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/lit/ - Literature

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1752703 No.1752703 [Reply] [Original]

>PhD in Mathematics
>Any job I want
>300k starting salary

>PhD in Writing/Literature
>No jobs want me
>10k a year working at Starbucks

Hmm...which one makes sense?

>> No.1752705

but im not good at math :(

>> No.1752706

Define sense

>> No.1752714

fuck yes another college major thread

>> No.1752718

Choose your priority. I would argue that cash is your primary interest here, more than math or literature. If so, you might as well start forming a drug empire.

>> No.1752720

>PhD in Literature
>Not be a boring geek

>> No.1752722

I have a 122 IQ, I can't do that shit.

Genetically screwed.

>> No.1752723

>PhD in History
>Limited amount of jobs
>Happy as fuck, met lots of hip cats, having fun and sex.

>PhD in Mathematics
>Any job I want
>So ronery and unsatisfied

>> No.1752727

>PhD in Mathematics
>Become primal space-lord, reshaping the laws of the universe with my very thoughts
>Incredibly attractive to women
>So wealthy that money becomes largely meaningless
>My bank account can only be understood using the complex mathematical tools I learned about with my PhD

>PhD in Literature
>Forced to become a slave and satisfy the every whim of a grotesque, obese druglord
>Only happiness comes from the flickering glow of my computer posting on /lit/
>My pee is red, why is my pee red

Hmmm... which one makes more sense, and also will make me a totally better human being and superior in every way? What I'm trying to say here is that if you are majoring in English, you are worthless, and I am literally superior to you by virtue of the fact that I have a different major.

>> No.1752732

space lord isn't as good as goddess. just so you know.

>> No.1752735

>/sp/ thread

>> No.1752738

This is perfect timing, as I was just browsing scholarships begging the good spirit somewhere to please tell me what the fuck I should major in.

Halp, /lit/.

I'm a lady, and I'll admit I have quite a bit of potential. I'm actually pretty smart when I try to be, and can maintain a 4.0 GPA if I care to, otherwise I can pull a 3.2-3.5 with no real effort whatsoever... I have limited interests, though. I like literature, and I've been writing since I was a kid. I'm interested in psychology, and I'm pretty good at math but I'd rather not follow that path. HELP

>> No.1752744

Why do people shit on arts degrees? I worked in an office for years, pulling decent amounts of coin. Now I go to school, teach part-time, make shit amounts of coin, but I love life way more cause I'm going what I love. Hey, if making money makes you happy, go for it. Don't shit on me cause I'm doing what I do

>> No.1752752


You read too much space opera


Earn your BA in Psych, then get a nice job as a counselor who works as a prostitute on the side. Maybe your theme as a sex worker could be that you dress up and act like a therapist. Cash be rollin in.

>> No.1752755

>Phd in Math
>meaningless tautologies and theorems all day
>any anti-depressant I want

>Phd in Philosophy
>ask questions no one can answer
>impress chicks with pseudo-wisdom

which one makes sense?

>> No.1752759


Psychology is such a popular degree that the market is flooded. It does tie into positions in Education and Criminal Justice if either of those fields of work means shit to you.

Don't major in Math unless you're already gifted at math and know you can handle it. Majoring in Literature or Writing is kind of an iffy decision, but if that's what you really want then why the hell not. Might want to back it up with a minor or a second major or minor though. (My second minor in Museum studies saved my career-related ass)

>> No.1752763


Enlightening advice. You have chosen my path.

Practice makes perfect. Would you like to be a test subject?

>> No.1752761

>PhD in any arts major
>No jobs anywhere, ever
>Must suck dick for crack cocaine

Why would anyone want to suck dick for crack cocaine?

>> No.1752766

think you switched those two around, bud

I guess my advice would be to think about psychology, and take literature classes as a minor or non-major.

>> No.1752770


I'm already in a type of criminal justice class, AND I took a class based on education/child development, so I'm familiar with both of those.. Honestly, I think I'm going to go with psychology, just because I want to, and if I ever feel like writing some piece of shit shelfwarmer in the future, I'll just do it.

Why I'm on 4chan trying to determine my future is a problem I don't really feel like addressing right now.

>> No.1752775

someday a computer will be capable of doing in a blink of an eye everything you've laboriously studied lo these many years, whereas a computer will never write a classic novel or poem, sorry you're inescapably destined for obsolescence op

but yeah enjoy your indoor pool or helipad or w/e in the meantime ;-)

>> No.1752776

>Why would anyone want to suck dick for crack cocaine?
Because crack is the shit, and you're helping others by relieving their sexual frustrations?
I bet you grew up in a religious household, no interest in trying different things.

>> No.1752798

Sure is self-validation in here. I've majored in maths for some months, it was an 'interesting experience' you could say, but a horrible choice nonetheless. Biggest group of dehumanized beings I've ever encountered, there was no fun to be had.

If you want to validate your worth as a human being on the basis of your salary, be my guest. At least I know my personal heroes weren't rich, and if they were, it's wasn't because of their degree.

>> No.1752802
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>> No.1752804


>> No.1752824
File: 54 KB, 316x400, cococ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drop out of high school
>Start band
>Bitches and millions at 21
>Lauded as the voice of your generation

That sounds like the right path to me

>> No.1752835
File: 720 KB, 300x473, lessthan0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Write novella while doing a liberal arts program at a small private college

>It becomes a bestseller

>Become lauded as the voice of your generation

Sounds good to me

>> No.1752839
File: 349 KB, 640x604, death177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be an obese deviant pedophile
>become best selling author
>use the money earned to fuck around and eat shit

>> No.1752842


Well, Terry Pratchett has let himself go. No wonder he got sick.

I'd give myself around 4/10 for that.

>> No.1752844

>PhD in cubic maths
>See money as worthless
>Any heaven I want

>> No.1752847


Sounds like more fun than being surrounded by aspie math students until you're 26

>> No.1752848

You left out the rest of the story OP.

>300k starting salary
>Become ultra rich and marry supermodel.
>Have kids to pass on genome.
>Kids take parent's success for granted.
>On your deathbed with an estranged son and a whore for a daughter.
>The assets you worked your ass for are squandered on your daughter's drug parties and your homosexual son's struggling art career.
>Your wife is still working in her 70s.

>> No.1752852

His girlfriend's cute.