books and she asked me what I was reading, I said Nietzsche and she asked what I have understood by reading Nietzsche and with this question she puzzled me because I had nothing to answer to her, because suddenly I realized that I actually did not understand anything from what I had read, or at best I can not express it. For me it was so bad feeling i think i was ready to cry right there

After all

I have not told others about what I reading, but the worst is not this.

The worse is the fact that I am afraid to read books in general right now, because what if I again will not have a holistic opinion about what I have read and then again it will turn out that I have spent time in nothing and i will feel bad

How can I get rid of this fear? and did anyone come across it at all?

>> No.17535343

Lmao fuckin pussy scared of books

>> No.17535424

I find the best way to really understand a book is to talk about it WHILE you are still in the process of reading it.
I usually talk about what I’m reading to my gf while we take a walk or something, and it forces me to make sense of it all, to make connections with the rest of my knowledge in a holistic way, and more importantly to learn how to articulate it. I believe this is also the reason why we remember and understand books better when we are forced to do book reports/analysis for school.
Do you have anyone at all who would listen to you?
If it is non-fiction, you can just go ahead and immerse yourself in the discussions about that authors work on the internet. See the opinions of people who are more learned that you. You will naturally draw your own conclusions.

>> No.17535424,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nietzsche is not very systematic, and you had the choice between a limited summary and a good one. A good summary would take some time to think about. I wouldn't be so upset about not being able to do it on the spot.

My only advice is to care less about these kinds of interactions. Easier said than done.

>> No.17535500

Read with purpose, anon. Otherwise you’re just reading for entertainment.

>> No.17535522

what a strange looking whore

>> No.17535611

it's the Nietzsche effect. Everybody misunderstands Nietzsche the first time around since you get high on his polemics and prose.

>> No.17535695


>> No.17535757

If you're reading philosophy you have to engage with it / reread / find supplemental material if you ACTUALLY want to understand it. Anyone who reads a Nietzsche book and thinks they've grasped it is delusional.

But don't cry, I'm sure if she asked you about a novel or something you'd be able to explain it. If not quite books

>> No.17535832

is that a dude?
please tell me that’s a dude

>> No.17535835

If you didn't get anything out of Nietzsche, why did you read him.

>> No.17535870
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This book gives some useful methods for understanding what you read.
Hang yourself

>> No.17535918

>ywnb goth kingdom hearts jail bait

>> No.17535963

>How can I get rid of this fear? and did anyone come across it at all?

>> No.17535973

typical tatar girl

>> No.17535981

fpbp, be a man OP

>> No.17535984

can someone summarise this book?

>> No.17535994

just keep trying, you’ll get better at it

>> No.17536005

It's mostly about finding a comfortable position and holding a book close (but not too close!) to your face

>> No.17537426

See here: https://theartofliving.com/how-to-read-a-book-mortimer-j-adler

>> No.17537435
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>> No.17537444

>innocently asks a natural question in a conversation about books
>inadvertently shatters OP's pseud illusion and sends him crying
Based oblivious girl.

>> No.17538328

what is it with everyone being gay now

>> No.17538479
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>> No.17538489


>> No.17538526

reading and writing are inseparable activities. If What you're reading is not inspiring you to write (even if it just a journal for yourself), you are not an intellectual (and I don't mean this as an insult, just a classification) and you should get into carpentry or something else.

If you're not inspired to write and actually follow through with the act, you're not engaging with what you're reading and so you should read something else or stop reading. Reading is gay and not that important, imo, but I'm a fag and I like it.

>> No.17538538

what Nietzsche were you reading btw?

>> No.17538546

You should have just told her that not everything is what it seems at first glance and that through Nietzsche you noticed that you are not a good person either, but that you have the potential to do bad things. You should have told her that you learned a lot about the origin of moral values and their origins and that you are no longer so naive as to believe that everyone has to be kind to you. You have also learned that people often pretend differently than what they end up doing. The plot says more about people than their words. And you have learned that you can state that many people are for equality even though they just want to restrict others in their freedom and thereby satisfy one's drive for power.

>> No.17538606

How do you "read with purpose"

>> No.17539024

yo brainlet! just begin with figuring out why you want to read a specific book and what you want to get from it, your expectations

>> No.17539418

and what next

>> No.17539509

record down things worth remembering -that teach- and then revisit these quotes and then you will know what to say

>> No.17539526

>Reading for any reason other than entertainment
Peak midwit

>> No.17539606

You couldn't explain unbermench, amor fati, eternal recurrence, slave morality, will to power or anything?

>> No.17539666
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>his income isn't even marginally related to what he learns by reading
I bet you only read fiction too.

>> No.17539669

for übermensch, if you can remember that section, the best metapher is portrayed in his zarathustra. as he visits the city he comes through a market place where a tightrope walker starts performing, then jumps over the statist wich represents the old human, wich zarathustra also promised to burry him

>> No.17539684

Of course it isn't, imagine wanting to be some faggot academic working for a government indoctrination machine.

>> No.17539716
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>he believes that the only way to get financial benefit from reading is through academic pursuits

>> No.17539745

>I realized that I actually did not understand anything from what I had read
Then make sure you understand the stuff you read.... How is this confusing. You got blown out for ego reading instead of reading to gain knowledge in a genuine pursuit of truth.

>> No.17539825

Why don't you just make an effort to understand? And if you don't understand it, just say that.
>"Haha actually I have no clue what he's saying, I'm really struggling. I decided to try it because he's referenced a lot and I wanted to see the hype. Reading it, there's a very interesting feeling I get, and there are lots of individual pieces I found poignant, but I don't think I have a good grasp on his philosophy as a whole yet. I'm hoping as I continue to read and think about it, it'll become more clear."
I've never had someone laugh at me for admitting I didn't understand something. People are always trying to convince each other how great they are, or otherwise are narcissistically self-deprecating; it's refreshing to meet someone who will tell you that they're trying their best but not perfect.

>> No.17539902

You said income, not benefits, you midwit faggot. Go read a book on object oriented programming if you actually want something that will have a practical effect on your salary. God, what kind of retard thinks literature is going to help him in any meaningful way.

>> No.17539926
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Is this what peak autism looks like? Even if you’re just trolling you’re only digging yourself deeper.

>> No.17539937

You should know since you're the frogposting retard

>> No.17540034

You have to get used to talking to other people about the books you read and what you get out of them, otherwise it will remain as a preverbalized form of knowledge, very complex but known only to you.

>> No.17541817

Utterly wrecked
>books made me cry

>> No.17541825

You're very lucky. My wife hates me talking about ideas and won't engage. She'll interrupt to talk about gossip

>> No.17541856

>How To Read A Book
>it's a book and not an instructiomal film
Anon, I can't read books, how will a book help?

>> No.17542007
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>what is it with everyone being gay now
/leftypol/ (a.k.a bunkerchan a.k.a bunkercucks) raiding 4chan in an attempt to subvert it by making everyone a tranny or accepting of trannies, e.g. they will post threads with a pic of a tranny that passes so dudes with jack off to it in order to condition them to be turned on by trannies.
See pic related.
Also these fucks will reply to pictures of actual women with "please be a man" to normalize faggotry
These mentally ill freaks will stop at nothing to achieve their sick goals. They want to feminize every man and will blackmail vulnerable teenagers who they trick into joining their tranny/pedo discord servers by threatening to send compromising photos of that person to their family unless they start taking estrogen.
They are twisted evil fucks.

>> No.17542052

>"Every deep thinker is more afraid of being understood than of being misunderstood"
It's okay OP, Neetch literally stated he is afraid of his readers understanding him, therefore the fault of being unclear is solely on him, not you

>> No.17542275
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birth control, plastics and industrial farming.

>> No.17542388

This dumb bitch pisses me off because she's obviously eastern European but dressed like a western whore par excellence. Disgusting.
You can LITERALLY see her fucking crotch anon, the skirt fabric is transparent.
I have nothing against Tatars, so sorry about this guys, but I hope she's actually Tatar.

>> No.17542510

I think the problem was more the anxiety that comes from that question.
>what have you understand?
It sort of calls you into performing right there, showing knowledge and intellectual abilities. It can be paralyzing, if you are already inclined to be shy, especially coming with a girl.
>what do you think about it?
I think this question is more on point. Books are supposed to be thought about, rather than just understood - especially fiction and philosophy. Developing opinions on books is a good way to try to understand them - think of them as questions being made to you, rather than as pages and pages of answers to relate to other. If you think about it and form an opinoin on it, it will be way easier to retain what you think of it

>> No.17542578

I thought he said other writers muddy their waters, whereas his are clear

>> No.17542701


>> No.17542710

Don't do this to me, anon.

>> No.17542746

By tying your income to reading your reading becomes a whoristical activity

>> No.17542868

You could and should just talk about your personal experience with reading him and his general ideas, even if you don't understand them. Its better that you engage in real conversation rather than taking turns to assertively list off things. You could talk about how hypothetically the doctrine of the eternal recurrence says that you should fuck her then and there.

>> No.17542905

first mistake was reading Nietzsche

>> No.17542917

Knowing the metaphysical applications of Aristotle's four causes gets women riled up, as well as a complete and defendable proof of the first cause.

>> No.17544335


>> No.17544347

You’re really just not interacting with the text. I enjoy writing essays as/after I’ve read a work. Make sure you’re actually reading and not just gazing at letters OP. Also who cares what others think or ask. This should be about how you use your time and how you better your knowledge and pleasure.

>> No.17544416

Brutally filtered

Be gone, wretch.

>> No.17544420

I mean, have you been reading books for a long time or just decided to randomly read Nietzsche because it's cool? If this is the case then you need to Start With The Greeks™ and work your way towards understanding his writings and concepts. It's impossible for a layman to randomly pick up one of his books and expect to understand any of it. I remember I did this with Thus Spoke Zarathustra and I got nowhere and then decided to start reading philosophy seriously starting from the beginning (or at least the beginning of the concepts he addresses)

>> No.17544433

>I enjoy writing essays as/after I’ve read a work.
I also strongly feel like doing that while reading the text, but as soon as I finish it, I immediately lose that impetus and instead feel like gazing and feeling.

>> No.17544518

>I don't know but I like the prose and its fun to read

>> No.17544610

Nietzsche isn't worth understanding.

>> No.17544655

Very wrong

>> No.17544837

very true and woke, unironically.

>> No.17544864

Well, she sounds like a Bitch, Anon. You know what you´ll have to do.
Kill her. Then Dispose of the Body. You can Accelerate the Process of Decomposing the Body by putting a layer of lime above the corpse. Good Luck.
You could also Divorce her, but the other thing seems cooler.

>> No.17544894

Shes a beaner obviously. Disgusting mutt

>> No.17545514

>you are not an intellectual
>Reading is gay and not that important
Stupid as fuck. This is why people here constantly throw around the word pseud. Because people who try to be something they aren't come here to seem. You comment describes your problem. Why would you write if you have nothing to say? And how would you have something to say unless you first become aware of what ideas are out there right now, what the correct ones are, and how you can contribute to correctness? You would have to read a ton of books to write anything intellectually valuable.

>> No.17545652

Yes, she's actually tatar and popular among russian zoomers

>> No.17545728

Pretty sure that's eastern European architecture in the background, though?
Very sad to hear but not entirely unsurprising. I won't lie, I was hoping that Russians might serve to regenerate eastern Europe, but it seems that the situation is almost exactly as bad in Russia as elsewhere. The worst thing about all this is probably the clown-like appearance of this new generation of whores. You just spot them instantly as soon as you walk out on the street and you know they are dressing this way out of vapidity, conformism, insecurity and narcissism. How low we've all fallen.

>> No.17546077

Yes, Russia not different from the west here. But i think situation not that bad, zoomers here still didnt achive that level of conformism and stupidity like their american counterparts. With this blm shit, self-hating and hating all of what humanity keep for centuries, all of exalted and good. Its a question of time when they achive that level of course.

>> No.17546140

Hopefully there'll be some sort of political reaction by then in order to arrest that development.

>> No.17547384

Look. Its fine not to understand what you just read. Humans are born stupid and they have to learn to be less stupid. You can develop an understanding later on if you read more. And you don't have to understand Nietzsche at all.

>> No.17547449

I agree, killing might be the best option.

>> No.17547771

>You can LITERALLY see her fucking crotch anon, the skirt fabric is transparent.
i wish. i had to shop it in order to reveal it but its not even that good. what monitor do you have?

>> No.17548169

The only correct answer is: Women can't understand it.