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/lit/ - Literature

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1748944 No.1748944 [Reply] [Original]

I couldn't stand that shit, I really couldn't. 4 fucking hours stuck in a room. 4. Fucking. Hours. Two portions: 55 multiple choice and three timed essay writes.

I started to do the multiple choice but then thought to myself, "What the fuck am I doing?" At which point I refilled my bubbles so that when viewed sideways they would look like pretty mountains.

First two essay topics dealt with a poem and a passage George Eliot's Middlemarch. For the third essay we had to pick a work with literary merit and write about how the main character "seeks justice". They had The Trial and I figured but that would be a perfect choice considering the novel is essentially. Instead I just wrote a mediocre limerick on the plight of K. in a world without justice.

When we got back to class my friend said that someone wrote a limerick on the third. Teacher thought it was one of his dumb students(we have complainers who whine about 2 page essays). But when he finds out it was me...well shit, I'm fucked.

Tldr: AP Test sucked, wrote an average limerick instead.

Seriously though. AP tests sucked. But mine was free so might as well fuck around.

How did you guys take the AP Test?

>> No.1748950

how the fuck would your teacher find out what you wrote on an ap

>> No.1748958

I used Invisible Man in the third essay.
And I tried to do well.

>> No.1748964

The teachers typically look at the AP scores and the papers so they can see how their students did. So when that day comes I'm mighty fist-fucked.

>> No.1748967

Yeah? How do you think you did on the first two? The poem "A Story" and the passage from Middlemarch. And did you think the multiple choice was hard?

>> No.1748972

but they don't get scored until july, and if you're taking the lit one, you're a senior, right?

>> No.1748973

I took them two years ago. AP Lit and AP Lang. got fives and I didn't study they were whatever. barely got me credit at my college so idgaf.

>> No.1748980

lawl that's what I would have done

yeah, I'm pretty much a college dropout

>> No.1748982

Yup, senior here. I'm just worried that he'll see it beforehand. Me and my friend are "those" kids in literature classes. The ones that read. And we initially didn't want to take the test because we were just there for the cool lit we might read. But then he persuaded us to take it. So I'm screwed if he sees it beforehand.

It's really ironic though. The teacher who had so persistently pushed and nagged me to sign up for the exam, is the same person who unintentionally caused my disregard for it.

>> No.1748983

I over analyzed "A Story", and was disappointed with Middlemarch.
But "A Story" was really cute.
I didn't think the multiple choice was too hard. Seriously, the ponies poem.
>C. That the ponies were conspiring against them

>> No.1748984

I took it seriously (paid for the test) and I thought I did great, certainly better than at Calc AB yesterday. Worst essay was probably the third, I did it over Antigone... but it was not terrible.

>> No.1748989

Oh AP Art History, I have such fond memories. Except for the test, that test was pretty stressful (I hate scantrons). I don't remember how long it took though.

But I emerged from that class a better person.

>> No.1749038

I lol'd at that one.

>> No.1749048

I lol'd. Twice in my life during exams I've broken down and written an essay on how I've ruined my life and how I want to run around the room slapping people and shitting on the floor.The first time i did it I got a B. No fucking lie.

>> No.1749051


You idiot. Your teacher NEVER sees your essays. YOU don't even get your essays back. You have to call up collegeboard and pay like $8 per essay in order to have them sent to you.

Dumbfuck. If your teacher ever saw your essays or your MC, your scores would be canceled.

>> No.1749054

not bad, the count of monte cristo fit the last essay quite well.

3 aps down, 3 to go

>> No.1749056

IBfag here. 4 hours? Sucks bro. We have like 2 seperate 2 hour exams. Shit aint even hard.

>> No.1749335

IB fag here too. I sat for both. I got the better score on the AP's but IB was much less stressful

>> No.1749345

Deal with it. Your whole life will be determined by three major 4+ hour tests after the AP. You ADHD kids will have to sit still. If you're really gonna go to college (which I doubt a lot of you are) here's a look at your future:

SAT and/or ACT - Between six and eight hours, two minute breaks, have to sit still, not allowed to talk or draw attention to yourself, deal with it.

GRE - See above

LSAT or MCAT - See above


>> No.1749418

Oedipus Rex. Like a Boss.

>> No.1749425

I am taking the SAT tomorrow. My only form of study was to go through my PSAT results. Scored a 1900 on that (690, 540, 670). Not worried about the time limit. How fucked am I? I feel pretty fucked.

>> No.1749426

merchant of venice ;)

>> No.1749429


Far from fucked. If you can write a good essay in 25 minutes you will get close to 800 on the writing score (I got a 740). The other scores may be slightly worse than how you did on the PSAT, or who knows? They could be slightly better.

>> No.1749436

That's relatively reassuring. I think I can pull of the essay. And I feel more confident about the math now that I've actually had Algebra and Geometry. My goal is to score 2100 - do you think that's reasonable? I don't necessarily think I can do so this time, but I can take it again and again if I need to. Which I don't mind doing, because my grades are so bad (1.4 GPA) that I need a good score just to THINK about college.

>> No.1749438

Thanks. That's relatively reassuring. I think I can pull off the essay. And I feel more confident about the math now that I've actually had Algebra and Geometry. My goal is to score 2100 - do you think that's reasonable? I don't necessarily think I can do so this time, but I can take it again and again if I need to. Which I don't mind doing, because my grades are so bad (1.4 GPA) that I need a good score just to THINK about college.

>> No.1749439


I took the SAT one time. Got a 1910 (600, 570, 740 R,M,W). It's not difficult, then again I never took the PSAT. I think you'll get around 1800.

>> No.1749443

1800 isn't too bad, yeah? 1500's the average, I think. I like this dose of reality - I tend to overestimate myself. I'll try to keep my hopes down and imagine getting a 1600 or something. So I won't be disappointed.

Thanks for the wisdom sharing, man. I appreciate it.

>> No.1749448

OP must be fucking stupid, it was all so easy, besides that one poem on grief in the MC. Hamlet'd the third essay up. They probably get thousands of Hamlet essays every year, but I don't give a fuck.

>> No.1749456

What was the limerick?

>> No.1749457

i wrote on pale fire for the third essay and my last sentence was something like, "nabokov's masterful wordplay and deeply philosophical content helped him achieve fame as a truly great writer - unlike writers such as ayn rand who have no clue what theyre talking about"

>> No.1749473
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Graders, Their Face When