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17463845 No.17463845 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of reading female authors?

>> No.17463855

>caring about the author's sex, sexuality, race or nationality

>> No.17463858

None. I don't read female and/or non-white authors

>> No.17463859

To get female pussy.

>> No.17463862


>> No.17463864

there are none

>> No.17463867

Imagine believing women exist

>> No.17463877

To understand the their low, animal-like nature.

>> No.17463883

Women and men serve different roles. Women therefore provide something that a man cannot in writing and vice versa.

>> No.17463885

breast milk?

>> No.17463888

>he hasn't read Sappho, Aphra Behn, George Eliot, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jane Austen, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Anna Kavan, Hiromi Kawakami, Yoko, Ogawa, Djuna Barnes, Can Xue, Sylvia Plath, Ingeborg Bachmann, Iris Murdoch, and Cynthia Ozick.
No taste this one.

>> No.17463919

>non-white authors

Not even the Popol Vuh or the Hagakure?

>> No.17464027

'Taking an interest' so you can be supportive of your wife's interests. This way she reciprocates and supports your own dumb hobbies.

Trust me, it works.

>> No.17464114

Murasaki Shikibu, Sigrid Undset, Jane Austen, George Eliot, Willa Cather. After that it becomes harder to justify. Maybe Svetlana Alexeivich or Alice Munro?

>> No.17464121

>Sigrid Undset
Haven't heard of her before, any recs? These are some female authors I like >>17463888 if that helps with the recommendation.

>> No.17464127

The Master of Hestviken and Kristin Lavransdattar. She won the nobel for those when it mattered. She also did a devotional biography of catherine of siena

>> No.17464135

>no mention of Edith Wharton

shit tier list

>> No.17464137

Enlighten me then anon, what would you recommend from her?
Thanks anon.

>> No.17464141
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Ethan Frome is one of the worst, most overrated classic novels I have ever read. I have no problems with female authors, but if that piece of shit is in any way representative I would never touch another work by her.

>> No.17464142

To get pussy, faggot.

>> No.17464149

Custom of the Country
Yeah Ethan Frome sucks and is absolutely nothing like the majority of her other output

>> No.17464162

Gotcha. Any of the authors I listed that you want recs for in return? I've seen people change their minds about female authors when they read Iris Murdoch, and Anna Kavan is well known for good reasons.

>> No.17464207

you gotta know your enemy

>> No.17464219

not when all the enemy wants is to waste your time.

>> No.17464276

so you are freely admitting that you have no idea what works to keep pussy in line and need to refer to the "instructions for dummies" book... chad has no need to consider what might work for what does work.

>> No.17464289

Based and redpilled

>> No.17464338

Best post

>> No.17464379

yeah where would you advise to start with woolf and what’s the deal with kawakami?

>> No.17464572

If you are a tranny then reading females authors is necessary. How else will you know how to think like a woman?

>> No.17464634

Either Jacob's Room or To the Lighthouse.
>what’s the deal with kawakami
She's one of the queens of comfy literature, if you are drawn to comfy literature like Charlotte Brontë or Hermann Hesse I'd wager you'll enjoy her work. Her work is very different to the work of those two for sure, as it has a very modern feel to it, but it's similarly comfy. I would start off with The Nakano Thrift Shop for her.

>> No.17464638


>> No.17464757


>> No.17464760

ty bro! do u have goodreads?

>> No.17464779

Nah I use no such site, and I can't say I'm planning to start.

>> No.17464781

whether dainty or dark
get off my ark

>> No.17465153

lol i can’t blame you — any other General recs?

>> No.17465175

>not being asexual

>> No.17465251

>no Flannery O’Connor
Missed opportunity. Her short stories are great.

>> No.17465267

Butterfly disagrees with you

>> No.17465282
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What's the point of reading any authors?

>> No.17465369

other women who haven't been mentioned who are good:

>> No.17465371

To be better equipped when arguing with feminists

>> No.17465473


>> No.17465757

it's not hard to feign a persecution complex.

>> No.17465787

What does making it mean? Finish books? Become a thinker with thoughts?

>> No.17465801
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Women writers are just ‘look, girls can twirl light sabers better than you. Girls rule boys drool.
Don’t waste your time.

>> No.17465825

Read Proust, Borges, Calvino, Soseki, and Perec if you haven't.