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17528206 No.17528206 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good American novels such as Stoner?

>> No.17528317

Moby Dick
The Great Gatsby
The Old man and The Sea
Grapes of Wrath
East of Eden
The Sound and The Fury
East of Eden

>> No.17528342

should i read East of Eden twice?

Huck Finn

>> No.17528497

East of Eden is reddit-tier. Re-read it at your own risk

>> No.17528567


>> No.17529011

What do you mean by such as Stoner?
The closest thing I can think of is maybe something like American Pastoral by Philip Roth

>> No.17529012

Stoner is mediocre, at best.

>> No.17529029
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>East of Eden is reddit-tier. Re-read it at your own risk

>> No.17529083
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Found the /lit/ larper.

>> No.17529144

This. Chekhov’s short story A Boring Story does a better job with 200+ fewer pages

>> No.17529583
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here's a cooler alternative to the general established figures of classic American figures (Hemmingway, Melville, Faulkner, ect.) :
>Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet (1923), The Voice of the Master (1958)
>William Saroyan - 48 Saroyan Stories (1944)
>Sherwood Anderson - Winesburg, Ohio (1919)
>Robinson Jeffers - Tamar (1923)
>Louis Zukofsky - "A" (1927)
>William Carlos Williams - In the American Grain (1925), the White Mule (1937)
>Kenneth Patchen - Sleepers Awake (1946)
These books arent obscure or like cool underground hits neglected and dormant, just a scratch deeper into the American Canon

>> No.17529598
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>East of Eden is reddit-tier
you tried so hard to fit in that you outed yourself as an outsider

>> No.17529602

Revolutionary Road

>> No.17529702

Been meaning to check this one out

>> No.17529865

Just because a book is co-opted by an undesirable community doesn't mean that its original content can't be enjoyed and loved.

>For example, if you lived in a vacuum from Reddit nonsense and had no idea of its existence/their obsession with the work, would you enjoy the book? If you are intelligent, the chances are high.

>> No.17529877
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People Mover

>> No.17529878

This is actually a great list of the core American canon.

>> No.17529911

>Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn (pick one)
>The Old Man and the Sea
>The Great Gatsby
>Absalom, Absalom!
>East of Eden
These are really all you need to get started

>> No.17529919

oh and I forgot
>Invisible Man

>> No.17529945

Absalom is better appreciated after reading earlier Faulkner first

>> No.17529977

no such thing as a good American novel.

>> No.17529987

That and Easter Parade. Yates short stories are pretty good as well

>> No.17529989

>the recognitions
>moby dick
man, I'm not american and I dislike the ignorance and arrogance of burgers, but those 2 are masterpieces.

>> No.17529993

don't reply to bait pls anon

>> No.17530003

Liars in Love is significantly better than both Easter Parade and Revolutionary Road

>> No.17530009

For your consideration, the lesser-talked-about masterpieces of great american authors:

Go Down, Moses - William Faulkner
The Snopes Trilogy - William Faulkner
The Wayward Bus - John Steinbeck
Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction - J.D. Salinger
A View From the Bridge - Arthur Miller
All God's Chillun Got Wings - Eugene O'Neill
Big Sur - Jack Kerouac
Oil! - Upton Sinclair
Green Hills of Africa - Ernest Hemingway

>> No.17530017

mine but it isn't published yet, or written

>> No.17530655

Lmao get wrekt

>> No.17532202

There are a lot of great American novels, but Stoner definitely isn’t one of them.

>> No.17532207
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>> No.17532461

This is actually true. Its by far the "classic" that gets the most praise.

>> No.17532482

>The recognitions
Ameribros... this isn't a good look for us

>> No.17532831

A Farewell to Arms
The Sun Also Rises
The Portrait of a Lady
Blood Meridian
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.17532850

Agree. Name some

>> No.17533241

t. hasn’t read it

>> No.17533250

What about you?

>> No.17533442

I have and I think it is an excellent American novel

>> No.17533538

>such as Stoner
Do you mean, good American novels which are similar to Stoner? Lots have something in common; it depends what aspect appeals to you.

>Something Happened (Heller)
Funny with a desperately mournful heart. Everyman narrator is dissatisfied with his life. He's much less sympathetic than Stoner, though, & the tone (smart-aleck Jewish wisecracking) is almost the opposite.

>Tender Is The Night (Fitzgerald)
Dysfunctional marriage, similar downbeat undertone. The characters aren't terribly sympathetic (they weren't to me, at least).

>Goodbye Mr Chips (Hilton)
Sort of interesting counterpart. Old beloved teacher finally retires. But it's comfy (even naively comfy) rather than sad. Williams might have been written Stoner as a deliberate rejoinder to it.

>> No.17533550

I should add, Goodbye Mr Chips is an English novella rather than an American novel. But still you might find it worth a look.

>> No.17534608

My unpublished diary entries.