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File: 38 KB, 402x402, Philip-K-Dick-9274047-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17527085 No.17527085 [Reply] [Original]

>spends years of his life doing drugs with teenagers
was he a pedo?

>> No.17527112

>interacting with teenagers means you're a pedo

>> No.17527254

I imagine it’s more the “dude just wait until you’ve lived” kind of interacting with teenagers, rather than the “mmm how old did you say?” Kind of interacting with teenagers

>> No.17527347

>*friends die of overdoses*

>> No.17528131

>altering your beliefs to align with your life experience is bad

wow you really hate learning, huh?

>> No.17528465

All drug addicts are degenerates, is this a surprise to anyone?

>> No.17528481

his middle name was "Kidssuckhis"

few knew that

>> No.17528505

Yes, of course.
Yes, of course. Getting wasted alone with teenagers in your house is 100% pedo behaviour.
They did copious amount of drugs, do you really think Philip played the part of the mentor fir that whole time? There must have been dozens of times in which he wome up from a black out next to two naked 14years olds.

>> No.17528528

I doubt he was molesting them, from all accounts Dick was a decent person. He was also damaged from amphetamine-induced psychosis and schizophrenia which made it nearly impossible for him to function in regular society and made his creative writing his only outlet. Teens however don't see that and probably just thought he was the weird hippy guy down the street that gave them drugs. He hung out with them because they were the only people who would.
Also in the 70s, American society was much more open and trusting. The media's over-focus and sensationalism in promoting true crime cases of rape and murder has utterly distorted people's perception of the probability of this occurring to them.

>> No.17528586

>I needed my friends dying from overdoses to learn drugs are bad

>> No.17528596

Ahah no lol, he was totally fucking those kids. If you think otherwise, you don't know anything about meth.

>> No.17528636

Amphetamine isn't meth, they are categorically different. This paints you for a fool. And you can't get your dick hard on it. It turns you into a pleasureless productivity robot. Let's just say I'm quite informed on the subject.

>> No.17528657

Sorry I misread. Amph makes you productive only when you start using it, it certainly won't last a month-long binge. Also from what I have seen in uni (lots of people use it to study or at parties), it suppressess libido only on certain people.
I still doubt that PKD wasn't boning teenagers left and right

>> No.17528716

>I still doubt that PKD wasn't boning teenagers left and right
Maybe. Maybe not. But they kept coming back for more so that's on them.

>> No.17528763

Is it on them when you're turning teenagers (who are by default immature and who by default still need guidance and mentorship) into drug addicts, to the point where a few of them even ended up dying? They had no chance. I doubt I would have had a chance either if someone hooked me up with amph and other drugs, and a whole house to use them, and a whole community of supportive drug-addled enablers

>> No.17528854

being related to someone who dies doing drugs does not make one culpable for the death. you're making insinuations and it's a stretch, m8.

>> No.17528880

How is it a stretch? He basically had an open trap house for teenagers, and many of them got addicted because of the environment he curated (and remember, this happened before they reached mental maturity).
Maybe he did not see how fucked up that was because he too was fucked up. Either way, the insinuation is legitimste, and PKD was blame-worthy.

>> No.17528883

I dunno, it seems that in the absence of evidence there is no reason to believe you aren't just projecting your own pessimism about a person's reasons for hanging out with those who are much younger than them. Suspicion is not proof.

It is a necessary but not a sufficient reason to suppose abuse was occurring. He should not have been giving young adults drugs. But his house became a hub for drug addicts in general, not just teens. For the most part his own drug abuse was not by any means for hedonic ends. It was so he could write or have spiritual visions, these were the most important things to him. He was also known to the police because of his odd behavior and paranoid letters to the FBI,

>> No.17528893

>It is a necessary but not a sufficient reason to suppose abuse was occurring
Let me clarify my language. It is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for an older person to be in contract with much younger persons for sexual abuse to occur.

>> No.17528926

>he doesn't realize the former is just a more effective version of the latter