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17525713 No.17525713 [Reply] [Original]

book burning time
choose 3 books to toss in

>> No.17525723

Call of the Crocodile
Call of the Arcade
Call of the Cherokee

>> No.17525780

White Fragility
Guns, Germs and Steel

>> No.17525793

all of plato
I love all 3 I'd just be curious to see how history would develop without them

>> No.17525807
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All of them

>> No.17525912

islam would be bigger probably

>> No.17525921

my diary desu

>> No.17525949

High iq post

>> No.17525956

this and two of my diaries desu

>> No.17525959


>> No.17525970

Pride and Prejudice
The Sparrow

Also this on the sapiens guy but wanted to throw in more /lit/ books

>> No.17526007

Guns, Germs and Steel
that's all really; I just want people to stop memeing them

>> No.17526030

Moby dick
Hearth of darkness
Let's see what would happen if those didn't exist, maybe Kongo free state would've lasted a couple of months more, and maybe gothic horror wouldn't have taken over as much.

>> No.17526061

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
To the Lighthouse
Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.17526076

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
That's the only one that I own which annoys me enough to burn it.

>> No.17526096

but it's good

>> No.17526203

my ereader

>> No.17526248


Fahrenheit 451

>> No.17526315

care to explain?

>> No.17526338

The Interpretation of Dreams
Treatise of the Rights of Man
The 99 Theses

>> No.17526366


>> No.17526740


>> No.17526786

Elementary School Mathematics 1, 2, and 3

>> No.17527200

Literally every book after 1800s

>> No.17527206

Kafka on the Shore
Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
All his other books.

>> No.17527208

twilight saga I
twilight saga II
twilight saga III

>> No.17527232

>Wuthering Heights
You take that back right now

>> No.17527796
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Burn 3 copies of People Mover

I don't care what you do with then so long as you're buying them


>> No.17527875

Ernest Cline has written 3 books that deserve it. Ready Player One, Armada, and Ready Player Two. I don't give a shit about most bad books like 50 Shades of Grey or whatever it's popular to rip on now, but Ernest Cline really activates my almonds.

>> No.17528037

holy based

>> No.17528083

The Turner Diaries
Mein Kampf
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.17528092

When Guns, Germs and Steel came out my dad's friend recommended and lend him the book. My dad read it and told my friend to never recommend him or lend him a book again lmao

I love my father

>> No.17528102

told HIS friend to never recommend*

>> No.17528282

new rule they have to be books currently on your bookshelf

for me, its
discipline and punish
the p&v translation of Anna Karenina
and one of 3 penguin Lovecraft volumes, selected at random

>> No.17528498
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1984, 3 times.
Brainless book for pseuds.
No, this is not bait.

>> No.17528536

120 days of Sodom
The Metamorphosis

>> No.17528563

There would be no Islam or Christianity without Plato. At the very least they would have died out

>> No.17528726

Same way all other religions died out across the world without Plato?

>> No.17528811

No plato means no neoplatonists. No neoplatonists means no church fathers, no gnostics. Islam took off significantly when they warred with Christians. Without Plato none of that would have happen

>> No.17529113

Harry Potter 5, 6, and 7

>> No.17529213

don quixote
moby dick
the brothers karamazov

>> No.17529353

No, it's shit.
It's the most retarded account of the fall of Rome I've ever read.
Gibbon deserves to be pelted with mud for his idiotic takes.

>> No.17529440 [DELETED] 

Osama bin Laden's Messages to the world (per goodreads)
Osama bin Laden's Personal Diaries (per goodreads)
The most important book for the daily operations of CNN, whatever it may be

>> No.17530227

>saving the absolutely patrician twilight saga IV
Based and vampirepilled

>> No.17530336


I don’t want any books burned, so I’ll pick three that will never exist:

Wind of Winter
A Dream of Spring
Doors of Stone

>> No.17531031

Damn that is so great. My parents tried to get me to read Sapiens

>> No.17531109

I'll give you 3 authors who can get it.
Henry james
Jane austen
Charles dickens
Also, bonus book burn, mark twain fucking blowsh

>> No.17531195

Meditations on First Philosophy
Principia Mathematica (the Newton one, not Russell/Whitehead)
Christopher Columbus' First Voyage logbook

>> No.17531215

y u mad bro?

>> No.17531301

>this level of samefagging

>> No.17531327

>Fahrenheit 451
Why anon?

>> No.17531340

I hate the metamorphosis so much

>> No.17531341

>mein kampf
>mein kampf
>mein kampf

>> No.17531352
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>> No.17531637

1984 - sick of hearing people who have never read another book reference about it
brave new world - sick of hearing pseudointellectuals talk about it
Harry Potter - piss of liberals

>> No.17531645

the three most popular books of Ayn Rand

>> No.17531664

To Kill a Mockingbird
... Jackie Chan

>> No.17532547

>fahrenheit 451
Fuck that's hilarious. Do you actually dislike it or is it just for the irony?

>> No.17532642

White Fragility
Harry Potter
The Great Gatsby