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File: 87 KB, 599x595, Klaus has the stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17492732 No.17492732 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a quick rundown on this book?

>> No.17492778

jews desu

>> No.17492801

Predictions of what the future of technocratic neoliberalism may entail to solve global crises like climate change or the rise of populist discontent due to wealth inequalities written by a guy who works for the WEF think tank. It recommends stuff like environmental infrastructure investment, technological advancements, and a move to "stakeholder capitalism" to sort of save the neoliberal project from populist uprisings. He wants to use the COVID as an opportunity to make reforms necessary to address the problems of today and especially the future.

As Klaus put it: "The goal is reimagining our global economy so it becomes more sustainable and prosperous for all. Our global economic system is broken. But we can replace the current picture of global upheaval, unsustainability, and uncertainty with one of an economy that works for all people, and the planet."

>> No.17492803
File: 2.30 MB, 362x362, 1612572075918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat ze bugs.
You will drink ze cockroach milk.
You will turn in ze semi-automatic weapon.
You will impregnate ze transwoman.
You will adopt ze african orphan.
You will pay 400,000 Social Credits for reparations.
You will have your child's gender identity confirmed by Rachel Levine.
You will be fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Hebrew.
You will wear ze 20 masks.
You will take ze daily omni-vaccine.
You will demolish ze border wall.
You will pay ze carbon tax.
You will work ze 18-hours per day.
You will work with 2,799 other employees in ze Amazon cage.
You will sell ze bitcoin for 10 Social Credits.
You will live in ze pod.
You will have all communications approved by ze Reality Czar.
You will have ze Covid-19 rectal probe permanently implanted.
You will not ask who owns property.
You will own nothing.
And you will be happy.

>> No.17492813

in other words the Beast System

>> No.17492834
File: 908 KB, 900x841, Ze Industrial Revolution Timeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technocratic neoliberalism

>> No.17492846

Klaus himself says this
>Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist. We must use it to secure the Great Reset that we so badly need. That will require stronger and more effective governments, though this does not imply an ideological push for bigger ones. And it will demand private-sector engagement every step of the way.

>The Great Reset agenda would have three main components. The first would steer the market toward fairer outcomes. To this end, governments should improve coordination (for example, in tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy), upgrade trade arrangements, and create the conditions for a “stakeholder economy.” At a time of diminishing tax bases and soaring public debt, governments have a powerful incentive to pursue such action.

>Moreover, governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies, and new rules governing intellectual property, trade, and competition.

>The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability. Here, the large-scale spending programs that many governments are implementing represent a major opportunity for progress. The European Commission, for one, has unveiled plans for a €750 billion ($826 billion) recovery fund. The US, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic-stimulus plans.

>Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.

>The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine. Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector.

>The COVID-19 crisis is affecting every facet of people’s lives in every corner of the world. But tragedy need not be its only legacy. On the contrary, the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.

>> No.17493024

pretty gay

>> No.17493050

Just who does this guy think he is? Thinking he can dictate the future direction of humanity with such an authoritative tone?

>Zu vill eat ze bugs
>Zu vill own nothing
>Zu vill be happy

>> No.17493056
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>stakeholder capitalism

>> No.17493080
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, main-qimg-83672c97b1f638dd8ae4798142f1822b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will. Unless you buy LINK.

>> No.17493173

Imagine a new future, the future of pure Digital Space, the future of maximizing technology to solve humanity's worst problems. Feed people, increase wealth, save the Earth, and be able to manage resources effectively so we can still make some goods to sell to generate growth. We have the power to use neoliberalism and capital for good. The system can be molded to create a future where humanity's great thinkers are able to design technological assets and machines that can address human needs efficiently at speeds not capable by the limitations of man. These resources can then be mobilized and distributed by a centralized, digitally integrated agency. This is a fancy way of saying a "strong competent technocratic neoliberal government". A liberal internationalist capitalist socially conscious government that works in conjunction with the top scientists, private sector, and tech manufacturers to solve the problems of our planet is an existential necessity with the threat of climate change, pandemics, and so on.

This system seems to be the most logical, reasonable, sensible, and effective one for maximizing human progress based on empirical objective data divorced from ideology, but there are some cracks that can be reformed to make it a little bit more humanistic perhaps. That still means we need to operate within reason and not throw the whole thing out like the populists suggest.

Humans created technology, and we can control every single aspect of technological evolution. We want to use this for good and the maximum benefit of all by achieving maximum growth. We should be proud of man's greatest achievement: technology and utilize it to its fullest capabilities to end our collective malaise. Ignore the traditionalists and resentment of the populists who mire in ignorance. They want to hold back human progress due to their own individual situations, but we must follow data, logic, science, and reason where it takes us if we have any hope of saving this species or planet.

>> No.17493220

why does he have an evil look?

>> No.17493842
File: 97 KB, 560x517, Ze Great Reserrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will sell all of your possessions.
You will own nothing.
And you will be in ze heaven.

>> No.17493876

any shops of him as a SEELE member from nge

>> No.17493905 [DELETED] 

He's actually a former nazi.

>> No.17493909
File: 199 KB, 966x899, Klaus Holding Staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17493923

Genuinely made me laugh, thank you anon

>> No.17493946

Thank you

>> No.17493960

Sounds like communism

>> No.17493973
File: 112 KB, 706x675, Klaus .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will eat ze bugs.
And you will be happy.


>> No.17493981

Im sold where do I get ze bugs

>> No.17494003
File: 625 KB, 934x670, Screenshot from 2021-02-08 19-13-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the people who also provide you capeshit.

>> No.17494006

At this point, merely the thought of this world-system becoming even more complex and latticed and suffocating of life than it already is is such a horrific thought that I almost can’t bring myself to even confront it, regardless of his particularly insidious motivations.

>> No.17494013

Because he’s evil

>> No.17494022

Is the future as hopeless as it seems? I wish I was old so I'd be on the way out of this shitty world.

>> No.17494196

Covid made pre existing social issues worse and we should use this opportunity to fix that with better welfare and less globalisation

Literally nothing spooky in the book - it’s a big let down

>> No.17494202

trust the plan

>> No.17494208

Will there be Bang's rootbeer?

>> No.17494216

Holy shit matt?

>> No.17494230

haha hey whats good anon? :)

>> No.17494232

You mean the energy drink?

>> No.17494236

Why did jannies pin this?

>> No.17494576

I guess because it's a current bestseller.

>> No.17494653

These utopian visions will be abused, as they were designed to be. These aren't the workings of do-gooder humanists, but of: cold blooded, narcissistic, psychotic, greedy, pedophilic, card carrying eugenicists.

>> No.17494703

Anyone else confused by him saying "we know without doubt that there is going to be another disaster after covid, but not just a normal disease, but a global technological one. As we progress more, our technology becomes more connected, but there is also the growing danger of a global technology virus.. which would be a 100x more dangerous than covid. We know that it's coming, but we have to prepare."

Obviously paraphrased, but literally why does no one else give a shit that he's saying they're going to make their steps in this "reset" through another disaster that they're obviously a part of?

>> No.17494769

it's neoliberalism, basically capitalism that harkens to enlightenment thinking and the outcome is highly credentialed (in that they could afford their degrees) wealthy scions running society while worker peons could theoretically compete upwards in class. It's pretty much what we have now in the US and it sucks, it is under no circumstances communism as the means of production would be privately owned both now and post Great Reset

>> No.17494973

it sounds like a slightly more statist liberalism, or the democrats m.o.

>> No.17494987

>global technology virus

An electro-magnetic pulse?

>> No.17494993

>it sounds like a slightly more statist liberalism
I have no idea why Americans are so obsessed with complicating politics to such a retarded point. It isn’t even really complicating, it’s just a celebration of political ignorance. The word you’re looking for is neoliberalism, but you retarded american had to say “slightly more statist liberalism”

>> No.17495020

Coming to Terms, or how I "Got over Here" by Noob Saibot.

>> No.17495156

This sounds like a plot for a sci fi dystopia novel desu. I don't blame the conspiracy theorists for being alarmed about this one, it actually sounds sketchy

>> No.17495199

No, just like technology around the world gets "infested" and shuts down, they're not claiming it to be a pulse, but a literal "mega-virus".

Somehow they're trying to connect the coronavirus with this new "technological virus," but I can't believe they're retarded enough to think people are going to buy it and just treat it as if it has anything to do with coronavirus at all. I guess they think they're smart because they want people to react the same way to it??? No clue, but probably the spookiest thing that Klaus has talked about on camera.

>> No.17495423

Under Draconian social distancing regulations enforcing isolation on the population, psychological distance increases, causing a state of mental distress. Who gave Klaus Schwab authority to dictate economic policy? He was not elected, but he has influence over economic policy of Earth's people and nations. How is one is coerced by the power holders into accepting these narratives without questioning at all?

>> No.17495463
File: 17 KB, 400x280, Regeneron Leadership.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The usual suspects.

>> No.17495708
File: 1.62 MB, 1602x2568, COVID-19: The Great Reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17496499

Shit are they going to shut down the internet

>> No.17496567

That is their plan, yes.

>> No.17496571

When, and also why?

>> No.17496572

Don't listen to Jason Parser's lies.

>> No.17496579

Given how nebulous, overlapping and contradictory definitions of neoliberalism are, are you honestly berating him for wanting to clarify specifics?
I mean hell I'm usually in agreement that Americans fuck up polsci nomenclature routinely but that's not happening this time.

>> No.17496584

>literal cyberpunk 2020 wild AI crash
I think he reads too much scifi while baked.

>> No.17496592

by what metric is neoliberalism "more statist" than your garden variety liberalism anon, specifically in terms of economics? Your statement makes no sense

>> No.17496596

Communism isn't fundamentally different than capitalism if it only seeks to change who owns the valorization of capital. Paupers telling you work is no different than boss having you on emergency call.

>> No.17496598

He runs the World Economic Forum which is basically a club for super-rich elites to meet and dictate how the rest of us should live. He has authority because they have tacitly elected him as their voice box.

>> No.17496603

Do they actually have the power to make this a reality? Is there any opposition to it at all?

>> No.17496604

Contemporary neoliberalism isn't the natlib laissez faire of Thatcher and Reagan, it's essentially German ordo-liberalism.
It really just an oligarchy orchestrated by the NGO/academia/media rigmarolle that has zero concern for negative rights and only uses the vocabulary of positive rights to enact their agenda.

To call such a system liberalism is honestly an insult to the original idea.

>> No.17496611

>Who gave Klaus Schwab authority to dictate economic policy?
Computerized machines & technocrats that own capital, you know, the ones you depend on to live.

>> No.17496619

>the ones you depend on to live.
the ones that collude to remain relevant by monopolizing opportunity and attention more like

If we all agreed, from Marxists to Objectivists, to just smother all the bureaucrats and go back to regular old class politics, things would be a lot better.
And yes I know it's not possible.

>> No.17496645

"Technological" does not mean it is connected to informational technology in any way.
By technology he meant increasing complexity of our systems.

>> No.17496649

Take meds

>> No.17496659

>by technology he didn't mean technology
>by virus he didn't mean virus
>inb4 he didn't mean global either

>> No.17496660

Americans wil kill all who oppose it.

>> No.17496671

I don't want class politics; I want to super secede the herd mentality of proletarian mobs and their scant grouplings. Class isn't heterogeneous, its utterly imbecilic to suggest a grand-narrative exists for it as a homogeneous class that has never existed and never will. Also, I do not see "work" as a virtue for pious worship and dignity as you pauper-minded folks do. I seek a grand state of affairs that harnesses the imaginative, aesthetics possibilities of madness beyond the socialistic rat-catchers, and their demagogic prates of God-fearing charlatan opponents.

>> No.17496672

I think they said within a few years.

>> No.17496673

He never mentions that it will be a "computer virus" made by some elaborate hacker. That's all.

>> No.17496679


>> No.17496681

Would you call Covid a technological virus?
This definition might be applied because the only reason we have covid is freedom of transportation which is achieved by technology.

>> No.17496686

I mean insofar as it was most likely made in a lab...

>> No.17496687

not sure but he deserves a little something through his head

>> No.17496690

Well, there is no way to falsify this. Definition of technological virus can still be applied.

>> No.17496699

Of course it's unfalsifiable anon, it's an historical fact. You don't use the scientific method to investigate those.

The lab escape theory was derided initially but I hear now that it's the prevailing theory. Who knows what actually happened since this is China and we'll never get any evidence beyond the virus itself.

>> No.17496700
File: 211 KB, 1446x2048, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys seem not to see how based the author of this book is. Every single one of his claims about world economy is valid.
It's not his fault that your are afraid of global enslavement by the elites (whatever that means). Either we follow a certain global plan (maybe not precisely his), or we are doomed.
His book is right-alarmism for economically-erudite people.

>> No.17496705

I can't wait to have all my possessions taken away, rent everything, and eat bugs

>> No.17496706

>but I hear now that it's the prevailing theory

I heard that the prevailing theory is about seafood.

>> No.17496714

Well, you won't eat bugs. No one will eat bugs. Stop this nonsense.

>> No.17496720

Cope, Untermensch

>> No.17496724

You might be from USA, so, yes, not having 10 different types of mayonase to chose from in the morning is equivalent to eating bugs for you.

>> No.17496734

honestly who cares about its origin at this point, the main issue with this is this sick globalized system that can spread viruses across the entire planet within a week but I barely see any hint of this in mainstream discourse. Anyone who had thought seriously about pandemics would have seen this coming from a mile away

>> No.17496739

The early Lancet investigation was the one to make all those headlines by calling the lab leak a conspiracy theory, but the WHO investigation apparently is going that route and they sent investigators to the lab recently.
There's a whole bunch of evidence published around the topic but it's all extremely hard to make any sense of, so don't take any of it as any strong claim.

>> No.17496747

We have 2 choices:
1.We end globalism
2.We actually control it by implementing global control systems

>> No.17496754

it's same old same old. technocratic babble. don't worry to much

>> No.17496755

>We end NATO
>We let China and Russia do whatever they want
I'm pretty sure plenty of Americans are going support that

>> No.17496760

>anime poster
>shit opinion
the cosmic order is maintained

>> No.17496777

Elaborate, schizo

>> No.17496810

You already live off rent because your labor power is renting power, as a commodity, under capitalism. You don't own capital, so, you are already a slave to someone else. You're just too chuckleheaded to realize it; too dull to overcome it. Although, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself anyways since your life is pretty inconsequential since no one would really care if you flat-lined.

>> No.17496830
File: 174 KB, 849x1200, EtccaPTXAAETsiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds sketchy

>> No.17496834

>the ones you depend on to live.
i have chickens in my balcony, why would i need them?

>> No.17496843
File: 136 KB, 518x500, 4xavxp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.17496846

>just smother all the bureaucrats and go back to regular old class politics
but real politics is populism, anon, that's a bad word

>> No.17496856

- why did they even write that?
- why did he wear that dress?

are they just dunking on us at this point? like it's clear we will do nothing, no reason not to go out with their balls out of their trousers at this point

>> No.17496861

Go live in the woods outside of the country for a while, and then, get back to me. No tech from here either.

>> No.17496869

why would i do that? i have my chickens, also the woords belong to somebody, you'll get shanked if you just go to somebody's forest without asking

>> No.17496878

Take meds

>> No.17496890
File: 757 KB, 1219x676, You w-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17496891

You have chickens on your balcony, why would you need them?

>> No.17496893

for raw eggs, what else do you need to live?

>> No.17496899

>some irrelevant white killed some irrelevant browns
congrats, i'm sure Klaus Schwab is trembling

>> No.17496910
File: 10 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder:
You will own nothing,
and you will be happier than ever!

This guy is unironically based.
You have no idea how influential and powerful the WEF is, closest thing you can get to the Illuminati. The best part? The guy is a huge shill for crypto.
As Schwab says in his book The Fourth Industrial Revolution: It isn't the biggest fish that will succeed in the new millennia, it is the fastest.
His interest in smart contracts will likely make me a millionaire before thirty, if he has to enslave some proles to get there all the better.

>> No.17496914

Shelter, clean water, a constant supply of food,and some amount of entertainment to cope. Of course, since all the land owned, you can't really do that much any more since you don't have the ability to be subsistence farmer unless you have the money put up the capital for it. Although, I doubt someone who spends their time here would go through such an effort; you have to be pretty indolent to post here as often as you do.

>> No.17496921

Cute delusion, you are an insignificant prole and always will be

>> No.17496930
File: 781 KB, 3956x1284, Chad Saint Tarrant and his disciples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17496946
File: 155 KB, 945x1009, 1612869188859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard for people on this site to believe that the /biz/ /lit/ minority exists? That we have high IQs and even higher net worths?

>tfw stuck in six figure hell for almost a year.

In the end the only ones who won't be Reset will be the wealthy.

>> No.17496965

>pete buttigieg

Puts the homo in globohomo.

>> No.17497000

Just take the anal swabs and inject mrna bro what are you a conspiracy theorist

>> No.17497020

that's creepy

>> No.17497055

Source for where he says that?

>> No.17497976

i think he's referring to a disastrous interaction of complex systems colliding in an unplanned fashion. like the flash crash on wall street. ellul discussed this at length, as did ted k. this is also found in paul virilio's writing on accidents and stafford beer's maxim "the purpose of a system is what it does"

additionally, the more sophisticated a system becomes the chances for the failure of any one of its parts to cause the entire thing to collapse increases dramatically. ol' klaus is just being realistic in stating that with technology systems ordering human life in an unplanned fashion we face in increase risk of global disaster.

>> No.17497990


>> No.17498002

that's because they dream of a world where the powerful can't even be identified anymore, everyone just runs around executing orders the get spit out by a blockchain with no idea what they're doing or why

btw there's a fine line between setting the agenda and describing the elite's existing agenda back to them in an eloquent fashion; the WEF is the closer to the latter

>> No.17498019

T-tulsi? Noooooooo

>> No.17498042

Americans can't really understand outside politics; They are all mentally ill. Keep in mind classical liberalism is solidly right wing in their eyes.

>> No.17498063

it's ironic how they talk so openly about rendering most of the population totally superfluous with automation but simultaneously need to control every aspect of every human life for the orderly operation of their system. like, those two don't exactly jive

>> No.17498084

There's enough productivity increase that we could dramatically reduce work time, but that would mean more people no longer having the work-cope for their existential dilemma. This leads to chaos as more and more people start performing drastic actions to give their lives meaning.

>> No.17498105

Really annoyed that searches for the video are so heavily filtered by all the meme words, it made Klaus look like an absolute idiot or a literal conspirator. Honest, I literally saw the video, I'm going to keep looking for it and hope you guys can take my word for it for now.

>> No.17498239

A lot of this discussion is reminding me of that Adam Curtis documentary 'Hypernormalization'

>> No.17498294

Do you think you can be anything more than a small town mayor by not sucking globohomo phallus?

>> No.17498302

sleep in the pod
eat the bugs
wear the mask
you will own nothing
and you WILL be happy

>> No.17499194

which indicates that our economic arrangement has less to do with efficiency and more to do with a small group of people making sure everybody else doesn't have the free time to do whatever. this is what martin luther wrought

>> No.17499218

he honestly seems more like a useful idiot than a cartoon supervillian. he knows what assorted billionaires want to hear and sells it back to them. he's the effective type because he really believes it, too. but if tomorrow the davos set decided that 2 + 2 = 5 klaus would be holding a summit by the end of the afternoon about the need to reinvent arithmetic for the 21st century

>> No.17499271

It will not be so blatant; They will 'curate' and 'provide context' to the internet.

If anything it is more insidious because far less people will care or notice.

>> No.17499335
File: 181 KB, 1200x797, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking hate these scum, they declare their evil plans for all to hear but you get called a conspiracy theorist for pointing that out. This past year was so blackpilling to see how people will see niggers burning down cities and think it's okay because the media says "peaceful protests" and trump supporters are violent rebels because of a false flag. The billionaires are laughing their asses off and making billions while small buisness are destroyed because of a virus with 99% survival rate.
This is what we get for abandoning God and letting the merchant class rule over us.

>> No.17499911
File: 547 KB, 975x776, MGS4ZeroPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This world will become one. I have found the way.

>> No.17500268
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>> No.17500351
File: 177 KB, 914x854, eat-bugs-drink-sewage-world-economic-forum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17500376

any actual evidence for this shit

>> No.17500390

>why did he wear that dress?
I've also been wondering about this, you would think the WEF PR people would have the sense to not dress their members as illuminati wizards

>> No.17500417

Foucault’s biopower refers to the intersection between power (political, economic, judicial etc.) and the individual’s bodily autonomy. Dispositif utilises political power to regulate and control the bodily autonomy of the subject. It relates to governmental concerns of fostering the life of the population, "an anatomo-politics of the human body a global mass that is affected by overall characteristics specific to life, like birth, death, production, illness, and so on." It produces a "generalized disciplinary society and regulatory controls through biopolitics of the population"

Foucault described biopolitics as "a new technology of power...[that] exists at a different level, on a different scale, and [that] has a different bearing area, and makes use of very different instruments." More than a disciplinary mechanism, Foucault's biopolitics acts as a control apparatus exerted over a population as a whole or, as Foucault stated, "a global mass."

The development of vaccines and medicines dealing with public hygiene allowed death to be held (and/or withheld) from certain populations. This was the introduction of "more subtle, more rational mechanisms: insurance, individual and collective savings, safety measures, and so on." Catastrophes are periodically mobilized as vehicles for historical transformation.

Foucault argues the exercise of power in the service of maximizing life carries a dark underside. When the state is invested in protecting the life of the population, when the stakes are life itself, anything can be justified by it.

>> No.17500542
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>"sewage medicine"

Looks like I need to update the pasta.

>> No.17500571
File: 426 KB, 2048x1668, own-nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems they had to update the title of their article
Old title
>Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better
New title
>Here's how life could change in my city by the year 2030

>> No.17500625

Yeah, Forbes left the old title after they mirrored it on their site.


>> No.17500646

god damn it the gay bald frenchman was right

>> No.17501663
File: 1.65 MB, 2560x1600, 1612849885534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- why did he wear that dress?

Going for the mortal kombat look.

>> No.17501901


>> No.17502039
File: 261 KB, 900x889, 1608969026568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A strong immune system via a proper diet and herd immunity has done more than vaccines (search up how vaccines are made, both sides to the story)