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17462487 No.17462487 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest writers in the Latin language were the Christians/church fathers. Tertullian and Augustine wrote the finest Latin there is, not withstanding Tacitus. Not even Cicero reaches the heights of Tertullian at his most heated, and no one wrote with such simple grandeur as Augustine in the Confessiones. In fact, I will go so far as say that it is the finest prose work ever written. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.

>> No.17462491

virgil, horace, ovid

>> No.17462498

All memes

>> No.17462499


>> No.17462523
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Tell us more, native Latin-speaker.

>> No.17462533
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Virgil is at his best in the Bucolics. The Aeneid is a tedious Homeric pastiche, all technical shine with no heart. Ovid for all his sensuality is no where as sensual, nor as eloquent as Augustine in his God drunken o altitudos. Horace is clever, but boring, a poet for pedant schoolmasters

>> No.17462646

christianity is alien to me but i'd like to read these things. how do i get around that?

>> No.17462655

I can't because I haven't read Augustine, but I like Ovid the most so you're wrong.

>> No.17462659

Christian writers mog.

>> No.17462696

The absolute state of christfags.

>> No.17462777
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>papists build their theology on making the church fathers infallible
>the same people who were not familiar with hebrew, the language of 2/3rds of the Bible
I like Patristics well enough but come on. They were woefully under informed about the context of the Bible and they didn't exactly have access to great information.

Of course, papists disregard the fathers whenever they disagree with them anyway so the whole "trust the fathers" thing is just semantics and sancitmony.

>> No.17462790


>> No.17462978

Annon i have some bad news for you

>> No.17463508

Jews used to write in Greek you mongrel

>> No.17464347

Ever heard of the Septuagint?
Or you prefer the redacted Mas*retic text?
P.S. How much did you pay for those trips kike?

>> No.17464364

>jews write their garbage in hebrew for 400 years
>a copy gets made in greek
>so we can now just divine its meaning out of the ether as we feel, everyone interpreting it however they feel
so, essentially, sola scriptura, but only for the old testament.

>> No.17464388

Church fathers are not infallible

>> No.17464396

>whenever they disagree
This is never. The Church Fathers are infallible.

>> No.17464423

You fags need to make up your mind.

>> No.17464445

its actually the fist time i have seen some make that claim. Church father argue with each other, and disagree on stuff. Only the Church as a whole becomes infallible the individual are not. I

>> No.17464513

You can't read Latin, guaranteed

>> No.17464545


>> No.17464563

Quid non latine respondeas, o doctissime? Stilo tuo caremus.

>> No.17464628

>>papists build their theology on making the church fathers infallible

That is flat-out false.

>> No.17464734

Nope. Vatican I. But I don't expect you've read it.

>> No.17464904
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Um why would you assume that? I'm a NEET who lost their job because of covid so now all I do is read Latin and brush up on my Greek. I read some Lucretius and a few Pliny letters in the bath today. Paenitet me.
Quia tempus melioribus mallem ducere. Tu non es me dignus. Nonne est tibi fellandus? Te deo dignum finge.

>> No.17465120

Syntaxi tua nil praeter imperitiam fertur. Primum stilum acuere necesse est antequam judicare.

>> No.17465135

>Um why would you assume that?
Not them but probably because of the insanity you spewed

>> No.17465254

You're thinking of various canons in Trent referring to "the unanimous consent of the fathers" that don't say what you claim they say. That is, Trent doesn't teach that the church fathers were infallible, as such, but rather that a great weight of authority lies in matters where the fathers were unanimous. Nor does Trent designate the fathers as "infallible" where there is such unanimous consent (much less calling any one early church father infallible).

Source (canons of Trent): https://www.capdox.capuchin.org.au/reform-resources-16th-century/sources/the-canons-and-decrees-of-the-council-of-trent/

>> No.17465336
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I started learning latin to read Augustine. I read his Confessions a couple of years ago in Finnish translation and it was one of the most beautiful books that I have read. I've only practised for 3 months an it's agonizing to know that I need to practice for years more.

>> No.17465527

salve!-!-! in horto ambulo

>> No.17465598
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Ask God for wisdom.
If you've read lingua Latina I recommend reading Evagrius Magister, it's very similar but includes ecclesiastical Latin, church fathers texts, prayers etc
We're gonna make it anon, Augustine is worth the pain

>> No.17465617

Do you just revel in being as wrong as possible?

>> No.17465739

The Church Fathers couldn't read Hebrew. Only Jerome could, and he often put forth some pretty anti-Catholic positions as a result.

>> No.17465855

imana need a source

>> No.17466073

For one, he vehemently argued for the Protestant canon. For two, he denied the NT contains any evidence of the idea of bishops. I believe he recanted the former later in life because he was afraid of being chastised for it when the winds shifted against him, but his actual substantive arguments through most his life outside of a near death bed "confession" was that the Protestant OT is the only inspired Scripture.

>> No.17466105

You do realize the Septuagint is the oldest surviving written record of the OT right?
The masoretic text is post-Christ and heavily edited based on rabbi oral tradition.
Now which version do you think would have a reason to be biased.
A translation project (in which 6 elders from each of the 12 tribes of Israel participated) commissioned for the purpose of archiving the OT in the library of Alexandria, and also meant to be made available to the Jews in Alexandria who did not speak Hebrew.
Or a translation that didn't come about until centuries later, and was based on the oral tradition of a bunch of deranged rabbis who wrote the Talmud and Toledot Yeshu?

tl;dr seethe harder kike

>> No.17466264

Are you getting your apologetics from the 1910s? We now have various Hebrew OT documents from 250 BC lol. This is just furthering the point: Catholic reliance on the Fathers is based on outdated scholarship. It's like the Baptists who obsess about the KJV as peak scholarship. Yeah, it was in 1600 but not anymore.

The Septuagint is outdated. We have better sources, and it is just one of many.

>> No.17467018

the Dead Sea Scrolls corroborate the Septuagint

>> No.17467346

Wow this is some crazy kind of goal post shifting, unlike anything I've ever seen. Dilate. Don't reply to me again.

>> No.17467354

get some sleep anon

>> No.17467373

great argument. typical catholic "intellect". you will never have a family.

>> No.17467384


Yet many of the scrolls are identical to the Majority text which showed that the Hebrew was faithfully passed down even until Erasmus when he started the received text.