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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 108 KB, 900x900, cliff-surgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17505376 No.17505376 [Reply] [Original]

He read it


>> No.17505615

remember his (deleted) review on The Recognitions?

>> No.17505624

Any idea why he would delete it?

>> No.17505634

remember his (deleted) video on how he uses nootropics and insane amounts of caffeine to "improve" his reading?

>> No.17505662

because people in comments, if I remember correctly, were calling him out for not reading it and faking it. he looked frustrated and tired by it, his enthusiasm about it was totally fake. I can't blame him though.

>> No.17505721

I would love to see it if someone can find a mirror. Gotta nooooot

>> No.17505725

He mentioned the meme trilogy and talked about us bros

>> No.17505756

>wouldn't he get erections after the rocket hits
Either he got filtered really hard or he just skimmed through the book. Pynchon spent so much time explaining the reversal of the pavlov response

>> No.17505780

e-celeb threads are the worst

>> No.17505787

He shills his own brand, no?

>> No.17505992

Does he have any opinions of his own? It seems he already makes up his mind before even starting a meme book.
"Blood Meridian is the GOAT"
"Gravity's Rainbow is the GOAT"
"Absalom, Absalom! is the GOAT"
Without any real critical analysis. It's like he's telling people what they want to hear. GR is one of his favorites now, but he couldn't read more than 5 pages a day?!

>> No.17506013

What does critical analysis look like?

>> No.17506017

Being a youtuber really isn't about original, nonconformist opinions, it's about parroting the most safe, bland opinions and thriving on it.

>> No.17506030

i have no idea how or why people watch and support this kind of thing, he provides nothing in the way of original or interesting exegesis. he doesn't even try to frame or present his thoughts in a creative way at least. its all so vapid i actually thought he was a parody account at first what with all the stopping to sip coffee and stare off screen

can someone please unironically explain to me what they get out of watching him?

>> No.17506049

John David Ebert. He is pretentious too but he can back it up by being well-read.

>> No.17506073

Serotonin was his favourite book of 2019. Im confident he at least skims through this place from time to time. If you’re here Cliff, be more genuine

>> No.17506091

I like his reviews on Latin American books, in the way of I listen to his overview of them and if I like the sound of them I’ll just read them myself. I think his main drawback is he’s trying not to spoil the book for others, so he just gives a very concise overview of the book.
Not like my guy Leaf by Leaf aka GOAT booktuber

>> No.17506105

nothing wrong with reading a book slowly

sometimes i prefer it to really let the ideas percolate

james joyce read 2 pages of a few different books everyday.

>> No.17506107

Bookchemist is an absolute normie despite reading classics but he atleast has a taste of his own instead of appeasing his audience.

>> No.17506115
File: 336 KB, 397x270, 1587794656489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the stopping to sip coffee and stare off screen

>Not like my guy Leaf by Leaf

pic related is his banner

>> No.17506120

He’s a based Michael Chabon fan. Sucks that he did his own “cancelling” of DFW when all that stuff came out about him

>> No.17506127

I mean yeah he’s similar in the ‘le coffee drinking book man’ meme department. But his book reviews are objectively better and more in depth

>> No.17506136

Wait is THAT why he doesn't like Infinite Jest anymore?

>> No.17506141

Joyce was a pro, his objectives were different from a normal reader's.
Book reading is not work, you tend to read the books you like by chunks, and GR is nowhere as dense as 'only 5 pages a day' might suggest. It only makes him seem fake.

>> No.17506149

Yeah pretty much. I was surprised that someone can just totally stop talking about something they otherwise loved because the person who wrote it did something shitty. Seemed like pandering to me, though

>> No.17506153

lel ikr, I don't think GR is as dense as Infinite Jest and I could read Infinite Jest at 50 pages per day plus all the endnotes

>> No.17506174

Mattia is scaredy cat when it comes to politics. Seems a nice guy beyond that.

>> No.17506198

it's a big book

>> No.17506258

>Not like my guy Leaf by Leaf aka GOAT booktuber
I like the guy but I always get the impression hes retarded somehow?
like he has a dumb mans ability to just plough through books
also when he tries to pronounce french words lmao

>> No.17506269

paperbird is the only /lit/ worthy booktuber



>> No.17506276
File: 108 KB, 640x590, 1579667241187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he mentioned us

>> No.17506287

Are you saying he’s like an idiot savant regarding literature? I’m not sure. He’s said that he puts very little effort in his videos, which you can see. There’s very basic editing to cut out long pauses, but you can tell there’s no script and he’s just shooting the shit about what he thinks about the book, using notes, etc. to back up his statements, which I like. It just flows more like a friend talking to you about a book he’s read than anything scholar-like

>> No.17506299

Based. I don’t know why he doesn’t have more subs because I think he’s the only book guy (aside from maybe Q) who’s videos aren’t stale as shit

>> No.17506350

nah just an idiot without the savant bit lol and i don't mean that in a mean way

like i said i like him and watch his videos because hes a nice guy

>> No.17506351

For you.

>> No.17506365

he actually used a clip of Q in one of his videos lol

at the 3.45 mark


feel like they're psychologically similar in some way

>> No.17506372

Which is why he should have gone faster.

>> No.17506755

>what is hatewatching

>> No.17506785

Why is there an entire thread devoted to this literally who pseud? All your taste is in your mouth, /lit/.

>> No.17506830

Use this opportunity to talk about what you thought about the book and how it matches or differs from the video.

Or make a cynical low effort why post.

>> No.17506891

Why does he have the JUST hairtcut?

>> No.17506892

the point his wife made, which is one of the only somewhat original ones in the video, is retarded and his consideration of if shows the metaphysical nature of Slothrop's sexual rocket urge, which is the entry point to the other metaphysical aspects of the book, went completely over his head or that he chose to ignore it

>> No.17506987

Make a thread about the book, and I'll gladly contribute. This thread needs to sink to the bottom as quick as possible.

>> No.17507170

Because he's a fraud and his Beckett review proves it.

>> No.17507201

>I like the guy but I always get the impression hes retarded somehow?
He's definitely special (read: autistic).

>> No.17507330

I agree. Total pseud

>> No.17507361

wair what did dfw do

>> No.17507380

looking at early uploads he is obviously /ourguy/ but he sold out hard the last couple years to get his numbers up

>> No.17507404

>muh METAPHYSICAL rocket penis book

>> No.17507405

it only went to shit after some brazilian book he reviewed went popular thanks to huemonkeys. brazil ruined him.

>> No.17507417

>Namedrops the /lit/ meme trilogy in the first minute
Fuckin lol I always knew he was a fuckin poser like the rest of us

>> No.17507438

Paperbird is absolute ass cheeks. Too memey

>> No.17507439

he's just a trust fund baby who decided to get into artsy things because he could afford it. like that other australian chink who writes like shit and self-publishes. 99% of booktubers are frauds.

>> No.17507464

Dawg he’s literally just a fucking deranged faggot trying to be edgy hahahaha I can’t believe you faggots sometimes

>> No.17507467

who do you think makes these threads?

>> No.17507473

thoughts on the OP's faggot?

>> No.17507492


Don’t talk to me that way you slut. I’ll like who I like

>> No.17507503

less “I’m going to purposefully act like a crackhead” energy so he has that going for him. He likes borges and his thoughts on houllebecq are palatable. I don’t know I’m just sick of dudes like Q. He’s like the lil peep of literature. So sick of it.

>> No.17507516

OP's what? His penis? Lol. Looked good in your mouth faggot.

>> No.17507538

t. actual triggered faggot

>> No.17507682

let’s be nice here boys there’s enough faggotry for all of us

>> No.17507693

>Triggered himself

>> No.17507974

>asking a question is getting triggered

>> No.17508017

he's done collabs with THE R.C. Waldun, Esq. (pbuh)