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17497371 No.17497371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the decline of christianity?

>> No.17497446

post more of this guy please kek
dumb btw

>> No.17497454

>wear masks and take the vaccine
What does that have to do with christianity?

>> No.17497458

Christianity is a virus.

>> No.17497459

Romans 13

>> No.17497463

Most modernist Christians are nothing more than a vaguely spiritual wing of international liberalism playing a cargo cult upon the bones of a gutted religion.
The Syllabus of Errors.

>> No.17497472
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>The authorities that exist have been established by God

>> No.17497489

>Assault weapons
Yes. Disarm yourselves while the state is empowered to crush you. The state is your friend, you have no chance fighting it, the state is perfect. Praise the State!

>> No.17497511

basically "be a good goy"

>> No.17497512
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meanwhile in true conservative Christianity USA

>> No.17497534

You look around on 4chan. Nowadays, Christianity only appeals to sexually frustrated neckbeards with a shallow knowledge of philosophy. Just look at any thread that contains Christian philosophy. It’s all the same thinkers (Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas), the same arguments (invariably either Kalam or the Five Ways), and the same path towards faith (I used to be an atheist edgelord, now I’m a theist edgelord). Nothing interesting, nothing insightful, just a bunch of bloated spoiled brats who begame Gatholic because Nick Fuentes said so.

How pathetic

>> No.17497546

Fuck your post topic. I'm responding to the webm because that's what you wanted anyways you /pol/shitlord.

This dude looks like a homosexual. I can also tell that he smokes weed daily.


>> No.17497547

>priest on tiktok
>praying to the flag
Americans of all race and political affiliation are mad.

>> No.17497567

I mean he's right. Christianity is based on the belief that God realised he fucked up halfway through and capped half his rules because they don't apply anymore. Nothing in the christian dogma implies he couldn't do it again.

>> No.17497584

>praying to the wellbeing of Israel

>> No.17497589

Nothing Christ said went against the Ten Commandments and as Jesus himself said:
"Don't think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I didn't come to destroy, but to fulfill"
So what are you even saying?

>> No.17497619

There were more than 600 commandments fham.

>> No.17497629
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Decline of the West

>> No.17497630
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If you are for real looking for a book about the decline of Christianity in the west, this is far and away the best book on the subject, told from the perspective of a Catholic.

>> No.17497636

So what are the odds these niggas enrolled in theology, lost their religion halfway through and now try to run a money scam?

>> No.17497640

I dont fucking know man
I'm an atheist myself, but I honestly dont know what could move someone to become a Christian and then abandon 99.9% of it, while clinging on to that 0.1% for some reason.

>> No.17497643

Yes your guns will save us from drones, aircraft, missiles, nukes and bioweapons.

>> No.17497651

You really think they'll use a nuke on my apartment block?

>> No.17497659

Not this shit again.
You cant win a war with machines alone, and no one is gonna fucking use nukes or bioweapons against an insurgency.
The most effective weapons nowadays are highly specialized infantry units and drones, not war machines.

>> No.17497660

since it's not happening except in the fantasies of lefty morons, none.
In actual reality we are converting China and India.

>> No.17497672

Submit is not an accurate translation. The term more readily means "to order yourself under." In other words, don't make an unnecessary mess of things. Civil disobedience is permitted by the Church, however. Augustine stated that an unjust law is no law at all - both Peter and Paul disobeyed authorities when it became necessary to do so.

>> No.17497675


anecdotally many priests in the west are non-european now due to the vocation shortage, so in a sense theyre re-missionising us

>> No.17497682

Protestants aren't Christians.

>> No.17497685

>enrolled in theology
You're giving them about ten times as much credibility with this line alone than they deserve.

>> No.17497687
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The Qu'uran goes into the inevitable failings.
I think long term most serious European men are going to convert to Islam.
My current stance is a halfway conception, and a personally expedient one at that. These dieing days of American Empire are truly surreal.
The teachings of Jesus will never disappear, but in their current form these are nothing more than a plausible deniability for warmongering American Jews (and their enablers), and nobody sane should want anything to do with that.

>> No.17497710

Most of the time these people are homosexuals who were raised in an environment that wouldn't tolerate them tipping too hard, so they conveniently find exegesis to support what they already felt and believed. It also lets them indulge in self-aggrandizement (something you'll know leftists love if you've ever been on reddit) by seeing themselves as smarter than average Christians. Another group of these progressive Christian types are the ones who need to be "Christian" for political reasons, but need to somehow get rid of all the contradictions between Christianity and their leftist beliefs.

>> No.17497711

I have read and enjoyed the book, though Taylor's viewpoint was occasionally annoying, especially how he seemed to sum it all up at the end with "so I guess we should be ok with fags and buttsex." Or maybe I was reading into it to much, but the description I've heard for the book as "to liberal Catholics what MacIntyre's After Virtue was to conservative Catholics" seems accurate to me. I'd also suggest reading "The Enchantments of Mammon" by Eugene McCarraher after A Secular Age, it essentially modifies the thesis that the world wasn't so much desacralized as that the sacred was transferred to money and commerce.

>> No.17497740

Christians are Gentiles. Why would the rules God gave specifically to the Israelites apply to Gentiles? Wouldn't it make more sense for the rules God gave to Gentiles to apply to Christians? Oh wait that's what Christianity teaches. Stop using that argument. It's bad.

>> No.17497755

Quran is ossified and brittle, it doesnt have much in the future.
A new religion will take hold, whether secular or spiritual.

>> No.17497761

According to Heidegger, it used to be the central work of architecture in the community which articulated the culture's interpretation of being and divinity. For instance, the Parthenon. Now, it's global financial markets that accomplish this.

>> No.17497767

That sounds more like something Spengler would say, rather than Heidegger.

>> No.17497768

That's quite the cringe master

>> No.17497801

I don't mean to shock anyone, and I urge those of a sensitive disposition to read no further, but I suspect this man may be homosexual.

>> No.17497807

>for you

>> No.17497824

>Christians are Gentiles.
No. There is neither jew nor greek yadda yadda
>Why would the rules God gave specifically to the Israelites apply to Gentiles?
The christian church is the new Israel.
>Wouldn't it make more sense for the rules God gave to Gentiles to apply to Christians?
Are you retarded? God made moral claims in the ot. The only way you could say he gave them to israel specifically is because they are the only ones who got revelation. He didn't say no jew faggotry the others csn do what they want.
>Oh wait that's what Christianity teaches.
This isn't what christian denomination teaches.
>Stop using that argument. It's bad.
Okay my atheist friend

>> No.17497838

lmao Bishop Barron sucks this guy off every chance he gets

>> No.17497857
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So can we discusses exactly why Americans are so mentally ill?

>> No.17497892

fucking subhuman idiot how many fucking times we must say that the moment the us government uses drones or nukes on insurgents is the moment when the fucking world jumps it like a pack of hyenas on a wounded fucking lion you limpdick retard.

>> No.17497894


>> No.17497901

They are the descendants of p*ritans. I've also heard that living in that cursed land for centuries could have altered their brains

>> No.17497905

which is fine.

>> No.17497908

>No. There is neither jew nor greek yadda yadda
This is why there's no Jewish Christians anymore.
>The christian church is the new Israel.
The Law has been fulfilled. Christians are under the new covenant of Christ.
>Are you retarded? God made moral claims in the ot. The only way you could say he gave them to israel specifically is because they are the only ones who got revelation. He didn't say no jew faggotry the others csn do what they want.
That's exactly what happened. God made separate covenants with Gentiles than with the Israelites. The ones still in force over Christians are the Noahide covenant and the new covenant.
>This isn't what christian denomination teaches.
Every Christian denomination teaches this. Acts and the St Paul and the Church Fathers worked this out. 2,000 years of church history laid plainly out before you to read but you refuse to and just resort to kneejerk arguments that only expose your own ignorance.
>Okay my atheist friend
I'm neither an atheist nor your friend.

>> No.17497921
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This is a very dumb post; The Government knows the same failure state you listed out, so will take measures to ensure you are subverted before things get anything close to that.

What they will do is another Charlottesville; Another 1/6/21; Another Fort Sumter. You *will* be baited into doing something stupid enough the American 'centrists' balk, then the Government will use the manufactured moral high ground the bludgeon you to death before you do anything serious.

>> No.17497923
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I love the complete devotion to a piece of cloth

>> No.17497982


Love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have others do unto you, don't kill your grandma because you read a facebook post saying that wearing a mask lowers your sperm count, it's all right there anon

>> No.17497986

these girls will be massive whores

>> No.17497997


And aren't those just doing wonders in our Middle Eastern Forever Wars

Really turning the tide, those drones and HiGhLy SpEcIaLiZeD iNfAnTrY uNiTs

>> No.17498052


>no one is gonna fucking use nukes or bioweapons against an insurgency

what is agent orange

>> No.17498077

Theyre overused and understaffed, while tank divisions and aircraft carriers arent really doing anything.
Also nice reddit meme, faggot

>> No.17498119

Anything by Marcel Lefebvre.

>> No.17498139

Actually it’s the international liberals who are in the a-spiritual cargo cult of Christianity, it has always been international.

>> No.17498143

Hasn't declined yet :))

>> No.17498168

I hate this. Christians are flawed sure, but at least they tolerant other faiths. Muslims have a bad habit of easily being swayed into the genocide of non-Muslims.

>> No.17498183

Miguel de Unamuno's "The Agony of Christianity" (La Agonía del Cristianismo).

>> No.17498194

Islam will not take over, liberalism will slowly infect it and neuter it as it has to Christianity, this has already begun. The catholics may also have held out against modernity longer than the Protestants, but they too fell in the end.
The new faith will arise in the next few centuries, and at long last, it will not be Abrahamic.

>> No.17498203


>everything i don't like is reddit
grow up, you child

We've been pulling our dicks over there for almost 20 years, that won't be fixed by suddenly increasing the number of tanks and planes we have blowing up schools and department stores

>> No.17498206 [DELETED] 

>Christians are flawed sure, but at least they tolerant other faiths.

Objectively the dumbest take I've read on this website all day

>> No.17498219


>Christians are flawed sure, but at least they tolerant other faiths. Not like those filthy genocidal Muslims

How are you gonna completely invalidate your own point in the very next sentence?

>> No.17498234


>> No.17498242

Sacred Mushroom and the Cross

>> No.17498250

I'm not Christian or Muslim. And rereading that does make me wince a bit, but I stand by what I said. In today's world, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, etc. are tolerated in Christian countries when in Muslim countries they fear for their lives. I'd rather have the world be majority Christian, because a majority Muslim population wants me dead.

It brings me no happiness to say this, you know. I like Islam as a faith. I do consider Muhammad to be an enlightened and holy man. But I am not going to be happy if a population that again and again proves that it wants the rest of us dead becomes the majority.

>> No.17498269

All that albion seethe lol

>> No.17498279

>I do consider Muhammad to be an enlightened and holy man.
I think you're a pedophile.

>> No.17498284


>> No.17498330

You're really going to make me defend Islam after I wrote >>17498250 eh?
It was a different time, and Aisha was a holy woman. Plus questioning the actions of saints/enlightened people like Muhammad is not something someone like me, who isn't exactly enlightened, should do.

>> No.17498349

Jesus never slept with a child, anon. Your bar for sainthood is pretty low.

>> No.17498352
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It's really jarring for me to see a lot of Christians don't believe in climate change/rag on environmentalists. I'm not a Christian anymore, but I attended catholic school and we were told that we are stewards of the Earth, and it's our duty, which in part is a duty to God, to take care of it.

>> No.17498364

>true conservative Christianity USA

Catholic from EU here, some "true conservative Christianity USA" can explain to me in which way that praying your national flag is different from the blasphemy of praying to a false God?

>> No.17498392

Jesus predicted this. St Paul predicted this. St John the Seer predicted this. It's all so tiresome. You guys all know this is part of the programme, right? I don't want to watch it all unfold because I know how it ends. I should go back to the desert, far from any screen, and sleep in the shade. Read the old books and pay attention. It's all there.

>> No.17498446

There's absolutely no difference, about half (or more) of the liberal Christians worship political ideas rather than God, same for the conservative side, there's not a ton of actually religious people anywhere in the USA.

>> No.17498447

>Protestants aren't Christians.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says they are.

>> No.17498482

Protestants who do not act in a Christian manner are wayward Christians.

>> No.17498486
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And not one war post-1945 has resulted in a US victory despite all this

>> No.17498492


>> No.17498498
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We agree then.

>> No.17498516

It has never and never will be acceptable to rape a prepubescent child. That's what you're defending, faggot.

>> No.17498546

>read the bible seriously
Leviticus 20:13 faggot

>> No.17498556

No difference, these fuckers are worshipping a false idol.
The correct approach is to pray to GOD and beg forgiveness for the sins this country and its people committed, and plead that you can be saved while being trapped living in modern-day babylon.

>> No.17498568

6000% reddit take

>> No.17498571

All women are

>> No.17498606

Protestantism in its totality represents the liberalization or individualization of the Christianity. It's a divorce from apostolic teaching and a placing of that traditional authority in the hands of individuals. Since that point we see the exact same degeneration of Christianity that we see in all liberal structures because individuals cannot be trusted to guide themselves. The sheep need a shepherd.

>> No.17498633

>wearing shoes indoors

>> No.17498640

Not him and I'm not even a Christian but then what do you think about the Anglican church?

>> No.17498642

>implying dedication to ones country is just to praise a flag rather than trying to better it with action

>> No.17498647

Some apostles sat on Christ's left hand, some sat apostles sat on Christ's right hand. There are sins of the left hand and and sins of the right hand. People have become blinded to that.

>> No.17498649

>and now try to run a money scam?
that would make them no different from any other religious leader

>> No.17498698

Read everything moldbug wrote about how progressivism is best understood as historically rooted in protestant christianity. It is the most popular and successful protestant church going, since prots can interpret the bible any way they want to with no official authority, it was only a matter of time until they formed a church that didnt include god at all and could instead serve as a universal grounding for whatever political propaganda they want.

>> No.17498806

I think they're the same as any other Protestant.

>> No.17498828

You are mistaken, climate change is nothing to do with being "stewards of the earth". It's a massive, hugely expensive political scheme based on questionable science with the goal of completely reforming society into this liberal internationalist nightmare. The same way that the global economic forums are pushing for the "great reset" using covid as an excuse, people who oppose that kind of large scale political engineering will be dismissed as being anti-science or whatever bullshit. You can be an environmentalist without being in favour of trillion dollar spending done with the aim of progressing humanity towards becoming bug-eating cattle.

>> No.17498841

The Bible

>> No.17498856


>> No.17498859

Is there ever going to be a rebirth of spirituality in the West?

>> No.17498981

I wouldn't count on it honestly

>> No.17498989

Cultural suicide here we go

>> No.17498997

>It's a divorce from apostolic teaching
That is a matter of debate. The same could be said of the Roman "Catholic" church.

>> No.17499007

Francis schaeffer

>> No.17499066


>> No.17499127

christianity is a political position today that worships blumpf and believes in conspiracy theories.

>> No.17499142

Yeah, it turns out when Jesus Christ said the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church he actually meant there would be a great apostasy and succession will be broken. It's okay though, the LGBT clergy will bring us back with their abortion, divorce, and condoms.

>> No.17499164

>That sounds more like something Spengler would say, rather than Heidegger.
You know that temples were essentially banks in the ancient world, right? The largest public temple complex would be the most powerful.

>> No.17499174

>Is there ever going to be a rebirth of spirituality in the West?

>> No.17499180

Papists are so predictable.

>> No.17499187

Submit to Allah

>> No.17499188

it's weird i tend to agree with liberals but i just can't fucking stand them

then only reason i associate with right wing people is that the left is obnoxious

>> No.17499191
File: 26 KB, 326x499, losin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fool if you think climate action is a recent political scheme. Oil companies have been lobbying and making politicians kowtow to their wants and needs for decades. It's only becoming more apparent now because of the massive shift in climate-related disasters that are coming to heed.

>> No.17499211

There's no strawman there. We're not in a debate and if nothing I said applies to you then it doesn't apply to you. I thought the internet moved on from constantly misusing terms of fallacy.

>> No.17499216

>the massive shift in climate-related disasters that are coming to heed.
literally what are you talking about

>> No.17499261

forest fires in Australia, landslides and floods in India. The US dealing with numerous hurricanes in one season. The list is endless

>> No.17499299

For leftists, weather is distinct from climate until it isn't. They'll ignore the decade where the US essentially saw no hurricanes but now every time a storm comes by it's a sign of the times. The same with forest fires which totally aren't the result of California and Australia mismanaging their forests. They're the the left wing equivalent to conservatives who think they're clever every time they bring up climate change during a snow storm.

>> No.17499355
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Okay, yes I know using weather is bad argument, but one can't deny how a changing climate no doubt impacts the weather. How about some literal evidence

>> No.17499360

>enrolled in theology
>lost religion
you presume they had faith to begin with, or that they even studied Scripture

>> No.17499371

>can explain to me in which way that praying your national flag is different from the blasphemy of praying to a false God?

literally nobody in the USA does this, that's the meme

>> No.17499374

People of the left always misrepresent the debate around climate change. The right isn't saying that there is NO CHANGE, they're saying there is change but it is not man-made, and that the change is actually natural.

>> No.17499384

No I want some figurative evidence instead. 5 months ago I was swimming in a pool and now it's frozen over. Consider yourself debunked.

>> No.17499390

Dont wanna believe in climate change

>> No.17499392
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>> No.17499402

You can even accept man made change and still be considered a denier if you merely don't want to cripple your industry and make the power grid less efficient.

>> No.17499404
File: 44 KB, 768x514, ospe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, heres the latest on the arctic sea failing to refreeze

>> No.17499421

We are so screwed

>> No.17499436

Why limit the graph to the 90's? I asked for figurative evidence and you said "sure".

>> No.17499438

So essentially, Bitcoin is the thing that frees the Jews, the Illuminati, and the Grey aliens from being controlled, but only after Bogdonaffs have gotten some?

Am I understanding that correctly?

>> No.17499448


yea okay you are retarded

>> No.17499453

Oh actually correction: all you're doing is freeing the Jews and the Illuminati from the inter-planetary brainwashing. You're just freeing the Jews from being propped up by the illuminati as well.

>> No.17499462
File: 198 KB, 520x513, Nod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but it wont be like anything that has come before
It'll be more like pic related but without the green crystals.

>> No.17499464
File: 298 KB, 1800x1200, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason you posted that particular graph and not this one?

>> No.17499533

he's not implying that and those are not mutually exclusive positions you literal reddit brained retard

>> No.17499602

had that one saved but trying to upload it and got "file corrupted"

>> No.17499774

any man that thinks assault weapons should be banned should not be considered American

>> No.17499874

Possessed by indian ghosts

>> No.17499920

Like most saints, St. Francis isn't well known in megachurches.