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File: 514 KB, 1200x1628, 1200px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17484717 No.17484717 [Reply] [Original]

When did this board became so anti-Nietzsche?
You literally can't have any thread discussing his philosophy without a billion replies like
>Lmao cuck virgin
>Lonely little faggot
>Wagner was better

I remember this board used to love discussing Nietzsche

>> No.17484725

I just got fucking tired of this guy being spammed all over the board.

>> No.17484735

The new wave of contrarian postmodern christcuck LARPers are trying to subvert every board on this site.

>> No.17484747


There was a natural antidote to every faggot asking questions like "but if the world is meaningless, how do we find meaning?"

>> No.17484784

Nietzschefags are the worse. Thank God they only exist on this site.

>> No.17484797

His philosophy doesn't work, it's useless

>> No.17484800

So it was the cancer fanbase? Lmao gay

>> No.17484809

>t. Christcuck

>> No.17484833
File: 110 KB, 1200x628, Heidegger laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche became the biggest nihilist of them all.
Based Heidi.

>> No.17484855

How so?

>> No.17484857


>> No.17484879

This. Even /x/ is ruined by Christianity threads

>> No.17484883

Main issue is that Nietzsche’s popularity has made him ‘babys first philosopher,’ when he is in reality the harbinger of modernity’s philosophical crisis. Nietzsche’s conclusions are a problem to be solved. They are not praiseworthy, but most of the kids who “read” him glorify him and beat off to the unconscious hope they are the overman. Once people go past Nietzsche and become more familiar with the canon- dare I say even read the canon- they realize Nietzsche’s philosophy is a schizophrenic panic attack that we are still dealing with.

Also, most of the people who grow pst Nietzsche were once nietzsche-boos themselves, and there is no greater contempt than that felt for a man once thought a god.

>> No.17484889

No one has actually read him
No one has read and understood him
No one reads German to even concede his position as a prose stylist at the bare minimum

That and people that dilate without having Deleuze under their belts. You know, boilerplate posturing on things they haven’t read, like most posters most of the time here

>> No.17484899

>hurr just be strong dud ejust be the ubermensch! it's THAT easy

Reality doesn't work like that

>> No.17484916

I don't even understand why people would be mad about him. He obviously didn't intend for his ideas to be taken seriously. He named his books things like "Why I am so Clever" and "Gay Science" and speaks exclusively in hyperbole. Reading Nietzsche reminds me of when I would argue with friends and purposefully choose untenable positions to defend for fun.

>> No.17484924


>> No.17484936

Probably woke racism. He is a dead, white male after all.

>> No.17484985

Lol he's no worse than any of the other meme faggots /lit/ spams about

>> No.17484986

This is probably the answer OP

>> No.17484993

arguments against him are 99% cringey nonsense

freshman/youtube watchers make way too much over the superman bullshit and ignore the rest of his work, which are generally way more insightful

>> No.17485011
File: 125 KB, 425x640, tumblr_n2fxam0n7T1rcpi05o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that dilate without having Deleuze under their belts.
Kek is that possible?

>> No.17485016

More like as people age, they become lazier and more complacent. They also become prone to scoffing, demeaning behavior and become so self absorbed into their perspective they think they've finally figured it out, and in their hardened old age no longer see the wisdom of Nietzsche's youthful perspectives.

Rejecting Nietzsche like that is the sign a person is going to do nothing with the rest of their life which matters. It's a sign of capitulation, not strength, which they frame in their mind as wisdom instead of weakness.

>> No.17485027

I blame neo-thomists who will eventually convert to islam in their quest to have the most based and redpilled pieces of flair.

>> No.17485044

Try not taking the few zoomer larpers on here too seriously and you'll realize that most of the board is still indifferent / positive towards him.

>> No.17485047
File: 557 KB, 1600x2167, alexis-de-tocqueville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder
>attempt effort Nietzsche thread
>hardly any responses
>any Nietzscheans responding prove they don't read anything but Nietzsche
>haven't even read Nietzsche's influences
>one shill spams the thread with stupidities
>finally shuts up once it is shown that all the criticisms are in agreement with a Nietzsche scholar
You guys get what you deserve.

>> No.17485052

dredging up some old thread where you construct in your head a victory over some anonymous opponent

absolutely cringe anon. you live your life way too online

>> No.17485065

Heidegger was always spiritually a Cath anon. He didn't like N.'s putting of the will as absolute, rather than being and its values coming prior.

>> No.17485074

I remember those threads and you didn't even make an argument against Nietzsche in them.

>> No.17485076

You pretty much prove my point anon. “People who don’t like Nietzsche have given up on greatness” is something you could only believe if Nietzsche was the only philosopher you ever read. You don’t have to believe in will to power to believe in greatness.

>> No.17485100

>you live your life way too online
Says the guy who
>responds instantly to a comment
>instantly saged the thread posted
>spent days making shitty arguments in a thread he said he didn't care about
>instead of reading Tocqueville tried to be a TA research faggot looking for translation errors

>> No.17485109


>> No.17485111

>no arguments
>all the criticisms are in agreement with a Nietzsche scholar
Nice try samefaggot

>> No.17485118

Lmao cuck virgin

>> No.17485137

I don't remember seeing any criticisms. Do you think calling Nietzsche's philosophy one that thrives on democracy is a criticism or something?

>> No.17485181

Most people wouldn't reject him, anon, they'd see he's complex and has insights here and there and maybe is wrong in places. Only a defeatist ideologue would swing so hard into "Nietzsche was wrong", which suggests they're not really thinking about the ideas.

>> No.17485187

tl;dr don't write so much if you want people to care anon

>> No.17485261

Never once have I suggested nietzsche is not worth reading.

>> No.17485274

>Also, most of the people who grow pst Nietzsche were once nietzsche-boos themselves, and there is no greater contempt than that felt for a man once thought a god.
Either you're bullshitting here or you're bullshitting now.

>> No.17485275
File: 293 KB, 720x1091, Religion is NOT GOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone shitting on Nietzsche

Nietzsche is a perfect example of someone who encountered powerful new ideas but fumbled. Even Evola can see the Innate Value in Nietzsche criticisms of Modernity.

This, he's baby's first philosopher so he gets pushed into Redditor Pseud territory in discussions automatically due to poor association when theres definitely more to unwrap if you've actually read him.

>> No.17485279

>nietzsche's opposition to democracy is superficial
>and in essence Nietzsche is in agreement with democratic thought, suggesting the superficial nature of his entire philosophy
Yeah, not a criticism at all, anon...

>> No.17485285

Was anything he said new?

>> No.17485289

Those statements are compatible

>> No.17485300

Well you care enough that you responded 4 times.

>> No.17485302

Nietzsche is right about most things.

>> No.17485307

Only a strictly literal interpretation, but the way you were implying the former was not compatible.

>> No.17485340

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.17485348

His criticisms against democracy don't negate his philosophy, since his philosophy incorporates perspectivism (the simultaneous consideration of opposing perspectives that negate one another) and contends that the positives and negatives of all things are inseparable (unity of opposites a la Heraclitus).

>> No.17485352

>prose stylist
>muh prose

>> No.17485356

Another possibility is that in an age of disorder, an edgy anti-Christian isn't exactly seen in a positive light. He is important for psychoanalyzing respected figures like Socrates and Jesus and coming to the conclusion that they were degenerates.

Now that the consequences of living a "life-affirming" Dionysian life aren't as great as expected, there's not much reason to hold people like Nietzsche in as high regard.

>> No.17485402

It's almost like there was some event roughly 4 years ago that rapidly detoriated the quality of the user base...

>> No.17485411

This post being a perfect example

>> No.17485412

Do you think being a meek loser is actually better than being a chad?

>> No.17485416

>He is important for psychoanalyzing respected figures like Socrates and Jesus and coming to the conclusion that they were degenerates.
>Now that the consequences of living a "life-affirming" Dionysian life aren't as great as expected, there's not much reason to hold people like Nietzsche in as high regard.

But people today aren't really Dionysian. They basically have all of the worst aspects of Dionysianism, none of the good stuff, and nothing Appolonian.

Don't confuse sleeping around and drinking with being Dionysian anon. These are just people locked into vices. They have no artistry, no spirituality, they're just base addicts. The hippies of the 1960's were closer to true Dionysian.

Also, Nietzsche proclaims the virtues of Dionysianism because in his society he saw too much autism and not enough fun and artistry. Ideally want he wanted was a sensible balance between the two.

>> No.17485426

>since his philosophy incorporates perspectivism (the simultaneous consideration of opposing perspectives that negate one another) and contends that the positives and negatives of all things are inseparable
But he didn't actually believe that, i.e. his relation to democracy. Which suggests a theoretical basis to his thought, and one which can be abandoned at any time, a huge contradiction. What does it say of a man who speaks of the highest values, but in truth abandons them the moment a difficulty arises?
And in any case, you're still stuck on this idea that criticism of Nietzsche has to be read through Nietzsche. His ideas act as a doctrine for you.

>> No.17485445

>he saw too much autism and not enough fun and artistry
Because he wasn't invited.

>> No.17485459

No I'm not a neetchfag.

>> No.17485464

>But he didn't actually believe that, i.e. his relation to democracy.
What makes you say that? How could he not believe it, when he's the one who mastered those ideas across all his writings?

>What does it say of a man who speaks of the highest values, but in truth abandons them the moment a difficulty arises?
What "highest values" are you even talking about and when / how does he "abandon them" with perspectivism? Does one have to be a solipsist in order to possess the will to power in its greatest form? Doesn't make much sense, since solipsism gets in the way of one's capacity to adapt under pressure, which would hinder the will to power.

>> No.17485474

When he was with Wagner he was in one of the most Bohemian circles of Germany.

>> No.17485476

>Ideally want he wanted was a sensible balance between the two.
It simply isn't possible. "Fun" leads to nihilism and satanism.

>> No.17485495

I'm not the person you're answering to, but maybe you should read Nietzsche before saying that.

>> No.17485589

so you agree with Nietzsche.

>> No.17485612

No but that's the point is that screaming low effort half sentence retardation bleeds into these conversations and simple truths just get overlooked.

>> No.17485625

He doesn't consider the opposites to democracy, rather the people are simply disposable for him. Paradoxically, this thinking is precisely that of a machine, it is planned obsolescence applied to people.
He cannot accept any positive aspects of democratic man, as tocqueville, goethe, holderlin, etc had done. To do so would negate his philosophy of subjectified heroism, in turn he must create a false reality to keep this superficial being as a myth for his own power.
At another level, democracy itself is the lowest creation, of an end time. This suggests that perspectivism is not something reconcilable (at least as you have enframed it).

Regarding the highest values, the specifics don't matter (although Nietzsche was never clear on this anyway). What is significant is the willingness (which is really the lack of a will) to abandon principles, or even turn against them to give an aesthetic of power.
Do we need to consider how the king or torturer sees one who so willingly gives things up and will abandon all loyalties? One who cannot stand for himself or his values can stand for no power, only its negative, destructive form.

>> No.17485652

Although I agree with this, it can’t help but feel that his criticisms of people are accurate enough to take in to account. I think his philosophy is better expressed on a practical level by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Mostly neetzche comes off as a spastic ironist with a good eye for satire. But then again, who better to locate and awaken the great god pan.

>> No.17485664

To be fair he didn’t even have a full concept of what the ubermench was let alone think that we can could be one. At best he thought we modern men could pave the way to the ubermench’s existence.

>> No.17485670

This. Shit posting for reaction at best

>> No.17485730

He is a self-avowed aphorist. His writings, while having some rewarding insights, are littered with ersatz genuine philosophical insights.

>> No.17485746

>He cannot accept any positive aspects of democratic man, as tocqueville, goethe, holderlin, etc had done. To do so would negate his philosophy of subjectified heroism, in turn he must create a false reality to keep this superficial being as a myth for his own power.
What is "democratic man"? It sounds like you're talking about a concept that Nietzsche doesn't even address.

>At another level, democracy itself is the lowest creation, of an end time. This suggests that perspectivism is not something reconcilable (at least as you have enframed it).
How does the former suggest the latter?

>Regarding the highest values, the specifics don't matter (although Nietzsche was never clear on this anyway).
So you won't tell me what you're talking about?

>What is significant is the willingness (which is really the lack of a will) to abandon principles, or even turn against them to give an aesthetic of power.
Again, when and how does he abandon them? What is he abandoning?

>> No.17485769

Nietzsche liked Socrates and Jesus. Who he disliked were Plato and Paul. This strikes at the nuance of his work

>> No.17485776

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a must read but I do feel the genealogy of morals is probably his best work. Put a lot into perspective for me in regards as to why left wing shills are bureaucracy loving faggots.

>> No.17485780

>To do so would negate his philosophy of subjectified heroism
Perspectivism is simply the idea that there are only interpretations rather than objective truths. I have no idea what you mean by "subjectified heroism."

>> No.17485796

He was serious with that shit though.

>> No.17485803

I mainly remember the negative things toward hallowed figures.

>SUPPOSING that Truth is a woman—what then? Is there not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women—that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth, have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman?

>> No.17485808

>>SUPPOSING that Truth is a woman
Nietzsche would never touch it.

>> No.17485833


its mostly because nietzsche fans take on such an authoritarian tone, and are dismissive of any other kind of philosophy. when you call them out on being bitches, they unsurprisingly act like bitches

>> No.17485846

Nietzsche was pro-rape tho

>> No.17485911

>Nietzsche would never touch it.
women are cringe dude. Is this supposed to be insulting?

>> No.17485956

Something something N-I-E-T-Z-S-C-H-E
Something something spelling bee

>> No.17486045

That was a good thread.

>> No.17486067
File: 183 KB, 3200x1800, image5-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total poster count more than doubled that year, you realize that right? This site was permanently changed then, and the quality went even lower starting around then. Something that I didn't think was possible, but here we are

>> No.17486103

but it's going down...so looks like only the true anons are remaining. Rest of the people are probably busy with social lives, productivity, work, sex, hobbies, interest, passions, starting families.

y'know...all the stuff we WISH we had and that Nietzsche rightfully calls as a bunch of resentful slaves for not being strong enough to attain.

>> No.17486124

>all the stuff Nietzsche WISHED he had

>> No.17486136


>> No.17486162

Like your hero, George Floyd.

>> No.17486181

I like to meme Nietzsche too but he was a very successful person throughout his whole life. It's just a dishonest caricature to portray him as anything but.

>> No.17486198

Okay he had passion. I'll give you that one.
Still cope though.

>> No.17486215

everything is a cope
inb4 "cope"

>> No.17486225

I'm guessing you're here because none of the Targets in your neighborhood have been rebuilt?

>> No.17486226
File: 298 KB, 1242x1293, 1612752049053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True nietzscheans.

>> No.17486237

Neetch isn't about passing as normie, stop thinking like a basic bitch. Goddamn.

>> No.17486258


>> No.17486275

Simpposting is pretty fucking gay. And nietzschefags are the worst for it.

>> No.17486296

what do you think you're accomplishing with these posts

>> No.17486306

>Main issue is that Nietzsche’s popularity has made him ‘babys first philosopher,’ when he is in reality the harbinger of modernity’s philosophical crisis.
> they realize Nietzsche’s philosophy is a schizophrenic panic attack that we are still dealing with.
Why do people always Ad-Hominem Nietszche?

He was responsible?
Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.17486310

>what do you think you're accomplishing with these posts

>> No.17486326

It certainly is a new phenomenon that has appeared in the recent years together with daily Evola,Guenon and Spengler threads which are always shit. %95 of the posters havent read them havent read people that critique them i am starting to think more then half of /lit/ (also /his/) is filled with /pol/ diaspora spending their extra time derailing threads with knowledge they acquired from internet memes about said writers. I cant remember the last time i saw a good thread about Nietzsche.

>> No.17486327


>> No.17486343
File: 8 KB, 243x208, zoomer-soy-boy-suprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ad-Hominem Nietszche

>> No.17486352

Nietzsche's idea is that whatever you value is what you should strive for. He doesn't claim one type of values are better than others. If you consciously value normiedom than what separates you from the herd is your ability to see what it is that you want and why.

>> No.17486358

>He doesn't claim one type of values are better than others.

>> No.17486360

Why are they bitches?

>> No.17486372

The cope is out of this world. Neetchfags will defend him being r/atheist.

>> No.17486376
File: 58 KB, 720x721, 119739569_3382162568535565_115960634236957697_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to strawman your point in an anonymous bolivian paper basketball convention

>> No.17486389

>He doesn't claim one type of values are better than others.
In a classical moral sense you're correct, but in an evolutionary sense sets of values are certainly not equal for him.

>> No.17486392
File: 958 KB, 1352x808, Nietzsche_insight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Nietszche stuff.

>> No.17486394
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>> No.17486397
File: 679 KB, 1566x2082, Nietzsche leftism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17486399

Nietzsche is the best Western philosopher likely all of all time, and definitely within the past 200 years. He was able to see the forest for the trees, and any figure who achieves that is always mocked by fools until the day that they are proven right.

There are also a lot of straight up faggots on this board who are little boy fuckers

>> No.17486401
File: 468 KB, 1576x2536, nietzsche post feminism marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17486405
File: 272 KB, 1284x1048, nietzsche_macro_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche is the best Western philosopher

>> No.17486406

>The statement "God is dead," occurring in several of Nietzsche's works, has become one of his best-known remarks. On the basis of it, many commentators] regard Nietzsche as an atheist; others (such as Kaufmann) suggest that this statement reflects a more subtle understanding of divinity. Scientific developments and the increasing secularization of Europe had effectively 'killed' the Abrahamic God, who had served as the basis for meaning and value in the West for more than a thousand years. The death of God may lead beyond bare perspectivism to outright nihilism, the belief that nothing has any inherent importance and that life lacks purpose. Nietzsche believed that Christian moral doctrine provides people with intrinsic value, belief in God (which justifies the evil in the world), and a basis for objective knowledge. In constructing a world where objective knowledge is possible, Christianity is an antidote to a primal form of nihilism—the despair of meaninglessness. As Heidegger put the problem, "If God as the supra sensory ground and goal of all reality is dead if the supra sensory world of the ideas has suffered the loss of its obligatory and above it its vitalizing and upbuilding power, then nothing more remains to which man can cling and by which he can orient himself."
>One such reaction to the loss of meaning is what Nietzsche called passive nihilism, which he recognized in the pessimistic philosophy of Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer's doctrine—which Nietzsche also referred to as Western Buddhism—advocates separating oneself from will and desires to reduce suffering. Nietzsche characterized this ascetic attitude as a "will to nothingness". Life turns away from itself as there is nothing of value to be found in the world. This moving away of all value in the world is characteristic of the nihilist, although, in this, the nihilist appears to be inconsistent; this "will to nothingness" is still a (disavowed) form of willing
>Nietzsche approached the problem of nihilism as a deeply personal one, stating that this problem of the modern world had "become conscious" in him. Furthermore, he emphasized the danger of nihilism and the possibilities it offers, as seen in his statement that "I praise, I do not reproach, [nihilism's] arrival. I believe it is one of the greatest crises, a moment of the deepest self-reflection of humanity. Whether man recovers from it, whether he becomes a master of this crisis, is a question of his strength!" According to Nietzsche, it is only when nihilism is overcome that a culture can have a true foundation on which to thrive. He wished to hasten its coming only so that he could also hasten its ultimate departure. Heidegger interpreted the death of God with what he explained as the death of metaphysics. He concluded that metaphysics has reached its potential and that the ultimate fate and downfall of metaphysics was proclaimed with the statement "God is dead."

Does this sound like r/athiest?

>> No.17486410

When he filtered them.

>> No.17486411
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>> No.17486413
File: 33 KB, 720x699, 1587378678088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is ad hom on Nietzsche. I said his followers are generally insufferable pricks who have learned philosophy through summaries.

Nietzsche was more prophet than philosopher. He wasn't responsible any more than Isaiah was: he saw the writing on the wall, and said it. Christian mythology will soon no longer be believed in by intellectuals, and the masses will follow a few decades later. All that will be left is materialism and hedonism. Life will be void of meaning and people will anesthetize themselves with pleasure. All of this is true- Nietzsche is brilliant. As a prophet.

But his philosophical projects were shit. He was a polemecist, his best work was the destruction of old beliefs. But the positive solutions he gave to the coming nihilism were shit. The will to power is not enough. Willing your will to new heights is not enough, especially considering he didn't believe in free will. He was right, to an extent, that our problem will be overcome. But he had no idea how to express that, and so he was a failure as a positive philosopher- as a builder of new generative ideas.

So the problem lies in this: people who are new to philosophy begin with Nietzsche, and think he's really something special. Mostly because he was an incredible writer, and because he had a voltairian ascerbic wit. He's a bad boy. And so these new 'philosophers' are taken in by Nietzsche, not realizing the magnitude of the problem he describes, which really takes an understanding of the Greeks and Christian society to grasp in any appreciable way. But the Nietzsche blowers are too ignorant and enamoured by his writing to realize this, so they get all puffed up by this idea of the Ubermensch and secretly wonder whether they aren't that ubermensch. They read about the last man and assure themselves that they, of course, are not this last man. But the truth is they are not the ubermensch, nor the last man, and if they never continue their philosophical journey they will go on delusionally thinking they are.

If philosophy is a meal, Nietzsche is a 3rd or 4rth course. Problem is everyone eats him first. But like a child, you have to say: don't eat dessert first. eat your fucking vegetables.
Read your fucking Plato and Aristotle and some works on interpreting mythology and then the bible first. Don't fucking start with Nietzsche.

Sincerely, a guy who started with Nietzsche

>> No.17486415

I've seen this gay pic before and the point is well-taken but rhetorical in nature. He is a western philosopher by definition.

>> No.17486419
File: 1.97 MB, 636x2172, Nietz_Hamman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17486425

>and the point is well-taken but rhetorical in nature. He is a western philosopher by definition.
Western as in European?

>> No.17486428

Western as he is a core part of the traditional western canon in philosophy. And also that he was in European.

In all ways you could mean it, it applies.

>> No.17486432

>Nietzsche is the best Western philosopher likely all of all time
Holy cringe.
>straight up faggots
Like neetch

>> No.17486465

>Does this sound like r/athiest?
"God", "immortality of the soul", "redemption", "beyond" -- Without exception, concepts to which I have never devoted any attention, or time; not even as a child. Perhaps I have never been childlike enough for them?
I do not by any means know atheism as a result; even less as an event: It is a matter of course with me, from instinct. I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too exuberant to stand for any gross answer. God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers - at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!

>> No.17486479

he is. All the other faggots yammered on about bullshit for like 2000 years, generating arguments that boil down to a series of logically necessary assumptions sets, that are backed up by logically necessary assumption sets, until you reach a brute fact that is just some stupid gay shit the philosopher or theorist already believed.
Then they claim they work toward the same "truth."
There were entire dedicated bunker-camps of autists working around the clock in Vienna trying to figure this shit out in computational terms. They could not because it can't be.
Truth either doesn't exist or we've been using the entirely wrong methodology in pursuit of it and nobody really stopped and gave a shit about that in the West until Nietzsche.
People still haven't figured it out, either.

>> No.17486488
File: 20 KB, 660x120, DUNE_Nietz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Power and Purity: The Unholy Marriage That Spawned America’s Social Justice Warriors
>by Mark T. Mitchell.
>Hardcover, 148 pages

>Reviewed by John Ehrett
Mitchell’s thesis is both simple and elegant: he contends that the worldview underlying a great deal of today’s progressive activism is a curious admixture of Friedrich Nietzsche’s reduction of all ethics to power and the zealous moralism of America’s Puritan heritage. Despite their seemingly irreconcilable presuppositions, the two paradigms nonetheless make up a distinctly American brew

>“Nietzsche’s Puritan Warriors” prefer to hover at the level of surface criticism, decrying modern civilization as pervasively oppressive while simultaneously immunizing their own premises from critique. Mitchell’s explanation for this apparent inconsistency is that the contemporary campus left simply lacks the courage to embrace the full force of Nietzsche’s work; the philosopher who urged his successors to go Beyond Good and Evil would treat today’s students of critical theory as “craven fools who are unwilling to take the final leap and discard the Christian ideals whose foundations they have sought so assiduously to destroy.”

>On a fuller and more accurate reading of Nietzsche—as MacIntyre and Mitchell clearly understand—these Dionysian passages are illustrative, not normative: they are metaphors for the kind of thinking in which the Übermenschen must engage after the death of God. But read in isolation from the deeper logic of Nietzsche’s project, they suggest the contours of a substantive good fully divorced from the Christian vision.

>And that pre-Christian ideal may be surprisingly attractive to modern minds. One need only consider the themes of much contemporary progressivism—sexual liberation, biological heritage, environmental apocalypticism, idealization of preindustrial society, experience-based epistemology, and so forth—to see that there are numerous points of correspondence with the “this-worldly” religiosity of the classical age.

>From this perspective, the deconstructionist tendencies of “Nietzsche’s Puritan Warriors” become easier to explain: despite their use of Nietzschean methods, they are not übermenschen but, in an ironic twist, reactionaries. Their demand to deconstruct the “systems of oppression” upon which modern civilization rests is the necessary condition for the full expression of a non-transcendent religiosity, one that promises full liberation from oppressive dogma and all transcendent claims. Theirs is not a cowardly reading of Nietzsche, but simply a bastardized one.

>> No.17486489

Can you please read a fucking philosophy book before you post here

>> No.17486498

I have read them all and there is not one that can satisfactorily resolve the issues Nietzsche raised. And that's me speaking strictly on what he pointed out about epistemology. The cultural decline of the West is an entirely different matter, that he was also right about

>> No.17486501

He was an edgy shitposter and we have enough of them around here.

>> No.17486503

>I have read them all
Bro at least try to troll

>> No.17486507

>The will to power is not enough.
who says ? As we speak, Tom Brady is winning his 5th superbowl. There's some marine experiencing a warrior's life of danger and action we couldn't even imagine. Some intelligent fellow is getting his PHD. Some musician playing a concerto. These illustrate something important. a will to power really can get you places if you're strong enough. It could be a simple as the difference between two middle-school baseball teams. The athletes with the greatest will-to-power will win. If you're a sperg who LARPS as an overman smelling your own farts than that sucks but Nietazche was not thinking of that sort of person with the idea of "will-to-power." He was thinking of people who actually do things with their lives.

>> No.17486515

I'm not trolling. Let me know when you have a substantive response to anything I've said, or can name any philosopher who has adequately resolved the issues raised.

Unless, of course, you are a fronting, poseur faggot?

>> No.17486517

>All that will be left is materialism and hedonism. Life will be void of meaning and people will anesthetize themselves with pleasure. All of this is true- Nietzsche is brilliant. As a prophet.
He said it 2000 years after the Christians did. Not exactly prophetic.

>> No.17486525

Can you explain these issues that have not been solved to me? Your complete knowledge of the western canon should make this an easy task.

Brilliant in the context of his time, motherfucker.

>> No.17486531

>The cultural decline of the West is an entirely different matter, that he was also right about
Ironic that shitposters keep using him as a scapegoat for the West's problems even though they all already existed during his time and he routinely pointed them out and provided solutions to them.

>> No.17486539

Holy fuck youre retarded

>> No.17486549

I acknowledge a few people are achieving things in the present day. The problem is the vast majority of people are last men, and that has not been solved. And none of the people you mentioned (nor anyone alive, I wager) is the ubermensch and has transcended our materialistic values. The problem is the vast majority of society is absolutely hedonistic and truth denying. That has not been solved and Nietzsche did not offer a good enough solution to us.

>> No.17486553

I already did:
"yammered on about bullshit for like 2000 years, generating arguments that boil down to a series of logically necessary assumptions sets, that are backed up by logically necessary assumption sets, until you reach a brute fact that is just some stupid gay shit the philosopher or theorist already believed."
The basic idea is better formulated, but essentially re-stated, by Thomas Kuhn in Structure of Scientific Revolutions. But Nietzsche was the first to take the idea seriously in the modern West, that the "objectivity" of the sciences, analytic philosophy, etc. was a ruse.
People have tried to answer this problem with a solution but no one has really been able to. Unless you can inform me of someone. Faggot.

>> No.17486556

>Truth either doesn't exist or we've been using the entirely wrong methodology in pursuit of it and nobody really stopped and gave a shit about that in the West until Nietzsche.
You should watch this

It's about Giambattista Vico, an Italian philosopher who coined the term "the truth is what's made" long before Nietzsche. It's a real interesting watch.

>> No.17486558

>the issues Nietzsche raised
What issues did Nietzsche raise?

>> No.17486565

I do not totally agree that he routinely posed solutions. He had a general grasp of the attitude adjustment that was needed to change course, and that this probably necessitated a change in leadership. But Nietzsche's whole emphasis was in laying out the problems without pulling punches, I feel like he was not as focused on solutions because he felt like it was useless until people noticed what the fuck was going on.

>> No.17486578

Everything after Zarathustra is full of solutions, especially what's in the Nachlass. Unfortunately I think he just didn't live long enough to get all of them down, especially for some major stuff.

>The problem is the vast majority of people are last men, and that has not been solved.
Is that really a problem? Enlightenment has never been, and will never be, spoken of as something that everyone can attain, especially by the wisest men. It's just not realistic to think everyone is capable of it or can be made to be.

>> No.17486580
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>Nietzsche was more prophet than philosopher.
>ead your fucking Plato and Aristotle and some works on interpreting mythology and then the bible first. Don't fucking start with Nietzsche.
The Semitism is off the charts.
>As a prophet
Kek, leave that shit to the Abrahamics anon.
>Nietzsche states a common Mythology to unite people will not be possible; offers one like the Eternal Return
>He was shit because I did not like his solution.

>> No.17486582
File: 32 KB, 397x430, tumblr_ni6obunW6c1qzoj6fo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Brady is winning his 5th superbowl
Tom Brady is winning his 5th superbowl
>Tom Brady is winning his 5th superbowl
Tom Brady is winning his 5th superbowl
>Tom Brady is winning his 5th superbowl
Tom Brady is winning his 5th superbowl

>> No.17486583

The existence of paradigm shifts isn't really a problem. You haven't given me a problem but a vague "things are hard to understand." The gist is that man is getting closer and closer to probabalistic assessments of truth. For example, Newtonian physics is not theoretically true, but is still used today for most engineering problems because it has enough sigfigs of truth to allow us to, say, build bridges. You could build bridges with Einstein's physics but we do not, because Newtonian physics is much easier to do and has enough sig figs to get the job done. If however you want to get to the moon, or split the atom, you need Einstein because relativity and particle physics comes into effect. So my point is- the truth is captured by theory, but not all theories are created equal. What Newton's lacks in truth value it makes up for in efficiency, and for Einstein, vice versa. The truth is found where? in our immanent assessment of things, which both these theorists used to create their physical laws. We are progressively creating theories which are more in line with the truth over time. The truth is not our theoretical constructions, but is the source our theoretical constructions.

I'm sure that all went over your head because anyone who says "all of them" when asked which philosophers they've read is a total retard by default

>> No.17486588

people have been musing about the subjective nature of truth since time immemorial, globally; the material successes of western science in the 19th century made a lot of analytic philosophers feel as though their methods, empiricism, etc. were actually gaining a handle on some form of objective truth. But, prior to the concept being formulated in philosophy of science, Nietzsche pointed out that empiricism had the same limitations, it can't break out of brute fact reliance at some point in its chain of assumptions, for any scientific claim, no matter how well substantiated.
This is what made him different in western intellectual history. His approach of treating this as a non-problem and simply accepting the subjective nature of "truth" and "truth enforcement" was unique, too.

Not unique within the whole of human history, but unique within the modern west, a turning point. Nietzsche is the type of thinker who other thinkers are forced to respond to for centuries afterward.

>> No.17486598


>> No.17486612

Nietzsche himself states the masses follow the step of the elite. Our elite is materialist and degenerate and so too are our masses. Yes, that is a problem, no man chose his life nor his body or genes, when you realize the arbitrariness of our being who we are you realize all God's creatures are of moral consideration. A society that does not serve the masses is disgusting, and will be eventually overthrown by a revolution. No I am not Christian.

Wow, 3 ad hominims by an anti-semite mid wit. Better go back to /pol/ and post some holocaust denial you fucking dumbass- we expect real arguments here.

>> No.17486616

>full of solutions
We just need one.

>> No.17486621

Paradigm shifts are a problem for a universal, coherent definition of "truth."
This is a fundamental problem in epistemology. Like, epistemology 101 tier stuff.
The word "truth" has no meaning or value without some method for ascertaining it. If our methods for ascertaining truth are subject to the whims of subjectively informed, anomaly-laden, perpetually obsolete paradigms, then we never actually get anywhere. Rather than a trend line of progression its like Sisyphus starting back over with the boulder at the bottom of the hill every time a paradigm is thrown out for another.
Material science might have "progressed," epistemological truth has literally not left ground zero.
For someone who was acting so snarky, I am surprised you were not immediately aware of this without me having to explain it to you very slowly.
Now ask yourself if you think I'm being sincere about my level of shock. ;) I luv you

>> No.17486636

You really know very little. Truth exists in noumena. Good luck being a dumbass

>> No.17486643
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>a will to power really can get you places if you're strong enough. It could be a simple as the difference between two middle-school baseball teams

>> No.17486646

>nietzsche is self-help

>> No.17486656

dude holy shit too btw lmao
>the gist is that man is getting closer and closer to probabilistic assessments of truth
is hilarious. It at least illustrates some philosophical awareness so I'll give you that, but you might as well have said nothing.

We're getting closer to a statistical-probabilistically accurate assessment of a "truth" we have no definition for, other than all of the other statistical-probabilistic estimates we have arrived at through repetition within a fixed timeframe a few thousand years on planet Earth, which are subject to both Sisyphean paradigm shifts every few years as a guarantee, and which are completely limited to the confines of human sense-perception. Ohhhhhhhhhhh

May as well have said nothing

>> No.17486664

>The Semitism is off the charts
Yeah Semites are the biggest self-promoters. Probably the only thing Nietzsche was really good at.

>> No.17486665

>We just need one.

>> No.17486672

noumena are literally made up fictions that Kant literally made up to buttress his retarded autistic diary entry screeds
thats actually the exact kind of thing Nietzsche was pointing out about philosophers, and their weird bastardization of logical rules to force the reality they want for their theory to be true
Kant's theories make a lot of sense if noumena exist
Noumena are made up things though

>> No.17486687

How do people take his critique of Christianity seriously?

>> No.17486692

Technology what?

>> No.17486694
File: 15 KB, 209x300, moses AKHENATEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling a Semite a Semite, is anti-Semitism
>Calling Abrahamics,Abrahamics, is anti-Semitism
Kek, and the third anti-semitic thing would be that I have no problem talking in such a relaxed manner about the Semites. Jews do proudly boast they are Semites.
>3 ad hominims by an anti-semite mid wit. Better go back to /pol/ and post some holocaust denial you fucking dumbass- we expect real arguments here.
>Sees ad-hominems were there are none.
>actually produces an ad-hominem of his own
>brings the Jewish Ritual Known as the Holocaust
I don't Acccept a Ritual by Fire; I ain't a Jew and so I am not subject to their Beliefs, that they choose to name the Massacres that happened in German Concentration camps that way and give them that meaning, that's on them.

And by the way
Fuck you too Schlomo.
>The Jew Cries out in Pain as he Strikes You

>> No.17486714

When you read more I'll reply. Later dumbass

I'm not a kike faggot, I'm 50%danish, 25% german, 25% amerimutt. But you are undoubtedly a retard.

>> No.17486718

>>The Jew Cries out in Pain as he Strikes You
>posts Freud
>a jew
You're fucking retarded and no amount of incoherent rambling will hide that

>> No.17486733

All philosophy is self-help when done properly.

>> No.17486736

you are very convincing in your concession of defeat
ive read Kant, he made some strides in logic
his epistemology was not satisfactory but I can cut him a little slack because nobody else back then was doing it much better than him
as in: noumena were alright explanatory fictions for the 18th century
but they're not real things and we are big boys who can openly acknowledge that now when we try to make a big boy theory about knowledge
the categorical imperative is also actual grugbrain shit

you keep telling me to read, I've read the books bro, they are just not the titans you think they are

>> No.17486757

>You're fucking retarded and no amount of incoherent rambling will hide that
>Projection, the Post.
Yes, Do read Freud's Moses, a Tremendous and Great Book! Your Ignorant Big Empty Mind will like it. It talks extensively about Semites you know?

>> No.17486773

You literally reduced Nietzsche to "work hard and you'll achieve your goals". I never denied that philosophy can be instrumental.

His fundamental critique was of the nihilism and materialism/scientism that will take place with the epistemic death of God. I guarantee every single one of the individuals you mentioned have internalised this nihilism. The fact that you felt the need to mention Brady is laughable.

>> No.17486783

How smooth-brained do you have to not realise I was pointing out your hypocrisy re: kikes.
>Your Ignorant Big Empty Mind will like it
You capitalising random nouns does not make you an intellect.

I'm not the sane anon btw.

>> No.17486790

That's the solution. Technology is the only means individuals of supreme will have ever had to subjugate the masses.

>> No.17486796

>You literally reduced Nietzsche to "work hard and you'll achieve your goals".
"Will-to-Power" is not about working hard. It's something within you, primordial, unconscious. The jocks and chads have more of it. The politicians and billionaires have more of it. the meek little lambs have less of it. You misunderstood the post because you misunderstand will-to-power.

>> No.17486798

anybody that thinks Nietzsche's reflections on the "will-to-power" were an argument for "just brute force your way into power like a retarded animal warrior with no nuance," is dumb, and doesn't understand his criticisms of the anti-Semite movement. That movement was prototypical to Nazism in his time, and even if Nietzsche didn't like Jewish influence in culture, he knew that you had to be more clever, and subtle, than "lets get a huge military and kick them out."
The nazis trying to brute force their way to power and getting rid of Jews would be the same as your Tom Brady analogy as far as misunderstanding the will-to-power texts.

>> No.17486804

>why don't pipo love the creator of postmodernism waaaaaaaaaaa


>> No.17486812

people tend to go through a Nietzsche phase in their late teens and early 20s; after that, they grow dismissive or at least skeptical. maybe a large population of posters who arrived on /lit/ at an age ripe for their Nietzsche phase (maybe from a 2016 influx) are now souring on him and thus having an effect on impressionable new underage fags

>> No.17486814

>would be the same as your Tom Brady analogy as far as misunderstanding the will-to-power texts.
You replied to the wrong anon. I agree with you.
I guarantee you those politicians and billionaires are quintessential Last Men.

>> No.17486822

no, its not any of that gay shit either. The will-to-power was just Nietzsche's way of explaining the phenomenon of life and what drives it. Conventional wisdom was the will-to-survival, or the will-to-reproduction. Nietzsche was saying as a literal biological fact that living creatures are subconsciously driven, first and foremost, by a desire to feel "power," control over their circumstances or over others. When a creature makes a move to survive or to reproduce its because survival enhances and increases the chances for power, and reproduction includes the power dynamics of sex itself, plus the legacy of offspring leaving a mark on the world.
Basically, that a desire to overcome resistance is the key ingredient and prime mover of all life energies.

It has nothing to do with "just be a chad" self-help bullshit, but charlatans have made a cottage industry out of repackaging it as that.

>> No.17486828

nah, I was more so agreeing with you but just giving you support for why the other anon was retarded. We agree. Sall good.

>> No.17486834

No worries have a good one lad

>> No.17486836

>It has nothing to do with "just be a chad" self-help bullshit, but charlatans have made a cottage industry out of repackaging it as that.
I'm not saying you can "just be a chad." I'm saying you're born that way. Chads = naturally more will to power = more success.

>> No.17486841

How about you respond to the rest of his post.

>> No.17486847

I more so find moments where I disagree with certain things he has said, that I used to agree with, and vice versa; or, I come to realize I was totally wrong or shallow in my understanding of what he meant.
Point being, even if my views on his ideas change, they always come back up when I'm reflecting, or reading other works in philosophy.
I think that is the telltale sign of an enduring thinker. You read their books and it starts a lifelong private conversation.

>> No.17486849

>How smooth-brained do you have to not realise I was pointing out your hypocrisy re: kikes.
What's the Hypocresy?
>Oy vey he has no problem talking about Le Jooos
>How dare you post a book authored by a Jew you , you Hypocrite!
A darn Rock has more RAM than your Brain you Gigantic Stupid Ant.

>> No.17486859


>> No.17486866

Nietzsche's solution to nihilism is postmodenrism and that's utter garbage, unless you are a woman of course.

>> No.17486870

There's nothing to respond to. I'm just correcting his mischaracterization of my own post. Nowhere did I indicate a belief that you could work harder to get more will-to-power, or that you could "become a chad." He simply read into it something that's not there.

>> No.17486877

It's actually his Ubermensch concept, which is related to postmodernism, but they're not the same thing. Postmodernists are content with destroying foundational structures and then calling it a day, making them a variety of nihilist themselves. The Ubermensch is supposed to be value itself, its very existence negating any and all nihilistic effects.

>> No.17486888

Because he's catnip for midwits and edgy 14-year-olds. Doesn't mean Nietzsche isn't great, just means that being a clear, compelling, relatively easy-to-read writer is both a blessing and a curse.

>> No.17486900
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Nothing personal kid

>> No.17486910

As a literal Nietzsche acolyte, I can tell you that "pop Nietzsche" is one of my least favorite philosophers of all time. People take Nietzsche's basic concepts, and mostly, his caustic tone and language, and run with it.
If you ask an entry level philosophy student who has read Nietzsche what they think its about, they will give you a weird mish mash of rebel without a cause musings.
To be fair, when I was in their shoes I would have done the same thing, and that's how I know it so well.

>> No.17486941
File: 71 KB, 1193x340, nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people always Ad-Hominem Nietszche?
He started it.
Read or listen to Bertrand Russell's breakdown of Nietzsche. Absolutely brutal.

>> No.17486949

>I guarantee you those politicians and billionaires are quintessential Last Men.
I disagree . Not saying they're "Ubermensh" in the philosophical and aesthetic sense but they aren't last men. Last men are the masses who take their bullshit because they're too afraid of getting thrown in prison. They are unhappy with the status quo but will not give up their comfortable life for one of misery.

>> No.17486970

He doesn't claim one value is better than another in a metaphysical sense but he does display absolute personal contempt for those values that are leading humanity toward the Last Man and is clearly attempting to guide his readers away from it.

>> No.17486982

>will not give up their comfortable life for one of misery.
What would that achieve?
And why didn't Nietzsche do it?

>> No.17487032

>What would that achieve?
I don't view Nietzsche as trying to achieve something. I see his philosophy as being descriptive of the times and applicable to a few. Not as some grandiose project to change the world. Nietzsche did have ideas for his ideal future but they seem to musings.

What makes alienated masses last men is not whether they would succeed, but their complacency in a system they hate.

>> No.17487041

How many words was that to say nothing?

>> No.17487046

Its trendy to hate on Nietzsche. Also a bunch of morons took his ideas at face value and started jerking themselves off about it. Still remains good philosophy, especially early work.

>> No.17487049

Ok, boomer.

>> No.17487053

>complacency in a system they hate.
Who says they hate it?

>> No.17487054

ok sped bus

>> No.17487067

has this board gotten faster or something lately? I just pop in every now and then as a tourist, last time was a couple months ago, threads seem to be going very fast, especially for 1:20 AM EST on a Monday morning

>> No.17487072

>nietzsche teh demon
Pretty brutal ad hominem. Stopped reading there.

>> No.17487081


>> No.17487107

fuck off

>> No.17487110

Its just me replying to myself in every thread

>> No.17487135

This. Nietzsche is almost like an end to modern philosophy. No one has answered the questions he posed. Philosophy cannot progress until it comes up with a satisfactory response to the Last Man and the problem of nihilism.

>> No.17487161

The week should fear the strong cuckboy

>> No.17487162

What does Nietzsche say?

>> No.17487186

Imagine getting btfo by Russell.

>> No.17487256
File: 523 KB, 1360x2048, R11718c33dd59278890b1c7c35daa204e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9/10 women would get the whip away from Nietzsche
Ahahah Nietzsche http by /tv/ power

>> No.17487270

Found the NPC.

>> No.17487309

As if he did. Russell’s entire critique of Nietzsche can be pretty much condensed to be merely a complaint about comportment. The logicist project was encumbered by hubris: they were too willing to believe that they could totalise knowledge by clearing up statements to fundamental logical forms. It’s a problem that would have easily been resolved had Russell et al taken Nietzsche’s critical hermeneutics seriously.

>> No.17487326

Appeal to buzzwords.

>> No.17487341

>Russell’s entire critique of Nietzsche can be pretty much condensed to be merely a complaint about comportment
>merely a complaint about comportment
What a Faggot.

>> No.17487357

You can't solve non-problems.
Besides Nietzsche didn't come up with this shit.

>> No.17487363

He would've saved the world if he converted to Islam

>> No.17487367

Fpbp. Might have something to do with neetchfags making useless threads and then spamming ten more every time he gets critiqued.

>> No.17487386

This is why people who are into analytic philosophy are all brain dead pseuds

>> No.17487418

Yeah I am. And your daddy calls me daddy, so dilate poofta.
True, but in fairness I think after Quine, Davidson, Kripke and Rorty the two traditions are slowly convening.

>> No.17487427

It's theoretical, fag

>> No.17487447

Not the guy you're replying to but you seriously read Nietzsche with that level of reading comprehension? Yikes.

>> No.17487448

>Yeah I am. And your daddy calls me daddy, so dilate poofta.
What? I was calling Russel a Faggot, you Faggot.

>> No.17487451

His complaint is that Nietzsche was a shut-in asshole with a fetish for pain and suffering, and that the application of his political ideals would lead to a nightmarish police state.

>> No.17487453

Wooooooops! My bad! Sorry anon.

>> No.17487507

Anyone who doesn't consider the last man to be a real and pressing problem deserves to be one of them.

>> No.17487530

>Nietzsche was a shut-in asshole
Yeah, that’s trivial and inconsequential. Diogenes wanked off in the agora, Pascal shut himself off with the jesuits, Hegel wanted to fuck his sister and Kant was autistic, Spinoza was neet. Who cares? That’s based.
>application of his political ideals would lead to a nightmarish police state
What political ideas? Where can I find these? Where are they discussed at length? They aren’t. Because prior to laying out any political philosophy Nietzsche is concerned with the process of forming a judgement about what ever the fuck he is talking about. He expects from the reader to be paying attention to the process of constructing a judgement ie, the process of placing two predicates together. Before people can be governed they must be ethically engaged with their own practise of making judgements about the world. Further, His genealogical method is OBSESSED with history, but despite this Russell maintains that philosophy should be ahistorical despite the fact that his anxieties about the 20th century (anxieties he feels Nietzsche responsible for) come directly from history, and he cannot resolve those anxieties except to send the philosophers he thought were responsible to death camps and gulags. To be honest, I have a lot of respect for Russell and logicism, but his view of the wider philosophical discourse was obscured by his own hubris, which I maintain could have been resolved had he taken Nietzsche seriously.

>> No.17487531

I am 33 and rereading Nietzsche, after a decade of being rightwing, I finally think I understand him and his aristocratic ideals.

Its weird, almost nobody who reads him seems to grasp him. I guess he is esoteric.

>> No.17487550

....you do know the german original title, "Die fröhliche Wissenschaft", translates as "The happy Science", which was the original meaning of gay also

>> No.17487560

Holy based

>> No.17487641

>The will to power is not enough. Willing your will to new heights is not enough, especially considering he didn't believe in free will

Stopped reading here, you just outted yourself as a retard

>> No.17487654

>Pascal shut himself off with the jesuits, Hegel wanted to fuck his sister and Kant was autistic, Spinoza was neet.
Why can't people fucking into logic

>> No.17487663


>> No.17487675


He developed a jew fetish.


>> No.17487683

Cringe bro. Extremely cringe.

>> No.17487685

Holy cringe.

>> No.17487703


I considered mocking you... it’s not even worth it.

>> No.17487716

>Hegel wanted to fuck his sister
Yo what

>> No.17487717

>>The statement "God is dead," occurring in several of Nietzsche's works
Plagiarised Mainländer.

>> No.17487722

What are you talking about? The original criticism was an ad hominem attack that because Nietzsche was a shut in masochist then his philosophy was defective is some way. I was pointing out that there were plenty of other philosophers who were equally as bizarre.

>> No.17487738

I’m adding a bit of mayo to it, but him and his sister had a reaaaaaally close relationship.

>> No.17487741

Nietzsche was around 40 when he wrote most of his work. If it takes you that long to have a 'youthful perspective' you fucked up.
Philosophy for 18 years old losers.

>> No.17487749

Nice job retard

>> No.17487764

NEEtch was a last man.

>> No.17487776

May as well be. He's definitely not a philosopher.

>> No.17487783

Dude. Neeche? He wound up talking to his horse. Dude was a total nutjob.

>> No.17487785

>Yeah, that’s trivial and inconsequential.
You forgot Schopenhauer pushing an old woman don't a stairwell.

>> No.17487805

She was a cunt. I don't like Schop's philosophy, but even i give him credit on that one.

>> No.17487838
File: 4 KB, 500x400, pll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He wound up talking to his horse
Holy Based

>> No.17487961


>> No.17488252

because niggas is gay

>> No.17488573

When they learned he;

A) BTFO'd Schopenahuer
B) Said anti-Semites ought to be shot.

>> No.17488672

Is eternal recurrence actually about human nature? A lot of people take it existentially as some kind of moral pseudo-commandment. That could be half-right, but in Zarathustra he is constantly kvetching about how the small man recurs eternally--that cultures have this concept of a single human nature and that it produces people more or less according to that template, or that people follow that template from a cowardice or smallness to not overcome it.

>> No.17488702

Agreeing with “might makes right” basically makes you a cuck to the oligarchs.

>> No.17488740

All criminals believe it though.

>> No.17488789

>it's hard so it doesn't work

>> No.17488830


>> No.17488861
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>> No.17489066

How do people take neetch seriously after this?

>> No.17489119

so you're saying that "will-to-power" is not something that has practical meaningful application to human sociology and instead is a janky system of metaphysics? One which rips of the deistic "everything is eros and strife" mindset no less? I prefer my own definition. I'm not interested in Nietzsche's half-baked metaphysics, especially considering he himself disliked metaphysics as being slavish.

>> No.17490532

Brutal indeed

>> No.17490779

It's not that you can't disagree with "might makes right", it's just that, at the end of the day, the mighty decide what's right. You have as much power, as the oligarchs allow you to have.

>> No.17490850

This is what a 19th century troll looks like (which is what Ecce Homo was almost in its entirety). Sorry, but you got played.

>> No.17490870

>he was just pretending to be a nu atheist
>insanity was just a troll
Nice cope.

>> No.17490958

>Ecce Homo
The worst philosophy book ever written.

>> No.17490995

He was exaggerating his position so you'd seethe. Seems like it worked.

It's a tongue-in-cheek autobiographical work, not a philosophy book.

>> No.17491041

Cringe. Fuck off simp.

>> No.17491052
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No need to get frustrated, anon. Here, have a snack and relax

>> No.17491076

>You guys get what you deserve.
This thread is a good example. Nietzschefags shitpost and bitch. Nothing more

>> No.17491086

seething samefag

>> No.17491112

So the will to power is reddit.

>> No.17491178

>He named his books things like "Why I am so Clever" and "Gay Science"

>> No.17491278


>so mind fucked you think all Christians are Larping


>> No.17491288


He definitely would attack Wagner for fun even though he admitted and knew he was the GOAT in private, how do we know he didn’t just troll the intellectual community for fun? They said, his arguments would still require answer ala a Socratic dialogue

>> No.17491344

It was a shit book. Or shit humor if you want to take that route.

>> No.17491353

Ok reddit.

>> No.17491363

dumb niggers

>> No.17491367

Hitler wasn’t left wing In ANY way except that he courted the working class

>> No.17491401

Lo! I show you Nietzsche.

"What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?"—so asketh Nietzsche and blinketh.

The earth hath then become small, and on it there hoppeth Nietzsche who maketh everything small. His species is ineradicable like that of the ground-flea; Nietzsche liveth longest.

"We have discovered happiness"—say Nietzsche, and blink thereby.

Nietzsche have left the regions where it is hard to live; for he need warmth. Nietzsche still loveth his neighbour and rubbeth against him; for one needeth warmth.

Turning ill and being distrustful, Nietzsche consider sinful: he walk warily. He is a fool who still stumbleth over stones or men!

A little poison now and then: that maketh pleasant dreams. And much poison at last for a pleasant death.

Nietzsche still worketh, for work is a pastime. But Nietzsche is careful lest the pastime should hurt Nietzsche .

Nietzsche no longer becometh poor or rich; both are too burdensome. Nietzsche still wanteth to rule? Nietzsche still wanteth to obey? Both are too burdensome.

No shepherd, and one herd! Nietzsche wanteth the same; Nietzsche is equal: he who hath other sentiments goeth voluntarily into the madhouse.

"Formerly all the world was insane,"—say the subtle Nietzsche, and blink thereby.

Nietzsche clever and know all that hath happened: so there is no end to Nietzsche raillery. People still fall out, but are soon reconciled—otherwise it spoileth Nietzsche stomach.

Nietzsche have his little pleasures for the day, and Nietzsche little pleasures for the night, but Nietzsche have a regard for health.

"We have discovered happiness,"—say Nietzsche, and blink thereby.—

>> No.17491424

Anglos and christcucks cant into nuanced and highly stylized thought, and most of /lit/ is anglo christcuck retards with some pol rats sprinkled all over.

>> No.17491428

get out zoomer

>> No.17491552

Good post. Nietzsche is by far the most overrated philosopher.

>> No.17491565

Try reading sometime.

>> No.17491575

Lmao it works.

>> No.17491578

Anons don't even read him. Mostly random larping Nietzsche hate.

>> No.17491709

Turns out people don't actually like trannies. Who knew.

>> No.17491892

Neetch was king larp.

>> No.17491901
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Nice cope, tranny.

>> No.17491962

Take your meds.

>> No.17492013

Self-hate like all trannies.

>> No.17492023
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>> No.17492055

gb2pol rat

>> No.17492096

He was ok, Christians always get butthurt about him, and Platonists too. He managed to trigger then just fine. The amount of threads of people hating him proves this.

>> No.17492121

No one seethes over neetch. They laugh at him.
And this is a pro neetch thread retard.

>> No.17492123

>Platonists too
Nietzsche admired plato, its mostly anglocucks, polretards and christians who dislike him

>> No.17492326

Yes, I know that, anon. Just pointing the fact that someone acknowledging him you are doing exactly what he wants.

>> No.17492342

But he triggers people KEK Nietzsche probably beats Marx on those regards.

>> No.17492388


>> No.17492505

It is somewhat his marketing. Rand probably took some inspiration on him on those regards.

>> No.17492845


>> No.17493238

so you are genuinely mentally retarded?

>> No.17493342


>> No.17493392

Nietzsche admired how Plato could be such a huge figure in the history of human ideas but hated his retarded philosophy

>> No.17493413

>Wagner was better
Wagner was a fucking musician, so what if he influenced Nietzsche and they were friends? How do you make that comparison between a musician and a philosopher?

>> No.17493441

>Nietzsche hated how Plato could be such a huge figure in the history of human ideas and seethed because his philosophy retroactively refuted the will

>> No.17493450

>his philosophy
which is?

>> No.17493462

Try reading retard.

>> No.17493464

based bannedposter

>> No.17493479

so you have no argument, as expected, keep LARPing

>> No.17493498


>> No.17493505

you do know if you have no argument you can just not reply right?

>> No.17493533

Here's the fedora neckbeard crying muh God, nothing new.

>> No.17493542

god doesnt exist, mentally ill lunatics in a cult that destroy nations and ruin lives, too many

>> No.17493618

Even more cope

>> No.17493620

even more non arguments, but hey we almost are at the bump limit

>> No.17493621

>his philosophy retroactively refuted the will
Define the will within Nietzsche's philosophy

>> No.17493628

Imagine never reading Plato and thinking you have anything relevant to say.

>> No.17493634

Define define.

>> No.17493646

Provide me anything that demonstrates you understand what the will means to Nietzsche.

>> No.17494092
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Seriously, the bullying against Nietzschean members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Nietzscheans are some of the biggest contributors, have the greatest will to power, and are the most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking, and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Nietzschean who finds it hard to take pride in his own Ubermensch after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my power from insecure losers here. Why not bully Christians or Platonists? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our philosophy zur Macht? Kantians and analytics get bullied less than us and yet we are the most powerful philosophers in the world.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!

Would you call a Nietzschean a "postmodernist" (not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and dionysian gay scientist that they are "weaker" than German men? Would you say those words to your fellow nihilist brethren? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking LAST MEN?

Your destroying philosophy, your dividing power against itself, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behaviour. So I encourage you to stop now.

>> No.17494147


>> No.17494256
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>> No.17494279
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