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File: 247 KB, 1650x2531, 71ti01xVLVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17500162 No.17500162 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ offer any suggestions on books surrounding Geopolitics? Also is it worthwhile reading Huntingtons Clash of Civilizations, even though his theories in it have been widely rejected in serious academic circles?

>> No.17500622

academic circles are ecochambers, their views should not concern whether you read something or not
btw, much like how criminals love applying punitive justice
Huntington was a real hit with Islamists though they reverse its message
if you want a more "scientificy" version of huntington that will arm you against tards
read Raymond Ibrahim's Sword and Schimitar, it takes a somewhat different approach but unlike most so called Islam experts who try to defend it, he can actually speak the language very well and is much more immersed in Arabic culture
mostly retarded, try reading historical works instead but please don't ask his for recommendations they have no idea what they're talking about for the most part

>> No.17500643
File: 196 KB, 1031x1580, kissinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The analysis of the Congress of Vienna and its effects (how it set the stage for a WWI-size conflict) were interesting.

>> No.17500651

Your pic related was alright as an explanation for how international power-stabilization treaties came about, but what stuck out to me by far the most was this incessant cringe self-fellating about "opening up China".

>> No.17500799

I only really know about Kissinger from Adam Curtis documentaries. Is this book actually good? Is he not some kind of war criminal?

>> No.17500881

>even though his theories in it have been widely rejected in serious academic circles?

don't bother, you won't get anything out of your "study"

>> No.17501038

Every time this question is asked, retarded answers are guaranteed.
Geopolitics is not synonymous with international relations, international politics and so on. It studies the relationship between the geographic space and politics.
The classics are:
Friedrich Ratzel (who invented the field)
Paul Vidal de la Blache
Halford Mackinder
Karl Haushofer
Nicholas Spykman
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Huntington is a good read, but not too useful because nobody takes him seriously, so you can't really have good discussions.