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17465367 No.17465367 [Reply] [Original]

>“America is a cancer. It is, alas, not only across the Atlantic, but here, on our soil,
in our cities, and even our universities, that we must get to know the deep nature of the
peril threatening us,” impossible to isolate, and thus to amputate, “since America has
spread everywhere.”

>The U.S.A. Aron and Dandieu are critiquing is “not a people, still less a land”, but a method, which happens to have “grafted itself onto a whole human group, like a disease”: that of “reason reduced to its technical role,” “allowing our rationalist civilisation to find in the colonies … a kind of tabula rasa to erect its inhuman constructs”, without the reality checks of an older culture to provide any balance.
>“The current crisis is not just a social, national or economic crisis,” Aron-Dandieu maintain: “it is a crisis of conscience, and thus universal.” The American spirit is a misdirection of true spirit, a “hegemony of rational mechanisms over concrete and emotional realities, the deep wellsprings of genuine human progress” that are clogged by the “supremacy of industry and banking over the era’s entire life.”

Best Anti-American books?

>> No.17465390

>the solution? watch Arabs fuck your wife

>> No.17465441
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>> No.17465811


> Wakanda's official language will be french
Kinda based ngl

>> No.17465893

>Best Anti-American books?
Evola's essay "American Civilisation" is indispensable. I never realised how deep my hatred of Americanism actually runs until I read that.

>> No.17466577

The Air-Conditioned Nightmare

>> No.17466618

>Spread your shitty empires all over the planet
Lol we spread civilization!
>Chimp out and lose it all in WWII
> America banks your nations out of being third world.
>Lol we so sophisticated! Americans are so stupid
I'm glad most Europeans aren't such bitter has beens.

>> No.17466627

The whole “America is a cancerous imposition on Europe and European values against its will” is probably the biggest and most pathetic scapegoat cope they could possibly come up with. It is genuinely sad.

>> No.17466630

it's not really anti-american because that same critical generative process makes up the international order. we all live in america.

>> No.17466636

Evola totally rejected the idea of “Americanism”. He merely elaborated on what he saw modern America to be. There is no -ism and no imposition. It’s distinctly a manifestation of Western civilization same as Germany or Italy. Just goes to show how little people actually read these fucking people.

>> No.17466660

>I'm glad most Europeans aren't such bitter has beens.
They are. Honestly, they may not have quite as bad anti-Americanism but I lived in Europe and I can tell you the large majority of Europeans have built up several layers of the most absurd, but conditioned and internalized cope about the relation with the rest of the Western world and world at large. The worst part is it’s really obvious that all of it is a post-WW2 thing but they genuinely cannot understand that because they are so thoroughly indoctrinated into the cult. I have confirmed this with non-Westerners in Europe as well. It is sad, but they will probably never wake up the reality of who they are and what their civilization is. It is much easier to propose fantasy to cope.

>> No.17466764

Aron and Dandieu admit that the problem is one of Cartesian rationalism, obviously from European civilisation itself, but in colonising America, it became an excessive, strange variant, which now spreads across the globe, most of all as spirit.

>> No.17467667


>> No.17467818
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>not a people, still less a land”, but a method, which happens to have “grafted itself onto a whole human group, like a disease”: that of “reason reduced to its technical role,” “allowing our rationalist civilisation to find in the colonies … a kind of tabula rasa to erect its inhuman constructs”

This describes post-enlightenment France to a tee, far better than the weird religious manifest destiny underpants that America has always worn--and any of it that doesn't best apply to France probably better applies to Germany's perfunctory attire. Your intellectuals are shit stains, though I'm sure these are fringe nutjobs anyway.

>> No.17467841

fuck that evil land of sodom

>> No.17467853

America is a disgusting corrupting force that seeks to mold the world into her sick, perverse image driven by Jewish pop culture.

>> No.17468935

>European powers and populations imitate, dominate, steal from and/or assimilate everyone else in their entire sphere of influence (including and especially one another) on and off for thousands of years, often through conquest and deliberate cultural warfare
>Honhonhon et iz ze unstoppable flow of history and culture, oui?

>Europeans start imitating Americans after begging for their presence and aid for most of the 20th century

>> No.17469095

European culture was pushed by royalty and nobility.
American culture is pushed by the banking system.
Basically a caste of parasytes with no redeeming qualities.

>> No.17469325

Europe is trapped in its past and the people want something new. Europe does not provide that, they just say "look at all this culture you are surrounded by!" Not everyone wants to live in the past and Europe is failing at moving its culture forward so the people look to other places. This cancer is more just the centuries build up of fat which has left their culture too obese to get out of bed and innovate.

>> No.17469335

0% surprised that the author is a Frenchman

>> No.17469752

Henry Miller? hmmm

>> No.17469793

The French culture is superior to American

>> No.17469950

Sounds like more of an Anglo cancer than a specifically American one.

>> No.17470639
