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17520858 No.17520858 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw realise the burden of speaking in absolutes
at last... i may have seen the light

>> No.17520887

You mean the way Americans talk in which everything is the greatest, the best or the worst, or of the nazi devil?

>> No.17520907

to an extent, but it has more to do with generalisations of something i.e. saying 'X people love Y' when in reality maybe 70% of X actually love Y and their reason for loving it can differ and vary and so the statement itself doesn't tell you much at all and you shouldn't let it guide your thought

>> No.17520976

also regarding your comment, it wouldn't be 'the way americans talk' but 'a way of talking which is prevalent among many americans' so that be avoiding the generalisation you don't get a dismissal from someone who takes it as a hateful generalisation. it can make communication easier as people don't think you're being unfair of rude

>> No.17521293

So you've discovered adjectives?

>> No.17521299

how the fuck is it even possible to be this obsessed with a foreign country lol

>> No.17521322

More like adverbs.

>> No.17521328

Just an observation. This is an American website after all.

>> No.17521340

it’s called being a eurofaggot

>> No.17521451

good advice. thanks, lad.

>> No.17521463

Other nations can’t compare nor compete.

>> No.17521482

Is it a false observation, though? Your media and your young people talk like this.

>> No.17523045


>> No.17523091

>someone mentions America
>literally no one gives a fuck, the thread tries to move on
>a few (You's), a couple of Anons try to coax the steady flood of retardation out of the already-wrecked thread, but more faggots keep approaching
>at this point Americans' ravings become unintelligible and highly cancerous, which makes most people ditch the thread and move on to normal discussions
>>meanwhile the americans seethe, exhausted with their bickering, contemplating yet another victory over European barbarians. They will spend the rest of their day reading about Europe on Wikipedia, noting reasons for the superiority of the American continent, sketching strawmen arguments and caricatular images in paint.net, guzzling cum while I fuck their mothers in the ass with my proud 10-inch European cock

>> No.17523482

Is speaking in absolutes always a burden?

>> No.17523502

kek'd, saved this for a later copypasta bless you anon

>> No.17523518

I do this without thinking because I hate lying or saying things that I don't know are certainly true but I'm pretty sure it makes me sound extremely weak and unconfident. Oh well

>> No.17523532

>Americans constantly impose their culture and discourse across the world
>they can't understand why people keep talking about them

>> No.17523553
File: 314 KB, 700x902, phones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This music is definitely, objectively and undoubtedly very good

>> No.17523565

depends on the top/discussion/conversation. an example would be when someone says 'i don't really like tomatoes' and then they eat a pizza that has tomato sauce on it. you could say to them 'i thought you don't like tomatoes' and then the person has to go through the bothersome trouble of explaining that no, he specifically meant tomatoes in tomato form, not any tomato product as an absolute. this scenario doesn't have any real horrible consequences, the problem with speaking in absolutes comes with more controversial topics like politics. for example when someone says 'young people vote democrat'. the person is saying it as an absolute, where 'young people who vote democrat' account for 100% of young people, that as an absolute young people vote democrat. in reality young people are only slightly more skewed to vote democrat than republican but the issue of saying such an absolute statement is that it messes with people's perceptions about how things really are, they may read it and think that maybe it isn't an absolute but that the overwhelming majority of youth vote democrat which isn't the case. its synonymous with making broad generalisations and or stereotyping, removing nuance from the discussion and making a statement that is virtually worthless yet still directs people's feelings and views one way or the other. i am not even american and have no bias in american politics regarding democrats or republicans, i just wanted to use an easy example

>> No.17523609

Shut up burger

>> No.17523616

listen namefag I was just making a joke because any absolute he gives in response is paradoxical and centrism is a big ol meme

>> No.17523625

why bring up centrism? or are you making another joke?

>> No.17523885

because saying speaking in absolutes is a burden would mean it should be avoided would mean you can't hold any positions outside of centrism

>> No.17523912

>hateful generalisation
Fuck america and fuck you

>> No.17524025

'We should probably seize the means of production' is not a centrist position

>> No.17524028

it literally is because definitionally it also accepts not doing that thing, any position that's a preference is a centrist position