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17467581 No.17467581 [Reply] [Original]

Books about Seamen that aren't Moby Dick

>> No.17467632

Treasure Island

>> No.17467688

>Books about Seamen that aren't Moby Dick
Toilers of the sea Victor Hugo

>> No.17467704

Most of Jules Verne's books
Oh! And the Odissey

>> No.17467705

Billy Budd

>> No.17467732

joseph conrad has a couple

>> No.17467770
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Sea Wolf was bretty gud

>> No.17467776


>> No.17467856

>Books about Seamen
Almost anything by Hemingway

>> No.17467864
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interdasting. Never heard of it.

Sea of Poppies is decent

>> No.17467891
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>> No.17468725
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>> No.17468735


>> No.17468741

A lot of Melville's other stuff features the sea or sailors in some way

>> No.17468751


>> No.17468773

I mean semen dammit messed up the joke

>> No.17468837

Horcynus Orca

>> No.17468848
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>> No.17469349

captain blood

>> No.17469365
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McGlue. It's incredible. The author admits this is her best and her next book was written for $ and stability.


>> No.17469509

ur mom's diary

>> No.17470018
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CONRAD. Especially Typhoon

>> No.17470116


>> No.17470206

Heart of the Sea

>> No.17470287

Basil Lubbock's "The Western Ocean Packets" (1921) has a few comedic yarns of the sea.

>"Thus the Liverpool crimps found themselves compelled to palm off landsmen on the Yankee skippers. The methods of one of the best known, Paddy West, are told in a famous chanty:

>As I was walking down Great Howard Street,
I walked into Paddy West's house.
He gave me a plate of American hash
And sore it was English scouse.
Says he, 'Come here, young fellow,
For now you're just in time
To go away in a clipper ship
And very soon you'll sign.'

>Having given him a taste of sea-hash, he next put him into a sailor's jumper. The tyro 'twas then ready for the bucket of salt water, which was upset over him by Paddy's cook, a certain notorious Mrs. Waters. This was the 'cold nor'wester' in the old chorus.

>Put on your dungaree jacket,
And give the boys a rest,
And think of the cold nor'wester
You had down at Paddy West's.

>A huge bullock's horn was next placed on the table, and round this the budding sailor had to walk three times. Then, indeed, his deep-water experience was complete; he was in a position to say that he had eaten sea-fare, had had the spray of a cold nor'wester down his back, and had been three times round the horn. It was a simple little comedy, and one can hardly imagine a gimlet-eyed Yankee ever being taken in by it."

>> No.17470375
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Fun read imo, learned a lot of new vocab and terms related to sailing.

>> No.17471394
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The Nigger of the Narcissus is decent

>> No.17471404

Why'd yah spill yes beans anons?

>> No.17471414

Captain Pugwash