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17504194 No.17504194 [Reply] [Original]

Books that will reinforce and strengthen my misogyny?

>> No.17504208

>"On the Womanly in the Human Race"
- Richard Wagner

It's just a draft as Wagner never got to complete it but still interesting.


>> No.17504212

It’s never too late to leave this board and your misogyny behind, OP. I know deep down you are not really mysogynistic and that you have adopted these beliefs by proxy.
Accept women for what they are just as women have to accept men for what they are. No one is perfect and everyone is flawed, regardless of gender and identity.
Have faith in your instincts, not what you have been led to believe.
Recall yourself as a child, free of misogyny and cynicism. You can be that way again.

>> No.17504214

Whatever book that preserves your virginity

>> No.17504222

Its not me its woman I don't care as long as they leave me alone but apparently they have some kind of god given duty hellbent on vexing me

>> No.17504264

Not a virgin

>> No.17504266

Women don't make a mess of a man's life eventually?

>> No.17504267

Read female authors, exclusively, for a year.

>> No.17504268

Integrate these aphorisms into your interior. https://incels.wiki/w/Timeless_quotes_on_women

>> No.17504288

>Accept women for what they are just as women have to accept men for what they are. No one is perfect and everyone is flawed, regardless of gender and identity.
Oxygen thieving smoothbrained take.

>> No.17504344

"I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I saw that the majority of its people are women.” They said, “Why, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Because of their ingratitude (kufr).” It was said, “Are they ungrateful to Allah?” He said, “They are ungrateful to their companions (husbands) and ungrateful for good treatment. If you are kind to one of them for a lifetime then she sees one (undesirable) thing in you, she will say, ‘I have never had anything good from you.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1052).

>> No.17504354

Start with the Greeks

>> No.17504357

You are not really misogynistic you are just upset about not finding one you deem a suitable mate. You think you care about the awfulness of women as a whole, but if you were to find a female mate whose presence you enjoyed, you would stop caring. You may not change your overall beliefs about women, but you would certainly care much less.

>> No.17504360


>> No.17504369

>, but if you were to find a female mate whose presence you enjoyed, you would stop caring.
I had that. She told me everything was okay for a month before we ended. Apparently it wasn't. Dunno how women work.

>> No.17504380

Women have always been retarded and men have always taken pleasure in coming together in brotherhood and venting about their stupidity, usually over a beer or a game of cards. Now that saying anything negative about women in public is strictly forbidden, men have taken to the internet to do it instead. Even there you find limp wristed white knight faggots who will say that you're an "incel" or "must be fun at parties" if you dare do so much as express your frustrations in dealing with women. You shouldn't trust a man who hates women with all his heart, but you should trust a man even less who feigns to not hate them at all. Women's behavior is very often insanity inducing, and you would do well to come to terms with that rather than trying to deny it or pretending it doesn't exist.

>> No.17504386

she just had a new orbiter better at sex or money

>> No.17504394

That's love

>> No.17504395

Don't listen to this anon. Keep hating women OP, chances are you probably have good reason to.

>> No.17504406


>> No.17504423
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Tell me you don't hate all women by the time you're done.


>> No.17504430

t roasty

>> No.17504450

Joseph Swetnam - The arraignment of lewd, idle, froward, and unconstant women

>> No.17504472

stop shilling

>> No.17504480
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>anything i don't like is a shill

>> No.17504548

The Father by Strindberg.

>> No.17504831

just interacting with women will do this no books required

>> No.17505534

this is a good take
this is an even better take

>> No.17505546

>When women hold the helm of government, the state is at once in jeopardy, because women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions.
> Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


>> No.17505588

>Women's behavior is very often insanity inducing
When you have as much contempt towards people as I do its perfectly sensible, and sometimes even charming.
Stop thinking that being some cuck who sits around the water-cooler bitching about his wife is what makes you a man.

>> No.17505600
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>> No.17505633

>FUCK white kids with glasses!!! grrrrrr >:(

>> No.17505643 [DELETED] 

There are more good women than there are good men. If women were the stronger sex, they wouldn't have treated men as badly as men have treated them.

>> No.17505646

There are more good women than there are good men. If femals were the stronger sex, they wouldn't have treated males as badly as males have treated them.

>> No.17505663

Males treat women "badly" because they are the stronger sex though. Stronger women would be the same. The weak should fear the strong, that's nature

>> No.17505690

Anything written by a woman.
Only good thing I've read by one was Secret Slave.

>> No.17505736

That's not true, it's not just a difference of strength, most men are more agressive less empathetic than most women. Take a strong woman and a weak man, and the strong woman is still likely to be more compassionate than him.

>> No.17505741

*and less

>> No.17505744

Idk how often do women work really hard to support a man who is weaker than her? That's a form of compassion isn't it

>> No.17505818

>Idk how often do women work really hard to support a man who is weaker than her?
A lot of times, given how the differences between the sexes make such a pairing uncommon.

>> No.17505833

That's because women refuse to marry men who earn a lot less than them, and often leave their husbands if they lose their jobs/money. Honestly I don't hold this against them, it's like getting mad at men for liking 20 something girls, you can't really help it.

>> No.17505948

I'm not that much of a masochist.

>> No.17506025

Reinforce *and* strengthen?
"Omit needless words." — Strunk & White

You have three obvious strategies, I would say:

* Read stuff by based misogynists who agree with your viewpoint:
>On Women (Schopenhauer)
>Satire VI (Juvenal)
>The Republic (Plato)

* Read fiction with evil / scheming / vapid / selfish / neurotic / unfaithful female characters:
>The Three Musketeers (Milady de Winter)
>Macbeth (Lady Macbeth)
>Stoner (Edith)

* Hate-reading — i.e. read stuff which annoys you by women who annoy you:
>Milk & Honey (Rupi K)
>Hard Choices (Hilary Clinton)
>Orlando (Virginia Woolf)

>> No.17506059

I used to bully white kids with glasses, shit's cash as fuck

>> No.17506167

Girls just want to be gazed at by handsome men, which would appear to be great entertainers ,especially sexually, and free of charge since girls want men to pay for the seduction. for instance a girl refuses to pay or work for sex. It's always the man who must pay and amuse the girl . it's the competition. Women do not compete for men

Now it turns out 99% of men are not handsome and worse, women hate when repulsive men even think of having a chance with them.

So the problem for a girl is really her own making: a girl lives a lavish life from the male competition for her, and from this male despair of winning the competition, as usual, some men don't take well the defeat and some men cheat, some men go over the line.

ALL of this is due to the men putting women and their conception at the center of their life.
Men put women on a pedestal only because women benefit from this, women leech off men.

This parasitic life of the female works well on a global scale, but there will always be fuck ups.
This is the price to pay by women-as-a-whole.

Even the life of a woman is not entirely free of charge and the price is just having to deal with the few mean who overstep their bounds.

Although to be fair, when a woman FEELS (and it's all what is relevant) harassed, she starts crying and due to the competitive nature of the female-male relation, the males orbiting her will start defending her free of charge (as usual, men don't have the luxury to make women pay for the male service) and trying to solve her problems.

Males actually love to be disposable. The whole drive of a male is to be acknowledged as being useful. Men are the proletariat.

This is why women are capitalistic and men are communist.

>> No.17507007

Bluepilled cringe. Women are NOT the fairer sex and there are a billion examples. Open your fucking eyes retard

>> No.17507016

any reading will do, king

>> No.17507019

Dating women will make you more misogynist than any book. Just don't let it consume you.

>> No.17507022
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i just want someone to like me. is that too much to ask? yes

>> No.17507060

you sound like a monumental faggot or a monk perched atop a phallic monument with his buttcheeks spread because of his gayness has ascended to religiosity

neck yourself

>> No.17507078

The Blithedale Romance is great, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A man tells a feminist to her face that women exist to give comfort and support to men, and she falls in love with him. Aside from the rather dense style, the whole book feels oddly present.

>> No.17507370

Refute it

>> No.17507403

Cool answer anon.

>> No.17507444

Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.17507762

Women don't refuse to pay for sex, they just don't have to because men want it more than they do. If men collectively stonewalled women, some of them would probably make more of an effort if they really wanted to get laid, but men are too horny for this to ever happen. Also women do compete for men, have you ever seen women?

>> No.17507803

Wise anon triggering incels

>> No.17507815

Misogyny is dumb, men are flawed beyond repair too.

>> No.17507824

Same, desu. I remember pissing on one in elementary school.
It's not "white kids with glasses" you retard, it's Amerimutts with round features and prey eyes.

>> No.17507871

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.17507915
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Pic related
Link related


>> No.17507938

She deserved it

>> No.17507943

This, desu. I don't feel bad for her.

>> No.17507977


>> No.17508454

not reading at all

>> No.17509014

>shit's cash as fuck
Come on now, go back to twitter.

>> No.17510604


>> No.17511983

When that post writes "what they are" it assumes that the status and condition of men and women have been constant for all of history. If we can point to a time in history where either men or women lived lives that were more fulfilling and healthy, it's perfectly valid to point to such a time and learn how to emulate the positive aspects of it. While it's true that there are certain immovable aspects of the genders, to throw ones hands in the air and say 'mind your own business, it's just the way things are' is indeed smoothbrain.

>> No.17512063

The Second Sex.
Nothing will fuel your misogyny more than internalising feminist philosophy and either losing your resolve or gaining it tenfold as even literature doesn't sway you.

>> No.17512148
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Why would you want that? Are you bi or something?