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17497462 No.17497462 [Reply] [Original]

Do black traditionalists exist?

>> No.17497478

What tradition did you want? It’s a bastard term to begin with

>> No.17497483

Don't know about that. But my friend(who is brown) worked in Black African countries. He said that he faced racism for having brown skin colour. Whatever skin colour they had, they took pride in it and considered it superior to other races.

>> No.17497490

Black Lives Matter?
Sorry sweatie, but I'm an existential-nihilist, so nothing matters.

>> No.17497491

Of course, why else would there be a black pyramid on the cover?

>> No.17497504

You believe in "nothing matters" so technically you're not a nihilist you dumb fucking whore.

>> No.17497505

Do you exist?

>> No.17497507

We do, technically, but I don't consider myself Traditionalist (moreso just an occultist). I've shilled Evola to one or two of my black friends, but they got filtered.

>> No.17497518

Mubutuists, Traditionalist Ethiopian Christians, various Salafist groups, that one Nigerian Shia Imam that is endorsed by Iran, and there are some black occultists out there.

>> No.17497525


>> No.17497531

Im going to rape your boipussy buttercuck

>> No.17497540
File: 44 KB, 418x640, Abstract Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may have seen me share this in another thread but if not, here it is. I find it an interesting read.


>> No.17497541

Quite the deduction!

>> No.17497564

Oh nice, thanks dude. I'll give this a read.

>> No.17497572

post bussee

>> No.17497647

Yes, what tradition do you expect Black people to uphold when they have none?

>> No.17497671

>Do black traditionalists exist?
wasn't Evola italian?

>> No.17497784
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Guenon was at least 20% negro. Look at him. His name even translate to "monkey."

>> No.17497893

Fuck off lovecraft.

>> No.17497968

There are many in Africa, but not any legitimate movements in America. When they got transported and sold as slaves they kinda lost all tradition and heritage they might have liked to preserve. they lost their religion, language, culture, etc. because of the completely random mixture of African cultures in the slave trade and the forced suppression of most tradition by the slave owners. The modern 'we wuz kangz' shit is precisely this desiring for a tradition that isnt there.
Honestly the same is true to a lesser extend for all Americans, they lost their original tradition in the complete melting pot of cultures that formed america. The obsession with 'finding your roots', doing DNA tests, all the cocksucking of vikings and nordic stuff, anxiety of preserving some 'white' or 'western' tradition, its all longing for a tradition that cannot be recovered.

>> No.17497984

ITT: Only like two people know what Tradition even is

>> No.17498033

Why? I don’t know much about Evola but what he’s stance on race, particularly on brack people.

>> No.17498045

does it matter?

>> No.17498058


>> No.17498087

I want to know why you gave evola to your black friends. So yes it does matter, to cure my curiosity

>> No.17498213

>I want to know why you gave evola to your black friend
Evola has very nuanced views on race, which can be summarized by there being a distinction between spiritual race and biological race. The latter is the lowest and of least concern. A common example cited is say, a biological Aryan with a Jewish soul or vice versa. (You could've just googled this btw)

Personally, I don't find Evola's views on race that important (although accurate) compared to everything else he has to offer. For example his sober diagnosis of modernity and how to overcome it within oneself, his insight into occult practice, traditions, etc.

That's why I recommended him to my friends (black or otherwise). In the end all that matters is insight and attainment. Concerning yourself with anything else is a waste of time.

>> No.17498238

You're looking for NOI members, Black Israelites, and other people generally referred to as hoteps.

>> No.17498270


>> No.17498300

lol no

>> No.17498484

Salafis are NOT traditionalists, they are MODERNISTS and FUTURISTS

>> No.17498493

I mean I actually agree but tradfags are into Salafists so I mentioned them

>> No.17498500

OK .....

>> No.17498529


>> No.17498570

clitoris removal

>> No.17498696

Well there are Muslims and Christians in Africa, there might be traditionalists among them, not to mention local religions are most likely living traditions.

>> No.17498768

Yes, but they are Hyperboreans of the soul, so no, not really.

>> No.17498788

What a stupid race baiting question.

>> No.17498811

All blacks are traditionalists in essence, because they have not yet been separated from tradition.

>> No.17498830

Elijah Muhammad was just the black, politically effective version of Evola.

>> No.17499242

>In the end all that matters is insight and attainment. Concerning yourself with anything else is a waste of time.

>> No.17499376

Nation of Islam is the black equivalent to Evola and much more successful

>> No.17499936

>Black Lives Matter?
Yes, they do. There's no need for bigotry.

>> No.17499973

I'd beg to disagree.
They are by far the most deracinated and materialist people on Earth, outside of Africa.
Maybe in Africa they are more stable, but over here they're just disasters.

>> No.17500110

Where do I start with traditionalism?
Revolt Against the Modern World?

>> No.17500144

Tradition isn’t downstream of race so the question just doesn’t make sense.

>> No.17500156

Yes, they live in the plains of Africa and hunt in the lands that their ancestors have for thousands of years. The rest are LARPers in western countries.

>> No.17500168
File: 20 KB, 360x246, mutwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has NO ONE posted Credo Mutwa?

>> No.17500176

Really good reply even if I disagree with one of your points. Finally, someone has actually read and understood.

>> No.17500235

Sure, that could work. I would say start with whatever you find more interesting. So long as you persevere, you'll eventually read all of it. The hardest part is overcoming that initial hurdle.

>> No.17500257

That's not unique to America.
You can see the same thing happening to Europe and Asia, and really, anywhere industrial society touches.

>> No.17500281

I just want to point out my own personal view which is that when people talk about “Traditionalism” they’re really referring to 3 different things which are just similar on the surface - Perennialism, Traditionalism, and Evola. I personally see Evola as really quite distinct from the other 2 and so if your interest is in Traditionalism broadly, don’t start with Julius Evola. If you’re interested in Julius Evola, obviously start with Julius Evola.

>> No.17501883

Cardinal Sarah

>> No.17501915

Yes, they're called Coptics.

>> No.17501932

unironically this

>> No.17501964

>The obsession with 'finding your roots', doing DNA tests, all the cocksucking of vikings and nordic stuff, anxiety of preserving some 'white' or 'western' tradition, its all longing for a tradition that cannot be recovered.

I'm not sure it's for that reason, but I have always found it odd that people are so entrenched in discovering their lineage. I might ascribe it to the more narcissistic end of "finding myself" and using that lineage as some point of personality interest.

>> No.17502033

I assume you're black. How do you feel about Evola's view that the African peoples are of an inferior racial stock, even in spiritual terms?

>In the end all that matters is insight and attainment.
I agree that when you take all the aggregates into consideration, it all comes down to the individual in the end, however. The lowest person on the totem pole, in theory, can reach higher levels of consciousness by" pulling himself by his bootstraps," but if you are at the lowest position, then you don't even possess the spiritual know how to do it. People only have control in the degree in which they are aware.

>> No.17502057

Fucking VolaFags.

>> No.17502063

>but I have always found it odd that people are so entrenched in discovering their lineage
You clearly have no important lineage. Knowing where you’re from let’s you know a lot about yourself and your history. For me, my grandparents live in a village on the site of the ancient city where my family has lived for thousands of years. It gives me a home, a place I can go and feel pure belonging. Humans must be connected to their soil, their ancestral soil, it is necessary.

>> No.17502072

Or maybe people just think it’s cool to find out where they came from and what their ancestors were like. But I guess according to you everyone is a narcissist. What a insufferable comment. You got any more incites Einstein?

>> No.17502103

unga bunga ?

>> No.17502234
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Plenty. Africa has a vibrant traditionalist movement, uncucked and free to the degree Euroids can only write and dream about.

>> No.17503456

Evola actually said that primitive peoples, such as blacks, are just degenerare remains of once-virile societies.

But, I already said his views of race are irrelevant. I know from my own experience and that of others that race matters very little when the aim is making contact with the spirit. I've actually heard some occultists claim it's harder for whites since they're so hideously bound by their rationality. But again, it's all up to the individual.

>> No.17503640

>But, I already said his views of race are irrelevant.
I don't think Evola thought race was irrelevant, else he wouldn't have written a whole book on the subject.
>I know from my own experience and that of others that race matters very little when the aim is making contact with the spirit.
Again, I agree, which is part of the reason why I give everyone a chance no matter what their race, creed, or religion is, but if I see for example a black person talking in ebonics and listening to rap/hip hop/r&b music, then my opinion of him takes an immediate nosedive.
>I've actually heard some occultists claim it's harder for whites since they're so hideously bound by their rationality.
If by white people, they mean Westerns, then yeah, I agree.

>> No.17503649

>I don't think Evola thought race was irrelevant, else he wouldn't have written a whole book on the subject.
I was clearly stating my own opinion.
>Again, I agree, which is part of the reason why I give everyone a chance no matter what their race, creed, or religion is, but if I see for example a black person talking in ebonics and listening to rap/hip hop/r&b music, then my opinion of him takes an immediate nosedive.
You do you, man.

>> No.17504466

nobody is a nihilist, maybe logically but not in action

>> No.17504470

so based

>> No.17504529

George Floyd unironically

>> No.17504546

i want to give black women some of my tradition if you know what im saying

>> No.17505983

"harder for Whites" may have been true in the 20th century but I don't think it's true now. Most browns are dazzled by consumerism, meanwhile Whites (specifically White males) are largely alienated from it.

>> No.17506018


>> No.17506747

You can find representatives for both sides among all races. In the end all beings are called to the higher worlds, but whether you respond to that impulse or not is up to you.

>> No.17507435

remember when black panther came out and a bunch of sjw hipsters got flamed on for touring into african countries by locals

>> No.17507447

african americans at least

>> No.17507454

Traditionalism is just Theosophy for hipsters

>> No.17507501

nah ppl in developed countries often want to leave their culture behind to get completelly assimilated into ameriburger kultur

>> No.17507993

he has the face of a horse

>> No.17508441

If anyone is curious about whether traditionalism exists in Africa, it definitely does. Check out this Nairaland thread where they talk about Biden potentially sanctioning Nigeria for making being gay illegal. Many people seem to believe that the US should not be using its economic power to force sovereign nations to adopt its degenerate mores, and Nigeria's rules and traditions are the underpinnings of their culture and society.

>> No.17508525

you sure showed him, big boy!

>> No.17508726

It's more like predestination. Either it's in your nature to pursue the spiritual or it's not. It's not som5that can be forced into you heart or get tricked into with mental gymnastics.

>> No.17509735

If predestination were true then there would be no point to life at all. It's a process of evolution through various forms and stages of existence.

>> No.17509748

Another retarded take from butterfly

>> No.17509802

It wasn’t a “take” it was a serious question. Does OP mean nationalist, African paganism, etc.
Oh, you don’t see yet how it is a bastard of a concept yet, is that your problem?

>> No.17509866
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>yet yet

>> No.17509900

>how has nobody posted ____
please stop doing this it's very douchey

>> No.17509922
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>> No.17509923
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Dugins black friend, he's also influenced by senghor who is close to a traditionalist.

>> No.17509935
File: 25 KB, 270x344, 1601363346840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in Afrika

>> No.17509999

Yes, you really only need two generations for a tradition to be established. It's not a particularly strong, or well rooted tradition. But yes black traditionalists exist.
It's actually kind of a retarded question, as the alternative would be a COMPLETELY unguided people. And while you can certainly say african americans are lost, they are certainly not without a mold to fit.

>> No.17511593


>> No.17511724

Yes go outside. Besides rap culture black community is very religious