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17499009 No.17499009 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help me understand current China?

>> No.17499150

They are bugs.

>> No.17499168

Mao's China and After: A History of the People's Republic by Maurice J. Meisner

>> No.17499190

Governenace and Politics of China
The China Questions: Critical Insights Into a Rising Power

>> No.17499270

Just dropping in to share my thoughts. China is based. I say that without a trace of irony. I firmly and emphatically believe that China and Chinese leadership offers the best alternative to American hegemony. I don't believe the western propaganda concerning organ harvesting, forced sterilization, genocide of the Ugyhurs, and other such ridiculous claims. Western media lied about Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and any number of other situations so that they could get permission to bomb, murder, and massacre innocents, and they are trying to do the same with China. America is the greatest force for evil in this world, and I believe China offers a brighter and better future. These are my honest and heartfelt beliefs, I am not paid to state them, nor am I a Chinese citizen. I merely wish to offer a counter to the sinophobia so widely present on this board.

>> No.17499298

China is just the slave labor for American dollars (which are intrinsically worthless) and ruining their natural world in pursuit of this servitude. They don't really represent any metaphysical values, just their shareholders of the CCP

>> No.17499305


>> No.17499321
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China has a lot of problems, and their rule could lead to a lot of unforeseen disasters, and they might not be the ultimate alternative some are starting to see them as --- However.

Americans are all mentally ill -- My disgust with them has resin to the point I would gladly watch an incompetent China take over then let American hegemony, which is spreading it's mental illness everywhere, continue.

>> No.17499336

Modern China has been boxed in by the West for its entire existence. It's hard to say what will happen once they start to be able to contest US control of the seas.

>> No.17499345

>I don't believe the western propaganda concerning organ harvesting, forced sterilization, genocide of the Ugyhurs, and other such ridiculous claims.

Where do China's record number of organ transplants come from?

>> No.17499383

China's based. America is based. I fucking love neocolonial capitalist empire.

>> No.17499387

Thanks, Ping. Very cool

>> No.17499424
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Simple. Read Marx and interpret him correctly and you understand the CCP mind.
>Just dropping in to share my thoughts. China is based. I say that without a trace of irony. I firmly and emphatically believe that China and Chinese leadership offers the best alternative to American hegemony
>I don't believe the western propaganda concerning organ harvesting, forced sterilization, genocide of the Ugyhurs, and other such ridiculous claims
jsut dont see it as malicious but necessary and we good again.

>> No.17499545

The Party
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

>> No.17499575

I agree wholeheartedly but I'd like to add that we must raze DC to the ground and salt the earth.

>> No.17499604

Danke meinen niggers

>> No.17499615

Stein Ringen - The Perfect Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century

>> No.17499672

We Have Been Harmonized by Strittmatter

>> No.17499730

After really reflecting on things I've come to have a lot less resentment for the CCP.
I still dislike them to some extent as they see me and people like me as an enemy, but I respect their treatment of our corrupted ruling class.
Sure they're instituting "assimilate or leave/die" cultural oppression but their strategy is the one strategy against the disease destroying Western Culture
>maintain a gigantic population
>hold that market over destructive corporations' heads to keep them in line
They could've just sold out the same as all the western politicians, but they're at least putting up a fight.

>> No.17499734

Red _____: The Inevitable Collapse of China
____ Dragon: The Inevitable Rise of China

my advise, don't read crappy political analysis books that become dated weeks after being published, if you want to gain insight and sympathy read chinese literature instead. better than being a bigot who talks about chinksects, or a bootlicking sinosimp who worships another man's bureaucracy.

>> No.17499749

Based. The west is a disease ridden corpse.

>> No.17499756

>They could've just sold out the same as all the western politicians, but they're at least putting up a fight
They don't allow self-defeating democracy and actually encourage ideas that maintain stability and benefit the nation.

>> No.17499767


That's about it. Ignore anyone that mentions esoteric nonsense.

>> No.17499771

Kissinger's On China.

>> No.17499822
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Anyone who thinks the Chinese would be any less cruel, exploitative, or war mongering than we are if they replaced us as the sole world power is deluded. They've already began exploiting African countries and propping up oppressive governments there. Our puppet countries would just be replaced by their puppet countries, and the civilians we bomb and massacre would be replaced with civilians they bomb and massacre (including the ones they already massacre within their own country). A better world future would include neither countries in their current forms.

>> No.17499835

Yeah I think they learned their lesson in the 1800's after the UK got 10% of their population addicted to opium and then extorted a major port city (Hong Kong) from them

>> No.17499847

You misunderstand me -- I don't mind that they will be cruel, I just want the idea of 'exporting democracy' and other irrational republic schizo ideas to die

>> No.17499851

1. Fanshen (and everything else by Hinton)
2. The People's Republic of Amnesia
3. The Corpse Walker
Bonus: the essays of Liu Xiaobo and Simon Leys

>> No.17499881

>I still dislike them to some extent as they see me and people like me as an enemy, but I respect their treatment of our corrupted ruling class.
assuming you are white (and not african kek):
they love the west and all they do is try to copy the west (specifically america).
Go to any major Chinese city and you will see it as a copy of modern US city planning. All the stores, the clothing is just one extra step form every western thing you have in Japan or Korea. Their elite rather send their children to anglo universities than the best chinese universities. Chinese are incredibly racist, but also good racist by thinking whites are better than other races. Just dont be a faggot baizuo and you legit have a friend in China instead of the kike's enemy.

>> No.17499906

I've never been to China and haven't done much research on them. Your take tells me I probably should do that.
Thanks for the feedback anon

>> No.17499916
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>> No.17499927

Hinton was just a rich kid duped into being a propagandist

on Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution
>The book’s title describes it as a “documentary”, however, he was not present at any of the events he describes. He visited the village only “during the spring and summer of 1948. At that time, local land reform, which had already been in progress for two years, was under investigation by a work team dispatched jointly by the People’s Government and the Communist Party Committee of Lucheng County. I was attached to this work team as an observer.”
>He was also accompanied by two interpreters Thus his account was at best a reconstruction, drawn from what official investigators were learning, much later, from possibly reticent participants.

>> No.17499952
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As soon as we remove the insidious kike elements in our societies China can become a great ally.

>> No.17499954

The funny thing about the baizuo meme is chinese leftists have pretty much identical takes on US politics as their woke counterparts, muh white supremacy, muh kkk fascist police state, etc.

>> No.17499958

>Simple. Read Marx and interpret him correctly and you understand the CCP mind.
there's a lot to this idea. chinese interpretation and western modern interpretation are like different books were read.
a chinese (expensive, ironically) high school student could give you a better explanation of marx than all the pinkos in the street marching for coon rights.

>> No.17499969
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China, even the concept itself of China, is nearly incapable of translation into Western thought. The Western geopolitical experience is a universal empire collapsing into personal rule of private fiefs, and then the ruled subjects of those fiefs identifying with the fiefs instead of their rulers. The Chinese empire is a permanent feature of Asia. Even when foreigners conquered China they became Chinese. China is basically a living fossil, a civilization from antiquity, but it is not safely locked in a museum. I have met Chinese people who think of themselves and their families as hundreds of years old, who know and care enough about what jobs their ancestors had in the middle ages to tell you about them. Every Chinese person to be sure, is not like this, but how many Westerners conceive of themselves, their families, or their countries as some sort of eternity? The dominant Western country, the United States, is almost entirely descended from people who elected to divorce from their homelands, cultures, communities, and so forth. An American and a Chinese person might as well not even be considered nationalities. An American is stateless (even the name of his country is plural) and a Chinese is the state. In other words, China has been breeding its people for thousands of years, while the average Western government emerges from some catastrophism or other of the last few hundred years. That is not to say China is without catastrophic traumas, but the result of these is always to reinforce China as an idea. Even the Maoist dynasty are clear on this, they demand all highways of trade are routed to the center of the universe, that any breakaway provinces be brought back under the fold. On the surface this is mistaken for nationalism because again China does not really translate to Western thought—the truth of the matter from a Chinese view is non-dual, that the world is China and China is the world.

>> No.17499984

>schizoposting intensifies

>> No.17499997

I wish Xi and the lads would unironically hurry this shit up. He’s also got a very based taste in books. About time we had a world leader who’s /lit/

>> No.17500000

Stay mad, tributary poster

>> No.17500002

You have had 5 points added to your social credit score

>> No.17500023

>t. reads Spengler once

>> No.17500037

Honestly growing up in a very patriarchal Irish-American family (And yes, I fully understand I am not Irish; However I have no real ties with the US identity, and only clear family traditions to hold onto) means I am one the only ones in my friend group who can actually even begin to conceptualize and understand Chinese ideas on eternal families.

This is not to imply I am anywhere close to fully understand these things, merely I was the only one who felt the concepts were strangely familiar instead of weird like the rest of my friends did.

>> No.17500041

>muh white supremacy, muh kkk fascist police state
Maybe because both of those things are true.

>> No.17500053
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>> No.17500055


>> No.17500068

Police state?
Politically irrelevant two minutes of hate
White supremacist?
More like White Anti-supremacist; The whitoids in power hate themselves to a suicidal degree

>> No.17500133

The perfect dictatorship - Stein Ringen

The China dream - Lui Mingfu

>> No.17500135

Nah just study Chinese religions and it all clicks
May you find fortune in your next spring roll
The Irish also have a long memory, mostly of being a punching bag or of being kangz before the English came (well really before the Normans, at the invite of a certain Irish prince)

>> No.17500138


>> No.17500287

China unironically has the potential to become Roko's Basilisk for Americans

>> No.17500466


>> No.17500474


>> No.17500486

my irishness gives me special insight into the bugman's mind.

>> No.17500538

And who are you? Bacteria?

>> No.17500720
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From the top of my head.
Marx, Engels.
Mozi, Lao tzu, Confucius, the legalists.
Xiaoping thought, very important.
Xi jinping thought, especially his speech (Dialectical Materialism Is the Worldview and Methodology of Chinese Communists)
Schmitt, Spengler.
Metal gear solid series.
Leibniz’s sinophilia.
Understand ww2 enough to realise it was a European/American Cold War.
Read up on what was going on in China at that point in time.
Isaac Newton (more important than you think for current China)
The Copenhagen interpretation.
Currency isn’t money.
America’s money is military.
The Gulf War, etc. (What did China do?)
John Rabe.
Adobe Flash.
The century of humiliation.
American propaganda has lied to us about everything before.
Big Boss is actually Venom and Venom was Big Boss.
Konrad Zuse was the father of computing, only the Chinese know this.
A totalitarian state does not always lie he told us.

>> No.17500780

Currency Wars by James Rickards describes the currency issue and the tactics behind it in depth

>> No.17500802

China does at least present an alternative to the current NATO United States neoliberal order. That alone is rather compelling, even with their obvious flaws. China seems to have a stronger head on their shoulders though, a greater sense of unity, cohesion, and pride in their nation, as well as more of a pragmatic plan to deal with problems.

>> No.17500825
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>> No.17500831
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>> No.17500839

It's not that incoherent. He's basically saying Chinese civilization has a strong history and tradition where people are more in touch with their ancestral family roots than the more individualist US that is a recent settler society built on immigration.

>> No.17500871

This is exactly why China fails, it’s a statue, like Greece was. Only the west sees beyond the boundaries of the past.

>> No.17500890

First of these problems is their economy, which is the aforementioned house of cards. The entire modern Chinese economy is focused on throughput, not income. That means so long as production rates are up, products are being pumped out, and factories as a whole stay open and keep employing everyone, then its all good. This is a problem as it operates on two false assumptions; that there will always be an endless supply of cheap labor and there will always be a market to sell those excess good to. This model operates very similarly to the economic model that lead to the housing market bubble of 2008-07 that caused the Recession, as when a factory fails to turn a profit, the owners will simply take out a loan to cover the losses. Can't cover the loan payments? Just take out another loan to cover the loan payments. So on and so forth. This was facilitated by party officials to favored members and relatives, of course, resulting in a massive increase of lending in the Chinese economy. To put it in a nutshell, the entire Chinese economy, from the agricultural sector to the metalworking sector, is sub-prime. AS it turns out, markets are not bottemless and neither is labor. Labor especially thanks to the oncoming problem.

>> No.17500918

They need to add the word "based" to the list of words that will get ya banned.

>> No.17500924

An economic collapse that could potentially cull millions of their people might be just over the horizon? Gosh that's never happened before and might be what finally ends China.

>> No.17500927

This statement is both hilariously deluded and ironic.

>> No.17500937

Aren’t they turning this around?
Their middle class is large and rich now and they’re gradually focusing on high quality goods and skills. A lot of their cheap labour now comes from Africa I thought

>> No.17500947

highly not based

>> No.17500971

Their investing into africa is practical dead end. the countries there are too poor and too backward to offer china anything aside from shiny rocks and illegal ivory for their fucked up home-remedy markets. it gets even funnier when you realize that all the investing is for nothing if any country they invest in just decides to nationalize the infrastructure and corporations that china built in these literal shithole nations.

** if you've heard anything about what they're doing to their Uyghur (the trukish pop in china) population you'd be horrified. they've basically sent all the men to concentration camps, sent chinese men to live with their women, and bulldozed every cultural site and graveyard over to erase their heritage, like they never existed. it's a modern day genocide more total in its reach than the armenian one, and you don't hear anything about it.

>> No.17501029

Also the sense of time/scale. China as an ancient civilization sees themselves as continuing a long tradition and part of an eternal whole, while the West is more focused on the present.

>> No.17501062
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>Aren’t they turning this around?
"4 Grandparents, 2 parents, One child". As the result of the... "success" of the One Child Policy China had implemented, there is a masssively growing population deficit. The country's population is rapidly getting older and shrinking as a result of this. While this might seem not to bad at a distance, what with china housing the world's largest population, it actually caused one of the worst case scenarios any nation could dread. Labor costs and social services costs skyrocketed into oblivion. With a massive population moving into retirement, The middle class will drop because of this as soon has they acquired it. China suddenly lost millions of laborers simply due to entropy, causing many international investors to start looking elsewhere, like at Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Mexico, for their cheap labor. This has had massive ramifcations in terms of unemployment, which do this day, are the highest China has seen since World War II. Additionaly, the cost of living in China has quadroupled as well. That "4-2-1" also specifically references a particular quirk of Chinese society, in which it is often culturaly demanded that the children help take care of the elderly directly. A cramped household combined with the tight living conditions of an ever increasing urban society has seen a massive drop off in child births, putting China in the same boat as Japan in terms of a collapsing population demographic.

>> No.17501095

I wouldn't be surprised if China provokes a civil war or two to protect their investments if that were to happen.

>> No.17501104

>Understand ww2 enough to realise it was a European/American Cold War.

>> No.17501157
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“Why I am so based” by Xi Jinping

>> No.17501195

i don't think it's that accurate. i'd wager the majority of chinese are as atomized as any westerner. the process of modernization did a number on them. that anon is talking romantic drivel.

>> No.17501205

This nigga carrying socialism so much, westernbros just give up, your tranny socialism is a disgrace, learn from based god Xi

>> No.17501301


what a pathetic bootlicker you are

Dissatisfied with how things are in your country, and to avoid the present decadence of your own culture you crawl up to another boot lick.

>> No.17501339

The alarmism over China is so silly. Even if America loses geopolitical hegemony, it will still keep cultural hegemony, and most social media is still American regardless. There’s no possible situation where people would accept Chinese hegemony over American hegemony, especially not when America’s young population is extremely progressive and individualist on a scale history has never seen whereas China is strongly nationalist. The only people who would treat China fondly are leftists, and that’s until they realize Chinese people are “conservative” in comparison to every western metric. If you want American hegemony to end, eliminating American social media and social progressivism is the bare minimum step

>> No.17502501

Saying this as an American, I want China to rise and become an enemy of America. It already is, and im glad that our populance is realizing it, but without an "enemy" America has gotten weak and corrupt. When the Soviet Union ruled the other half of the world, we were united against an enemy. With America being the sole power in the world, we have no one to fight but ourselves.

>> No.17502518

America has always been corrupt. The idea of an "enemy" just makes the dumb burgers blind to it.

>> No.17502550

This was Hillary's plan. She said she wanted a bihemispheric power structure. I think it's in China's best interests to be a challenge to American hegemony without ever actually overtaking it. When you overtake a power structure you assume that role and become the target of all antiauthoritarian forces, in this case the ones that America is soaking up right now.
It's still going to be a shitty system though, and it's going to suck to live in.

>> No.17503300

The Gate of Heavenly Peace by Jonathan Spencer, while it deals primarily with the experience of China's reform and revolution from 1880-1950 through the eyes of its literati, is a great primer to understand how China transitioned into the modern era from the backwater imperial era and why it didn't properly "democratize."

>> No.17503511

Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne

>> No.17503913

Explain? Are you just trying to spread the concept of Roko's Basilisk (don't Google if you have ever visited /g/) to avoid punishment? If not please explain how it applies here.

Sorry for the disgusting sentence above but thr warning is warranted.

>> No.17503928

This image was made by someone with no life outside of twitter

>> No.17503951

>bulldozed every cultural site and graveyard over to erase their heritage,
Well they live in China so its Chinese culture they ruin. If that's genocide then Sweden is also commuting genocide on Swedes.

Our culture minister before our current one (pic related), a beautiful Swede, decided Viking artifacts found, including many ones found before the policy came into effect, should be destroyed and the metals should be recycled.


>> No.17503971

>Saying this as a European, I want China to rise and become an enemy of America. It already is, and I'm glad that our populace is realizing it. Without an "enemy" Europe has gotten weak and corrupt, aligning with China against our common enemy America we will rise again and expel all American occupying forces in Rammstein and beyond. We will free our governments from American shackles and our politicians CIA handlers.

>> No.17504053

just wanted to say that america is not the west, they're just anglos, and china will not surpass the west, just the USA.

>> No.17504083

Yeah, like the US would really go to war with China. Pro Chinese propaganda is even more cancerous than the shit America perpetuates.

>> No.17504088
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No no no. EVERYONE knows about it, NO ONE does anything. You will not do anything, NATO will not do anything, your friends will not do anything. You want to know why? Because you're a coward. A comfortable, content, servile creature only willing to manifest his will insofar as its against the path of least resistance. You pig, you last man. You are contemptible. People are talking about it, people are hearing it, but they will do nothing---as expected of maggots grown fat feasting on the decaying corpse of a failed civilization

>> No.17504105

based chinkler, checked

>> No.17504112
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>> No.17504164

Came here to post that.

>> No.17504337
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Shit forgot pic

>> No.17505161

my diary desu

>> No.17505180

*1 social credit point was transferred to your account*

>> No.17505273
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>1 million ugyhurs in camps in china
americans outraged
>5 million+ yemen niggers about to starve to dead as a direct result of american intervention
radio silence
yeah americas propaganda game hasn't been it's best lately

>> No.17505281

What is the opinion on Kaplan's Monsoon?

>> No.17505335
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>> No.17505378

great image