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17504512 No.17504512 [Reply] [Original]

And yet I could not help wondering at his natural temperance and self-restraint and manliness. I never imagined that I could have met with a man such as he is in wisdom and endurance. And therefore I could not be angry with him or renounce his company, any more than I could hope to win him. For I well knew that if Ajax could not be wounded by steel, much less he by money; and my only chance of captivating him by my personal attractions had failed. So I was at my wit's end; no one was ever more hopelessly enslaved by another. All this happened before he and I went on the expedition to Potidaea; there we messed together, and I had the opportunity of observing his extraordinary power of sustaining fatigue. His endurance was simply marvellous when, being cut off from our supplies, we were compelled to go without food—on such occasions, which often happen in time of war, he was superior not only to me but to everybody; there was no one to be compared to him. Yet at a festival he was the only person who had any real powers of enjoyment; though not willing to drink, he could if compelled beat us all at that,—wonderful to relate! no human being had ever seen Socrates drunk; and his powers, if I am not mistaken, will be tested before long. His fortitude in enduring cold was also surprising. There was a severe frost, for the winter in that region is really tremendous, and everybody else either remained indoors, or if they went out had on an amazing quantity of clothes, and were well shod, and had their feet swathed in felt and fleeces: in the midst of this, Socrates with his bare feet on the ice and in his ordinary dress marched better than the other soldiers who had shoes, and they looked daggers at him because he seemed to despise them.

>> No.17504515

I have told you one tale, and now I must tell you another, which is worth hearing,

'Of the doings and sufferings of the enduring man'

while he was on the expedition. One morning he was thinking about something which he could not resolve; he would not give it up, but continued thinking from early dawn until noon—there he stood fixed in thought; and at noon attention was drawn to him, and the rumour ran through the wondering crowd that Socrates had been standing and thinking about something ever since the break of day. At last, in the evening after supper, some Ionians out of curiosity (I should explain that this was not in winter but in summer), brought out their mats and slept in the open air that they might watch him and see whether he would stand all night. There he stood until the following morning; and with the return of light he offered up a prayer to the sun, and went his way (compare supra). I will also tell, if you please—and indeed I am bound to tell—of his courage in battle; for who but he saved my life? Now this was the engagement in which I received the prize of valour: for I was wounded and he would not leave me, but he rescued me and my arms; and he ought to have received the prize of valour which the generals wanted to confer on me partly on account of my rank, and I told them so, (this, again, Socrates will not impeach or deny), but he was more eager than the generals that I and not he should have the prize.

>> No.17504519

There was another occasion on which his behaviour was very remarkable—in the flight of the army after the battle of Delium, where he served among the heavy-armed,—I had a better opportunity of seeing him than at Potidaea, for I was myself on horseback, and therefore comparatively out of danger. He and Laches were retreating, for the troops were in flight, and I met them and told them not to be discouraged, and promised to remain with them; and there you might see him, Aristophanes, as you describe (Aristoph. Clouds), just as he is in the streets of Athens, stalking like a pelican, and rolling his eyes, calmly contemplating enemies as well as friends, and making very intelligible to anybody, even from a distance, that whoever attacked him would be likely to meet with a stout resistance; and in this way he and his companion escaped—for this is the sort of man who is never touched in war; those only are pursued who are running away headlong. I particularly observed how superior he was to Laches in presence of mind. Many are the marvels which I might narrate in praise of Socrates; most of his ways might perhaps be paralleled in another man, but his absolute unlikeness to any human being that is or ever has been is perfectly astonishing. You may imagine Brasidas and others to have been like Achilles; or you may imagine Nestor and Antenor to have been like Pericles; and the same may be said of other famous men, but of this strange being you will never be able to find any likeness, however remote, either among men who now are or who ever have been—other than that which I have already suggested of Silenus and the satyrs; and they represent in a figure not only himself, but his words. For, although I forgot to mention this to you before, his words are like the images of Silenus which open; they are ridiculous when you first hear them; he clothes himself in language that is like the skin of the wanton satyr—for his talk is of pack-asses and smiths and cobblers and curriers, and he is always repeating the same things in the same words (compare Gorg.), so that any ignorant or inexperienced person might feel disposed to laugh at him; but he who opens the bust and sees what is within will find that they are the only words which have a meaning in them, and also the most divine, abounding in fair images of virtue, and of the widest comprehension, or rather extending to the whole duty of a good and honourable man.

>> No.17504525

Socrates was ugly.
t. _Twilight of the Idols_

>> No.17504810

Nietzsche was truly ugly. The will is an absence of the soul.

>> No.17504821

One who wants to exchange bronze for gold, but gets nothing.

>> No.17505559

Why did Nietzsche resent the satyr?

>> No.17505604

my guy we can lirerally see that there is only 2 posters. you´re larping as other anons and its extremely cringe, kys

>> No.17505635 [DELETED] 

Where's the larping? Stupid redditfag.
And it's called samefagging.

>> No.17505677

Where's the larping? You mean samefagging?
That was just a bump, with an added note. You'd recognise that if you weren't a stupid redditfag addicted to meme fights.

>> No.17506181 [DELETED] 


>> No.17506211

>my guy
>extremely cringe
you have to return

>> No.17506818


>> No.17506885

cringe samefagging again, just kys OP

>> No.17506908

Spotted the retard >>17506301

>> No.17506931

so does socrates ever say anything interesting? or talk to anyone who isn't retarded? I was hoping to learn something from this but unfortunately all I've gotten so far is that nobody has any idea what happens when you die so you may as well die, which isn't true, and that all knowledge is recollection, which also isn't true.

>> No.17506943


>> No.17506944

Read the OP stupid neetchfag.

>> No.17506959

Way to out yourself.

>> No.17506980


>> No.17507051

great deduction skills, im impressed

>> No.17507247

lol actually it wasn't, I'm the first new poster in a while.
no thanks

>> No.17507268

This is a great quote and look what you faggots made of the thread.

>> No.17507305

>still 5 posters

>> No.17507339

Who fucking cares? At least i wasnt posting samefag shit or spamming the post count. Fucking autist.

>> No.17507355

I wasn't doing that either at first, but it's clear no one wants to discuss anything. Here are my contributions to this thread

>> No.17507389

Nice samefagging

>> No.17507459 [DELETED] 

reported for samefaggotry

>> No.17507499

Great contribution.

>> No.17507522

still 5 posters

>> No.17507593

Where did you find this passage? This is outstanding

>> No.17507772


>> No.17507902

Good stuff. Rest of the thread is literal cancer.