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File: 605 KB, 927x888, Screenshot from 2021-02-07 14-46-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17525198 No.17525198 [Reply] [Original]

His new book "The Modernist Menace to Islam" is top tier. This Harvard graduate (IQ of 170) has destroyed liberalism and modernity so hard that Jordan Peterson has embraced Islam. What did you guys think about his new book?

>> No.17525218

Is it out already? I thought you could only pre-order it.
Do you know if they ship to Europe? Might give it a try

>> No.17525230

My problem with him is he only tackles lightweights like Apostate Prophet and Roosh.

>> No.17525260
File: 78 KB, 543x472, unpaidshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling this retard, twitter tranny. The fact that he's less dumb than the average muslim doesn't make him the new Evola.

>> No.17525279

This shit is getting annoying.

>> No.17525292

He looks jewish.

>> No.17525294

??? Go back to Twitter, retard.
Baby steps, but who should he debate?
You should check the site, I think only a few European countries have access to it, but it will get an ebook release this March.

>> No.17525300

Sam Shamoun has an open skype every night.

>> No.17525312

>??? Go back to Twitter, retard.
Said the twitter tranny. Shill your B tier youtube celebrities somewhere else, Aisha.

>> No.17525318

Who is this dutch twitter shill?

>> No.17525356


>>17525318 is just a schizo who is samefagging with his twitter alter-ego so he can demonize every Haqiqatjou thread within 10 minutes. He should get off the board, Haqiqatjou is a great philosopher.

>> No.17525379

He's dumbass and a traitor to all Iranians.

>> No.17525389

Probably a Iranian spy or some shit. Nice try, though.

>> No.17525397

>Sam Shamoun
Lol, he and David Wood really aren't that special for the Christian community. But Haqiqatjou isn't really a theological debater, most of the time he just debates politics.

Why? Because he's Sunni?

>> No.17525402

>dumbass Amerimutt
Why would an Iranian spy convert to Sunnism and call for regime change? If anything, he is on CIA payroll.

>> No.17525412

Because Islam is incompatible with Iranian identity, and most Iranians with half a brain grow to despise all Abrahamic traditions after reading more history. Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all going to hell imo.

>> No.17525441

>Islam is incompitable with Iranian identity
Secularism is cringe. Ataturk enforced secularism into Turkey and as a result the most pro-Ataturk cities like Istanbul have LGBTQ+ prides and greenhaired feminist women, just like almost any western country. How unique they are! The real Turkish and Ottoman identity are only found in Islamic cities. Iran would've just became Sweden 2.0 under the Shah.

>> No.17525455

Islam is technically a continuation of Zoroastrianism.

>> No.17525478

haha, retard

>> No.17525483

I agree secularism is cringe. I think the Shah was trash, but his father was better.
I actually agree it's better to remain Muslim than to become secular...
Absolutely not. There are some influences, sure, but Islam is not a continuation of Zoroastrianism.

>> No.17525496


>> No.17525506

898. Mmmm... I love the smell of dead Muslims in the morning.


>> No.17525520

Some twitter tranny who likes to post edgy takes and has a crush on this guy, (s)he keeps posting low effort bait threads like this.

>> No.17525706

Where does he call of Iranian regime change? Interested in his arguments