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File: 11 KB, 279x200, Gilles_Deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17468108 No.17468108 [Reply] [Original]

>A leftist government doesn't exist because being on the left has nothing to do with governments
What did Deleuze mean by this?

>> No.17468146

I mean communism is supposed to be stateless isn't it

>> No.17468166

leftism is fundamentally about liberation

>> No.17468529


>> No.17468545

schizorevolution vs. reactionary paranoia

>> No.17468558

Why has this never played out in reality

>> No.17468572

what he meant was
>leftism = cool
>making nonsensical vaguely rebellious statements = cool
>buy my books so you too can be cool

>> No.17468616
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There is order, and there is anarchy. What determines the success of a particular society are its own intrinsic values. If a society holds nothing sacred/anything of value, than they are no different to a wandering tribe. This is because in order for society to progress, certain luxuries must be sacrificed for the betterment of the greater group. Think of it like this; maybe no one cares if you go take a shit in front of hundreds of people at burning man, but because of this freedom you are also denied the privilege of getting a medivac after being infested with STDs from all that raunchy, animalistic, immoral sex you've had with beautiful strangers. (This is of course assuming burning man wasn't under the jurisdiction of the United States, which unfortunately it is. Otherwise it wouldn't be able to have thrived the way it has with dark triads murdering/raping everybody.) Leftists (not liberals) are fundamentally anti-society, their death march to progress isn't really "progress" in the sense that they're destroying the key pillars that have managed to sustain civilizations for thousands of years. Destruction of the family, decadence in morals, assault on religion. Leftists are parasites of their host civilization, they throw away the opportunity to pursue long term pleasure for short term gains. A man who can't control his own desires and feelings is no different than an animal, and that's what these people are. They want to have their cake, and eat it too. You can't fuck your neighbors wife while her husband is at work and have indoor plumbing. It's either one or the other. Otherwise, the husband will have no reason to spend his time engineering some new contraption on helping the betterment of society when he doesn't even know if his kids are his own.

>> No.17468632

That leftism is contrarian by nature

>> No.17468637


Mostly about being 'opposition.'

>> No.17468671


>> No.17468694


>> No.17468755

This is also why blasphemy was treated so severely until relatively recently. In order for a society to progress, there need to be rules carved in stone. If the key moral values were susceptible to change, than it's a death spiral of people pursuing mindless, hedonistic, pleasure rather than directing their passion towards providing a quality service that everyone can enjoy. I believe there is a god in the sense that their is some greater, mathematical phenomenon governing the likelihood of certain outcomes. What many people fail to realize, is that birth of jesus of nazareth, the buddha, or whomever you hold in high regard is in itself a miracle. What is the likelihood of a single person holding such monumental sway on the direction of the future. These people, through their moral ideals, led us out of the dirt huts and into skyscrapers, why shouldn't they be revered? God (or nature) in this sense needs to be respected, if we're truly determined to get into the space age, we cannot leave our faith behind.

>> No.17469138

Because some people like being slaves

>> No.17469496


>> No.17469500

but why?