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17490723 No.17490723 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that if it wasn't for his traitorous brother he would still be a free man and probably all these big internet companies would not exist because he would bomb them to the ground in the early days of silicon valley and these nerd would have shitten their pants.

>> No.17490774
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based brother hating gays and trannies

>> No.17490785

I'm glad he went to prison, what he did was unforgivable

>> No.17490786

I highly doubt this. I think it's pretty difficult to get people on your side when you just send bombs to random people in the mail rather than actually having a focused point of attack.

>> No.17490795

why are we defending this piece of shit again?

>> No.17490797

He published his manifesto, so everyone knew his target then

>> No.17490811

OP actually fell for the memes and believed that Kaczynski had a poimt. What a retard

>> No.17490817

>t. has never read his manifesto

>> No.17490818

It's a common thing where losers on the internet start to identify with losers in jail because fuck
muh society

>> No.17490826

>implies there is something like MUH society

>> No.17490829

But he didn't actually attack his target. He just killed random people. So at the time that this whole fiasco was going on, nobody saw him as an anonymous civil-disobedience terrorist. Everyone thought he was just some crazy guy.

>> No.17490892

IMO it has to do with the ritual deification of the scapegoat, frustrated people are attracted to demonised people because they hope to achieve such deification. There is a kind of masochism behind it. That's why people like Hitler, Staline, etc. fascinate some retards.

>> No.17490930

You think too much faggot. He's a smart guy and he's right about the stuff he talks about. That's why people like him.

>> No.17491004

Random people at universities and Airline companies, which do fall into his range of targets. People knew this because they literally named him after them. And of course he is considered crazy, how else are u gonna sell some sending mail bombs.

>> No.17491228
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>You think too much faggot.
What I'm saying is fairly simple. Also there are far better critics of technology than Ted K, who even failed to understand the anthropological dimensions of his beloved "nature".

>> No.17491246

I think Ted was a retard for bombing people and did so because of a combination of being a bitter faggot and having sociopathic tendencies. I also think his notion of anti-tech revolution is a complete pipe dream. The guy still has some very interesting perspectives on stuff, and they are not just copied from other thinkers like people say.

>> No.17491265

Amish people continue his fight against industrial society though

>> No.17491284

I like his idea about people need regarding power process. It makes sense and not covered by existing mainstream ideologies.

>> No.17491308

It's strange how I thought Amish were crazy as a kid. The older I grow the more I think they are reasonable.

>> No.17491326

This is extremely based, it's blinding

>> No.17491327

Anarcho-primitivists who want to see an end to industrial society but feel like this dude was the last chance are beyond stupid. Literally sit and wait, global warming is going to send us back to the stone age. If not you, your kids/grandkids will see it.

>> No.17491334

same here. used to make fun of them, a stupid moron I was. I even recently started wondering if they got some on-boarding programs do they even accept outsiders and on what conditions.
even though I won't join them most likely, it's still feels good a group of people got guts to pull through like that. good for them.

>> No.17491392

>traitorous brother
man i'd take a bullet for my bro but also wouldn't want more people to splode. dilemma

>> No.17491472

He is your brother, you know you can address it personally and try to solve the problem? People who put state over family are beyond retarded.

>> No.17491572

>you know you can address it personally
of course i do. i'm not retarded and that's obviously what i and most brothers would do. we can go into autistic details but i'm just stating a the question in a vacuum without any qualifications

>> No.17491605

I can imagine that anyone has issues trusting him now. It's like lawyers say, when their client decides to talk to the police and snitch, they know they can't trust him as a person.

>> No.17492655

It was a matter of time before he got caught. His brother vastly accelerated the process but they were already making strides in the case without him. It was only a matter of time until he fucked up, left something behind, etc. Guy was a genius but not God.

>> No.17492853

>Guy was a genius but not God.

>> No.17492867

oof true
u right

>> No.17492892

You think Ted's brother would be able to convince to stop mailing bombs with a heartfelt talk or some shit? You're the one who's beyond retarded here.

>> No.17492975

When the talk doesn't help I would just buy him a prostitute, I think this would bring him back down to earth.

>> No.17493011

>big internet companies would not exist because he would bomb them to the ground in the early days of silicon valley
wish we could get a letter from him about his opinion on these tech companies with baby names that are like daycare centers

>> No.17493012
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>trusting the jewpost smearing campaign

>> No.17493073

You never read anything Ted K wrote

>> No.17493608

Imagine turning in your own brother.

Meanwhile our government kills people every day with impunity.

>> No.17493630 [DELETED] 

>Imagine turning in your own brother
Amerisharts have no morals anymore. Project "Destroy families" was successful, so people see the state as more important as their own family.

>> No.17493637

>Imagine turning in your own brother
Amerisharts have no morals anymore. Project "Destroy families" was successful, so people see the state as more important than their own family.

>> No.17493663


>> No.17494365
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Social media is your family; upvotes are love.

>> No.17494600


The covid-19 lockdown and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. It has further reduced humans away from their natural state, seperated people from each other, expanded government power rapidly over a virus that is simply not that dangerous (and even with questionable effect on the issue)

It has accelerated almost every kind of negative aspect of the modern society: Loneliness, mental illness, substance abuse, poor health, heart disease, government control etc.

It has told the modern person to stay at home, to stay in doors, to be inactive, to not visit friends and family and to breath inside of a mask any time they step outside of the door, creating a population unfit to resist a virus in any case.

The politicians have with glee expanded their power, enforcing severe restrictions on human interaction, on travel, on visiting family and other natural rights of man.

Politicians have created an artificial problem and the question becomes: How long can this keep going? It has been almost a year now. In 3 months when the virus will have mutated enough that the vaccines dont work and we will need to lockdown society again to wait for a new vaccine, will you then gladly say: One more year it is?

The question is not whether the virus exists or even if its dangerous, the question is: Is it worth the price of a lockdown?

>> No.17494646

that's pathetic and sad as fuck

>> No.17494652

i doubth it, his bombings were shit
holy shit is this real? i guess hes having a lot of anal sex now lol

>> No.17494655

>Project "Destroy families" was successful
Schizo conspiracy theories go in /x/

>> No.17494735

Actually, as schizo as it sounds, anyone who has lived in a communist country and actually lived through it, i.e. someone who hasn't lived in the most comfortable and resourceful country in existence since their birth and live life on recruit mode (yes that means most Americans), the whole "destroying families" thing is NOT a meme. You're just blind; they did it to us and they can/will do it to you.

>> No.17495465

You have to be a complete autist to deny the importance of Ted being an entry level to this sort of thought. No one would care if not for him.

>> No.17495540

Get off 4chan then you hypocritical retard

>> No.17495804

There's nothing Jesus can't forgive, and you're supposed to be like Jesus