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File: 24 KB, 220x336, CormacMcCarthy_BloodMeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17528115 No.17528115 [Reply] [Original]

Does this fucker get better at some point? So far, the book can be summed up as:

>the Kid goes somewhere
>author lists the environment
>esoteric rambling
>somebody dies in a gory, pointless death

The judge has been the only interesting character so far, and even then, he's almost forgettable.

>> No.17528132

,Maybe it's just not for you. I enjoyed it right from the start.

>> No.17528134

Where are you?

>> No.17528140


>> No.17528146

Dude just got decapitated at a campfire and everyone went ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and moved on

>> No.17528256

The main draw of the book is its prose and descriptions. If you are expecting some hook/plot point then you shouldn't toil further. I had nightmares of the Judge when I was reading it, but if you find him forgettable then you probably won't enjoy the book.

>> No.17528530

Did the Judge deliver one of his speeches yet? Are you paying attention to the little, seemingly inconsequential actions? There is no plot OP, tough luck on that, you enjoy it for its language or you don't.

>> No.17528638

I'm on chapter 15, this book fucking sucks, way too many purple prose descriptions of them just fucking around in the wilderness.

>> No.17528705

I got to the same point and dropped it.
I like good prose, but if there's nothing backing that prose up it feels like jerking off.
Really disappointed since from what I had heard of the book it sounded like a story/character-driven masterpiece.

>> No.17528736

>Story/character driven
Where the fuck did you hear that?

>> No.17528779

I just heard mentions of "The kid" and "The judge" and "Great showdown at the end" type stuff floating around here and other boards.
I just assumed it was a cool nightmarish cowboy story with grit and great writing.

>> No.17528853

It won't be as big as it is if it were a cowboy story only. Read McMurtry for that. I certainly don't think it's just McCarthy flexing his linguistic talent on gratuitous scenes of violence, there is quite a lot to back it up but there is no exposition to point to it. You don't have to force yourself anyway, try Butcher's crossing or Comanche moon instead if Western is what you want.

>> No.17528864

I puked in my mouth when reading what you wrote.

>> No.17528898

Must have tasted normal to you.

>> No.17528971

I might pick it up again at some point since I actually enjoyed Child of God, but it was rough going at first because I wasn't quite sure what McCarthy was getting at and most attempts at playing the scene in my head didn't work. The second half made it all come together.
I'm not that into westerns, that's why I wanted to check out BM, it seemed like McCarthy was doing something different and went more of a horror route that intrigued me. The story that I got so far I enjoyed, I just found the pages and pages of simile fatiguing.