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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 500x480, beaten woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1746032 No.1746032 [Reply] [Original]

<---What /lit/ is going to do to the AP literature test tomorrow.

>> No.1746043

Put it back in it's place?

>> No.1746059

that was just ignorant and not funny

i think you were trying to win /lit/ friendship points or something but instead you just got deducted

>> No.1746070

Relax, relax, good sirs

>> No.1746073
File: 72 KB, 400x485, 1298781331701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, why are you not in the kitchen? We all know you got your panties in a bunch because someone made a sexist joke, but you don't have to go full retard about it.

Go write some more poems, you fat whore.

>> No.1746076


I disagree and would just like to add that you are a fag.

10/10 sage

>> No.1746078
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>> No.1746094

not entirely sure OP, this is by far the hardest AP im taking this year. If for no other reason than the score spread. 7% get 5s? f*cking ridiculous?

but come at me bro, i learns read well english good

>> No.1746101

>implying I can take AP Lit this year
Gonna DOMINATE the APUSH test Friday.

>> No.1746113

I thought it was funny

>> No.1746123

>7% get 5s

>> No.1746127

>7% get 5s

>> No.1746162

What books are you guys going to use for the open essay question?
Hamlet, Oddyssey, Waiting for godot, The Grapes of Wrath, and 1984 here...

>> No.1746173


>> No.1746179

I was contemplating on taking it, but I know that I would feel like complete shit if I wasted money on the test and did poorly.

>> No.1746197
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I had enjoyed lording this statistic about, but then I realized it wasn't a big deal.

However, I'm sure getting a 5 on the exam helped make up for all the Bs I got in high school.

It's not a difficult exam, and one definitely worth doing well on, especially if one is a soph. or jr.

>> No.1746204

I'm afraid of one section - the essay about the poem.

If it's modern, I'll be completely fine. But if it's some 1606 shit with loads of religious imagery, I'm screwed.

Anyway, good luck to all taking it.

>> No.1746208

You guys, honestly, you don't really have to have a bunch of spot-on examples for whatever they throw at you, you just have to know one book well and have a lot of confidence in your ability to BS

>> No.1746212

>implying this and European History aren't my chill exams before putting the boots to Biology on Monday

Hope it's harder than language, that was a joke of a 5.

>> No.1746216

Anyone else taking the music theory exam? I'm excited

>> No.1746225


I'm using The Awakening if its offered. I'm fairly sure I can explicate its themes pretty well..

Maybe it's not my favorite book I read last year, but it's damn easy to explain. Also, I read it twice 'cause I did really enjoy it.

>> No.1746231

Took Spanish yesterday and taking Lit tomorrow, US Gov next Tuesday.

Waiting 5 hours outside to take the speaking part of the Spanish exam only to completely fuck it up was AWESOME.

>> No.1746233


Wuthering Heights, Pride & Prejudice, and Grendel are my Top Three.

I know my tropes well enough, but I'm shit out of luck when it comes to identifying meter.

>> No.1746241

I am, taking it with little to no studying, preparation, and a middling piano education throughout my childhood, should be sick.

Using Heart of Darkness here unless the prompt absofuckinglutely doesn't fit.

>> No.1746272

I will probably be using either Crime and Punishment, Hamlet, Heart of Darkness, or Death of a Salesman for my essay. Those 4 seem to be able to fit to just about any prompt.

>> No.1746294


>Death of a Salesman

Sorry, but you're being graded by Elitist High-Literaturefags. No matter how good of an essay you wrote on Arthur Miller, you'd only get a 4-5/9 or so because it's ''Not of literary merit'' (i.e: Antiquated and DEEP)

>> No.1746306

Got a 5 last year. Plan to do it again this year.


>> No.1746318

I am, shit's gonna suck. I can't sightread to save my life and the part about writing the soprano and bass is going to kill me.

>> No.1746321

Hell there aren't to many topics you couldn't stick to that fucking story. On another note, if anyone of you doesn't get a 5 you would have to be pretty damn stupid. The only test I would consider easier would be the Psychology test.

>> No.1746322


I've got a friend who's taking that.

He plans to fail it, miserably.

I took the Calculus BC exam today, and spent my time writing nonsense on the free response because I knew it would be futile to even try.

>> No.1746324


6.5% of the people who take it get a 5 man....it's not THAT easy.

>> No.1746328

I heard a girl the room next door start bawling her eyes out. Shit was a great distraction...

>> No.1746332

Right, but it is generally considered one of the easier AP exams. Not to mention we are on a lit board, so I assume that the people here have at least some interest in the subject.

>> No.1746333

lolwut? There's AP psychology?

>> No.1746336


lolol. I did everything I could to piss of my grader. Everywhere that it said, in bold capital letters "DO NOT WRITE OUTSIDE OF THIS BOX" I wrote, next to the bold text and outside of the box, "GOT IT!" or "OKAY!!" or "ur not my MOM!"


>> No.1746342


Well just because you're interested in a subject doesn't mean everything's going to click on exam day. I've had days where I feel like a fucking champ and churn out 9 level essays like it's nothing...I also have other days where I can't think of a fucking thing and just stare at my paper blankly for 45 minutes.

>> No.1746346

My youngin' ass is only taking the AP world history test which isn't until next Thursday, and it is going to be somewhat of a bitch. However, I'm actually excited for the APs that I will be taking next year, especially world lit because my god do I know how to bullshit a fucking essay. I actually enjoy writing, but this is fun in a different way.

>> No.1746347


...since when is there a world lit?

>> No.1746349
File: 40 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA&#44;_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writing opinions about books
Shit kids, if you think this is hard you’re only deluding yourself. Your major is completely irrelevant and focuses on enshrining yesterday’s pop culture tripe, and you’re complaining about having to do something that resembles work? lol

>> No.1746350

What do people think of this lineup (in order):

>The Great Gatsby

(American Dream, Tragedy, Emotional Reticence, Excess, Identity)

>Six Degrees of Separation

(American Dream, Social Stratification, Identity, Self-betterment, Tragedy, Self-discovery, Psychological Isolation)

>Huck Finn

(Coming of Age, Slavery, Questioning Authority, Moral Development, Social Commentary)

>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Maybe)

(Who determines what sanity is? Appreciation for alternative perspectives, freedom, issue of conformity, something else)


>> No.1746353

lolthis. Shit happened to me on the mock AP world history test. I just fucking stared at those goddamned documents about the decolonization of fucking South Africa for a longest time and couldn't focus on them, but in the end, I whipped some shit up and finished first. Fuckyeah.jpg (not that being first means being the best, but still)

>> No.1746354


Critical analysis and opinion aren't the same thing. We're not being graded on opinion.

>> No.1746356

I'm pretty sure it's called AP World Lit or some shit. I could be wrong.

>> No.1746363

Never mind. That's just what they call it at my faggy school.

>> No.1746371

I just got done with AP Chemistry, AP Computer Science A and AP Calculus AB. AP Lit is the last of my fucking worries.
GG and HoD, good to go.

>> No.1746375


I'm thinking of sticking with Great Gatsby as one of my top two as well.

>> No.1746378

You are in what grade?
lol because that's my exact lineup for APs junior year (next year)

>> No.1746380

Good plan. Apparently The Brothers Karamazov is THE book to read for AP Lit, but God knows I didn't have the time to finish it, even though I enjoyed the pages I did read.

>> No.1746384

Senior so you are ahead of where I was.

>> No.1746390

Oh. Just checking lol
Anyway, good luck on those.

>> No.1746395

AP Art History is by far the hardest AP exam you'll take in high school. Word of warning.

>> No.1746402

Lolololo I think AP calc BC is probably harder.

>> No.1746408

>not IB

>> No.1746409

You kidding me? 50% of BC students score a 5. Over 20% of AB score a 5. It's one of the highest scored tests.

>> No.1746418

Enjoy 3-4 HLs while we all take as many APs as we want.

>> No.1746421

lol IB
Shit is terrible in my city.

>> No.1746424

I son't think they consider Huck Finn as having enough "literary merit" so watch out for that. Plus don't kids read that in like, middle school or something. Surely you have read a better book than that...

>> No.1746430

Every class but two I took in high school from sophomore year till graduation was an AP course. You do not know horror until you're balancing both an AP and IB workload.
See also: going into college with over fifty credits.


>> No.1746436


>AP World

Oh man, my first AP. SO many great, great memories from preparing for that test. I'm serious, that class gave me some of my best memories from High School.

I ended up getting a 4. Godspeed.

>> No.1746446
File: 61 KB, 571x570, Cool_story_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1746449


I think you may be confusing Huck Finn with Tom Sawyer, which is a children's book.

>> No.1746454

any advice on the APUSH test? i have a block schedule and haven't had time to study for this shit

>> No.1746461


>Coming of Age

Refer to it as Bildungsroman, its proper term, instead. The graders will fucking eat that shit up if you use it on the essays.

Still, I don't think they'd like you using Huck Finn, either.

>> No.1746466


Do you own a Princeton Review book for the subject?

If not, buy it at once.

>> No.1746484

Thanks. I do enjoy the class because of hilarious fun times, but I don't think I'm very well-prepared. I mean, I think I'll do well on the FRQs, but the multiple choice part is terrifying. It's much too broad of a topic and the only part of world history that I have a firm grasp on is the 19th century to present, especially World War II and the Cold War and all that (I also have pretty good knowledge of ancient Rome, but that's not very useful). I don't know shit 'bout Latin America or Africa and that's unfortunate.

>> No.1746495
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>> No.1746504

No, just a few people ITT
And, notice all the people who are out of high school posting here

>> No.1746514


Neither did I, but the MC is okay if you can make connections and identify whether one answer isn't like the other and stuff like that. Just practice a bunch with MC and review as much as you can (Also, it helps to link certain goods and natural resources to respective nations/continents. That'll help answer a few things.). Also, relax the day before the test, and eat a healthy breakfast the next morning.

>> No.1746526

Really hoping I can use Catch-22 on this. Damn, I love that book. Too bad all the graders probably want to see "ooh, Mr. Darcy!" and "Misery has made me a fiend!"

>> No.1746537

I literally haven't read a single book in years and I have to write that Q3 tomorrow. I actually came to this board expecting this thread.

Right now my plan of action is to read the sparknotes for Heart of Darkness and just somehow squeeze western imperialism into whatever prompt they choose. Although now that I see everyone else is using it, I'm having second thoughts...

>> No.1746539

lol you fukkin punk rock rebel and your super-threatening 11th grade assigned reading

>> No.1746545

I'm going to rape the essays, fuck up the Multiple Choice

>> No.1746557

Not going to lie, but it was the most fun I have ever had taking a test. I loved every second of the test. Great essay topics, engaging short stories and just fun to take. I got a four on it, and hot damn it was fun.

>> No.1746560

Hey, man. I'm sorry I don't feel the same way you do about dandies. Not everyone likes dancing the minuet into the wee hours of the morning. We all can't self-insert into stories form that period. The waltz has to be invented before I can even consider growing sideburns.

>> No.1746562

Oh, I wasn't trying to be funny. I actually believe women need to know their place in the world.

Granted, I think you only replied because you were genuinely interested in OP's topic and wanted to bump the thread.

>> No.1746571

everyone likes catch-22 you little goob. the ole grey-haired battleaxes who grade the ap exam will not need to fetch the smelling salts if you do an essay on it

>> No.1746578

And not everyone likes the late 18th century. Why is this a problem? I'm going to do well either way, unless you start drawing sigils all over yourself with a letter opener.

>> No.1746597
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Got a 4 on that shit

I didn't even care, at that point in my senior year I realized that public school in the US was just a bourgeois system of indoctrination which favors those who follow and execute orders most thoroughly.

College is legit though, as long as you go to an Ivy League school and not some crap liberal arts diploma mill.

>> No.1746606


>rails against "bourgeois indoctrination"
>believes that ivy league is a meaningful distinction

you bourgeois as hell son

>> No.1746609

Yeah that's pretty much what I've been trying to do, but I need to review a lot. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.1746612
File: 26 KB, 531x400, auden dnsfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a 5 on that test without any prep. I did IB and they let us take the AP test if we wanted even though we had no practice. Easy as shit...

>> No.1746619


Say what you will about me, Ivy League schools allow for open academic discourse on a scale that most average students at Williams and Amherst will never know.

I'm actually an advocate of open admissions, Marxist as fuck.

>> No.1746626

I got a 3, which was enough for credit at my university, so whatever. Last year's multiple choice was EASY AS FUCK. The essay prompts screwed me over though.

>> No.1746628


>> No.1746632


>> No.1746639

I've got Frankenstein, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Heart of Darkness lined up.

>> No.1746642

>AP Lit test
>Picture of a woman beaten to shit
Oh look, a bunch of high school faggots trying to be edgy. /ad9k is that way ---------->

>> No.1746645
File: 201 KB, 696x1000, 1295992187639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you dragging Amherst and Williams into this? You are out of your fucking league, son.

>> No.1746657
File: 26 KB, 300x300, emma-watson-stalked-harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>out of my league

You're in the league directly bellow my mine, yes.

>> No.1746675


>AP program

Faggots don't know 'bout COLLEGE DUAL ENROLLMENT programs

>> No.1746680

Yeah I do about those programs, but in my state, at least, it's best to stick with AP.

>> No.1746686

Fuck APCS. Fuck APCS forever.

But yeah, AP lit should be easy. AP Language was probably one of the easiest tests I've ever taken.

>> No.1746699

Grendel, Hamlet, Tale of Two Cities, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Starship Troopers...

>> No.1746704

Sucks for you that you have a shitty CS teacher. The one at my school is a hot, young, intelligent piece of ass who occasionally enjoys 4chan.

>> No.1746706

I'd recommend against relying on dual enrollment, unless you're quite sure that those credits will count wherever you go. I got screwed over a bit by that. Took dual credit with local community college (that's all that was available in my shit town), and my credits happily counted towards the college I had been planning to attend (high-tier libarts), so when I entered college I was one course shy of being a sophomore. Since I had never had to study for an AP exam, I was pretty pleased with myself.

Two years later, I transfer to an Ivy League school. Absolutely none of those credits transferred, so I ended up scrambling with 21-24 credits per semester to graduate on time. At that point, I was significantly less pleased.

>> No.1746708

So is anything by HG Wells considered a work of literary merit? I've read The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and In the Days of the Comet.

>> No.1746712

Mine was an old woman who couldn't actually program. She taught the class because she could use a word processor 30 years ago. She doesn't actually have any sort of degrees in anything even remotely close to something technology related.

Did anyone else find themselves writing very short responses to the open ended section? Mine were only like half a page. The Gridworld solution was probably my longest one.

>> No.1746733

Most of the AP exams I took weren't difficult, they were just weird. The humanities tests would have questions that were confusing because they were unfamiliar, but i still got a 5 on pretty much everything except stat and euro :(. also a 3 in ap 2D drawing wtf

>> No.1746754


The thing with dual enrollment is that if you're doing dual enrollment at a state institution your credits will transfer ONLY into a state institution, so if you have your heart set on moving out of state or going to a private school for college, it's usually best to forget about

>> No.1747028

I fucking busted a giant nut all over Art History yesterday. You have to physically TRY not to get a 5 on any of the non math/science or music theory tests, the rest are easy as fuck.

>> No.1747034

ap calc getting me out of taking any math whatsoever in college was basically the coolest thing ever

i don't think i can even long divide anymore

>mfw until there's a math section on the gre

>> No.1747040


Fuck that noise. Huck Finn is the greatest novel in American history.

>> No.1748013

I can truthfully say that I ravaged this exam.


>> No.1748017


So...you're excited, even bragging, that you'll effectively experience 1/2 the time in college, widely regarded as "the best years of your life," as all of your other peers?

Good for you m8. All your friends will be...oh you know..living life?

>> No.1748025

I wrote a really good explication for the first poem question but I zoned out after that and fucked myself over. Didn't even start the open question. MC was a joke though, hardly any more difficult than the SAT reading questions.

That being said, I'd probly be lucky to get a 4 due to the free responses.

>> No.1748031


Quick question, do you remember the LAST multiple choice question? It had to do with the characterization of the final MC passage as a whole, and the two options I found viable (even arguable both ways..) were "extended definitions" and "sweeping assertions."

I sat there for 5 minutes and finally put "extended definitions" because I felt the detail the author provided was explanatory enough to be called a definition. But most of my classmates put whatever the other one was.

Also lol collegeboard's rules don't apply in a 21st century setting where information can be shared anonymously lol.

>> No.1748039

that open question was too easy. impossibly so. That George Eliot passage was incredibly dull though.

>> No.1748044


I used Grapes of Wrath. Damn fuckin easy. Pissed me off that BOTH the poem and prose passage had to do with "complex relationships" they were still easy as fuck, but really? The same damn topic?

>> No.1748054

that poem "a blessing" (i think that's what it was called anyway) was funny as fuck...i thought that dude was gonna end up fucking the pony.

plus, for one of the questions, an option was that the pony had "hidden intentions"

>> No.1748060


LOL I thought that was hilarious too. I also took the test after having smoked a bowl the night before...so I woke up...high, which ended up making it really hard not to laugh on that passage and the Eliot one where I imagined the Lydgate guy saying "Doth I have to smacketh a bitch!?"

I don't know why.

>> No.1748076

I wrote about My Little Ponies.

>> No.1748101

im feeling there were more than a few /b/tards out there who lol'd at the pony passage

>> No.1748133

I beg all of you not to go to school for English. I went, graduated with honors, and have worked in internet marketing since. LIBERAL ARTS ARE USELESS.

Take the AP credits and put them where they belong: opening up another advanced PHP slot on your schedule

>> No.1748141


I'm majoring in business, minoring in English.

Taking it with a liberal arts program so I can take a bunch of philosophy/lit classes that'll keep me interested.

I plan to write, but I'll have the business major as a backup. Probably use it to secure a good job then just write on the side actually.

Sound like a good plan?

>> No.1748143
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Took it today.
>MFW three essays in two hours
Yeah, I wrote a pretty fucking wicked Beloved poem, but that stupid fucking passage and the poem? Didn't have enough time. I'm a goddamn typer, EVERY writer these days is a goddamn typer, why do they make us hand write when we can better express our thoughts in a shorter amount of time through typing?

>> No.1748175


Honestly, no. I aint even trollin bro. You have to have a marketable skill. At least become a pro at access or excel (super pro)

check this list:


Pick one and GO with it. Dont look back.

History and literature are just hobbies now.

>> No.1748191

it was sweeping assertations
yes I actually laughed in the middle of that test, then finnished then went back to reread it and loled again.

also wrote abt hamlet for open question, easy as shit.

ended up finnishing the multiple choice 30min early so i had some time to sleep and then go back to laughing at that question... fucking horse is going to raep me.

>> No.1748205

Hamlet was easy as fuck to write about for the open question, the whole god damn play was about justice. Justice for spying, justice for lying, justice for incest, just for murder....so much justice! Also, Grief was a beautiful poem. On a side note, was Rapture the correct answer for the pony rape story? My friend and I were arguing about that.

>> No.1748207

I said rapture.

>> No.1748217

yea i liked all the poems besides "A Story"

I cannot remember what i put for the pony one, it was either A or B tho i think...

>> No.1748226

So I don't take AP lit until two weeks from now because I had IB Math Studies Paper 2 today, how was it?
I got a 4 on AP Eng. Comp. last year.

>> No.1748234

It was not that hard I suspect that ill get a 3, a 4 if I am lucky, I read like 3 of the 15 books we were supposed to read this year, and I usually get like 6s on practice essays.

>> No.1748237

Ah, cool deal. I'm guessing the open ended question is about justice? Thankfully I read Of Mice and Men recently so I can use that.

>> No.1748241

Anyone else use Beloved for justice? I used Sethe as a basis for my argument.

>> No.1748242

Did The Fall for the "justice" essay prompt.

>> No.1748243
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I didn't realize all of /lit/ was a bunch of underage high-schoolers

>> No.1748246
File: 37 KB, 300x300, dealingwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lit & Comp is for seniors

>> No.1748249

That's a great idea. I read Beloved in my junior year so I can't really remember too much of it to write an essay, but that book sticks to the topic like glue.

>> No.1748255
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It was a fuck of a lot harder than I thought it would be, mainly because I couldn't think of shit to pour into eight paragraphs.

And holy dicks, Beloved in junior year? I thought we were unlucky reading it as seniors.

>> No.1748260

Eight paragraphs? Why not just do a standard five paragraph essay?
And yeah, I didn't have much of a problem of it.

>> No.1748262

Any Lenape High School students in here? I know a few memespewing faggots went to the exam.

>> No.1748263
File: 61 KB, 300x321, 202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit as a senior? And you people are worried about writing 3's and 4's?
mfw you people really are retarded like the rest of 4chan...

>> No.1748268

You do realize Literature and Composition is ALWAYS senior year, don't you? Junior year is Language and Composition.

>> No.1748278

I took lit my junior year, as did many other kids in that class. So no, it is not only seniors. Maybe in hickville Arkansas it is...

>> No.1748281

Yeah, because taking it as a senior automatically means that you're a hick.

>> No.1748282
File: 21 KB, 360x453, 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm only in honors English because I'm not big on doing work
>mfw i'm stuck with an English teacher who reads celebrity tabloids
>mfw most AP kids, albeit two or three, can't hold their ground in any philosophical conversation and cannot discuss any book of literary merit without rehashing their teacher's opinions.
>mfw 'existentialism? isn't that when a doctor cuts a baby out of a woman's uteris?'
mfw 'no, that's a cesarean section.'

>> No.1748284

I'm assuming you are hicks because you are apparently concerned with how you did on what is considered perhaps the easiest of all AP exams. I cannot believe some of the people on here are proud of a 3

>> No.1748287

>The easiest of all AP exams
That'd be psychology.

>> No.1748288
File: 5 KB, 315x160, Pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you are stuck in a shitty situation because you are too much of a bitch to do a little extra work...

>> No.1748291

Terribly sorry, second easiest exam...

>> No.1748292

Hey, I haven't even taken it yet buddy, take a chill pill.

>> No.1748293

Third easiest. Language and Composition is much easier than Literature and Composition.

>> No.1748297

I don't know about that... But we are diverging from the real issue. Despite the fact that all of you people try to sound educated on here, it turns out most are a bunch of unintelligent high-schoolers.

>> No.1748322
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I'm not denying it.

Also, mfw my English teacher cuts Camus out of the curriculum in favor of Anthem by Rand.

I almost walked out when she told us.

>> No.1748334
File: 83 KB, 205x205, Another Carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my entire class used Fahrenheit 451/Native Son on open prompt
> only person to even consider Sound and the Fury was me
> mfw

>> No.1748337

hey so i wrote about john galt's search for justice for the open response essay. anybody know if ayn rand is considered 'of literary merit'?

>> No.1748341

> only person to even consider Sound and the Fury was me
How do you know that no one else considered it, but then decided against it.


>> No.1748348


Telepathy; it's my next AP test.

>> No.1748349

>mfw I used Eddard Stark from A Game of Thrones for the third essay
>mfw i don't give a shit what a bunch of old faggots think is "literary merit"

>> No.1748351


>> No.1748396

used Gatsby for the open question because It was still fresh in my head. I wanted to talk about the Trial but I didn't think I could write about it in as much detail.

>> No.1748415

I read a book just for the open question.

Thank fucking you for being applicable to Angels in America.

>> No.1748420

Be a grad student in mathematics.

>> No.1748881


You should've taken my calculus test for me.

>> No.1748911

I read The Stranger two years ago. I used that.

Easy as balls.

>> No.1748948


and we all know balls are easy ;-D xD p: roflzxoxox

>> No.1748956
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>mfw Merchant of Venice was perfect for the prompt and I had just recently read it.