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17481557 No.17481557 [Reply] [Original]

How do you justify buying paper books when you can get ebooks for free on libgen? I like bookshelves but in the long run you are saving thousands with ebooks.

>> No.17481571

I can get paper books for free at the library

>> No.17481597 [DELETED] 

Do you eve read nigger? How is this not obvious to you?

>> No.17481600

I don’t like stealing

>> No.17481804
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enjoy a random electromagnetic pulse removing your entire library

>> No.17481819

>>17481600 this and because books and plants are the only two thinks that can make every home comfortable and aesthetic. When i buy a book i buy a story, a piece of a collection and a nice ornament

>> No.17481824

you can't smell ebooks. also posterity

>> No.17481845

Because looking at a screen for too long makes my eyes hurt. I have to look at a screen all day for school, and I'm sure as hell not going to spend my free time looking at another screen just to read.

>> No.17481859

i'm not poor

>> No.17481952

1. Your device is reliant on internet and electricity
2. Your device’s parts will break and need repair/replacement
3. Depending on model it could be forced into obsolescence and not compatible with stores
4. Any method that circumvents DRM measures may eventually be patched out of all future models (that you will eventually have to buy, thanks to the inevitable destruction of the current models)
5. There may be a crackdown on virtual libraries of pirate books
6. Files may be edited to match the latest editions (think of removing nigger out of huckleberry Finn) or simply banning books through the books services altogether
7. TOS almost always explicit include a warning that your purchases and reading habits are logged for marketing and otherwise database purposes

And that’s not even considering the opinion that a plastic device with a screen is repulsive to a lot of people.

>> No.17482014

>implying I would want to "justify" my actions to some faggot on 4channel

>> No.17482256

I would prefer not to steal unless it's out of necessity. I can't afford a $250 book on French, but I can easily afford a $5 hardcover novel I'd like to read and I would gladly pay that money to support a local book store. A local book store is not just a storage facility for goods to be traded but it is also a healthy environment that encourages natural learning for both the adults and youth of society. I don't like technology.

>> No.17482276

Why not both? If you really like a book, if you think I'd be a better read on paper, then buy a book. If you're just reading whatevers on Gutenberg, stuff in the domain, or if you do go on Libgen, then you use your ereader. There's nothing saying you have to chose one or the other.

>> No.17482284


>> No.17482313

It's called an ereader boomer

>> No.17483683

much better to hold physical book in hand.
flipping back a couple of pages to check something is much easier than on an e-reader
paying attention is much easier than reading on a computer, where distractions are a click away

>> No.17483936

Having a physical copy is part of the vibe. Digital books are soulless.

>> No.17483971
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Typesetting in paper books is generally better. Kindles have awful justification and the DPI makes typefaces like Garamond look pretty bad, though low-contrast fonts (esp. slab serifs) are fine.
Paper has better feels/smell/aesthetics, etc
I believe e-ink gets less dark over time (though my 2013 paperwhite is still perfectly readable).

That said, ereaders are only dependent on the internet in the same way that you're dependent on the internet to buy paperbacks from Amazon. You can still keep files offline, share them over sneakernet via flashdrives, etc.
And as long as your books are DRM-free plaintext/html (epub, mobi, etc), then the only way your device will become obsolete is from the battery or screen degrading over time.
Ereaders are not like phones or computers where you can't run newer software on old devices due to missing required APIs. It's just text, formatting, and images in the end. At worst you'll have to convert the file in calibre.

Plus, moving is a lot easier when your library is measured in megabytes and not kilograms.

>> No.17485312

Which one do you use?

>> No.17485324

I read before bed and the light fucks with my sleep. Electronics are also too distracting

>> No.17485328

I can't write on e-books

>> No.17485522

1. Get blue light glasses
2. Get a no glare e-reader
3. Turn on night shift on your phone and pc
4. Use electronics less

>> No.17485550
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Any book I have been reading on my e reader I usually buy later, originally just to collect (I wanted a nice shelf like my dad has) but now I am also doing it just in case electronics failed, though I have been backing up a bunch of books based on lit chrats, a few old encyclopedias and complications (Great books of western world etc.) in case libgen gets taken down, I also have all of project Gutenberg and most of wikisource.

>> No.17485571

I only buy books that aren't on libgen. All indie publisher translated stuff

>> No.17485588
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I'm still using my kindle paperwhite from 2013 because aside from a higher resolution (PW1 has a pearl display, pic related) there's just no reason to upgrade.
But if I were to get one now it'd probably be a Kobo because I hear they're easier to mod, and support epub natively (I have to convert them with calibre, which isn't a big deal but theoretically can mess up formatting).

>> No.17485673

I don't buy books for a first time read, unless I know somehow through notoriety that the book will certainly be worth keeping and reading again.
That being said, there are various reasons to purchase books.
1. Library books are often tattered, marked in, or otherwise distracting to read from due to their condition.
2. Ebooks lack the tactile and spacial aspect of reading, which does indeed improve reading comprehension and retention.
3. People prefer reading from paper to reading from a screen. It doesn't matter why this preference exists, only that it does, and so paying to experience that preference is logical.
4. Downloading free books is generally immoral, as it discourages future writers and publishers from producing works for our progeny. Living an unjust life cannot lead to happiness (see: Plato)

>> No.17487208

dangerously based

>> No.17487215

But you can save tons of $$$$$

>> No.17487844

>1. Your device is reliant on internet and electricity
I charge my kindle for an hour every 3-4 weeks.

>2. Your device’s parts will break and need repair/replacement
I had my kindle for 6+ years

>3. Depending on model it could be forced into obsolescence and not compatible with stores
Ebook formats are open, very simple, and changing very little over decades (but always backwards compatible)

>4. Any method that circumvents DRM measures may eventually be patched out of all future models (that you will eventually have to buy, thanks to the inevitable destruction of the current models)
Again, the formats are very simple. You can manually write your own files without needing to read a 500 page spec

>5. There may be a crackdown on virtual libraries of pirate books
They've been trying for years and years. They will never kill them.

>6. Files may be edited to match the latest editions (think of removing nigger out of huckleberry Finn) or simply banning books through the books services altogether
Just like you can delete nudes off the internet, right?

>7. TOS almost always explicit include a warning that your purchases and reading habits are logged for marketing and otherwise database purposes
Absolute hogwash

This is your brain on a liberal arts degree. Kill yourself.

>> No.17489054

How should I organize my libraries of ebooks?
Should I look into Calibre?

>> No.17489058

Yes, calibre seems like a nuisance but it gets good and comfy quite quickly. Use tags, anon.

>> No.17489068

I was tempted to use Hydrus, because tags are the intelligent way of navigating digitally.
But then if I open a pdf to add a comment - the hash would change and the file would disappear from Hydrus.
I'll take a serious look at Calibre again, thank you.

>> No.17489090

Never heard of that one. There is also Polar and Zotero. Polar is quite decent with annotations. I think they also added this as a feature on calibre, but I use emacs' org-noter to annotate pdfs.

>> No.17489160

How do you compartmentalize your Calibre collections, do you hold separate databases for each topic/field? Do you just throw everything inside one library? What's the best practice in your eyes.

>> No.17489548

Based and checked

>> No.17489563

I use a ' to read' and a 'read.' This is important to keep things under control (I download way more things than I can read), then it is basically by subject. Some tags that I use are: "Philosophy," "French," "Literature," "Programming," "Math," "Psychology," "Art," and so on.

>> No.17489571

I don't really bother editing the metadata either, that cover view is useful and reasonable easy to use if you use your tags on new additions. As long you don't have a lot of books on the same subject you should be fine finding them.

>> No.17489581

i dont want to stare at a screen all day
i dont trust companies to keep up services forever, the same way pirating or buying physical copies of games is more future proof than steam for example
real books are comfy
nothing gets a girl wet like seeing lenin's imperialism on my shelf

when i just want to read something once, i get a pdf on libgen. if i know ill read it more than once or it has some sentimental or personal value to me, i buy a book.

absolutely cucked lmao

>> No.17489892
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>> No.17489960

>thinks he's superior for using soulseek, libgen and zlib
those are what true chads use for their media consumption

>> No.17490004

>use electronics less
thanks I'll keep using my papers books

>> No.17490542

I like seeing books in my room, it makes me feel more intelligent

>> No.17490658
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Because a geomagnetic storm or a nuclear EMP could easily bring down the electric grid tomorrow.


>> No.17491282

only uncultured fags read ebooks

>> No.17491484

If the grid goes out you will have more important thing to do than reading your book collection

>> No.17491555

Nice, I found a program that downloads all your goodreads books from libgen automatically. It's currently broken since goodreads took down their API. I am changing it so it uses a goodreads export file instead.

>> No.17491568

Can I please get a link of libgen or zilb? I'm looking for a book and I can't find it :'(

>> No.17491579

Its libgen.is

>> No.17491612

Nop, it's not there.

This is why I get physical books.

>> No.17491838

Works for me brainlet

>> No.17491887

I can get literally any book for <$5 at my local used book store. I got all of Proust's In Search of Lost Time for <$10, when it goes for $100 on Amazon. I feel literally no need to pirate books when I can get a months worth of reading material for 10 fucking dollars that all goes to supporting the bookstore and library in my hometown.

>> No.17492510

I prefer them for sheer nostalgia/idiosyncratic reasons. I also enjoy reading in the tub, and its not smart to do that with the phone, even though I do it sometimes.
Paper books also smell great.
Generally, I agree with you. 80% of the books I own are e-books. If I buy a physical copy of a book, it means I read it constantly, or it stands out as important to me.

>> No.17492661

>download books off libgen
>print them for a tiny cost
the only downside, the "books" are ugly

>> No.17492985

i am a bilbiophile autist and i retain data better with da funni touch feeling

>> No.17493201

I download only english books because there is no amazon in my country and even with delivery they cost too much.

>> No.17493244
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You are retarded beyond salvation