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17522771 No.17522771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Philosophy is the art of saying something incredibly stupid and making it sound incredibly intelligent."
Philosophybros........ We got too cocky.........

>> No.17522786

He's kinda right

>> No.17522802

philosophy is the art of saying more and more about less and less

>> No.17522808

>+Oswald Spengler: "The Decline of the West" (1918)
Wtf based scaruffi??

>> No.17522840

So retards still don't know the difference between retoric and philosophy

>> No.17522843

>"We frequently think of technology as dehumanizing us. Does technology instead humanizes us?"
>"The greatest invention of all times: the question mark"
>"The purpose of sleeping is to wake up. (The purpose of waking up is unknown)"
>"God speaks clearly only when he (she?) shuts up."
>"Humankind is rapidly becoming a footnote in the history of technology "
>"'Is' is"
>Our lives are parables of parables of parables of parables of..."
>"Are we the toilet or the plunger?"
>"Gods are software, and, like all software, they have bugs."
>Science is often an excuse for not thinking"
>"It is rational not to be rational. It would be irrational to be rational. Only very irrational people are rational."

This guy is a giga-pseud, Jesus Christ.

>> No.17522847

Rhetoric is fine.
Do you mean sophistry?

>> No.17522863

He's a STEM autist

>> No.17522870
File: 148 KB, 770x1027, 5b6b476a764543c98772690fccab1090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in California, sometimes i feel oppressed by homosexuals: the moment you speak up against gay marriage in California, you are treated like suspected communists were treated during the witch hunt of the 1950s. It's like criticizing Islam in Saudi Arabia. Some gay-rights advocates are proving to be children of the George W Bush era by using the same methods of psychological coercion that he used to go to war against Iraq and pass many dubious laws. When they call "prejudice" the opinion of others, they echo all the great dictators of the past. People who dare oppose gay marriage are branded as fanatics, but sometimes it's gay marriage advocates who are behaving like fundamentalists: they are creating a dogmatic religion in favor of gay marriage.
you mean gigabased

>> No.17522950
File: 195 KB, 678x1291, scaruffiretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this passage was written by a person who considers himself to be a genuine intellectual and seasoned art critic

>> No.17522959
File: 60 KB, 647x387, scaruffinigg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17522964

what exactly is wrong with this?

>> No.17522973

Absolutely and unfathomably based.

>> No.17522975

I stopped reading at North Korea, his political takes are retarded (he has decent taste in music). I’m as anti idpol as anyone else but it’s just as retarded to scaremonger about literal communist shitholes like NK that will never be a threat to the west. It’s all just KJU posturing and American anti communist propoganda

>> No.17522979
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>North Korea is a major threat

>> No.17522987

>anti communist propaganda
hundreds of millions wasnt enough i guess

>> No.17522988

sounds like he has trouble coming up with an original thought

>> No.17522991

the cunt needs to be a shaman

>> No.17523012

This guy has a PhD in rhetoric and calls himself a sophist.

>> No.17523014

You're forgetting the best one
>Why are there age limits? why is it illegal to marry a 12-year old? Helen of Troy was 12. Juliet and Cleopatra were still teenagers when they became famous. Most heroines of classic novels and poems were underage by today's laws. Thomas Edison married a 16-year-old. I am not advocating anything, just stating facts. Medical studies show that the best age for a woman to have children is between 15 and 25 (lowest chances of miscarriage, of birth defects and, last but not least, of the woman dying while giving birth); while the worst age is after the mid 30s. And the younger you are, the more likely you are to cement a real friendship with your children; the older you are, the more likely that the "generational gap" will hurt your children's psychology. Therefore it is more "natural" to have a child at 16 than at 36. In countless countries of the world women have their first child at a very young age, and stop having children at a relatively young age. This is all illegal today in the USA, while it is perfectly legal to get pregnant at 40 or (thanks to medical progress) even at 70. Note that all of these forms of marriage were common in ancient times before the introduction of Christian "morality". Therefore one could (could) find stronger arguments in favor of these forms of marriage than in favor of homosexual marriage (which has been relatively rare throughout the centuries and is penalized if not outright persecuted in just about every society of the world).