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17525421 No.17525421 [Reply] [Original]

My socialist friend wants me to read this. How bad is it going to be if anyone read it?

>> No.17525434

fisher is outdated though.

>> No.17525436

I thought it was good but I'm a leftie myself, that being said, I've seen right wingers that like it too.

>> No.17525439

good criticisms with cringe conclusions. Approach it with an open mind but maintain a critical eye.

>> No.17525456

I unironically closed out of the PDF and deleted it on page 2 when he started using a movie analogy to illustrate a point.

>> No.17525462

yeah it's called islam

>> No.17525467


>> No.17525468


>> No.17525472

"There is lack of innovation not because I'm impotent to create something new, but because society". There you have it.

>> No.17525488

the fantasy of the hedonists is that hedonists will hug each other once all their desires are met.
This is why marxism is materialism, ie reducing everything to material conditions and money, and why they push for more and more cheap goods.

hedonists get acclimated to their current situation, but they need more and more pleasures and less and less hardship to feel happy, otherwise they get depressed.

This is why atheists (who are hedonists) confuse happiness with having free stuff, free goods and services.
According to marxists, people are happy only they have the material conditions for it.

Liberals define freedom and happiness with an opulence of goods, an orgy of sense pleasures and they call this progress.

Okay, but since hedonists need bigger and bigger breakthrough to ease their life, they get depressed when those breakthroughs do not happen, like it has been the case since the 80s.
They freak out when there is a recession and they whine that progress stagnates.

For 2 centuries atheists could hype their human rights has progress and the right side of history, because human rights is just giving people more and more of an easy life.
However it is never enough.

>> No.17525494 [DELETED] 

I have read the first chapter and it seems like one of those books where the author talks about structures and insitutionalized behavings without proving them.
"This makes
capitalism very much like the Thing in John Carpenter's film of
the same name: a monstrous, infinitely plastic entity, capable of
metabolizing and absorbing anything with which it comes into
contact". I mean can it become more pathetic

>> No.17525507

you are not capable of thinking precisely and make a lot of ungrounded generalizations. It feels like you want to cover up your a priori biases with cast generalizations. Be honest, you dont read much, do you?

>> No.17525510

0 iq

>> No.17525523

Not that bad.

It’s basically a call against political pessimism. While he’s implicitly calling for a return to the socialist project, he’s more just arguing that people should work towards believing that a better world is possible and not just accept that the world as it is is as good at it gets.

>> No.17525528

>Delusional Depressive Realism: The Pamphlet
It's interesting enough if you've never thought about modern culture before. Otherwise he comes off as a bit of a bitch

>> No.17525538

the only thing unironically stopping people from cultural innovation are crying lefties who cant think up of any active ideas and resort to washed up cliche ridden critique. By definition you cant create anything if your whole conceptual apparatus is concerned with criticism.

>> No.17525560 [DELETED] 

What is up with the claim that culture is dead and there is nothing culturally worthy produced nowadays while on the same page he uses movie analogies that seem to underly his point. How do you judge if something is culturally valuable or not. There are just a dozen of points made without any fundamental basis or further explanation. Hope it gets better will push through tho

>> No.17525577

It's really fucking short and it has some good points in it. Why the fuck do you need /pol/ 2.0 to tell you not to read it when you don't want to read it at all OP? Please rope yourself like Fisher did.

>> No.17525579

Based and correct
This, it's probably somewhat interesting if you just now noticed the world is shit but if not it's just depressive ramblings and pop culture references. Basically babby's first pop socialism book.

>> No.17525584
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Flatline Constructs > capitalist poopoopeepeeism

>> No.17525591

It's not that bad, but a fatalist pessimistic view of the world. The book is also rather culturally oriented because Fisher has a background as a music critic.

>> No.17525604

delusional whining > delusional nonsense

>> No.17525605

>muh materialism vs idealism
false dichotomy, read Hegel, Marx, Heidegger, Lacan and Zizek to see how stupid your generalization is.

>> No.17525618

I'd rather read schizo rambling about Neuromancer and gothic fiction than weeping about the omnipresence of capitalism or whatever

>> No.17525619

I am going to read it. Just trying to get different opinions on what I can expect or not expect

>> No.17525636

Ah, okay. Generally he has good theses, but his proof is a little observational and blog-like, because his books are all collections of blogs. Same issues with Ghosts of my Life.

>> No.17525648

but anon that's even more embarrassing

>> No.17525668

Are you allergic to 80-page books that you disagree with?

>> No.17525745

I'm a leftist that introduced it to a conservative friend of mine. He was super turned off whenever Fisher used any sort of pop culture in his critique and made him questioning the cogency of the book. He had at least some praise on the sections that were lighter on the cultural references.

>> No.17525767

I think this style was hyped up in 80's and 90's, when references to pop culture in academic circles were seen as kind of subversive and revolutionary. Now its a fad that has passed and looks really cringy.

>> No.17525779

Read Baudrillard's Consumer Society instead.

>> No.17525804

I recently read it. It's ok, Fischer's pop culture references are cringe at times though. It probably won't turn you into a socialist. It made me reconsider theocracy as a viable form of government.

>> No.17525813

new Adam Curtis is out by the way, anons. just a friendly reminder.

>> No.17527377

Lol, he does that throughout the entire book. It's more a critique of capitalism's effect on culture and society than on capitalism from an economic standpoint.

>> No.17528075
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It's pretty outstanding!

>> No.17528178


This. Capitalist Realism is more of a rambling pamphlet like >>17525528 said. Expect random viewpoints fired at lightspeed without any substantiation. Read a thorough analysis like Baudrillard or Adorno's culture industry essays instead

>> No.17528197

thats kinda his whole thing

>> No.17528226

It's a fantastic little book.

>> No.17528253

Read it a week ago, the analysis seemed rather shallow. Essentially a poor man's version of Debord.

>> No.17528477

It's 80 pages long and I have 10 sticky notes in it and boy are they worth it

>> No.17528587


>> No.17529350

Thank you for your contribution, but your application has been rejected on account of being a huge virgin autism monkey with no friends.

>> No.17529360

He sucks

>> No.17529369

>dude nothing is interesting or new anymore
>fukuyama was right bro we cant do anything
>people are incapable of imagining an alternative to capitalism

the answer is fascism but youre too scared to admit it

>> No.17529392

Fascism is a joke. You're just simping for authoritarians and capitalists under the guise of romanticist propaganda making you feel good for being part of the nation

>> No.17529431

>Pol 2.0
Why do you faggots act like this even though the overwhelming left wing presence on this board starts chimping out and derailing every remotely right wing thread?

>> No.17529446

You have to be over 18 to post here. You're embarrassing.

>> No.17529458

Quite literally reads like an Instagram comment from Emily acab, BLM, they/them

>> No.17529476

I wonder if Fisher and Land ever talked to each other at the CCRU

>> No.17529494

They were good pals right? What's the deal with Land btw? Is he insane or actually worth checking out?

>> No.17529579

Personally I think that Land was definitely “on” to something when he describes that the singularity is basically using capital to self assemble itself.
Of course that’s a total non-causal way of looking at things, I guess a more levelheaded way to look at it would be that capital is merely facilitating the development of neural nets.
I like that he wasn’t afraid to look into the “deep future” of humanity and guess at what the end result would be. Unfortunately it seems he’s gotten a little too wrapped up in the current political climate so that he isn’t able to look past it anymore. He’s not the only one, most philosophers, even if they are on the other side of the aisle, are guilty of the same

>> No.17529609

It's very hard not to be, it's all encompassing. Although, he does live in China so I'm not sure why he is.
Basically he went basado mode

>> No.17529624

This came up in a discussion about Spengler and technics, but do you reckon technology will ever enable anything impressive in our societies? E.g. something more than shite apps for everything and a population hooked on media consumption

>> No.17529746

I think a lot of people are reckoning with the fact that technology is becoming much more inward facing. The expansion of capital used to mean exploiting as many resources as possible, as effectively as possible. The 20th century is really a testament to this, we went from localized coal mines to arctic and deep sea oil rigs in the span of two generations.

Now the problem is that you don’t really have to bother with all of that if you can directly interface with the consumer. It used to be if the consumer wanted a nice car, there had to be people to mine the iron, pump the gas, manufacture the car, and so on.

Now however, technology is more focused on targeting desire rather than actually satisfying it. The same urges that a consumer might have had are met not by proving them with the *benefits* of technology... Now the consumer is themselves *exploited* by technology.

Basically technological advancement is more interested in chucking you in a pod and pumping in feel good chemicals so long as you still spend your credit card, than it is in any pie in the sky shit futurist shit like space commercialization or whatever

>> No.17529778

It's crap, irrelevant puff piece. Read "Time, Labor and Social Domination" instead.

>> No.17529869

Land is great, but only if you read his work in roughly chronological order and ignore his Twitter completely.

>> No.17529883

You might as well read since it is very short. Vampire Castle is better though

>> No.17529981

you'd never agree with marx or any of those other pseuds that "feels/class/whatever > reals" if you weren't already a garbage pseud like yourself who go into it worshipping them because that's what your charlatan profs have told you to do.

>> No.17529992

I disagree with his thesis. It sounds like end of history repackaged.

>> No.17530016

you don't know me

>> No.17530122

anybody who likes lacan or zizek is a garbage pseud who can't think, who isn't interested in thinking at all.
no one would think marx makes a good point in his rejection of objective knowledge who weren't already set out to agree with him beforehand. motivated either by insecurity about sucking at math&science or pseud leftism.
didn't even read the post you replied to.

>> No.17530187
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Stupid angloid, go suck off Locke and Hume. I feel sorry for you not understanding dialectical thinking, and having to place everything into autism boxes.

>> No.17530264
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>dialectical thinking

>> No.17530366

It's just a suicidal guy crying about capitalism but saying we can't do anything about it kek so why's he fucking crying? Because he's suicidal. Look into it.

>> No.17530427

Ignore leftists, they are mentally deranged.

>> No.17530457

I think it's good. It's very short and the only thing i don't like about it is all the references to music and film.

>> No.17530474

If it's already short and full of references to music and film (which you say you don't like) how can you say it's good? You're saying it's a short book full of things you don't like.

>> No.17530676

Complete nonsense. People are not unhappy with Capitalism because they perpetually need more and more stuff, it is because it has made their lives shit. Yeah, people might not be entirely happy when they have all the material wealth they need, but they'll definitely be better-off than when they were a permanently-indebted wage slave in a culturally bankrupt society.

>> No.17531591

The beast of Capital kills everyone in its path and leaves no survivors. Capital has no respect for life, for family, for community. I am very socially conservative and also staunchly anti capitalist. I would almost call myself socialist if not for the anti white connotations.

>> No.17531782

>anti white

>> No.17531887

based as fuck
idk probably pretty peblian since he's a mainstreem commie socialist, if you dont think there is no other thing possible than capitalism you are just as retarded as marxists

>> No.17532164

>anti white connotations.
fucking retard

>> No.17532184

I absolutely can’t stand Mark Fisher. He’s popular among hipsters who only care about pop culture. Basically he says that culture died around the time he graduated high school. It’s basically just some loser guy talking about how things were better when he was a kid. He has nothing serious to say about capitalism.

>> No.17532307

This thread is proof that conservatives are actually retarded and have no skill in critical reading. These people have no grasp of semiotics or anything that requires a little bit of textua interpretation and context analysis.

Not suprising that all the conservatives I`ve ever met were dumb as doors and could not follow any debate that goes off the rails of their pre-made discourse.

Haven't been in this board for a while and I just remembered why.

>> No.17532320


>> No.17532355

And by culture I mean mass entertainment. Coom Coom Coom Coom.

>> No.17532370

>I disagree with his thesis. It sounds like end of history repackaged.
End of History is the truth. All the people want more Humanism and atheist democracy. Even the turks want this. Even the berbers wanted this and got this back in 2010

>> No.17532804

I dont mean to be rude but it's very clear why he killed himself when you read his book. It actually led to me divorcing myself entirely from leftist ideas it opened my eyes up to how morose and fatalist these people are.

>> No.17533263

>UHHHH watch super nanny

>> No.17533264

it is pseud shallow crap
but also short, so whatever, you can read it in like 3 hours or so

>> No.17533336

>anti white connotations
the sad thing is, with the 21st century raping words' definitions, you're right.

perhaps it should be a kind of..... National socialism?

>> No.17533353


>> No.17533572

I still don't get how all these supposedly well read and intelligent people can rail so hard against capitalism yet fail to be anti-semitic and disregard national socialism out of hand.

>> No.17533731

What a faggot

>> No.17533741

Correct decision, you've saved yourself some time that I hope you spent on better books or great shitposts

>> No.17533745

After all the events of the previous year, you retards act like you don't know what he's talking about.
It's so infantile

>> No.17533754

God, this board is embarrassing. The book is good. These posts are not.

>> No.17533760

Bring back bullying of those with aids physiques and insufferable nerdy personalities.
That would make this board far more pleasant and I doubt US society would have a tranny epidemic

>> No.17533805

>culturally bankrupt society
the leftist dream of an earth consisting of obese black transsexual lesbians sitting around the campfire singing kumbaya is also culturally bankrupt as I see it.

>> No.17533815

lel butthurt.

>> No.17533840

Support bipoc LGBTQ business! Buy black!

>> No.17534794
File: 69 KB, 940x736, mark fisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a leftie, but I definitely am anti-liberal and anti-capitalist and this book does a pretty good job attacking those two.
It starts very pessimistic, but ends on a note of hope, yet very minor and bugman bullshit about promises of lowering the level of beurocracy, but whatever.
Just goes to show you what the "deafult" is and what it's becoming.

I would advise reading Schmitt's "Age of depolitization and neutralization" for a right-wing approach and Gramsci's writings on cultural hegemony from "The prison notebooks" for a left-wing one. Both examples of this, but much more firm, traditional and whitstood the test of time, to help you grasp Fisher's ideas.

He is closely related to some idiot narcs, but try to forget that and just take what you read in the book itself.

Maybe watch a few youtube lectures/analysis or, even better, a 2007 documentary film series "The Trap" by Adam Curtis (author quoted in "Capitalist Realism").
You can watch it all here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okUydGWdmAA&ab_channel=AdamCurtisDocumentary

Short books leave you a lot of time for prep, so use it.

>> No.17534846

>>the answer is fascism but youre too scared to admit it
fascism is the glorification of the public servants and their republic or State, hence it is 100% part of secular humanism.

>> No.17534886
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>>17525456 >>17525467#

atheists can't think in anything else than the pop culture made up by Hollywood writers.

>> No.17534940

Reddit seems to be an easy identifier of a faggot. You can easily tell who is from there, or from discord, and is trolling in these threads too.

>> No.17534947

its really good, I loved it

>> No.17534987

I think it's a great introductory piece to read if you want to pick up more material that critiques capitalism and the totalizing effects it's had on the way people live and interact. The biggest problem with the book is if you just start and stop with it as your only reference for this kind of critical material. There's a whole wealth of other work that Fisher is building off of that is much more in-depth and presents some other pretty fascinating ideas about what capitalism has done to a modern society and how it's done it.

I'd suggest you read Society of the Spectacle by Guy DeBord and Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Beaudrillard. Both of them address very similar themes of the depersonalization that occurs under a system where people are oriented, in one way or another, only towards mechanics of capital and production, and how that influences their perception of themselves and the world around them.

I'd also suggest picking up The Borderless World, by Kenichi Ohmae. Ohmae, who wrote the book back in the late 80s, is a high-level executive at the multi-national consulting firm McKinsey and Company. He wrote the book as a kind of partial thesis/instructional manual for future business leaders to learn what it actually takes to make a business global. It's an incredibly complex and engrossing insight from a capitalist perspective on what some of its most influential power players think of the system they're building, and how they've gone about building it.

>> No.17535111

i have a feeling all of these "hedonists are bad and atheist and i dont like that and hedonists are everything i dont like, also materialism is when things exist" come from the same retard, its always the exact same drivel

>> No.17535861


>> No.17535903

The source is the trips

>> No.17536105

I meant you sound like a faggot who always asks for source

>> No.17536129

Rude. I litterally just got here.

>> No.17536315

Materialism is a response to the hollowing of social life, culture and spiritualism you nonce

>> No.17536512

muh neoliberalism

>> No.17536881

/pol/ really did a number on this site

>> No.17536891


>> No.17536912

Perhaps because they are actually intelligent, actually read, and don't base their entire knowledge off /pol/ infographs and twitter wignats.

>> No.17536914

Well, at least the transsexual lesbians want to sing kumbaya because they want to, and not because businesspeople convinced them they needed to with marketing.

>> No.17536921

The issue is not, as has often been supposed, moral, aesthetic, or cultural. It is driven by economic material conditions. The superstructure manifests from the base. The material production base shapes the superstructure. Stop getting bogged down in revisionism. We must engage in class struggle first and foremost, and the alternative to capitalism is socialism.

>> No.17536966

you're talking about liberals you fuckwit?

>> No.17537026

filtered for missing the point of why he was applying pop culture.

>> No.17537032

lmoa it's this easy to scam a redditor?

>> No.17537042

you mean soimans

>> No.17537061

It's less insane than average Marxist bullshit but because of that it's fundamentally boring and still has the boogieman of "capitalism"to blame everything on. The one suggestion he has is some laughably vague communitarianism that magically doesn't capitulate to consumerism.

>> No.17537082

Social factors cannot be ignored. Economics are only one part of the equation. Ultimately the two most common concerns you must take into account when crafting economic policy are maximizing economic prosperity (through policy encouraging growth, wealth, production, supply of goods, etc) as well as happiness (done through investing wealth generated back into community, equity, culture, and other things that boost well being). These are what everyone is seeking to maximize ultimately: happiness, prosperity, security, and freedom. Which can do a better job of providing these things: socialism or capitalism? The majority of people would say capitalism, and the failure of the USSR sort of supports that.

Of course, capitalism can't be allowed to run amok and needs some reeling in through regulation and intervention perhaps due to issues like pollution, environmental degradation, abuse of power, and so on, but this doesn't mean you should ditch the entire framework of the market. It's been proven to be the most effective system and created the most prosperous societies in the world, while socialism has resulted in failure or totalitarian dictatorships everywhere it is tried. That doesn't appeal to most people, and that's what actually existing socialism has looked like in practice so it's not hard to question it.

>> No.17537264

I still love his metaphor at the end - likening capitalism to the monster from "the thing" that always adapts to the traits of its host. Frightening but accurate

>> No.17537282

at the beginning*

>> No.17537299

Socialism is better at maximizing prosperity because it promotes equality. The USSR's "failure" was a temporary setback but does not discredit socialism. Neoliberalism is failing and socialism is becoming a more appealing alternative due to the ongoing crises of capitalism. Class consciousness is rising and the contradictions of capitalism combined with this will lead to revolt. You are simply immersed in neoliberal ideology.

>> No.17537317
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>Socialism is better at maximizing prosperity because it promotes equality.

>> No.17537364

>muh atheists
>muh enlightenment
>muh pursuit of pleasure

>> No.17537377

>muh transies

>> No.17537434

Pointless book with nothing interesting to say. Just read Marx.

>> No.17537500

eye opening life changing book

>> No.17537509

read marx idiot

>> No.17537551

No need to. Scoreboard says USSR, Cuba, Venezeula, Pol Pot, Mao. All totalitarian dictatorships and shitholes.

>> No.17537565

What about the socialist states that the US intervened in like Chile?

>> No.17537579

does your dopamine kick get stronger the more marxist dogma you can cram in to your posts?

>> No.17537591

>everyone who isn't a 2nd international era german orthodox marxist is a liberal
you don't read retard, go back to leftypol and twatter.

>> No.17537597

>Socialism is better at maximizing prosperity because it promotes equality.
Socialism is about the workers owning the means of production, not "equality" per se. Equality is a nebelous term and utopian ideal in my eyes. I think the market system and capitalist system has proven itself to be far more effective at generating wealth, prosperity, and maximizing social well being compared to the socialist states.

>The USSR "failure"
It was objectively a failure. It's gone. It was a totalitarian bureaucracy that did not achieve its theoretical ideal. Capitalism defeated it and discredited it.

>Neoliberalism is failing
By what metric? How so? It's doing quite well actually.

>Crises of capitalism
Like what? You are projecting your personal failures onto society as a whole perhaps?

>Class consciousness, contradictions, neoliberal
Does not exist, made up concept. You yourself are immersed in Marxist ideology. Liberalism and capitalism at least have empirical science backing it and real results

>> No.17537632

>muh infallible scripture

>> No.17537658

>It was objectively a failure
also a failure according to (retarded) marxist dogma.
socialism was supposed to be the next stage in history like how capitalism was the next stage after feudalism. socialism was literally meant to be THE FINAL historical stage, the end of prehistory.
leftist morons defending USSR are funny. either you have to admit that marxism is incorrect on central aspects of its worldview, or you have to basically disavow the USSR as "not true marxism". somebody spouting marxist dogma one moment and performing mental gymnastics the other moment, you know you're not dealing with somebody serious. you're dealing with a pure "my team vs your team" fucking dishonest idiot.

>> No.17537852

Excellent book. Captures the futility of trying to push by force against the impersonal gravitational pull of capital.

>> No.17537898

read land and embrace it

>> No.17538135

High IQ posts

>> No.17538719

>Filtered by videogames by being too old and not realising the kidz long since moved on to them from music like he grew up with or that it is now a spent cultural force
>Clings to class conscience when that's now passé among his ilk due to identity politics
>Gets BTFO and shit all over on Twitter due to above shift and no one caring what a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE has to say about anything
>An heros as result
I enjoyed reading his blog as we liked the same bands, but this was a silly book and the world has changed massively even in the short time since it came out, it's irrelevant.

>> No.17539056
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The modern American left (I will be including the colloquial left in this as well: DSA, The Squad, Bernie Sanders movement, Social Justice, Progressives etc in this) is missing one piece of the puzzle. They see the economic malaise, but they fail to address the spiritual emptiness which leads them only down a path of nihilism. They cling to the social liberalism that is supported by capitalism. They in fact ally with capital when the chips come down against traditionalism, nationalism, conservatism, as the last 4 years have attested to. The popular left movement in the United States is overtly focused on racial issues and intersectionality to the detriment of their anti capitalist stances.

I understand someone will say "those are liberals not actual leftists" but this is what the popular perception of the left is amongst the average American working class Joe, the guy you have to persuade for your revolution to work. There's a reason they are drawn to Trump's populism moreso than they are anything the left (from socialists to progressives to liberal) have to offer, despite the fact their economic circumstances/populist sentiments against the establishment would normally indicate support for the left. The Republicans at least pay lip service to these things instead of being actively against them or disparaging them at every opportunity, despite their god awful trickle down austerity policy.

The broad left's support for suppression of things like questioning mass immigration or silencing opposition to identity politics, rhetoric around white privilege, critical race theory discourse, media treating the BLM riots with kid gloves, etc. has caused concern amongst many white working class people, which is partially why they flock to Republicans who are against their economic interests.

America's slow divorce from everything before us leaves us without guidance to turn to. With every single traditional cultural notion about what an ideal society looks like being tainted in some way due to constant effort to deconstruct it or analyze it from a racially driven lens, there is a hole left to be filled that the left/liberals do not address and in fact make worse. The left is unable to capture the hearts of the average American because they are actively hostile to what the average American believes and the traditional culture of the country. The non liberal anti-capitalist/socialist left are too entrenched in this paradigm as well to be a real threat against the status quo. They end up allying with the race crusaders anyway.

>> No.17539065

Take your meds.

>> No.17539080

Not an argument

>> No.17539193


>> No.17540432

Lefties are used to owning entire websites by banning right wingers on sight so when they hang around a site that allows anyone they get uppity and think its an invasion. Ironically its just their version of /pol/'s discord tranny boogeyman.

>> No.17540445

Their obsession with economics and inability to escape materialism is itself a reflection of capitalism. They're trapped inside the very paradigm they think they oppose.

>> No.17540459

bro just turn off your phone lmao

>> No.17540483

It's telling that people on the right relish the opportunity to confront leftists. "Raids" and "invasions" aren't phenomena on right-wing boards because any people making attempts at it are seen merely as newcomers to be debated and hazed. Conversely, the left sees anyone stepping outside the designated narrative as a heretic to be eradicated, hence the language of 'invasion'. muh hugbox baww someone saying things I don't like :'(

>> No.17540492

lol yup, five pages on the film children of men, this isnt philosophy its pop commentary

>> No.17540508

This seems liquid brain af though, what's wrong with critiquing capitalism thru its art? Isn't the fact that its so shitty part of the argument in the first place? I think you're just being pretentious. You're not above talking about a movie lol

>> No.17540557

because it turns the work into the equivalent of an ephemereal piece of fashion blogging
there's too many good books out there to waste my time on a guy's movie commentary

>> No.17540571

How do you criticize a culture or an ideology without addressing it through its art. You're literally just status signalling and ignoring the content. Consequently, you're a fucking faggot and should be put to death. Woman-tier.

>> No.17540578

isnt fisher an ex music critic of some sort? ive heard his background was mainly in writing about music so thats why he's focused a lot on pop culture

>> No.17540587

uh hey man sorry i didnt like your favorite book alright

>> No.17541042

it's great

>> No.17541049
File: 277 KB, 500x652, 1613251887747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17541517


>> No.17541583

Good post, the fact that /leftypol/ faggots had to bring in reinforcement trannies to deride it is evidence that it got under their skin

You can be socialist and not a rabid internationalist racist againts whites.

Check out these four articles:

Check out Peronism:

>It is not necessary for the Right to reinvent the financial wheel. There is a large corpus of material that was formulated decades ago by keen minds on the subject, and because the financial system has not changed, the relevance of these ideas remains. Those such as Ezra Pound, Charles Coughlin, C. H. Douglas, John A. Lee, and Gottfried Feder, should again become required reading and subjects of discussion. Instead, where there is discussion on finance among the Right it often involves some idiot scheme about a silver or a gold standard. The major cause of World War II was fear of Germany’s new banking system, and also the barter trading system that was allowing Germany to displace the USA, Britain, and others in world trade.

>As Feder states throughout his manifesto, currency (or credit) is simply intended as a means of exchange, not as a profit-making commodity via usury. During the Medieval era usurers were executed; now they are regarded as the epitome of respectable business practice.


>> No.17541629

>the leftist dream
Fuck just go back to /pol/ you smooth brained chimp

>> No.17541635

Capitalism survival inescapable

>> No.17541660

I agree with both these fellas

I am no longer part of the left but I do not see a future in teh right nor in the center

The left is far too hedonistic, materialistic (in both senses of the term), too focused on the collective over the individual while the right is too individualistic, tribalistic, xenophobic, and capitalistic and the center sticks it's heads in the sand

I think we need to move beyond the current way we do politics and society in general

Nothing has changed within the last 70 years, we still have the same shit govts and the like who pretend to change but haven't fundamentally changed at all it's not just the US either

Where's the Viking combat duels we used to have? E direct democracy and other such things? We can certainly do them it's just we don't have the political will to

>> No.17541710

you're sick in the fucking head

>> No.17541738

even worse, he's a communist

>> No.17541746

I'm far right and like it. Like a lot of postmodernist writers his focus still suffers from his Marxist priors, but the good insight shines through in spite of that. It's also extremely short, so you might as well.

>> No.17543169

which is it?

>> No.17544027

As per usual, no meaningful counter or discussion. I'm beginning to believe it's just one man

>> No.17544029

Further proof, not that anyone needed it, that the left can't meme.
Fuck me that's embarrassingly awful ahahahahaa

>> No.17544052

We don't have to entertain Nazi nonsense.

>> No.17544082

You pretty much do though for now since nobody cares enough to comb /lit/ for it and remove all the content. You can be petulant about it but the posts will still be there and people will reply to them.

>> No.17544091

By that you'd be implying our current society is not culturally and spiritually bankrupt, you'd be wrong

>> No.17544116

>Nazi nonsense
>A jokey criticism of the current lefts social aspirations
Why do you have such hatred of any posts that aren't explicitly left wing? You act like there's a 'pol invasion' when really not every user is a leftist, despite your attempts to make it seem that way.

>> No.17544122

your truth makes me oof

>> No.17544129

It is impossible for any thinking person preoccupied in any way with the wellbeing of his fellow man to be ok with the capitalist system we have now. It doesn't matter if you are religious, far left, alt-right or whatever. It's impossible to look at the world we are leaving in right now and think 'yeah, things are going fine', only parasites leeching off the people and literal retards would defend the system.
So wherever you are coming from, read the book. It's a good critique.

>> No.17544130

For example, any thread that is remotely right wing just attracts a bunch of (American) leftists who chimp out and derail the thread. Happens almost every time.

>> No.17544137

It's funny how someone can write so much and yet say almost nothing at all.

>> No.17544213

I think most people agree with two major criticism of the current economy, the first is the banks, which is more like several issues since you have the fed, the investment banks, etc. Literally nobody likes these except rich people and their shills, the entire masses of left and right despise them and see them as basically committing fraud. The second is monopolies, less hated, but still a whole lot of 'rightist' people don't like companies having that much power, the lolbertarian influence has caused some confusion here about muh free market but they have some valid points about how much the lower classes are taxed and the shitload of regulations that prevent small businesses from competing with large corporations.

any party that ran on a populist bent aimed at attacking banks, making it easier to work and retain money for the middle/lower classes(including some gov spending of course), and breaking up monopolies would destroy the competition in terms of actual voter support. Balancing the social issues about immigration, abortion, etc. would be difficult obviously but that's always in play. But no party will ever be allowed to attack banks, the elite know what a weak spot that is, they realize how much everybody fucking loathes banks.

>> No.17544222


>> No.17544234
File: 310 KB, 412x465, 1580919321213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Fisher but now he's just bait

>> No.17544235

Here we see them in action again. Laughable attempt to derail reasonable discussion

>> No.17544308

>>We don't have to entertain Nazi nonsense.
Atheists need a boogeyman since they are in power and nobody serious enough is against them

>> No.17544337

It's not a boogeyman if there are actual fascists and racists out there who tried to seize power on the 6th

>> No.17544367

But people do feel better when they have increased material wealth. I imagine you are Christian. If so how can you ignore the corporal works of mercy? Feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless. These are material goods. Capitalism despite what people say is the best method for bringing these material goods to the masses.

>> No.17544370

Loooooool I didn't realise we were on Reddit

>> No.17544376

If you examine your feelings you will admit to yourself that you don't actually believe this tepid bullshit peddled by retarded Dem shills that any leftist should regard as lying fuckheads

>> No.17544377

I doubt he means that people don't need clothes, a roof, and food.
He means that we are living in a time of excessive, needless consumption and little spiritual activity

>> No.17544383

We've got AOC in the thread lads.

Really though, what is your opinion on the 'BLM' riots that happened for months?

>> No.17544451

People claimed that you only need the gdp of greece to max out gains from economic expansion until greece faced a recession and almost lost its democracy to a neo fascist paramilitary organization. The world is not anywhere near post scarcity and asking for a system that responds to the needs of the poor worse is clearly sin by christian standards.

>> No.17544660

Nice reading comprehension faggot

>> No.17544670

Did you not read the posts you were replying to? Seems like you're having a conversation with an imaginary poster instead of what was actually said

>> No.17544671

More justifiable than the capitol coup attempt. At least they had a purpose (anti racism, anti police brutality) that wasn't just some nonsensical conspiracy theory meant to keep their guy in office. The BLM rioting was blown out of proportion by conservative media outlets

>> No.17544674

How can someone be this disingenuous lmao
Or it's very succesful bait in which case, well done

>> No.17544696

How is it disingenuous?
The conservative media made it look like the whole country was on fire based on some retards from downtown Portland fucking around.
Meanwhile a bunch of schizos insisted Trump won without any proof and tried to seize the capitol building while they were certifying his opponent's victory.

>> No.17544697

Their purpose was agitation that served the interests of the Democratic party. The capitol rioters might well have been delusional but they thought there was fraud and wanted it addressed, it was not a coup, they had no intention or plan of 'seizing the government' by walking through a building.

>> No.17544703

He said that we were in a time of needless excessive consumption and little spiritual activity. I argued that the consumption is not needless and that it is defensable even in a spiritualist framework. I think you are the one that is short on reading comprehension.

>> No.17544722

You've confused BLM's purpose with Antifa's purpose. They merely used BLM's platform through which they could potentially gain power -- and failed, as usual. This happened with OWS, as well.

However, that being said, both the Capitol rioters and the Portland rioters are essentially the same: expression of anger with a system they see as faulting themselves/others.

>> No.17544739

> consumption is not needless
It depends on what you're talking about. A lot of the frivolous goods people buy and entertainment they consume are driven by advertising convincing them they need to buy it or fashion/social status purposes. There'd be no rational need to buy something like Gucci socks or Yeezys if it weren't for the image it connotates and the marketing surrounding it, yet someone may be convinced they need this anyway (such as a spoiled teenager crying to their mom about not getting them Yeezys)

>> No.17544750

>The conservative media made it look like the whole country was on fire based on some retards from downtown Portland fucking around.
So just like the liberal media made it look like the government was being seized based on some retards walking in and taking selfies? Funny how that works, it's almost like both are propaganda.

>> No.17544782

>The conservative media made it look like the whole country was on fire based on some retards from downtown Portland fucking around.
there was like 2 billion in damages, Minneapolis applied for a fucking 'disaster relief' package from the federal government.

>> No.17544813

The political divide today is between nationalist populism and liberal globalism. Capital has chosen the side of liberal globalism.

It’s embarrassing the way trust-fund socialists and anarkiddies have been duped into thinking they are #resisting fascism by acting as the attack dogs of the liberal elite.

>> No.17544821

I can agree with you on this. Antifa/BLM and the Trump movement are both responses to neoliberalism and American capitalism, although they both seem to be more focused on the culture war than the bigger picture.

I'd argue the Trump movement is misguided though because Trump himself isn't a genuine anti capitalist or populist, and their movement is too centered around one personality to be truly effective. Antifa seems to have a more sound ideological basis and explicit anti capitalist focus than the Trump movement

>> No.17544844

Ahahahaha are you retarded? They were both tools of the democratic party

>> No.17544854

I'm talking about excessive consumptions. E.g. Luxury branded clothes no one needs, or a new car where the 'owner' is in debt up to their neck, or whatever cheap, Chinese shite they buy on Amazon. Are you retarded?

>> No.17544866

>The conservative media made it look like the whole country was on fire based on some retards from downtown Portland fucking around.

>> No.17544913

It's funny how almost every faction of the left teamed up to ensure Trump win again. It's also funny how many feathers he ruffled in the 'establishment' despite not doing much other than showing discontent for the globohomo neoliberal bodypoltic.
You had every larping tranny from New York to San Francisco absolutely shitting themselves for four years because the working class person they claim to represent was finally getting representation.
Spare me the coup bollocks also, it was certainly never going to be a coup. You had American cities on fire with 'peaceful protests' then later on a group breaking into a government building was 'a literally fucking coup guyz!!!'

>> No.17545019
File: 83 KB, 873x748, mark-fisher-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're kidding right? Dude had a kid and a wife. You don't just kill yourself and leave your family behind because capitalism is depressing. we don't know shit about why he did it, could be anything

>> No.17545030

It’s self defeating and proves that democrats are fucking retarded so I would say go ahead. There is a lot of crying about postmodernism though and it’s cringe.

>> No.17545033

but leftists tend to be weak and subhuman types.

>> No.17545038

There is nothing wrong with illistrating points with familiar stories are you stupid?

>> No.17545039

While it's easy to complain that those items are frivolous it is ultimately not very useful. If a child gets designer shoes it is likely because his father provided work of real value in exchange for them. If you look at the places where real reductions in poverty have occurred they are new capitalist economies like singapore, korea, japan, and taiwan (china also experienced significant growth through the adoption of capitalist policies although the adoption and subsequent growth have both been limited) these countries adopted capitalist policies that allowed people at the top to pursue what you might consider to be frivolous purchases but as a result of that system everyone was better off.

>> No.17545044

>the working class person
working class doesn't exist anymore. antiquated, useless category.

>> No.17545083

Still more of a realistic definition of working class when compared to the larping faggots that pretend to be revolutionaries

>> No.17545098
File: 141 KB, 1408x792, autistic_screech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody calling people nazis just for being opposed to leftism is a worthless, perpetually seething&coping ideologue. they're not worth engaging with, it's just a monkey throwing shit at the walls. although I sure wish they'd stay at reddit or leftypol.

>> No.17545105

empty feels.
>So wherever you are coming from, read the book. It's a good critique
doesn't follow in any way from your 16 year old tier slop.

>> No.17545143

it's certainly changed, but you know exactly to whom he is referring. Trump, for all his flaws, has pretty much been the small man's sole advocate in recent politics. more populists are inevitable, because discontent with the current system is becoming critical. TPTB can either start making concessions to the commoners, or face to bloodshed.

>> No.17545233

Most of us can agree that there should be more to life than consumerism, chasing fashion trends, and overreliance on technology across the political spectrum.

>> No.17545262

my main concern is environmental damage and climate change. the conservatives deny it exists and the capitalists don't care if they can make money raping the earth so nothing changes and we're all fucked

>> No.17545283

>nothing changes and we're all fucked
thus, capitalist realism

>> No.17545330

It's time for your carbon tax and artificial meat sweetie!

>> No.17545397

Is this the future of this board?

>> No.17545426

Seems like it, every thread gets shat up by lefty chimp screeching.
Unironically it's like being on Reddit

>> No.17545517

>nooo its not a trump circlejerk
get over yourself pussy

>> No.17545540

the well being of the population is irrelevant to capital. can they sell you things and get your money? thats all they care about

>> No.17545608

Ironic, considering the way you troll most threads you don't like

>> No.17545615

Boo hoo faggot. Grow a backbone

>> No.17545627

>Noo it's not like almost every other internet discussion forum!
-you and your tranny mates when you see any thread that isn't left wing

>> No.17545629

not everyone will agree with you bro its not a conspiracy

>> No.17545640

Samefag just stick to trolling rather than trying to justify it

>> No.17545645

Right wingers = schizos

>> No.17545653
File: 119 KB, 750x625, leftypol_raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a temporary raid/one retard having very funny false flagging. it's only been this bad the last couple of days. it'll pass.

>> No.17545696

Yeah right mate

>> No.17546914


>> No.17546927

Imagine being proud of being this stupid.

>> No.17546950

>opinions on what I can expect or not
You don't need to hear opinions before you've read it, but after. All they're going to do is fill your head with bullshit and make you biased in favour of/against the text.

>> No.17547862

>make sure trump win again
Oh no... Hes Qtarded.

>> No.17547922

What kind of alternatives do you envision other than "banks"? Not to sound judgmental but I dont think you understand what specific roles a bank or an investment bank plays in the economy. They're essentially a middle men for a lot of services that someone has to fulfill for large companies.

>> No.17547928


>> No.17547937

>You don't just kill yourself and leave your family behind because capitalism is depressing
Well he certainly did. This is what leftist ideology does to your brain.

>> No.17547969

I think its really good book for what it sets out to do. It discusses different forces of dissolution in a capitalist society and how capitalism attempts to integrate it within its framework. Would've personally liked to see more ideas on potential remedies, but I guess that's a question everybody and no one has an answer to.

>> No.17548559

There's no real crisis of capitalism. Humans have higher income and security than ever before. Billions lifted from poverty of the past few decades. An astounding, miraculous transformation of fortunes for the masses. What we have is a cultural crisis - our universities and media are being destroyed by cultural bolsheviks, and our nations are being invaded by subhumans.

>> No.17548584

It's not banks themselves, it's various forms of usury and currency dilution. You need some kind of banks obviously

>> No.17548632

How would you distribute capital if not by interest? Interest imposes a demand on the distribution of capital; it must be productive.

>> No.17548675

Not letting banks lend money they don't even have for interest, and letting the state instead of the fed print money and distribute it very differently would help

>> No.17548784

There's good reason why the central bank is independent from the state. When you let the state take control of monetary policy, it becomes a political tool. The result is uncertainty and risk in the market, and often high inflation. The most clear correlation with political success we know is booming economy. The incentive to use printing to make a demand-driven temporary boom for political gain is too strong. The long-term effects on the economy are negative, and can be very negative. One big driver behind the negative effects is inflation and exchange rate expectations, which are major drivers of economic instability. Thus the separation of central bank and state; it's important to maintain trust in the monetary policy, otherwise expectations will drive self-reinforcing instability.
The best way to tackle inequality is by taxation.

Regarding banks lending money they don't have, after the great recession there's greater demands on banks to keep reserves.

>> No.17548816

The fed has an incentive to just print money and give it to its friends, which is about 100 times worse. Banks shouldn't be able to lend money they don't have in the first place, it's fucking counterfeiting.

>> No.17548825

There should be no centralized banking.
>>The best way to tackle inequality is by taxation

You're gonna have to explain that one, unless you believe that everyone should be equally poor. The best way to 'tackle' inequality is through promotion of economic mobility not through taxes. The elderly hold the majority of wealth. The youth the lowest. How are you going to tax the elderly who have no income? Why should less productive youth be compensated the same as an experienced worker?

>> No.17548838

>muh defund police
>muh free healthcare
>literally socialism
your average mart sharter, everyone

>> No.17548899

Not really, it's run by respected economists and has a good record on controlling inflation.

> Banks shouldn't be able to lend money they don't have in the first place, it's fucking counterfeiting.

It's not, it's a multiplier on the money they have. It's not created out of thin air, it's based on a monetary base of actual currency.

>> No.17548924

>it's run by respected economists and has a good record on controlling inflation.
No shit the people who control the literal money supply have good press, they're still stealing money from the people and giving it to the rich.
>it's not, it's a multiplier
If I did the exact same thing they'd call it counterfeiting.

>> No.17548956

> There should be no centralized banking.

That's pure insanity. Centralized banking just means that there is an authority behind currency. Without a centralized bank, there will be no defense behind a currency, chaos will reign and it will be impossible to have an advanced economy because trusted fiat currency will not exist.

> You're gonna have to explain that one, unless you believe that everyone should be equally poor. The best way to 'tackle' inequality is through promotion of economic mobility not through taxes. The elderly hold the majority of wealth. The youth the lowest. How are you going to tax the elderly who have no income? Why should less productive youth be compensated the same as an experienced worker?

> promotion of economic mobility

This is done by taxation. Effective progressive taxation om personal income, taxation of consumption and of property and inheritance, will reduce the income gaps. The tax income is then spent on education, housing, transfers, whatever improves the fortunes of the less well off.

> The elderly hold the majority of wealth. The youth the lowest. How are you going to tax the elderly who have no income?

You don't tax wealth that has no returns. You tax consumption and personal income, and land.

> Why should less productive youth be compensated the same as an experienced worker?

Who said they should be compensated the same? I just gave an answer as to a better way to reduce inequality, which I assumed was what the guy I was responding to what talking about. Taxation is a better tool than destroying wealth by inflation.

>> No.17548961

>it's run by respected economists
>it's run by establishment economists

>> No.17548979

>What we have is a cultural crisis - our universities and media are being destroyed by cultural bolsheviks, and our nations are being invaded by subhumans.
Humanism, has always been the merger of education, entertainment and politics, and there is no education , entertainment and politics for the masses outside humanism.

>> No.17549022

> If I did the exact same thing they'd call it counterfeiting.

No they wouldn't. Right now in fact, if a friend of yours needs to keep his money in a safe place, you can take that money and invest it, without telling him that you have invested it. If you do that with 3 people that all deposit 100 gold coins at your place, you can keep 100 gold coins as a safety reserve in case anyone wants their gold back, but invest 300 and reap the returns. That is all that banks do.

> they're still stealing money from the people and giving it to the rich.

That's QE, a fairly recent invention, and not something that is intrinsic to central banking. And I'm not sure everyone would agree with your assertion. The most important target of QE is afterall government bonds. If QE was truly unleashed, it would not be to the benefit of the rich.

>> No.17549093

I'd consider myself more in agreement with something like Strasserism than any other ideology but intelligent people are intelligent enough to never under any circumstances publicly admit to something like that and get their careers and lives ended overnight for being a nazi.
The only people willing to die on such a retarded hill are people who never had any social power to lose in the first place, which is why you have so many pictures of embarassing inbred faggots doing Roman salutes instead of normal people.

>> No.17549121

That's not what banks do, they take 100 pieces of gold as a reserve, and then they lend out 1000, which they don't actually have. You obviously know this.

And when the fed prints money and gives it to a specific group of institutions, that devalues everybody else's money, it's just shifting money from some people to others, and it's always the same direction.

>> No.17549212

> That's not what banks do, they take 100 pieces of gold as a reserve, and then they lend out 1000, which they don't actually have.

No, that's not true. The banks loan out and invest actual currency. The "creation" of money is because of "ghost" money in bank accounts, like how I described it. The Central Bank validates transfers through centralized payment clearing systems, in the US the national payments system.

> And when the fed prints money and gives it to a specific group of institutions, that devalues everybody else's money, it's just shifting money from some people to others, and it's always the same direction.

When the Fed prints money and gives it to the state, as it does most of the time when doing QE, it's generally to the detriment of other asset holders. This means it's a force for equality, not for the rich. Given that the state pursues policy that is not completely in the interests of the rich.

In any case, the Fed doesn't really "give" money, it provides it in return for assets or interest.

>> No.17549247

the fed feeds wall street obscene amounts of money.
>ghost money
yeah counterfeiting

>> No.17549331

> the fed feeds wall street obscene amounts of money.

Because of Corona, yeah. It feeds still more to the state, though.


It currently holds government bonds and mortgages to other assets at a ratio of 7-1

>> No.17549357

>killed himself after a 7 month battle with depression
lol pussy

>> No.17550217

Why the fuck do NRx LARPing schizos always speak of capital in a vitalistic sense? It's an inane metaphysics which imputes anthropomorphic agency to something which does not substantially inhere. The 'Singularity' discourse is a retarded marketing gimmick for Peter Thiel types to LARP as the Deus Ex protagonist. So fucking cringe

>> No.17550374
File: 65 KB, 750x499, 7acvxkn8tzp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course there is nothing wrong with that. The concern is that the stories being to illustrate points now are very commercialized and are not intergenerational.

You can illustrate your point by referencing a bible story and anyone in the past two thousand years will get the point, do the same with capeshit of the week and a person born two years before or after you will think you are speaking greek.

It's one of many signs of widespread cultural degradation, and one especially noticed on this site where narratives are often discussed

>> No.17550380

^ Perfect example of a Last Man

>> No.17550400
File: 69 KB, 1002x857, deus ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Capital.

>> No.17550536

It sucks. You can tell he's really trying, but every step of his analysis is shaky and unfalsifiable to the point where it's written more like fiction. It's not good for the brain.

>> No.17550538

Read it and find out yourself. Stop posting dumb threads like this.

>> No.17550657

>book about culture
>mad because it uses culture to explain ideas about culture
Also the idea that movies are too "lowbrow" to be featured in philosophy is psued shit common with retards who just want to larp some outdated archetype of an "intellectual"

>> No.17550664

better to be insecure in silence than to speak & let everyone know

>> No.17550880

>Also the idea that movies are too "lowbrow" to be featured in philosophy is
purely atheist move in order to make the plebs believes they are part of the bourgeoisie

>> No.17551212 [DELETED] 


>> No.17551235

this post is really making rounds on all the boards right now.

>> No.17552471

>Why the fuck do NRx LARPing schizos always speak of capital in a vitalistic sense?
This is 100% a Marxist thing, they just see it as an evil god instead of a good one, has nothing to do with nrx

>> No.17552483

also the singularity is a completely different idea and is usually not about capital at all