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1753275 No.1753275 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I was wondering if you could read through what I have for my 7 page paper on Social Networking. Let me know what you think so far, and offer tips to improve. Thanks!

>> No.1753285

pretty good so far.

>> No.1753292

Why Social Networking is a Good Thing
In the year 1997 the first real social networking website was launched across the Internet. SixDegrees.com was a primitive web page which allowed users to create simple profiles, list their friends, and create text memos. The site didn't take off as well as one might have hoped, and ended up fading out of the public eye and eventually, never seen again. A few years later, various entrepreneurs had ideas to revive the social networking website. By the early 2000's social networking websites were becoming more and more common. Sites like Friendster, Xanga, LiveJournal, Blogster, Bebo, MySpace, and eventually, of course, the ever popular Facebook were popping up all over the Web. Some would say that social networking web sites can damage society by people spending too much time virtually communicating with people rather than engaging in direct communication.

>> No.1753297

Some worry that people will become too caught up into their social networking sites and fail to have any real physical relationships. The majority of people however, do believe that social networking web sites are a step in the right direction. Social networking websites are the way of the future and are beneficial for society.

>> No.1753300

Social networking websites help us connect with many people at the click of a mouse. Everybody has that friend or family member, and in some case, multiple, that they haven't seen or talked to in a while due to a variety of factors including distance, business, etc. Websites like Facebook let us easily find and reconnect with our loved ones and close friends who we wouldn't have had the opportunity to socialize with in a long time. These sites enable the sharing of pictures, information, personal beliefs, interests, videos, the list goes on and on.

>> No.1753307

The fact that we can keep in touch over the Internet, almost as if we were with that person, is simply amazing. In this aspect, the possibilities are endless. One can share pictures of a memorable event with a family member who lives across seas, let your friends and family know what you have been doing with your life lately, or just post a drunken rant on your wall for all to see. In her article, “Social Networking Benefits Validated” Karen Goldberg Goff, a writer for The Washington Times, explains, “...anything from a video clip to a profile page is going to reflect the self-expression skills one has” (1). Truer words have never been spoken, what you say and post on your social networking profile is a direct reflection of you.

>> No.1753312

Social networking websites have become so popular that young kids are now beginning to use them. In Karen Goldberg Goff's article in The Washington Times, she quotes a woman named Monica Villa, who is the founder of theonlinemom.com. Mrs. Villa was quoted saying:
I was hesitant for all the reasons we hear about, such as how it could bring in unwelcome visitors. But eventually I realized that this is the main medium for kids keeping in touch. It has gone from e-mail to IM to texting to Facebook in such a quick progression. Social networking is like the modern-day equivalent of the lunch table. If you are not on Facebook, then you are not in the loop (2).

>> No.1753316

Facebook has in-fact become the leading conduit for kids and teenagers to connect and communicate with each other. According to fastcompany.com 62 percent of kids and teenagers are accessing social networking websites every day. Social networking websites bring something new to the table. They are a refreshing change of pace from the mundane text message or the prehistoric “phone call”.
The biggest demographic that uses these websites are young adults who are in or around the college age group. According to techcrunch.com a whopping 85 percent of college students are using Facebook everyday. With such an overwhelming piece of the young adult population using this website, there must be some reasoning behind it. Well, Haley Henry, a researcher at kstatecollegian.com has enlightened the public with an article titled, “10 Reasons Social Networking Benefits Students”.

>> No.1753319

Number three reads “Keeping up-to-date on news more quickly”. This is a great point to make. With information so readily accessible to anyone with a computer or a smart phone in today's world, any body can hear the latest buzz and frantically type it up on their wall, instantly sending the information to their friend's news feeds. Number four in the article reads “Achieving a more personal connection”. Here is a quote taken directly from the fourth entry in the article, “Having a social networking profile allows you to keep informed on recent happenings with people in your network. You have something to discuss with your co-workers and friends and even an opportunity to do a little brown-nosing to your boss about his most recent personal achievement” (1). This is a good point and one of many reason why social networking websites are so popular and even useful. In number six, seven, and eight, some great reasons are given as to why social networking is so useful and popular. They read, “Networking, networking, networking”, “For free advertising”, and “For creative expression” (1).

>> No.1753331

Also, fuck off

>> No.1753339

are you kidding me? i'm not asking you to write my fucking paper.

>> No.1753347

This is horribly written, shallow, and ultimately little more than self vindicating.

Are you even trying, OP? Im guessing middle school.

>> No.1753356

Trite, dull, and dry.

Writing on the down sides of social networking would have been more interesting, but even this could have been more interesting if you tried.

>> No.1753394
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What's the paper for? It's purpose has a lot of significance as to whether this is good enough or not.

However, from what I've read it seems to be an O.K. piece of work. It's nothing special and it's certainly nothing original but you presented an argument clearly.

I take issue with the last post though, in it you essentially list what is already present on a cited website. I would take this out entirely if I were you and try to think of your own damn reasons as to why it's beneficial, as opposed to mindless copypasta.

>> No.1753414
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>social networking web sites can damage society by people spending too much time virtually communicating with people rather than engaging in direct communication.

That's not why social networking is bad. Sure, it has retarded people to a point where now they are literally incapable of interacting with people in real life, but the real dangers are in potential identity theft, cyber-stalking, uploading harmful, embarrassing, or incriminating information on yourself which can't be deleted, and the fact that everything you upload to facebook becomes the property of facebook, meaning you don't own any of the information you post about yourself.

I told people that it was only a matter of time until facial recognition software became commercially available and it would become ridiculously easy to identify and stalk people, and then facebook implemented facial recognition software to its website back in December.

That, coupled with the fact that social networks like facebook can't provide you with anything that email and phones can do, makes it a counter-productive way of communicating with your friends-- with a shit ton of more ads!

Also, about your essay. I started skimming it because it was so awful. You don''t cite any sources or provide any statistics. Your essay sounded like this: "Some people say this, but I say that. And then some people think this about facebook, but personally I think this about facebook. I wont provide you with any concrete evidence of the things I say, just take my word for it." It's fucking awful, man. I really hope you're in junior high school, because this shit is inexcusable.

>> No.1753420

1. Facts > Opinions
2. Back all opinions with citations.
3. Back facts with citations. You can't say "some people think" without any evidence.
4. Do not say "Here is a quote".
5. Do not use first-person pronouns like "we".
6. Stop being thirteen.

>> No.1753442
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I read an article once that said that people who go on facebook and post stuff like 'OMG that lady at the convenience store is suuuuch a biotch' tend to get more annoyed and grumpy at things that aren't even a big deal.
I also think that constantly posting inane shit and having it acknowledged by many people can lead to an inflated sense of importance.
Plus, it's easier to misinterpret things online. You don't get the rolling eyes or inflection in the voice that accompanies sarcasm for example, so things mean to be facetious can come off as being of insulting intent.

>> No.1753461

>lead to an inflated sense of importance.

I think it goes without saying that websites like myspace and facebook are founded on narcissism. The users are essentially creating a fucking shrine in worship of themselves.

Also, I probably should have mentioned this as well. It's really fucking obvious, but I wouldn't be surprised if the OP didn't know about this: Mark Zukerburg is fucking selling your information to the highest bidder. Kind of funny how "The Social Network" movie was about Mark backstabbing his closest friends to achieve a fortune, and now he's backstabbing his own userbase to get even more money.

>> No.1754329

researchers have shown that facebook users get a self esteem boost every time they fine-tune their personal profile.

>> No.1754338

OP that was poorly written. Middle school level. I'm worried that you are underage.

Stop trying to write and go read for a few years. Maybe you'll absorb some writing skills along the way.