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17528935 No.17528935 [Reply] [Original]

What normies think is their masterpiece vs their actual masterpiece. Ill start

>> No.17529073

I've read GR once and IV twice (and at different stages of my life too) and I disagree. I'd understand if you were going for a GR vs M&D or GR vs AtD, but not IV, no.

IV is fun and easy-going and has some great scenes, but it doesn't hit GR's highs (or it's lows, really)

>> No.17529194

Bleeding Edge is actually his best book.
It's not even close.

>> No.17529221

go eat rice pudding bookchemist

>> No.17529253

IV is about the least pynchon-y pynchon book.

>> No.17529294

>what normies think: All Along the Watchtower
>what Dylan thought was his masterpiece (when he was in his 20s lol): Desolation Row
>real masterpiece: Tangled Up in Blue

>> No.17529303

inherent vice was a very successful film, do you actually think it's some anti-normie masterpiece?

>> No.17529308

based nobel prize winning literature
tommy could never

>> No.17529318

If you really wanted to know, his best work is Catcher in the Rye

>> No.17529349

Unbelievably based. Most of Dylan’s lauded mid 60s songs are just beatnik nonsense. BotT is incredible, Tangled up in Blue is a whole life’s story in less than 5 minutes.

>> No.17529512

IV is fun but has many high and low points imo

>> No.17529554
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I'll start out the thread.
>what normies think
Infinite Jest.
>actual "masterpiece"
Pale King.

>> No.17529568


>> No.17529599

real masterpiece is Man in the Long Blackcoat

>> No.17529811

I want to read pale king but it wasn't finished, right?

>> No.17529839

Right, but there’s enough there to get a feel for what DFW was going for

>> No.17529847

right, but it's quite good.
If /lit/'s consensus hasn't changed in the past 3 years, then it holds Pale King as better than IJ.
If you like DFW in general, definitely go for it.

>> No.17529926

I'm just worried about disappointment like I had when I got to part 2 of dead souls
>If you like DFW in general
never read him, I'm mildly curious but don't want to fall for the infinite jest meme

>> No.17529938

His real masterpiece is the NYC Session of Idiot Wind

>> No.17529951

Absalom, Absalom! vs. Go Down, Moses

>> No.17529962

nigger, meme, at least in the sense of the meme trilogy, doesn't mean bad.
It's a meme, but can be subjectively very enjoyable.
Just read some of his short stories, they are quite short.

>> No.17530101

>normies think gravity's rainbow is the master piece
dumb they made a movie with inherent vice nobody reads GR

>> No.17530211

Go Down, Moses is great but not better than any of Faulkner's three masterpieces

>> No.17530358

sound and fury, as I lay dying, ...?

>> No.17530423


>> No.17530447

, ...?
still waiting....

>> No.17530479

Light in August, bitch.

>> No.17530518

GR is the masterpiece IV is one of his worst, you only think it’s good because you’re a tourist from /tv/

>> No.17530575

thanks anon. you're the hero I was waiting for

>> No.17530648

Don Quixote Part 1 vs Part 2

>> No.17530666

>Dostoyevsky: The Brothers Karamazov vs Demons... Demons is almost a masterpiece
I have not read IV but it would be hard to beat GR or M&D

>> No.17530678

No. Not on the same level. Also great. About the same level as GDM

>> No.17530704

I just wanted you to say absalom twice here

>> No.17530710

I think, peeling back the surface, IV is one of his richest, most layered novels, at least of his "lite" works. As his career went on Pynchon just got better at laying his ideas into more traditional storytelling, so a person could very well enjoy IV on a purely plot-level basis but go deeper to the extent that they are capable as opposed to a work like M&D or GR where though they are greater books, the very language is a barrier to entry.

>> No.17530734

not anon but that makes a lot of sense

>> No.17530919

Both have their merits. Reading the second part felt like a fun goofy sequel from the start that paid off

>> No.17530932


>> No.17531006

Early one morning the sun was shining
I was laying in bed

>> No.17531014

>where though they are greater books, the very language is a barrier to entry
Lol this is exactly the type of normie shit Im talking about

>> No.17531132

lmao did he actually say that?

>> No.17531144
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I think the only reason he hasn't won is because he wouldn't show up

>> No.17531164

DFW was a hack dude

>> No.17531866

He won't win because yuros actually don't care for him. Not everybody shares the opinion of a random imageboard or harold bloom.

>> No.17531876

he's unironically too hard to read to win the nobel

>> No.17531918

Suttree > Blood Meridian

>> No.17531920

Lol. Only GR and it's difficulty is extremely overstated. They gave it to Faulkner ffs.

>> No.17531939

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not vs. Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino

>> No.17531942

>Language is a barrier to entry
GR's language is no more tough than IV. It's the narrative jumping and chronology that fucks people up.

>> No.17531949

The Crossing > Suttree > Blood Meridian

>> No.17531956

The real masterpiece is obviously "sooOOOONER or laYYYYYTer wwwUUUUNN of us must knooOOOOW"

>> No.17531958

Normies didn't see the movie either desu.

>> No.17531964

More like a pleb filter that hacked you to pieces with his million claws sentences and shat you out an angry faggot

>> No.17531972

Doesn't quite match the thread, but Bruno Schulz is a better Kafka than Kafka.

>> No.17531973


>> No.17531988

Slaughterhouse Five/Cat's Cradle vs. Mother Night/Bluebeard

>> No.17531990

read the last decade of winners and compare
>hey gave it to Faulkner ffs.
ah yes, 1950, very present tense

>> No.17532002

Light in the August is unironically his best prose work.

>> No.17532009

>what normies think
Call of the Crocodile
>actual "masterpiece"
Call of the Arcade

>> No.17532028

Cat's Cradle > Slaughterhouse-Five/Mother Night

They're great books but only blew up because there aren't many light hearted books about WWII

>> No.17532035

Truth be told the committee's habits haven't changed much. They had their fair share of wtf picks even back in the day, only it's easier now to digest in hindsight. Ashbery was a serious contender at one point, hard to find a more obtuse poet.

>> No.17532040

Hemingway's best novel is To Have and Have Not

>> No.17532051

This but ironically

>> No.17532057

if you have to resort to rumors about who was close to winning for a recent counterexample it would seem to support my point but whatever

>> No.17532062

What's good about it? I couldnt finish it. The first bit was acceptable hemingway, but from page 40-50ish to page 130 it felt like self parody

>> No.17532094

You have never been in a Nobel thread, have you? Some rumors they are when people were putting money (betting, not a metaphor) on him for 3 fucking decades.

>> No.17532104

This is lower than cope. This is corncobbed homo cope

>> No.17532109

It shows the length a man should go to help his family, and how to stay true to values through tribulation. Harry Morgan is also one of Hemingway's best characters.

>> No.17532111

>You have never been in a Nobel thread, have you?
I have
>Some rumors they are etc.
well, yes

>> No.17532165

I might give it another shot. Its just not compelling to me. The sun rises more in the future is better, the niggaz for whom bells be tolling is better and is probably his novel masterpiece, saying goodbye to your arms is better, the elderly pedo jesus nigga who's so useless he couldn't catch a stupid fish for quite a long amount of clock ticks in fact exceeding amounts of clockticks and when he did it got fucking eaten so he couldn't show his dipshit cuban buddies how cool he is and thus gets reduced to dreaming about lions he obvs isn't anymore is better, even on the other side of the moving water and over the band and between the brown trunks and under the blue sky under the green is better.

>> No.17532221

What cope? Are you retarded?

>> No.17532224

Your just making my point for me faggot try responding with a real argument

>> No.17532234

So you are retarded.

>> No.17532252

Yawn. Midwits aren't worth my time, and obvs this discussion isn't worth yours. Stupid dipshits like you'd rather throw ad hominems and won't engage in reasonable discussion because there's no discussion to be had. Your so wrong you cant actually believe what your saying.

>> No.17532268

Looks like I hurt you, kek. What's the matter, got your butt hurt at the name calling? newfag.
Cope and seethe.

>> No.17532279

I have no time for ad hominem throwing, corpsefucking arseticulators and the way your responding is proving your a naive midwit.

>> No.17532312

Your point assumes that writers like Faulkner winning in the 50s was the norm back then, which is untrue. You can check the winners from the 60s, 70s and even 80s; with the exception of Beckett, they are not much different from the winners from the past decade. Anyway, my only disagreement is with the claim that writers are excluded from consideration because they are too hard (which Pynchon isn't anyway). As far as rumors go, they are based on the info from the committee libray, which the committee may well be doing itself because it's their best source of publicity. The betting odds affirm it as well.

>> No.17532348

What argument, you retard? What real discussion, you retarded fuck?! This is your (((discussion))):
>This is lower than cope, this is corncobbed cope
What argument can I give that your rotten Ape brain will possibly be able to parse? Let's stop, your are too retarded for me; and supernaturally butthurt too.
not a good combination.

>> No.17532350

>excluded from consideration
I never said that

>> No.17532381

Alright then.

>> No.17533261

I do not agree, but I still think it’s great. Very good ending

>> No.17533695


>> No.17535047

Ulysses and Finnegans Wake is the obvious one, but after reading Ulysses and starting the Wake I'm surprised people found it "impossibly" difficult. It's basically level 2.

>> No.17535212

What the fuck? No way. The Sun Also Rises, A Moveable Feast and The Garden of Eden are his Top 3.

>> No.17535258

Lmao nice bait

>> No.17535503

Nah, his prose is uninspired

>> No.17535512

weird wat to spell Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands

>> No.17535517

That means nothing.

>> No.17535534

Well when you're writing prose...

>> No.17535928
