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File: 1.84 MB, 1956x2940, Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17494318 No.17494318 [Reply] [Original]

He wouldn't have lasted more than two days in Ancient Greece. The Greeks would have beaten him to death.

>> No.17494319
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>> No.17494324

I agree with this post.

>> No.17494328
File: 51 KB, 499x499, Nietzsche thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o b s e s s e d

>> No.17494342

This is my first nieztche hate thread in a week more or less.

>> No.17494351

sexy and bussypilled

>> No.17494488


>> No.17494512

Imagine posting Nietzsche hate threads non stop.
You are part of the hive mind, no matter how few you've posted.

>> No.17494552


>> No.17494593

Charges of impiety, being an ugly barbarian, corrupting the youth, etc.

>> No.17494605

Centuries of seething. Nothing strengthens my love for Nietzsche like /lit/.

>> No.17494609

>Charges of impiety,
but he worshiped Dionysus
>being an ugly barbarian,
Neet is cute AND being a barbarian was not an civil offense.
>corrupting the youth,
Not any more than any of the Platonic school.

>> No.17494629

He "worshipped Dyonisus" for the LARP, and he had a mischievous and degenerate idea of what the greek religion was.

>> No.17494678

When did Nietzschefags become fagfags?

>> No.17494685

July 9, 2008

>> No.17494690

When we drank the thick seed from Dionysus

>> No.17494719

So for being your average Greek philosopher?

>> No.17494740

>be me
>barbar incel fag with stupid fucking barbar name and haircut
>teleport to ancient greece to be with other ubermensch
>find socrates and plato tag teaming a student of theirs
>”um.. hello. uh, so-crates, plat-toe (I pronounced it wrong), do.. do you want to talk about philosophy?“
>”can’t you see we’re busy retard?” They say as they high-five and down some seasoned wine from their mixing bowls, spilling much of it unto their student.
>”o.. oh, okay.”

>> No.17494765

>[german man] wouldn't have lasted more than two days in Ancient Greece (an extremely racist culture that would’ve viewed him as subhuman). The Greeks would have beaten him to death.
Yeah, no shit.
Based homo

>> No.17495547


>> No.17495762

He couldn't even cut it in cushy imperial Germany

>> No.17495992

He would have lasted longer than Socrates.

>> No.17496045

>A German is almost incapable of presto [quick tempo] in his language and thus, as you can reasonably infer, is also incapable of many of the most delightful and most daring nuances of free and free-spirited thinking. Just as the buffoon and satyr are foreign to him, in body and conscience, so Aristophanes and Petronius are untranslatable for him. Everything solemn, slow moving, ceremonially massive, all lengthy and boring varieties in style are developed among the Germans in a lavish diversity. You must forgive me for the fact that even Goethe’s prose, with its mixture of stiffness and daintiness, is no exception,

Oof. And yet he not only survived but thrived.

>> No.17496062
File: 1.89 MB, 1450x2200, Plato_Pio-Clemetino_Inv305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wouldn't have lasted more than two days in a prehistoric tribe. Cavemen would have beaten him to death.

>> No.17496069

Nietzsche actually considered himself ethnically Polish, thus given free rein to talk shit about Germans as much as he liked. Goethe himself didn't like Germans either.

>> No.17496088

The only people who like krauts are those with a slave mentality.

>> No.17496189

He would have made them into an army.

"I had an even finer opportunity to observe Socrates there than I had had at Potidaea, for I was less in fear because I was on horseback. First of all, how much more sensible he was than Laches; and secondly, it was my opinion, Aristophanes (and this point is yours); that walking there just as he does here in Athens, ‘stalking like a pelican, his eyes darting from side to side,’ quietly on the lookout for friends and foes, he made it plain to everyone even at a great distance that if one touches this real man, he will defend himself vigorously. Consequently, he went away safely, both he and his comrade; for when you behave in war as he did, then they just about do not even touch you; instead they pursue those who turn in headlong flight."

>> No.17496212

>still crying about Goethe
Holy fuck what a virgin.

>> No.17497002

From the beginning.

>> No.17497040

LOL, i laughed out loud at the thought of Greek alpha males beating the shit out of Nietszche

>> No.17497075

>He would have made them into an army
lol, he almost got sold into slavery when he tried anything like this

>> No.17497086

I think the Greeks would have embraced him as some kind of Scythian shaman, a German Anacharsis, I dont think he would have a problem communicating, if he was attacked, it would be because of his sickly body.

>> No.17497088

Oy vey!

>> No.17497094

They always were

>> No.17497691

What would have happened if nietzsche was entirely cured of his debilitating illnesses early into his writings?

>> No.17497708

Rejoin the military if he could, or maybe focus more on composing. If he continued writing anything it probably wouldn't be as substantial.

>> No.17497731

skeptics already existed there retard

>> No.17497734

Why is it that when people are confronted by someone of strong convictions, they invariably start to attack him on the basis of manliness and stature? If someone says something daring, he's instantly met with "Whatever kiddo." When someone stands resolute, he's met with "You'd piss your pants and get your ass kicked if this were IRL." I hate this so much because of how it contributes to this schizoid mentality we have where nothing can be taken seriously.

>> No.17498107

My point about the Greeks considering him subhuman still stands

>> No.17499193

Nietzsche destroyed Socrates.